Sword God

Vol 26 Chapter 40: Extreme Pole of the Sword (6)

Jianguang is like a meteor breaking through the sky, and his will and conviction, which runs forward, runs through, breaks down, and destroys everything.

This sword carries the meaning of Chen Zong's murder.

The black flame king's eyes were burning with a blazing flame, filled with a sense of terrible destruction, and shot down with one hand, as if to sink the earth.

Xeon Strike!



Suddenly, Chen Zong felt a flash of light again, and the void under the sword seemed to be slow again.

Heiyan King's blast also became slow under Chen Zong's eyes, and his trajectory was clearly visible.

Under the realm of the heart, Chen Zong found that his mastery of the sword of the extreme heart became more and more intense.

The trajectory of a sword that has never gone forward and no return, turned slightly at a moment, avoiding the fierce blow from the black flame king, and killed the black flame.

It was a completely unexpected sword, an unimaginable sword that passed through Hei Yanming's throat and penetrated the back of his neck.

Hei Yanlin is dead!

Hei Yanming is dead!

After Chen Zong came to his senses, he checked the points again.

Hei Yanlin provided himself with more than a hundred points, not too much, but merely increased his ranking by a dozen or so, and the other person provided himself with a large number of points, which was more than 600.

More than 600 points are a large number of points, which directly increased Chen Zong's ranking a lot and pushed forward all the way.

Hei Yanming's strength is very strong. On the list, he is also very close to the top 108. Now Chen Zong has got half of his points, and his ranking has soared from more than 200 to 200 meters, and has entered the 100 Within fifty, they continued to improve.

One hundred and forty!

Outside, all the powerful men and Tianjiao gazed at the list, all of them noticed that a name kept flashing, and each flashing position would move forward quickly.

One hundred and thirty people!

One hundred and twenty!

One hundred and ten!

The strong men in Xuanming Realm were excited and clenched their fists one by one.

Chen Zong!

The name that soared was Chen Zong.

And Chen Zong, from Xuanming Realm, is the heavenly pride of Xuanming Realm. At the beginning, the strong men did not have much hope for Chen Zong, but they did not expect that Chen Zong not only passed the government race, but also passed the state race, and even He achieved a very good position in the overall track race at this moment.

105 people!

In the end, Chen Zong's name was finalized.

105 people!

"It's great." A strong man in Xuanming Realm couldn't help coming out of his voice.

Today, among the top 108, Xuanming Realm occupies two people, one is Chen Zong who just got up, and the other is Xu Mubai.

In the last session, only one person from the top 108 of Xuanming Realm finally entered. Although it is not yet final, two people can enter it, which also represents great hope.


After some recollection, Chen Zong further perfected the extreme heart sword style.

The killing power of Jixin Sword is very strong, much better than the smoke and rain, and it is more than double. The strength increase brought to Chen Zong is very obvious.

With this sword, Chen Zong does not need to use other swordsmanship to confront the enemy.

"I don't know if the points I have now can be included in the top 108?" Chen Zong thought secretly.

I can know how many points I have, but I can't know my ranking. This brings the unknown, and people can't stop hunting for others to get more points.

Because no one can be sure whether they will eventually be able to get one of the 108 places.

In this way, competition is intensified.

Otherwise, if you can know your quota, it will be difficult for some people to be satisfied, and they will no longer compete with others when they hide, making this battle a bit less intense.

Don't know your quota, so continue hunting.

The improvement of strength and the leaping of the soul make me more confident in facing all things.

With a sword in hand, the world is fighting.

One's strength is fully restored, the semi-holy power becomes stronger and stronger, and it is getting closer to the limit of the high-order semi-holy level.

It can be said that with the exception of Chen Zong, all other Tianjiao's cultivation practices have reached the limit of high-order semi-holy level, and there is no room for improvement in cultivation.

What can be improved is the level of Gongfa. The improvement of Gongfa will make one's strength more pure and vigorous, which will indirectly lead to strength enhancement.

In addition, it is a breakthrough in martial arts, which will also promote the improvement of strength.

Finally, it is half-walking.

The breakthrough brought about by the combination of the three is the strongest.

If you train yourself to reach the highest level of semi-holy level, then your strength will be further enhanced.

"Taiyuan Moyun!" With a low drink, Taiyuan Moyun on the twelfth floor is fully operating, and the vitality of the sea and the tide is rushing into the sea. It turns into an astonishingly huge vortex funnel, and is instantly above Chen Zong's head. The sky condenses, pouring down.

The vitality of this world is extremely powerful and extremely pure, and it is poured into Chen Zong's body from the top of his head instantly, as if it were broken bamboo, as if destroying the body and breaking the heavy obstacles in the body.










The heaven and earth vitality in the world of Xuan Yuan Bao Juan is extremely pure. It can be absorbed almost after refining, and there are not many impurities.

The Nine Paths of Spirits are running at full strength, becoming faster and more magnificent, and a mighty voice bursts out like a thunderous rush, shaking the blood, bones, and internal organs of the body.




Until there was no improvement, the speed of the huge vortex in the sky gradually decreased and gradually dissipated.

After the vortex of earth's vitality completely dissipated that day, Chen Zong also gradually stopped the exercises.

I feel that there is a powerful force in the body, which is the high-order semi-holy power cultivated by Taiyuan Mo Yungong, which is very strong and completely reaches the semi-holy level.

If it is normal practice, it will take at least half a year or more to reach the limit of the semi-sacred level, but now, after a life-and-death battle, one's own potential is constantly stimulated, and the cultivation speed will be faster.

Semi-Holy Limit!

The body is full of magnificent and pure semi-holy power, and its strength is further enhanced.

"With my current strength, I can beat Jian Lingxiao." Chen Zong said between his eyes twinkling.

The strength that Jian Lingxiao showed that day was not his current opponent. Even if he was 12% or even 30% stronger, he was confident of defeating and killing him.

Of course, if Jian Lingxiao has more hidden means, it is difficult to predict the outcome.

However, Chen Zong was a little happy with his strength.

One step out, Dacheng's streamer flying shadow cast out and directly turned into a light and shadow flying out, the speed was a few tenth faster than just.

The faster the speed, the more obvious the increase in strength.

Time flies. Twenty days have passed, and there are only a few days left.

The further forward, the fiercer the battle, the fiercer the change in rankings.

Chen Zong was originally in the 105th place, but now his points have increased and his ranking has dropped.

One hundred and ten!

Of course, Chen Zong didn't know his rankings, but the strong men and Tianjiao in the Xuanming Realm were secretly anxious.

Today, among the 108 people, only Xu Mubai is still among them, ranking 78th.

The more advanced the position, the more difficult it is to be squeezed out, but if you encounter a more powerful opponent and be killed, the points will be lost by half, and you will directly drop out of 108.

Twenty-eighth day.

The ranking is suddenly another change.

Within the top 108, one name fell quickly, while the other rose rapidly.

Jian Lingxiao!

Jian Lingxiao's name was included in the 108th place in the 93rd place.

"Okay!" The Xuanmingyu strong men were very happy.

Two more were included in the top 108.

In fact, for the whole, no matter who is included in the top 108, it is a good thing, and it is a good thing for Xuanming Realm to grow its momentum.

But when it comes to details, Xu Mubai is included in the 108th place. Xuanming Palace is the most glorious and happy.

Jian Lingxiao was included in the 108th place, and Jinjian Villa is the most glorious and the happiest.

As for Chen Zong, if he is included in the top 108, no force is particularly happy for him. After all, Chen Zong's identity is casual repair.


"Dead!" With a thunderous blast, accompanied by a thunderous and mighty momentum, carrying the horrible gravity of a mountain, as if to smash the earth, it was about to smash the ground into numerous.

Chen Zong only felt that the extreme pressure was shot down from above, and he seemed to suppress himself, crushing his bones and flesh into powder.

Very strong!

And the will contained in this stick is astonishing, making himself feel inevitable.

Imitation Foshan collapse!

As if the sky is falling!

Chen Zong's eyes froze slightly, and through the stick figure like a mountain, staring at the figure behind the stick figure ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The right hand suddenly swelled, his muscles swelled, and his strength burst out.

Ninety percent of the pace of swordsmanship!

The ultimate semi-holy power!


Heart Sword Style!

The sword body trembled gently, and turned into a golden sword light with the thickness of fingers running through the sky. It was sharp and extremely pierced through everything, and carried the extremely powerful and mighty terrorist force, and all the air around the golden sword light was smashed.

The sword that ends in the heart and ends in the sword, the extreme sword, is incomparable, and never goes forward.

A bit of golden mane pierced the sky, and the horizon seemed to be close at hand, passing by in an instant.

The semi-holy force that reached the limit made Chen Zong's sword more powerful.

The stick shadow was pierced under the sword, and the stick that was shot down like a mountain was trembling with it, and was directly dislodged by the force of a horrible sword.

What a point shift brings is victory or death.

Peerless Tianjiao, who was severely shot down with a two-handed stick, shrank his pupils like needles, shivered subconsciously, and a cold current rose in the spine to hit the forehead.


In the realm of the heart, Chen Zong mastered all the reactions of the opponent, and mastered the sword of the extreme heart.

Jian Guang had killed it, and disappeared instantly. The sticking eyes of Tianjiao suddenly glared, with a little shock and unwillingness, and quickly dimmed. Immediately, the body also disappeared into nothingness.


A large number of points were won by Chen Zong, and the ranking on the list was once again raised, from 110 to the top 108, and then it continued to rise.

One hundred!

"Look at it, Chen Zong is in the 108th place again." An Xuanming Yu Tianjiao exclaimed suddenly.




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