Sword God

Vol 26 Chapter 55: Cold Essence

The Xuanyuan dynasty, with three capitals and twenty-seven residences in Kyushu, has a vast area and beautiful scenery.

The three tasks received by Chen Zong, choose the best route to proceed, and complete them one by one.

The first task is to pick the essence of cold medicine, which is used for alchemy.

The true essence of Hanming is located in Hanming Mountain, and it usually grows in the cave. How to find it depends on the individual.

Hanming Mountain is a mountain in the Mingyuan Road. Chen Zong directly reaches the Mingyuan City of Mingyuan Road through the Void Gate of the Nether Temple, which can save a lot of time invisibly.

Leave Mingyuan City and head straight to Hanming Mountain.

Hanming Mountain is a huge mountain range that stretches for more than a million miles. As soon as you step into the boundary of Hanming Mountain, you can immediately feel the temperature drop. Surviving in the environment, it will be frozen to death in just a few breaths.

But this chill was nothing to Chen Zong.

As he marches into the mountains, Chen Zong realizes the fusion of 45% and 50% of the fire intention.

Once the integration is successful, its own strength will once again break through the limit and become more powerful.

"Now I, without borrowing the power of Shura's avatar, may be able to fight against or even kill the ordinary first stage of the Holy Land." Chen Zong's mind filled with a thought.

As for whether this is the case, I am not sure, after all, my strength has indeed improved a lot, but not too much.

According to the prompts on the task, Chen Zong quickly searched.

There are many holes in Hanming Mountain, which are called Hanming Caves. Almost every Hanming Cave will produce the essence of Hanming.

Only after so many years, many cold concretions in Hanming cave have been taken away by people. Although they will regenerate, it takes time. It often takes hundreds of years to produce a single cold concretion. Over time, cold conviction The marrow is becoming less and less precious.

The earliest cold meditation was available almost everywhere, and its value was not high at all.

As for now trying to find the true essence of Hanming, the difficulty has increased by thousands of times, and its value has not only increased by 10,000 times, but by tens of thousands or even 100,000 times.

Even so, there are still many practitioners who will enter Hanming Mountain to find the true essence of Hanming and sell it, and they will get a lot of wealth for their own cultivation.

Chen Zong came out of a cave. This is an abandoned cave, but Chen Zong also went in to try his luck to see if it was the right time to regenerate the cold essence, but unfortunately not.

Chen Zong was not discouraged, this is just the first cave. There are many caves in Hanming Mountain.

Keep looking.




Chen Zong searched one after another, but did not find the essence of Hanming.

However, this task, but a mid-level task, rewards six hundred Xuanyuan merit and one hundred yuan Yuandan, which is very valuable and difficult to find is normal.

Chen Zong searched with patience, and looked for more than a dozen caves, but still could not find the true essence of Hanming.

When Chen Zong came out of a cave again, he met three practitioners.

These three practitioners are two men and one woman, one is middle-aged and one is young, and the woman is also young.

When he saw Chen Zong, the young man's eyes contained vigilance, while the young woman stared, as if to see through Chen Zong, and the middle-aged man's eyes flashed, and then he was restrained and revealed a smile.

"Friend, it seems that you are also looking for the true essence of Hanming." The middle-aged man greeted with a smile.

Chen Zong nodded.

"You can see that this is the first time you have come to find the true essence of Hanming." The middle-aged man said again, but it surprised Chen Zong a bit. How did he see it?

It seemed to see the slightest surprise in Chen Zong's heart, and the middle-aged man smiled and said again: "My name is Yuan Huan. I am a marrow-seeker and have rich experience in searching for the true essence of the cold. Judge whether there is any cold marrow produced. "

Yuan Huan pointed at the cave not far away.

His words are not false. He does appear in Hanming Mountain all year round, looking for the true essence of Hanming and selling them. Therefore, he has accumulated rich experience over the years. Although he is afraid to say that he is 100% correct, he can have seven or eight Success rate.

"If you are willing to pay some price, I can take you to find the essence of Hanming." Yuan Huan stated his purpose.

Chen Zong took a deep look at Yuan Zhao and immediately smiled: "What's the price?"

With keen perception, Chen Zong can feel that this person is not so kind on the surface, at least, the purpose is not so pure.

However, the other party does have the experience of finding the true essence of Hanming, which will help him.

If the other party has any bad thoughts, Chen Zong is not afraid, after all, the cultivation of these three people is only a semi-holy level.

In the semi-holy level, Chen Zong is not afraid, and no matter how bad he is, he has a Shura avatar available. The strength of Shura avatar is much stronger than before.

Strength is the confidence and the source of confidence.

When you have strength, when you are fearless, of course, fearlessness is not only related to strength, but also related to mentality. Some people have insufficient mentality, and even if they are powerful, they are not confident enough to do things with fear.

Chen Zong will not.

"Not much, ten Divine Yuan Dans." Yuan Huan laughed. "If I find the essence of Hanming under my guidance, I will pay another one hundred Di Dan Yuans."

Yuan Huo's asking price is not small, of course, compared with the value of Han Ming's true essence, it is not a lot.

"Yes." Chen Zong directly took out ten Di Yuan Dan to the other side, this is a transaction.

Yuan Huan received ten Yuan Yuan Dans, and a faint flash of light flashed under his eyes, and he was instantly restrained and inconceivable.

"Follow me." Yuan Zhao said. As for the young man and two women, he didn't make any introductions, and the two didn't speak, just like dumb.

The other party did not speak, of course, Chen Zong would not bother.

I have to say that this experience of Yuan Huan is really rich. After a few observations of some abandoned caves, he was able to conclude whether there is the true essence of Hanming, which saved Chen Zong a lot of time.

Immediately, Yuan Huan stopped in front of a cave and looked closely. Immediately, his complexion was slightly dimpled, and there was a touch of joy in his eyes.

"In it, there are probably the essence of Hanming." Yuan said in a low voice, a little secretly excited.

For example, it is not easy for them to find the true essence of Hanming. They will be very excited to find a copy.

As for why they didn't find it for themselves, there are other reasons, such as not having enough strength to keep the cold essence.

Chen Zong's eyes lightened slightly when he heard the essence of Hanming, but he didn't rush in.

"Walk." Yuan said immediately, stepping out first, stepping into the cave, Chen Zong also entered into it, and then the young man stepped out of it and walked into it. The moment he walked in, he turned back. She glanced at the young woman and gestured.

The young girl nodded incomprehensibly, and immediately after entering the cave, she did not immediately go deep, but quickly arranged it to seal the cave entrance, forming a layer of ray-like light barrier.

With this layer of barriers in and out, you will be blocked.

After finishing the arrangement, the young woman immediately walked into the cave.

As Yuan Zhao, the marrow-seeking man, continued to deepen, Chen Zong could feel that the terrain continued to go down, and the temperature in the air was getting lower and lower. Many scum could be seen on the cave walls and the roof, exuding an amazing chill.

The practitioners who build the foundation will find it difficult to move in such a place.

However, Chen Zong did not have any discomfort, even if the temperature was doubled, it would not affect Chen Zong.

"It's almost here," Yuan called in a low voice, and the tone of excitement couldn't be suppressed.

When Yue Mo was more than a thousand meters deep, Yuan Zhao stopped and Chen Zong stopped and stared at the front. There was a small pit, and there was a black liquid in the pit, which was very thick. Exuding an amazing chill.

The essence of Hanming!

Chen Zong's eyes suddenly lighted and he took a step forward. He appeared like a wind in front of the cold essence, took out the jade bottle and sucked it, and immediately absorbed the cold essence into the jade bottle.

In this way, as long as you bring this one of the cold meditation back to Xuanyuan Palace, you can get six hundred Xuanyuan merit and one hundred Yuandan.

The hundred yuan Yuandan Chen Zong does not matter, whether it is available or not, but the six hundred Xuanyuan merits are what Chen Zong really needs.

Immediately, Chen Zong took out a hundred yuan Yuandan and handed it to Yuan Huan, which was a good price.

Take yourself to find the true essence of Hanming, and then pay the price of one hundred yuan of Dandan ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Yuan Wan took the one hundred yuan of Dandan and collected it immediately, and then a smudge appeared on his face. The weird smile quickly retreated, and at the same time, he waved his hands, and the light burst into all directions and was blocked in all directions.

The speed is extremely fast, even if Chen Zong is wary, it is a slow line, and it is shrouded in it, like a prison cage.

"What's the meaning?" Chen Zong asked without saying a panic.

"This is the array, which is called the Prison Dragon Array. As the name suggests, even the true dragon will be imprisoned." Before Yuan Huan changed his kindness before, his lips became chilly and his eyes became sharp.

At the same time, the young man and woman appeared at the same time as Yuan Zhao, staring coldly at Chen Zong in the prisoner's dragon array, constantly looking, his face also sneered.

"Give it up." Yuan Huan's voice was low and erratic, with a bit of greed: "Give up that bit of cold essence, give up all your wealth, and I will spare you, otherwise ..."

There is no need to say the next words, Chen Zong also knows what it means. It is nothing more than his own life.

"The essence of Hanming is here with me, and you can see it, and there are many Diyuandan in my appetite." Chen Zong said with a smile on his face, and said through the prisoner formation. The light stared at Yuan Huan: "If you want to, get it yourself."

Yuan Huan was very vigilant. He could vaguely see that Chen Zong was semi-holy, not into the holy realm, so he dared to start like this, but the strength of the other party was not clear, so he could not be overly vigilant.

"Boy, don't be lucky, prisoner dragons will fight, even if you are in the holy realm, you can't get away." The young man spoke for the first time, his voice was sharp like a knife. nt

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