Sword God

Vol 26 Chapter 48: Sword Ruo Tianwei (below)

This sword is a sword that will be killed.

Unexpectedly, it fell through. A mighty sword light bloomed in front of him, and the clouds were white, as if the vastness of the sky swept across the sky, flooding the four poles of eternity.

Tianyun Hao Sword is fourth!

The sky is vast!

This sword, like the sky falling, seems like the giant of the sky has been shot down with five fingers and one palm. The mighty and boundlessness makes Chen Zong unable to dodge, and even the idea of ​​resistance is suppressed to the weakest.

It seems that I can only wait in place, waiting for this shot to be shot down and killed.

Chen Zong's pupils shrank like a needle, only to feel that the mighty Tianwei's will seemed to suppress the bombardment of the living beings, and it was forced to destroy the will of the mind and heart.

Fortunately, Chen Zong's mind and will far surpassed the strength of his peers, and he was able to resist such shocks and quickly get rid of them.

Field of Hearts!

As soon as the eight-meter heart realm was released, it was weakened layer by layer, making the impact of mighty power on that day feel like a breeze.

Chen Zong's eyes froze slightly. Through the countless clouds flowing, he captured that sword light, and also captured the figure after the sword light, which is exactly the shape of Ye Yidao.

Sky Crystal Overlord!

Heart Sword Style!

A sword, full of urging, without reservation, through the mighty Tianyun Jianguang, straight out, through, killing Ye Yidao.

Ye Xuan said in a fright.

However, the fourth heavy Tianyun Hao Mingjian is the highest level that he has mastered, and he will not easily cast it at ordinary times. If he displays it, he will do his best.

Doing your best means that the power is extremely strong, but it also means that it is difficult to go around as usual, which is a little bit worse.

This slight difference is generally invisible to opponents, but not noticeable, but in the eyes of the strong, it is obvious.

At this moment, he was captured by Chen Zong.

It's hard to avoid, Ye Xuandao's thoughts turned, his eyes flashed a definite fruit.

Since you can't dodge, don't dodge, see who's sword is more powerful, and see who killed who.

Without evading or resisting, he tried his best to make a circle around the sword and rushed to Chen Zong.

The same move.

Chen Zong's full-strength sword, although flexible enough, has already stabbed Ye Yidao, and Ye Yidao's desperate blow was too sudden, and he was killed in front of him. If he wanted, Chen Zong would be able to retract the sword and Dodge, just don't have 100% certainty to avoid.

If you dodge the sword, but you ca n’t completely avoid it, you will be hit hard and your strength will be greatly reduced, let alone your opponent.

For an instant, Chen Zong also grasped the determination of Ye Yidao.

In this case, look at who lives and who die.

Putting life and death aside, Chen Zong's sword seems more sharp.


The same approach attracted everyone's attention.

Who will live and who will die for this sword?

Life and death are about victory and defeat.

Chen Zong's sword punctured the heart of Ye Quedao directly, and penetrated Ye Yedao's heart directly. The terrible sword air strangulation broke Ye Yedao's heart and rushed into the body in all directions to destroy the mind.

At the same time, Chen Zong tried his best to dodge, but was still split by Ye Handao's Yun Han on the shoulder that day, and his entire body was split open in an instant.

The two bodies disappeared at the same time and appeared together on the twelve-petal lotus platform.

Turned out to be the same.


Chen Zong and Ye Xuandao, with a tie, each won a victory point, Chen Zong's victory point was 36.

Ye Yandao's eyes were gloomy.

This battle should not be tied, but beheaded by the opponent to win.

Helpless, the opponent was able to withstand the might of the might of the sword power of his swordsmanship, which reduced his sword power a lot.

The subtlety of the heavenly superb Heavenly Cloud Hades sword is that it condenses a little will of heavenly power, as if it were on behalf of the heavenly walkway. When people face it, they will feel the anger judgment.

If the impact of the will on that day is resisted, the power of the sword itself will become normal, and it is no different from the holy swordsmanship.

In the face of Chen Zong, Ye Yidao is fighting with the holy top grade swordsmanship. The gap between the holy top grade and the holy top grade is naturally obvious.

When the advantage did not exist, the natural strength was discounted in disguise, unable to defeat Chen Zong, and ended up in a tie.

No matter how unwilling it is, it is useless.

Sometimes, strength is not comprehensive, and if you encounter restraint, you may be defeated by weakness.

Ye Xuandao was able to cut back into the saints. This is also a restraint. He seized the characteristics of the opponent's mind and will not be strong enough, and defeated the weak with the weak, but it failed in Chen Zong because Chen Zong's soul is strong enough It is comparable to the late stage of entering the sacred realm. Although it is limited by the cultivation of the realm and cannot be fully developed, it exists at the root.

Such a foundation and countless life-and-death grinds have gradually risen and become stronger from the end, becoming more and more powerful. The experience is not comparable to that of the born peerless Tianjiao, such as Ye Yandao. Incomparable mental will, coupled with the fire of the soul and all other means, external evils are difficult to invade.

The majesty and will of that day was majestic and boundless, but in essence, it was not an external evil, and it would naturally be resisted.

I have to say, Ye Jiandao met Chen Zong in the sky sword king this time, it was really a little bit aggrieved, and replaced with other opponents, this would not be the case.

Ye Yandao and others are already defined as the first line of peerless Tianjiao, but Chen Zong was not included in the first line. It was previously defined as the third line, but now, it has been highly regarded. In the minds of the strong, they can be included in the second line.

Of course, such a definition is actually useless for now, it is just a judgment in the minds of the strong.

For Chen Zong, every battle is a sharpening and can improve. This is what sets Chen Zong apart from others.

The other Peerless Tianjiao has almost reached the extreme of cultivation so far. It is difficult and difficult to further improve, even if it is the jihad of the Yuan Dynasty, it can only inspire them a little potential and improve it slightly.

Chen Zong is different. From the beginning, Chen Zong did not reach the limit of the semi-holy level, and there is still a lot of room for improvement. Therefore, such a battle is of great benefit to himself.

Chen Zong has a lot of confidence. After the end of the Xuanyuan Jihad, no matter what his final ranking, there will be no small improvement in his strength.

Decisive battle against life in person.

Watch his decisive battle in life.

Twenty-two games!

Game 23!

Game 24!

From one game to another, the digging of 10% of the sword intentions became deeper and deeper, each of Chen Zong's swords became more mellow and arrogant.

The battle is not endless. Chen Zong wins more and loses less. According to this situation, in the end, he may not be able to win the top ten, but the ranking will not go lower.

The higher the ranking, the more time it takes to cultivate the Xuanyuan Holy Pagoda, and the greater the benefits.

"Ye Yidao's swordsmanship is indeed very powerful, and it contains the impact of Tianwei's will." After Chen Zong's battle, he will realize that there are sudden imaginations. If his swordsmanship can also contain a strong will, it would be more Strong.

Thinking about it, it is very difficult to do.

Yanyu Chaoyun's sword has basically been abandoned by Chen Zong. He has a heart-shaped sword style and has taken a path. He has his own advantages.

So, just wait until later.

To this end, the way to improve strength is to further perfect the sword style of the heart and tap the potential of 105% of the sword. If it is possible, the exercises should also be further advanced.

But Chen Zong knew that at any point, it was difficult.

No matter how difficult it is, I can't stop myself from moving forward, and I'm fearless and sharp.

In the thirtieth game, Chen Zong's opponent was very strong and very strong. It was a peerless Tianjiao named Xuanguo from Xuangu Road, which was the best peerless Tianjiao in Xuangu Road and was also ranked as the front line.

Qi Tian'ao is a spiritual practice.

Qi Tianao's weapon is his own body, his own arms, and his fists. His battle Chen Zong has seen and is very fierce, just like an ancient barbaric beast. The power of each strike is extremely horrifying and rock-shattering.

And Qi Tian'ao's physique is extremely amazing, and his defense is terrible.

Boom boom!

Qi Tianao's boxing method unfolded, and each punch was as violent and fierce as the collapse of Foshan.

Too strong!

The power of each punch is too aggressive and very difficult to deal with.

Chen Zong exerted his stature to the extreme, and kept dodging, and also fought back with a sword, but when Jin Jin Yueyue Jian beheaded and killed on the opponent, it was difficult to cause any harm.


Chen Zong is at a disadvantage, which is very obvious.

Qi Tianao's physique is too arrogant, it is difficult to compete at all.



Chen Zong completely fell into the downwind and was suppressed by Qi Tianao ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ But Chen Zong's toughness was also very amazing, he just held up under Qi Tianao's fists.

The sound of thunder rang out in all directions, as if the rumblings were endless, and each explosion caused numerous ripples and ripples, as if the tide was turbulent.

The fist roared like an angry dragon, unmatched in power.

Qi Tianao's mouth hung a cold smile, and suddenly punched out.

That punch seemed to be falling apart.

Chen Zong only felt that the entire space was shrouded in that punch, unable to dodge, as if being suppressed. Amazing pressure came from all directions, which almost suffocated Chen Zong.

This is an upright punch. It is a punch that is strong and powerful. It doesn't talk about skills, it is pure force.

Such a blow cannot be evaded, but can only be dealt with positively.

Chen Zong's expression was cold, his eyes twinkling brightly, and all power erupted immediately.

Sky Crystal Overlord!

Ten percent half step sword meaning!

Field of Hearts!

Heart Sword Style!

The reason why the power of Shura's avatar was not borrowed was precisely because Chen Zong found that it could not be borrowed and was suppressed. It was suppressed by the power of this lotus platform, or by the power of the God Xuan Palace. Unavailable.

Otherwise, some other peerless Tianjiao may not have the means to borrow the power of the Holy Land to increase themselves, which is obviously not good for the Xuanyuan Jihad.

One of the aims of the Yuan Dynasty Jihad is to further stimulate the potential of everyone. Naturally, it is necessary to use its own power, even if it is a secret method, it is also cultivated by itself and is closely related to itself.

A sword with full strength, a sword that exhausted everything, for a moment, Chen Zong suddenly felt a wonderful feeling, as if in a moment, some became slow. nt

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