Sword God

Vol 26 Chapter 54: Da Xuan Yuan Jue

Da Xuan Yuan Jue is a sacred superb skill, with a total of 30 layers.

The yellow-level permissions can be exchanged for the first ten layers, the mysterious-level permissions can be exchanged for the first 20 layers, and the prefecture-level permissions can be exchanged for all the complete thirty layers.

The Xuan Yuan Merit required for the first ten tiers of exchange of Da Xuan Yuan Jue is exactly one hundred points, while the Xuan Yuan Merit required for the first 20 tiers of exchange is one thousand points. Xuan Yuan's merit is 10,000 points.

By contrast, Chen Zong knew that this great mystery was completely a welfare.

A kind of welfare to join Xuanyuan Palace as his disciples.

However, many disciples in Xuanyuan Palace will not choose to exchange Daxuanyuan tactics, because their origins are very high, and they can practice the holy-class superb methods inherited in their respective forces, even if they are not complete, they can also practice, because You can get the complete one later.

In addition, there will be matching martial arts secrets, etc., which will undoubtedly be more suitable.

If you use an analogy, it is that Da Xuan Yuan Jue is like a genius among the civilians, and it is also suitable for those who have extraordinary talents but a lower birth arrogance. They are lacking in holy-level superb skills.

And even if it ’s just the balance of all aspects of Da Xuan Yuan Jue, it can be said to be some mediocre sage-grade superb skills, but it is not comparable to sage-grade superb exercises, its mediocrity is only relative to those top-grade sages In terms of exercises.

The Taiyuan Mo Yungong practiced by Chen Zong, although it has a matching martial art, is not as good as Da Xuan Yuan Ji, but in the case that he cannot get a better sacramental best practice, choose Da Xuan Yuan Ji and Nothing wrong.

At least, this can further enhance their strength.

Moreover, Chen Zong also came to a conclusion based on the characteristics of Da Xuan Yuan Jue, that is, Da Xuan Yuan Jue and Tai Yuan Mo Yun Gong are somewhat similar, so the difficulty of transfer is lower.

There seem to be a lot of one thousand Yuanyuan merits, but in fact, the exchange is limited. It is better to exchange for Daxuanyuan tactics, so as to improve your strength, and then to earn more Yuanyuan merits, you can exchange more. Useful to yourself.

The inheritance of the first 20 layers of the Great Xuan Yuan Jue Lingyu was quickly delivered to Chen Zong. Chen Zong directly received the information. Part of it was some strong people's interpretation of the first 20 layers of the Great Xuan Yuan Jue. , Be considered a hidden benefit.

The powerful soul allowed Chen Zong to receive it in a very short time, and then Chen Zong began to enlighten.

Da Xuan Yuan Jue deserves to be a holy-class superb method, even if it belongs to mediocrity in the holy-class superb method, it is also very profound and deeper than Taiyuan Moyun.

However, with the continuous accumulation and improvement of Chen Zong, the potential of the soul is further developed, so it is not difficult to understand.

What's more, this Xuan-class palace can also help the cultivation to some extent.

Whole-hearted enlightenment, and some of the mysteries of this great mystery are similar to Taiyuan Mo Yungong, which further reduces the difficulty of Chen Zong's enlightenment, coupled with the analysis of the experience of a strong person, making the difficulty of enlightenment lower again. .

level one!

Second floor!

the third floor!

Chen Zong is not in a hurry to practice, but only to continue to enlighten himself.

Now that his own Taiyuan Moyun Gong reaches the 14th floor, he wants to cultivate Da Xuan Yuan Jue to a level comparable to or even better than Taiyuan Moyun Gong, at least the 13th floor is required.

Therefore, Chen Zong's goal is to realize the thirteenth floor. If it is possible, he must understand the fourteenth and even the fifteenth floor.

Then use the superior cultivation environment here to cultivate it to the extreme of enlightenment. In this way, your own strength should be further improved.

Otherwise, if you don't get acquainted with it to a certain extent, you will be afraid to drag yourself down.

I have to say that this great mystery is indeed a top-level method suitable for civilians. Not only is the merit of exchange very low, but also the individual enlightenment of a strong person is provided, so that people can better enlighten. Which mystery comes.

Chen Zong's powerful understanding is a perfect fit.

A month later, Chen Zong realized his wishes to the thirteenth floor.

The momentum was not exhausted, and Chen Zong did not stop to practice and continued to enlighten.

The fourteenth floor is more difficult, and it took five days to realize it.

On the fifteenth floor, it took ten days to realize.

Now it takes Chen Zong a month and a half to learn about Da Xuan Yuan Jue on the 15th floor.

"It's time to rehabilitate." Chen Zong took a deep breath and said secretly, his eyes shot a very sharp.

Xuanyuan Palace Xuanyuan Palace has the same level of vigor and vitality as Xuantianyuan, but its purity is higher than at least 30%, which will be very convenient for the transfer of exercises.

In view of this, Chen Zong was sure to transfer to practice in a short period of time, restore strength, and even go further.

The first floor of Daxuanyuanjue ... it works!

The majestic and pure heaven and earth vitality suddenly surged from all directions, poured into Chen Zong's body, was immediately absorbed, and operated in accordance with the first layer of the Great Xuan Yuan Jue method to derive the Great Xuan Yuan semi-holy power.

The first layer is completed!

With one go, practice the second layer.

Then the third layer.

In the past day, Chen Zong began to cultivate the fourth floor.

The further down, the slower the cultivation speed. It took five days, and Chen Zong practiced to the seventh floor.

After fifteen days, Chen Zong practiced to the tenth floor.

"It's time." Chen Zong made an instant decision and immediately dissipated the power of Taiyuan Mo Yun Gong compressed in a corner, turning it into the purest force, and it filled all parts of the body in an instant, as if he wanted Chen Zong's The body is bursting.

The strength of the fourteenth-level holy class, which is also a semi-holy class limit practice, once dispersed, it raged like a torrent of water, destroying everything around it like a tsunami, which was very horrifying.

If Chen Zong's body is not arrogant, I'm afraid it will be damaged in an instant, or even fragmented from the inside.

Rao is so, Chen Zong also felt the pain coming from his body, as if his body was about to be blown up, and the whole person seemed to swell up.

Fully operate the tenth floor of Daxuanyuanjue and begin to absorb the pure power of refining Taiyuan Moyun.

The reason why you chose to refine the power of Taiyuan Moyun Gong until the tenth level of the Great Xuan Yuan Jue is also because only a sufficient degree of the Great Xuan Yuan Jue can be refined, otherwise the level is not enough and there is nothing you can do.

Refining Refining Refining, Taiyuan Mo Yungong's overbearing power is constantly being refining, making the power of the Great Yuan Xuanyuan continuously strengthened, and the refining speed is getting faster and faster.

The eleventh layer is completed.

The eleventh layer was completed, and the speed of absorption and refining was accelerated a lot.

The twelfth floor!

With sufficient power supply, the practice speed of Da Xuan Yuan Jue is amazing.

The thirteenth floor!

With the thirteenth-level Grand Xuanyuan formula, all the power of Taiyuan Mo Yungong was absorbed and refined.

"Break!" Chen Zong rushed to his strength, erupting in strength to burst out instantly, directly impacting and breaking the limit.

The fourteenth floor of Grand Xuanyuanjue!

After completing the fourteenth floor, Chen Zong did not stop, and continued to absorb the vitality of heaven and earth into the body to refine, thereby consolidating the level of exercises.

Da Xuan Yuan Jue is a saint-class superb power exercise. The power cultivated on the 13th floor must be a little bit better than the power of Taiyuan Moyun on the 14th floor. Now it reaches the 14th floor. Fewer, more powerful, and indirectly enhanced Chen Zong's strength.

After consolidating, Chen Zong opened his eyes and burst into the air like cold electricity.

The retreat took more than two months before and after the retreat, and his strength has been further improved.

"Now I don't have any merit of Xuan Yuan. I need to earn merit." Chen Zong secretly said.

Earn Xuanyuan Merit to redeem things for your own cultivation.

There is a very common way to earn merits, and that is to perform tasks.

Of course, you can also get some merits if you hand in some treasures or mysteries, such as Chen Zong, if you turn on Shura Gong and Vientiane Shura, you will definitely get a lot of merits, but Chen Zong is not willing because It is the practice and reliance of Chen Xiu, who belongs to Xiulao himself.

So, you can only perform the task.

Choose missions without leaving, just in your palace.

Opening the panel, Chen Zong looked up carefully.

There are many tasks on the task column, which are also divided into four levels, which correspond to the disciplinary authority.

Huang, Xuan, Earth, Heaven!

A disciple with yellow privileges can only access the yellow missions and some meta missions. The disciple with the black privileges can not only access all the yellow missions, but also some prefecture missions.

The higher the level of the mission, the more rewarding it will be.

Chen Zong looked carefully. The yellow task was only a rough sweep, and the rewards were not high, at most not more than a hundred.

Chen Zong's focus is on mysterious missions. The rewards of mysterious missions are at least over 100 ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ the upper limit is one thousand.

Of course, for the exchange of mysterious treasures, at least a thousand merits are required. Such mission rewards are not many. You must accumulate a considerable amount of merits after multiple missions. This is also the Xuanyuan Palace. Do not plan to make the disciples too relaxed.

The task is also a kind of sharpening.

Chen Zong took a closer look at the Xuan level mission, and then looked at that part of the prefecture level mission.

The rewards for prefecture-level tasks are naturally higher, at least over a thousand merit.

Chen Zong also saw that in addition to the division of Huang Xuandi and Tian, ​​there are also three orders, low order, middle order, and high order.

Careful comparison, comparing the task may be difficult, comparing the execution time and route of the task, etc. Finally, Chen Zong made a choice, three mysterious tasks.

Of these three mysterious tasks, two are mysterious intermediate orders and one is mysterious advanced orders.

If all three missions are completed, a total of 2,300 merits and 500 yuan Yuandan can be obtained.

If it is not completed, there will be no punishment, because the vast majority of tasks in the Xuanyuan Palace are not unique, but can allow multiple people to choose, of course, not unlimited, each task is marked Can be picked up by several people.

For example, the three missions that Chen Zong has received can be received at least twice, and at most three times. When Chen Zong was accepted, the number of times for one task has been exhausted, and the other two tasks each have one remaining time .

Some of these tasks can only be completed once, and some can be completed multiple times.

Chen Zong immediately sorted out and set off quickly. As for the Xuanming Realm, Chen Zong did not plan to go back. There was no other except a sword of silence, and the sword of silence was too evil. Chen Zongcong Feeling terrified inside, so fall when you can. nt

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