Sword God

Vol 26 Chapter 62: Evil Sword (2)

Heart Sword Style!

Jianguang penetrates the void, it is the real penetration, not the appearance.

That bunch of gold-red condensate was like the light of a pinkie's sword, and there was directly a blackness, and the edges were covered with countless fine marks.

The ultimate sword, the Xeon sword, the sword that exhausted all the power of Chen Zong, and the increase of the wicked evil sword, its power is more horrible and strengthened.

In addition, the Vicious Sword does more damage to the Nether Demon.

Killed with one sword, and collided with that huge demon claw. After a slight pause, the sword light burst, but the slain evil sword was smashed forward. It penetrated through the claw and killed the elite soldier-level void demon. Its body.

Under normal circumstances, such injuries are nothing to Void Demon, which is not enough to affect their strength and magnificent vitality.

This elite soldier-level void demon revealed a smile full of evil and murderous power, ignored the sword that penetrated his body, and grabbed his claws again. At such a close distance, he could completely tear the opponent's body completely.

That feeling is wonderful.

However, at the moment when the claws of the elite soldier-like void demons grabbed, the scarlet eyes suddenly changed, and they could see that they were extremely horrified. The grabbed claws seemed to be blocked by an invisible force and stopped in mid-air. Chen Zong's body was just a few inches, trembling sharply, but he couldn't fall.

Gradually, the claws became weak and seemed to be shrinking and drying out, just like the bark that lost moisture.


The vitality of this elite soldier-level void demon is constantly being drawn by the sword of silence.

The strength of the elite soldier-level void demons is not only more than ten times better than that of the hybrid soldier-level void demons, but their vitality is also many times greater. For this moment, the wicked evil sword is the best supplement.

In the blink of an eye, the powerful elite soldier-level void demons were swallowed up, dried up, and dissipated into dust.

Chen Zong also got the heart left by this elite soldier-level void demon, but that is equivalent to 10,000 points of Xuanyuan Merit.

Counting the more than 20 miscellaneous soldier-level void demons before, Chen Zong equals to accumulating more than 30,000 Xuanyuan Merits. How long has it taken before that, he has received more than 30,000 Xuanyuan Merits. Before, he worked hard for half a year, but only I got the Xuanyuan Merit in my early 10,000, the difference was too big.

Of course, Chen Zong also knew very well that such an opportunity could not be sought, and if he happened to encounter a group of void demons sneaking into the small void, he would not be able to get so many Xuanyuan Merits in a short time.

However, when thinking of the cultivation time of the Xuanyuan Holy Tower, when an hour worth 10,000 Xuanyuan merits, Chen Zong felt a bit of a blow.

More than 30,000 Yuan Yuan achievements are just three hours of practice.

Three hours are hardly helpful for the present self.


More merit is needed. Furthermore, I have a gamble with Li Fangming.

If you ca n’t win, you will not only have to transfer the harvested Xuan Yuan achievements to the other party, but you will have to retreat by three feet when you encounter the other party. You will undoubtedly leave a shadow in your heart, and may even turn into a demon. , Will also affect your own cultivation and improvement.

Therefore, this time we can only win and not lose.



But there is no lack of oneself. What is needed is hard work.

With the Extinct Sword in hand, you can better find the trace of the Void Demon, and then kill it.

In another place in the Little Void, Li Fangming also acted alone, looking for the Void Demon to kill.

As an old-time disciple of Xuanyuan Palace, Li Fangming is very strong, at least comparable to the peerless Tianjiao who ranked in the dozens of previous Yuanyuan Jihad, but because of his age, he cannot participate in the Yuanyuan Jihad, or he is a rival.

"I have to win this bet." Li Fangming's eyes flashed cold and determined.

This time, only victory was allowed, and defeat was not allowed, because he couldn't afford to lose.

If he loses, Xuan Yuan's merit is nothing, and his efforts are wasted. In the future, when he sees the other party, he has to evade the three-foot courtesy three-pointer, so he planted hidden dangers.

And if you win, you will have more Xuanyuan merits. At that time, you can exchange treasures, let yourself break through to the sanctuary, and make rapid advances in the sanctuary, the strength soared, and then skyrocketed.


With a turn of the wrist, the Sword of Silence brought out a ray of thunder and broke through.

In the face of miscellaneous vanity demons, Chen Zong often does not use half-step sword intention or half-step fire intention, because both of these half-walk intentions have reached 10% completeness, and unless they are merged, there is no promotion.

However, although the strength of the Void Demon at the mixed soldier level is not weak, it cannot help his integration. Therefore, he can use the half-step thunder against the enemy to sharpen the half-step thunder and make it break through.

Today, half-step thunder is 90%. After the breakthrough, it is 10%. After that, it is constantly tapping the potential until it is extremely perfect.

With every sword, there will be a thunderbolt.

Gradually, Chen Zong also created a sword technique. This sword technique was created to meet the half-step thunder, it is not weak, but it is not as good as the sword of the heart, but to better understand the half-step thunder Therefore, Chen Zong was too lazy to take the name.

There are many types of vanity demons. At least dozens of vanity demons that Chen Zong has killed to date have at least a dozen different types, and different vanities have different characteristics.

Some void demons are so powerful that they can carry mountains.

Some void demons are extremely fast, like flashes of light.

Some void demons are strong, immobile, and difficult to break.

Some void demons are like ghosts, which make it difficult to capture.

But no matter what kind of void demon, it has the same characteristics, that is, it has terrible power, destructive and erosive, and it is extremely decisive. Every attack is to kill each other Killing skills.

Fighting the Nether Demon, even if it is a bit stronger than them, may not necessarily kill them, and may even be killed by them in turn.

However, in the same way, fighting against the Void Demon can also better exercise your own fighting ability and apply your own power more thoroughly.

Constantly fighting for life and death, Chen Zong also felt that his sword skills have been further improved, and he has gone further.

Killed with a sword, Lei Guang was blazing, and it soared in an instant, as if from a beam of electricity to a thunderous one, the power increased greatly.

Under the sword, the body of the Void Demon immediately penetrated, and then, with the screaming and screaming, it quickly weakened and the Void Demon died.

Void demons have arrogant physiques and strong and tenacious vitality, but if they are injured, they will have little effect on them. However, the Vicious Sword will absorb vitality, so as long as it is wounded, all vitality will be quickly absorbed by the Vicious Sword.

And Chen Zong also found that as the Blade of Silence continued to draw vitality, the speed seemed a little faster.

It can be said that the Sword of Extinction has restraint ability against the Void Demon, which in the real way allows Chen Zong to better and more effectively kill the Void Demon.

The Void Demon dies and disappears into a gray fly, and a half-step thunderstorm ushers in a breakthrough.


Half-step thunder and hope to achieve 10%, the power is even more powerful.

Chen Zong couldn't help but smile.

Ten and a half steps into the thunder, its power is naturally more powerful.

"If you can combine the half-step thunder and the other two half-path meanings into one ..." Chen Zong had a sudden imagination, his eyes were brilliant, and the sun and the moon rotated endlessly.

The power of the fusion of the two half-walks and the meaning is already so strong. If the three blends, what kind of power will it reach, it is impossible to imagine.

Of course, Chen Zong is only thinking about it temporarily. After all, how difficult it is to blend the two half-walk meanings, but he is very clear. Now, half-step sword meaning and half-step fire meaning are only blended into 40%. It ’s still far from being a perfect blend. I do n’t know how much time it will take, let alone the third half-step fusion, maybe its difficulty will increase more than ten times.

"The extreme heart sword style is based on the half-step sword meaning, and it is a perfect half-step sword meaning. When the power of the extreme heart sword style can be exerted to the extreme, but if it combines the half-step sword meaning and the half-step fire intention, Although the power will be stronger, it will not be smooth. "Chen Zong stood still and meditated.

Aura is often flashed and fleeting, if not caught in time, it will disappear.

Now that Chen Zong has grasped that aura, he can't miss it.

At that time, I created the sword sword style. I did my best, devoted myself to my heart, and seized the opportunity to create my own success. I took the half-step swordsmanship as the foundation ~ www.wuxiaspot.com. .

Nowadays, using a half-walk approach to display, although it is more powerful, it has a jerky feeling.

Jerky means that it is not mellow, which means that there will be more flaws, and it will be easier to avoid or be broken. It is useless to be powerful.

Before that, the elite soldier-level Nether Demon was beheaded, and the extreme heart sword was used to kill, but there was also the relationship between the extinction of the evil sword. If the Jin Jin Yue Yue sword was used, it would be difficult to do so.

Chen Zong quickly found out his drawbacks.

Cultivation is not afraid of defects, but it is afraid of defects but does not know it and cannot be perfected.

The road to cultivation is originally the pursuit of perfection in life. All means of killing are just to better protect yourself and overcome thorns in the pursuit of perfection of life.

"If so, it can be improved on the basis of the sword style of the heart." Chen Zong secretly said.

However, it is not so easy to improve a trick based on the fusion of half-walk ideas. At present, it can only be said that it has a preliminary idea. It needs more thinking and trying, and getting the right opportunity.

If it can be successfully improved, the new trick will definitely be more powerful.

Chen Zong could not help but think of that finger of Chu Zhongyang in the Yuan Dynasty Jihad.

That is a finger that combines half-step style and half-step fire. The power is terrible. It instantly destroys itself with a full blow, destroying the deadly situation like a bamboo, and it is impossible to resist being killed at all.

Even now, in retrospect, even though his strength has increased a lot, Chen Zong didn't have much confidence to face that finger, and even after careful reflection, he felt that finger was terrible and not simple.

With one finger, everything was defeated, and there was nothing to stop. nt

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