Sword God

Vol 26 Chapter 42: Cruel decision

Three days passed, and 108 arrogances awoke from the state of cultivation and walked out of the palace.

On the sky, the wind is blowing, endlessly, the clouds are vast and endless.

The true Xuanyuan holy society is about to begin.

Each of Tianjiao's eyes was brilliant, and his energy was extremely abundant, showing amazing confidence and conviction.

The location of the Xuanyuan Sacred Hall, located in the capital of the Xuanyuan dynasty, is called the God Xuan Palace.

On weekdays, the God Xuan Palace will not open, only at major moments.

The centuries-old Xuanyuan congregation is naturally not a trivial matter, but a major event, which is of great importance and can be described as a grand event.

Shen Xuan Palace is magnificent and stands in the palace of the capital of the capital. It is unique and permeated with mysterious atmosphere fluctuations, so that the powerful men who have entered the sanctuary are exposed to intoxication.

They felt that there was a faint stream of thoughts and emotions flowing here, like an elf-like joy dancing in all directions.

You can feel this just by being close. What if you enter it?

Strong players are looking forward to it.

The gate of the God Xuan Palace is closed, and the whole body is green and quiet. There seem to be countless brilliance flowing, and each ray of brilliance is filled with incomparably ancient and deep and distant breath.

Chen Zong looked stunned. From the glory, he could feel the slightest charm.

The so-called Tao Yun is a kind of breath of Taoism.

The stronger the Tao Yun, the better the understanding of Tao.

There is not a weak Taoism on a door alone. What about it?

To what extent should Dao Yun be strong?

For a time, Chen Zong was slightly excited, and so were the other Tianjiao.

God Xuan Palace!

It looks like a palace, but it is actually a treasure. According to rumors, it is the supreme treasure brought by the ancestors of the Xuanyuan dynasty from the void of the extraterrestrial universe, which contains great power.

That rhyme cohesion is only incidental.

Of course, just the incidental rhyme is enough to shock the arrogant Tianjiao and shock the strong.

Called the Holy Land of cultivation.


There seemed to be a mighty sound, resounding through all directions and four poles. The gate full of green and faint light in front of everyone trembled slightly, and then a grand and loud voice sounded, and the door slowly opened to the inside.

At the moment when a crack was opened, a wind blew out, and the wind rushed towards the face, which suddenly made Chen Zong's body feel a sense of inexplicability.

It is a wind that contains countless rhymes, and a wind of rhymes.

For a moment, Chen Zong seemed to feel countless rhymes.

Wind, fire, water, earth, thunder, light, dark ...

However, it was too short for Chen Zong to feel it a little, and it was too late to realize it.

Chen Zong feels that if he can last longer, maybe he can realize the second half-walk idea, and then his strength will be stronger.

Vaguely, Chen Zong gradually grasped one point. The Taoism seems to be the future direction of cultivation. The main direction is more important than cultivation.

Of course, morality is important, and cultivation cannot fall. Otherwise, if cultivation is very low, it will be difficult to maximize one's strength.

The real strong man is free of short board defects, at least, no obvious short board defects.

"Come in!"

When the gate of the God Xuan Palace was opened halfway, there seemed to be another magnificent sound of heaven sounding among the souls of all.

Take a step!

All the Tianjiao people stepped into the God Xuan Palace.

There was darkness inside and nothing could be seen, but when everyone stepped in, it suddenly lighted up, and there seemed to be countless green and faint rays permeating in all directions.

The blue light swirls like a star, with an indescribably magnificent beauty, beautiful, rich in rhyme, and almost lost.

At this point, Tianjiao, who participated in the Xuanyuan Holy Conference, separated from other powerful watchers and Tianjiao people.

One hundred and eighty Tianjiao strode forward, and once again crossed a flashing door, and one hundred and eight Tianjiao suddenly appeared in the open space.

This piece of space is round and very huge, but the light is a bit dim. It seems that there is only a ray of light falling from above like a sun, and it has a patio feel.

Immediately, the light falling from above became intense, but it was not dazzling, and was illuminated in all directions without omission.

The lights flickered, and when the air condensed, they turned into lotus lotuses.

Each lotus platform is the same size and color, with twelve petals, a total of 108, corresponding to 108 days of pride.

In a split second, one hundred and eight Tianjiao people rose up for a while, rose up, jumped up, and landed on the lotus platform.

One hundred and eight lotus terraces were fully filled in an instant, and naturally floated around, giving way to the most central open space.

Immediately, in the center of the open space, countless rays of light flowed and condensed, and a large 36-petal lotus platform with a diameter of thousands of meters appeared.

When the giant twelve petal lotus condensed appeared, there seemed to be a voice of Tao in the void.

"Xuanyuan Jihad, the rules, each person will face off with other lives and deaths." A mighty divine sound suddenly sounded, and everyone's hearts were suddenly stunned.

Listening to it is very simple and well understood, that is, one person will be duel with the other 107 Tianjiao separately, and it is not a general duel, but a life and death duel.

If you think about it, you will know the cruelty.

107 battles of life and death.

That's not just a question of strength. It also requires a strong mentality and will, otherwise it will be difficult to sustain.

Changing to the ordinary Tianjiao, absolutely can not afford to fight more than 100 battles of life and death in a short period of time.

This is also a kind of sharpening.

It is also a development of its own potential.

"The decisive battle of Xuanyuan Holy War will determine your ranking on the Xuanyuan Small Holy List. The higher the ranking, the longer it takes to enter the Xuanyuan Holy Tower to practice." The magnificent voice said again.

"One hundred and eighth place, you can practice an hour in the Xuanyuan Tower."

"The 107th place, you can practice two hours in the Xuanyuan Tower."

"The same goes for the first place to practice 108 hours in the Xuanyuan Tower."

Chen Zong's understanding of the Xuanyuan Sacred Tower stopped on the surface, so I don't know how amazing it is to be able to cultivate 108 hours in it, but those peerless Tianjiao who knew the Xuanyuan Sacred Tower were excited.

Even if you can't win the first place, as long as you win the top ten, you can practice nearly a hundred or even hundreds of hours, which is amazing.

Even if you only get the rank of twenty or thirty, you can practice for eight or ninety hours.

For a while, everyone was hot.

"Two wins, one win, and one victory."

"Xuanyuan Jihad's life-and-death duel is randomly selected."

With this voice falling down, suddenly, the lotus stands flickered and flickered endlessly. After about ten breaths, two of the lotus stands flickered, and the light of the other lotus stands silent.

In the next breath, the two people on the two lotus platforms flickered out of thin air, disappeared on the lotus platform, but appeared in the huge lotus platform in the center below, facing each other hundreds of meters apart.

Obviously, the two hadn't fully reacted yet, and they were still a little confused. After a quick sweep, they realized their situation.


They were chosen as the two sides in the first match, and their eyes suddenly became sharper, and their strength gathered together instantly.

Two of them, one is Peerless Tianjiao from Xuangu Road, and the other is Peerless Tianjiao from Mingyuan Road.

The eyes of the two were condensed, staring at each other sharply, a hint of killing blooming in their eyes.

This is a life and death showdown.

There is a mysterious power here that makes people die, but it will not really die.

Therefore, you can let go of your hands and feet, show all your powers unbridled, and kill the other party.

Killing the opponent will result in two winning points. The more winning points, the higher the ranking.

If it has not been defeated, then it will definitely be ranked first.

They gradually accelerated, walked quickly, approached each other, and launched a tentative attack.

Try it out first, and then try to figure out how the opponent's strength is before dealing with it.

After a few temptations, the two seemed to test out what they were like, and immediately burst into real strength.


With a single collision, the horrible energy was extremely violent, and the bombardment was in all directions, as if the waves were rolling in waves and endless.

The astonishing power impacted in all directions and directly bombarded the thirty-six petals of the lotus leaf on the huge lotus platform, as if the waves were hitting the shore. Echoing in the lotus platform, turned into a gust of wind and howling ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ dead! "Xuangudao's Tianjiao is physical training. One body is extremely powerful, half-mixed with natural power fluctuations, pouring into the right arm, muscles bulging and tendons protruding like python-like dragons. The terrible blood permeates the shock. The arm was red, as if it was burning red like a soldering iron, exuding amazing heat.

A punch punched out, and vaguely, there seemed to be ancient beasts roaring and killing everything.

"It's you who is going to die." Ming Yuan Dao's peerless Tianjiao looked cold and cold, and his body rolled up with a storm. The storm was filled with terrible breath, roaring out and destroying everything.

A collision immediately burst into even more terrifying vigor and madly stirred.



three times!

Every collision will produce an amazing shock wave. The impact on the lotus leaves is broken and turned into a turbulent stream and a violent wind.

The wind is roaring and the wind is raging endlessly. The mastery of Ming Pei Dao Tianjiao is the idea of ​​half-step style. At this moment, the wind is raging on the lotus platform, which is just right.

One leg blasted out, the winds were being towed, followed by the blast.

one strike!

Two hits!

Three hits!

Each leg is a blow, the speed is getting faster, the power is getting stronger and more terrifying.

Xuangudao ’s body cultivation is extremely dignified, and his body looks as if he is burning. The ghost of an ancient beast emerges from behind him. It is his spirit and strength, and he constantly resists the opponent ’s attack, but slowly retreats.

"Fuck it!" Ming Yuan Dao shouted three times in a row. Tianjiao slammed three legs, and those three legs condensed into one leg. In the midst of the hurricane raging, a trace of arcs could be seen faintly.


This blow bombarded the opponent, instantly knocking the opponent back, vomiting blood. nt

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