Sword God

Vol 26 Chapter 49: The dust settled (on)



Everything turned into powder!

Chen Zong can clearly "see" and feel his full-hearted sword style. He cracked under the horrible punch, but the terrible power was only slightly weakened, and it was like a bamboo shooter. to.

Under the horrible blow of his own body, he also cracked into powder.

At that moment, Chen Zong did not feel pain.

It shows that the punch is not only extremely scary, but also the transfer of strength is extremely fast.

This kind of death is a kind of death, but it is not really a death, it can only be regarded as a false death.

Because this kind of death is just a broken body, the soul still exists, so after one or two deaths, the people gradually adapt to it.

And Chen Zong is a person who has actually experienced death.

Suddenly, Chen Zong's soul flew back to Liantai, a magical force breeding from the twelve petal lotus platform, quickly wrapped the soul, and built a body for Chen Zong again.

This body is exactly the same as Chen Zong's original body, and there is nothing wrong with it.

But this is not really a change of body, just a means, a method that belongs to the mysterious mystery of the God Xuan Palace. The true body still exists, has not been exchanged, and has not been really broken.

It's just that the realm of the people is not level enough, cognition is not enough, and the mystery is not understood.

Even the strongest in the holy realm do not understand the mystery.

This battle was defeated, but Chen Zong did not feel frustrated. Some people are stronger than themselves. It is normal. They are not the darlings of this world, nor are they the children of heaven. With my own efforts, I stepped forward step by step, and after countless hardships and dangers came to this step.

How difficult it is, how difficult it is, and how much it is paid, only oneself knows.

Therefore, Chen Zong has never been self-pity, self-esteem, self-esteem, but self-improvement, which is also inseparable from the teachings of his childhood father.

One hundred and eight people, each person will face their other lives and deaths duel, two duels.

Chen Zong defeated some opponents and was defeated by others.

Like Hei Yanze, the power of Hei Yanze is simply terrible. When he casts it, he burns everything, and directly fills the entire lotus platform. He has nothing to do. Compared with Hei Yanlin and Hei Yanming, it is much more powerful.

Chen Zong did his best to fight, but he still lost. Of course, Chen Zong's strength also threatened Hei Yanze.

Yangquan's strength is also terrible, as if Tianyang is suspended, high above, shining in all directions, each hit is shot down like a beam of hot sunlight, fierce and fierce.

But regardless of whether it is Yangquan or Hei Yanze, when facing Chen Zong, he felt a slight threat, so he had to show his real strength.

However, in the face of Chu Zhongyang, known as the first generation of the younger generation of the Xuan Yuan Dynasty, Chen Zong's feeling was unfathomable.

Chu Zhongyang stood on the lotus platform with his negative hand, his body never moved, his eyes were indifferent, his eyes seemed to fall on Chen Zong, but he was a little bit of nothingness, and he seemed to look to nothingness, and he didn't put everything in front of his eyes .

Everything is empty!

But that's it!

But it seems that Chu Zhongyang's behavior is normal, if it is replaced by other people, it will make people feel arrogant.

Chu Zhongyang stood there. He didn't take the initiative and didn't speak. It seemed that as long as Chen Zong didn't move, he wouldn't move.

But Chen Zong had to move, because there was a faint, if any, breath from Chu Zhongyang's body, the breath was very weak at first, hard to detect, but gradually strengthened.

Chen Zong was astonishingly perceptive, and realized early, realizing that if the stalemate persists, when the breath becomes strong, the general situation is achieved. At that time, I am afraid that he has little resistance.

There is no reason, it is the intuition that the soul comes from the heart.

Chen Zong has always believed in his intuition.


Not only to shoot, but also to show relentlessly.

Sky Crystal Overlord!

Field of Hearts!

Ten percent half step sword meaning!

After fierce battles one after another, Chen Zong's excavation of the potential of ten and a half steps of swordsmanship has become deeper, sharper and sharper, and works as intended. Therefore, the power of this extremely heart-like sword style is greater than that of the Yuan Dynasty Jihad. 30% more powerful.

30% increase in power is naturally amazing.

However, the extremely heart-shaped sword style of 30% power increase is still not Chu Zhongyang's opponent.

Chen Zongqing tried his best to kill a sword without reservation. The speed of the sword seemed to surpass the streamer. It was incredible.

Chu Zhongyang seemed to be aware of it. The nimble eyes turned slightly, condensing, and instantly, Chen Zong gave a feeling of being seen through, as if all the mystery of his sword was in the opponent's eyes, and there was no secret. At all.

It seemed that the sword was full of flaws, and was directly seen by the other side, and thus aimed.

Faith was shaken in an instant, making Chen Zong feel incredible.

His belief has always been extremely firm. This time, he felt shaken, even though it was not really shaken, but it was unprecedented.

What kind of eyes are those.

It looks like a sky, vast and boundless, containing infinite mystery, and like a well, reflecting the moon.

The next breath, I saw Chu Zhongyang shot, and pointed out.

With one finger, it turned into a bit of cold, with countless mysterious floating, seemingly fierce and fierce, as soft as the breeze.

A finger-to-kill approach arrived, directly through the extremely heart-sword-like flaws, through Chen Zong's brows.

At that moment, Chen Zong could see clearly.

Faced with this Chu Zhongyang, Chen Zong had no resistance.

The gap is too big.

Appearing on the twelve-petal lotus stage, Chen Zongwu was disoriented, not really disoriented, but was remembering the finger of Fang Chu Zhongyang.

"In that finger, there are two kinds of half-walk meanings." Chen Zong secretly said, his eyes flashed endlessly.

Moreover, Chen Zong feels that the two half-walk meanings are not first-order, at least second-order, and they have already realized 10%.

Think of other people, some are still trying to understand the half-step meaning, but some of them have not mastered the half-step meaning, but some have already learned the half-step meaning. To ten percent, but only one.

This Chu Zhongyang, however, has mastered two half-step meanings that reach 10%, and they are perfectly integrated.

It's one thing to master multiple half-walk meanings, and to combine them to unleash even greater power.

In terms of half-walk, it can be said that Chu Zhongyang has surpassed many peers.

Chen Zong cannot compare this.

But Chen Zong will not be arrogant.

Others have their own cultivation path, and they have their own cultivation path.

Self-improvement is fundamental.

Born into the world and embarked on the road of cultivation, someone must be better than himself and better than himself, otherwise, wouldn't it be too lonely, and the heights would be extremely cold.

"The two half-walk meanings, one should belong to the fire, one should belong to the wind." Chen Zong secretly said, of course, it is not clear what the specific meaning is.

"It's just, what's going on with his eyes?" Chen Zong's eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked at Chu Zhongyang again. Chu Zhongyang still looked like a wandering world, and those eyes were empty.

The battle between life and death is still going on, and Chen Zong continues to enlighten. Although this battle was soon defeated, with the deep thinking of Chen Zong, the gains gradually increased.

Ten percent of Jianyi's potential has been tapped further.

Another game, this time Chen Zong's opponent is the fierce Phoenix Wang Fengyan Yan.

Seeing Feng Yanyan that day, Chen Zong knew that he was not an opponent, but now, it is not necessarily.


The astonishing flame exploded from Feng Yanyan's body and spread out, burning, and there seemed to be an extremely high-pitched sound of Fengming.

Feng Yanyan never regarded Chen Zong as an opponent at first, but now she has to face it because Chen Zong's strength is now very strong.


Feng Yanyan's weapon was a sword, a sword with a wing of a sword, and a sword that killed it. The fire turned into a flame and the phoenix rushed straight out. The speed was amazing, it was extremely powerful, and it was even more subtle.

Although using a sword, Feng Yanyan's understanding is not the meaning of the sword, but the meaning of the fire.




That terrible fire Phoenix burns everything.

Chen Zong's eyes were frozen, and his sword broke.

I have to say that Feng Yanyan was called the first day of Shanliu's pride. It is not arrogance. Its strength is very strong, which caused Chen Zong to fall into a fierce battle and turn into a fierce battle.

Even Feng Yeyan's strength is not so much better than Ye Yan said.

Fortunately, Chen Zong's strength has been improving ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ much stronger than before.

"Fengming nine days!" In the sound of clear drinking, accompanied by the extremely high-pitched tweet, Feng Yanyan shot down with a sword, as if nine days of Phoenix fell, and the sword tip was the mouth of Fenghuang, sharp and extremely burning, flame.

Chen Zong looked up and stared, his eyes narrowed, his pupils narrowed like needles, and the sword shot out.

Heart Sword Style!

Faith is strong, killing with one sword, without mercy.

The ultimate sword, the one that will kill.

This is the strongest collision.

Jian Guang had a meal and then penetrated everything.

Chen Zong's body was immediately engulfed by the raging fire, as if to be burned to ashes, and Feng Yanyan's body was penetrated by the sword of the heart.


No, Feng Yanyan was killed, but Chen Zong was still alive, although she looked very embarrassed and seemed to be dying.

Chen Zong won, Feng Yanyan lost.

The reason why Chen Zong can win is because of Ziyun Heixingyan and Xuangu Lianhuojue. This allows him to better resist the burning of the fire to a certain extent.

But anyway, defeat is defeat, Feng Yanyan is not unacceptable.

To this day, there are still not many winners, 108 arrogant and less than ten.

And it is certain that only one person and only one person who can maintain the total victory in the battle will be the first place in this Xuanyuan Jihad.

Now it seems that everyone has actually guessed, that is the first person of the young generation in the Xuanyuan Dynasty: Chu Zhongyang.

So far, no matter which opponent he is facing, Chu Zhongyang doesn't seem to show his full strength, and he easily suppresses and kills the opponent.

Another game, this time Chen Zong's opponent, let the strong men in Xuanming Realm exclaim.

Xu Mubai! nt

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