Sword God

Vol 26 Chapter 41: Shortlisted

The 95th place!

This is Chen Zong's final ranking after he scored half points for the opponent.

It's a month before the last day.

On this day, many Tianjiao became more and more crazy looking for others to hunt for points, and Chen Zong also encountered two peerless Tianjiao before and after.

One of them died under Chen Zongjian, which increased Chen Zong's points even further, and his ranking rose to eighty-eighth again. The other Tianjiao's strength was very strong. After a difficult battle, Chen Zong failed to end up Killed and taken away.

"Time is up!" A magnificent voice resounded directly through the void, spreading in all directions, and the sound of the thunder, like the beginning of a heaven and earth, rolled away.

At the same time, with the sound that rang out, a mighty and mighty mighty power descended on the sky, suppressing all directions, so that everyone's body was suppressed in an instant, unable to move.

Some Tianjiao people who were fighting fiercely had a sudden meal and had to move.

A few Tianjiao who was sending out a killing move and wanted to kill the opponent to capture the opponent's points also stopped. The intense rays of light brought by the killing move were less than an inch away from the place, which was enough to send the opponent away. Hit and kill the opponent.

After a short time, everything stopped, as if the time and space of the entire world had frozen.

But it's interesting that everyone's consciousness is sober and clearly aware of their state at this moment.

Like the ants that are dominated by people, life and death cannot be controlled by themselves. Everything is under the control of others. If you want to live, you will live. If you want to die, you will die instantly.

This feeling is very unpleasant.


This feeling immediately made everyone more eager for strength and got more powerful strength, and Chen Zong was no exception.

Only with great power can we better grasp our own destiny without being controlled by others.

It was just a moment of dying, but everyone felt a strong, inexorable force of repulsion falling on themselves, as if the will of the world itself was repulsive and expelled everyone.

For a moment, all of them disappeared into the world of Xuan Yuan Bao Juan.

Immediately, a light and a shadow fell from the open mysterious scroll, and after landing, it turned into a figure, it is the 1,880 heavenly pride that entered the world of the mysterious scroll.

With a glance, everyone realized that they had left the world of Xuan Yuan Bao Juan.

For a month!

In the world of Xuan Yuan Bao Juan, a month-long life-and-death torture has suddenly appeared here, making everyone somewhat unaccustomed.

But everyone was extraordinary, and they quickly adjusted to it, and their eyes swept away, all falling on the light curtain in the air, the name of that light curtain.

The top one hundred and eighty places are also the most eye-catching. All Tianjiao either stared with self-confidence, or with anticipation, or stared with puppets, trying to see their names from above.

When you don't see your name, the unspeakable disappointment is like the tide, which swallows your mind and almost suffocates.

Whether your own name has entered the top 108 places means that you can finally participate in the Xuanyuan Holy Church.

"How can it?" Some Tianjiao couldn't accept the facts, and suddenly lost his voice and mumbled to himself.

How can you not get one of the 108 places on your own?

However, the points on the light curtain list are clear. How many points they have are completely correct, and the points they own are indeed not eligible to be included in the top 108, because the top 108 They have a lot more points than themselves.

When Chen Zong saw his name, with his own heart, he was inevitably a little excited.

The Xuanyuan Sacred Church, once a century, is related to the treasure Xuanyuan Sacred Tower, which is a rare opportunity. If it misses it, it will undoubtedly be a pity.

After all, once in a hundred years, the time of one hundred years is not short for Tianjiao people, which is enough for their cultivation to break through to the Holy Land.

Entering the Holy Land, however, is not eligible to participate in the Xuanyuan Holy Church.

Of course, entering the sanctuary also has the opportunity to enter the Xuanyuan Holy Tower, but it is also very difficult. It is a rare opportunity to enter the Xuanyuan Holy Tower at the semi-holy level. .

The 93rd place!

At the last moment, someone's ranking was further promoted, and Chen Zong's ranking dropped from 88 to 93.

But whether it is the eighty-eighth or the ninety-third, as long as it is included in the top 108, it can really get the place of the Xuanyuan Church.

Chen Zong also saw some familiar names on it.

Like Feng Yanyan, the first day of this illustrious phoenix king in Shanliufu is located at the 58th.

And Zhao Xingkong's name is on the 69th.

Xu Mubai's ranking is higher, which is 65th.

As for the sword Ling Xiao, it was a bit pity. His name was ranked 109, and there was only one place left to get the place of the Xuanyuan Shenghui.

The level of this ranking cannot fully represent the strength of the strength, but when the gap between the ranks is large, it also means that the strength is different.

For example, those peerless Tianjiao who rank in the top ten or even top thirty are definitely stronger than those peerless Tianjiao who rank in the eighty, ninety, or one hundred.

After all, the more powerful you are, the more points you can get.

However, it is always a good thing to be able to get a place in the Xuanyuan Congregation, which means that it is eligible for the final competition.

It doesn't matter whether they are strong or weak.

Most of the strong men and Tianjiao in Xuanming Realm are happy, because this time, two people in Xuanming Realm have entered the Xuanyuan Holy Congregation, while the strong men in Shanliufu are unhappy because Only two people in Shanliufu entered the Xuanyuan Holy Church.

Two places are actually very good. After all, among the 27 prefectures in Kyushu, many of them have only one person winning the place.

The reason for the strong men in Shanliu Province is that it is precisely because the Xuanming Realm that they looked down on also won two places.

Some governments have not even won a place.

The strong men in those provinces that have not won the quota have a rather ugly complexion.

But the facts have been achieved, and the foregone conclusion has been achieved.

Chen Zong felt a sharp and violent gaze staring through the void, as if to pierce his body, he suddenly felt his heart, looked back, and saw two grimly murderous eyes, Seems to pierce himself to kill.

It was in the world of Xuan Yuan Bao Juan that Tianjiao, who had broken his left ear with a sword, broke his ear.

The man's left ear has returned to normal, and through his eyes, Chen Zong can see the immense murderous power contained in it.

It is expected that this person will avenge himself, but Chen Zong is not afraid.

"Congratulations to all Tianjiao, as you wish, you won the place of Xuanyuan Shenghui and entered the real Xuanyuan Shenghui." A loud voice sounded, a bit low, containing no majesty, suppression of the air, and the world around you instantly The vitality is all silent, it is the emperor of the Xuanyuan Dynasty.

"Three days later, Xuanyuan Shenghui will really start." Wang Shang didn't say much, but this sentence also made everyone excited.

Xuanyuan Shenghui!

All Tianjiao started from the house race, passed the state race, and then passed through the whole Tao race just now, so that is the Xuanyuan holy congregation.

Even the peerless Tianjiao, such as Yangquan, Hei Yanze, and Ye Yidao, couldn't help being excited.

Because they are more aware of the mysteries of the Xuanyuan Tower, and they are more eager to enter it.

But even with the power of the forces behind them, they can't get a place for them to enter. They can only rely on their own efforts to participate in the Xuanyuan Holy Conference.

One hundred and eight Tianjiao who have obtained the place of Xuanyuan Shenghui are arranged to live in Xuantianyuan.

Xuantianyuan covers a vast area, with numerous houses, located in groups, and surrounded by a large array. Once opened, even the half-step great sacred powers also do not want to break in a short time, which has greatly increased the safety of everyone. Protection.

You know, this 108 people were selected from the showdown. Perhaps some of them are not as powerful as those who are eliminated, but they can win places and have their own advantages.

All in all, the growth of these arrogant people will further enhance the overall strength of the Xuanyuan Dynasty and Xuanyuan Realm ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ no matter how strong the protection is.

Death of any one is no small loss.

This Xuantian Garden is not only protected by powerful formations, but also secretly there are many strong men in the late stage of the Holy Land sitting in all directions, and two strong men in the half-step Great Holy Land sitting in the town.

Even if the strong forces of the dark forces make a shot, they can't kill any peerless Tianjiao, because in a very short time, the great sacred King who sits in the dynasty will shoot.

Chen Zong lived in one of the palaces. This palace is not large, but it has a very style and mood. When Chen Zongyi stepped into it, his mind was clear and his thoughts were not born. The whole person seemed to be in a mysterious place. State, a little help for understanding.

Moreover, the strength of heaven and earth here is very strong, which surprised Chen Zong. Compared with the strength of heaven and earth in the world of Xuan Yuan Bao Juan, it must be at least 50% pure and 50% pure.

However, now that he has attained the ultimate level of semi-sacredness, he cannot be promoted unless he breaks into the sacred realm.

"But I can still improve the level of exercises." Chen Zong secretly said, his eyes were brilliant.

The cultivation can't be improved, but the exercises can still be improved. Once it rises, the semi-holy power will become more vigorous and pure, and the explosive power will be strengthened, which is equal to the improvement of strength.

Without hesitation, Chen Zong did not waste half of his time, and immediately sat down cross-legged to get rid of all distractions and quickly cultivate.

A large amount of heaven and earth vitality rushed from all directions and poured into Chen Zong's body.

The battles of life and death in the world of Xuan Yuan Bao Juan have further stimulated Chen Zong's potential. Not only did Chen Zong's half-step sword intention break through to 90%, but his cultivation also reached the semi-holy level limit, which further inspired the exercises. Potential for further breakthroughs. nt

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