Sword God

Vol 26 Chapter 63: Lend your heart 1 for

Strands of gray air permeate and ripple in the sky, as if the tide is undercurrent, with dangers and crises hidden deep.

The dark, seemingly soft ground, from time to time, small space vortices appear, although not enough to devour a peerless Tianjiao, but it will also affect everyone to a certain extent.

If you accidentally fall into it, it is also a big trouble.

Chen Zong's foot fell, and the soles of his feet contained a forceful wave of force, instantly breaking the black vortex into nothingness.

The sharp sword broke through, leaving a straight scratch, a faint black, like a light ink stroke, and a zombie-level void demon in front was directly penetrated through the body. This kind of injury is trivial, but the power of the wicked evil sword is terrible. Live immediately.

In just a short breath of time, the vitality of this powerful miscellaneous soldier-level void demon was swallowed up and turned into ashes, and only the heart core remained.

The wicked evil sword also knows that Chen Zong needs this core, otherwise even the core will be swallowed up by him and nothing will be left.

Put away the core, Chen Zong checked.

There are 58 total Void Demon Heart Cores at the Zombie Level, and only one Void Demon Heart Core at the Elite Level. Counting it is equivalent to 68,000 Yuan Yuan.

"Still not enough," Chen Zong secretly said.

If you want to re-enter the Xuanyuan Holy Pagoda to practice again, you need at least hundreds of thousands of meritorious deeds to exchange, otherwise the effect is not good.

Of course, as far as Chen Zong is concerned, the more merit, the better.

But I don't know how many void demons sneak into the small void.

The peerless Tianjiao who stepped into the small void came from Xuanyuan Palace, Heijie Palace and Dust-free Palace, with a total of two hundred people.

Strictly speaking, the small empty space is actually not very large. Most of the two hundred peerless Tianjiao walk alone, scattered, and will inevitably meet.

"The disciples of Xuanyuan Palace." The disciples of Heijue Palace saw Chen Zong from a distance, his eyes flashed, and a wicked smile hung in the corner of his mouth. To that, the tyrannical breath locks Chen Zong away.

Chen Zong stared at the other side, his face was cold, and his keen intuition made Chen Zong feel that the other side seemed to come from bad intentions.

"My name is Fei Yong. I borrow something from you." Appeared in front of Chen Zong, Disciples of Heijie Palace, staring with his eyes, said very directly: "I owe you a favor by borrowing the core of your void demon.

"You give me your heart, and I will repay you in the future." Chen Zong said indifferently.

Fei Yong froze for a moment. Chen Zong's answer was somewhat unexpected, but he responded quickly, with a sneer on his face: "It looks like you have refused, it's fine."

At the same time as the voice fell, the turbulent breath fluctuations suddenly appeared, and the fluctuations began, and there was a faint trace of fiery heat, as if it could burn all the fiery heat.

It was a half-step fiery mood swing, but what kind of fiery atmosphere Chen Zong did not know.

"Rest assured, I will not kill you for the sake of being a human being, but some lessons are inevitable, let you recognize the reality." Fei Yong sneered.

The voice fell, Fei Yong stepped out, and there was a spatter of flames under his feet, a surge in speed, a blazing air, and an amazing wave of fire and gas approaching Chen Zong and punching him.

The fist is red, like a volcanic force erupting in an instant, shaking in all directions, and the ripples in space are like rippling water, spreading out layer by layer, lifelike.

One punch, as if a meteor sinks, the power is unmatched, and the terrible blazing flames are coming. As if to ignite Chen Zong and burn it to ashes, the terrifying coercion contained in that punch is as majestic as the mountains.

This punch made Chen Zong feel threatened.

Xi Jin Shen Yuejian came out of the sheath, and one sword was shot out of the air.

Together with Lei Guang, it was as if the Thunder broke through the sky and killed it. This was a sword without a name. It was amazingly powerful at half a step.

The sword and fist collided in an instant, and there was a shock, and the terrible power wave flew away, shattering like smoke.

Chen Zong did not retreat.

Suddenly, five figures crossed, holding swords to emptiness.

Fei Yong looked dignified, his eyes seemed to be filled with fire, burning.

Both fists seemed to be ignited, burning with a blazing flame, and mixed with half-step fire, becoming fierce and violent.

"Blazing fire ... demonstration!" A low drink sounded as if the stress wave fluctuated, as if the magma was surging, the momentum was astonishing, and his fists burst out with unparalleled strength in a flash, blasting out.

One punch!

Ten punches!

Hundred Boxing!


For a moment, a thousand punches blasted out with the fierce terror of fiery fire, and the madness was extremely violent. He blasted to Chen Zong without hesitation and drowned Chen Zong's body directly.

The power of a thousand hot punches is amazing, and each punch seems to be able to crush the rocks. Under a thousand punches, it shakes in all directions, and the space of the small void is constantly fluctuating, and there are traces of fine scratches.

Chen Zong felt that he was faced with numerous fierce and overbearing punches and seemed to be crushed.

Hengjian stood, one sword killed.

The sea of ​​blood is endless!

This move blended into half-step swordsmanship, and the blood glow diffused into turbulent waves, overflowing with turbulence and sweeping in all directions.

The fierce fire of a thousand fists burst into the sea of ​​blood in an instant, bursting out countless forces.

Heart Sword Style!

The golden sword light condensed into a bunch, pierced through the sea of ​​blood, and assassinated.

Fei Yong suddenly changed his look, his pupils contracted like needles.

Too fast!

That sword was too fast, Jinguang passed through the void, leaving a touch of black scratches, which fell into Feiyong's eyes, shocking.


Be sure to block!

The mind is so concentrated that it can't be avoided, then resist, and you must block.

All the strength burst out, and a red crested shield also appeared in the hand at the same time, and all the strength poured into it to protect itself.

The indescribable voice swelled away, and the condensing degree of the golden sword light was extremely amazing. The circles of golden red ripples continued to swing away from the sword tip and shield, impacting in all directions.


The next breath, a harsh sound sounded, centered on the sword tip, and a crack appeared on the shield.

Feiyong shook inexplicably. This shield was extremely hard. He had resisted many attacks for himself, but now he was broken.

However, he responded quickly, seized the opportunity immediately, and backed up again and again. Every step of the fall was spattered with fire light, the speed increased sharply, and it turned into a fierce and rapid farewell.

"You can't escape." Chen Zong groaned, Lei Guang's stature was incarnate, and he transformed into a ray of light.

Ten and a half steps into the thunder, the lightning speed is faster.

Fei Yong is fast, but Chen Zong is faster.

"Don't force me, Xiang'an is fine." Feiyong watched the other party approaching quickly, and immediately uttered a voice, a little anxious.

I originally thought that I could plunder some cores of the Nether Demon, but I did not expect to encounter hard ideas.

"Leave the core, spare you not to die." Chen Zong's response was simple and direct, with a decisive and aggressive tone.

They often don't take the initiative to plunder others, but if someone wants to plunder themselves without opening their eyes, they must pay the corresponding price.

You can't die, but you have to pay some price.

At the same time as the voice fell, Chen Zong was extremely fast, intercepting it directly across the opponent, without any pause, killing him with a sword.

Fei Yong was so angry that he could only hit it.

But Chen Zong is undoubtedly stronger. After a few moves, Fei Yong was suppressed again.

"Don't force me, otherwise we all die together." Fei Yong growled.

"You can try." Chen Zong looked cold, his eyes were extremely sharp, as if he could see through Feiyong's heart.

perish together!

Fei Yong didn't dare at all, but he was just bluffing.

His expression changed, and he stared at Chen Zong in wonder, as if to see through Chen Zong's truth and reality, but by comparison, Fei Yong's mentality was not as good as that of Chen Zong, and he could not see through.

I just felt that the other person's eyes were extremely sharp, as if Jian Feng was going in the same direction, and he wanted to pierce his own heart.

Ten percent of the half-step sword intention is pervasive, that is the perfect half-step sword intention, which is stronger and stronger than Feiyong's half-step fire intention, which brings a strong deterrence.

"I give you ten miscellaneous soldier-level cores." Fei Yong began to talk about the conditions.

"Fifty." Chen Zong opened his mouth.

As soon as he heard fifty, Fei Yong's face changed greatly, and hysterical shouted, "I don't have fifty hearts at all, at most twenty, otherwise we will die."

Chen Zong stared at Fei Yong, and Fei Yong stared at each other.

"Okay," Chen Zong responded.

Soon, twenty miscellaneous soldier-level hearts were in hand, which was equal to 20,000 yuan.

Chen Zong can see that if he continues to persecute, the other party is afraid that he will show what the final killer will be, to come to a fish dead net to break ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ That is not the result Chen Zong wants.

It can also be seen that when the other person took out the twenty cores, his cheeks twitched slightly, which was obviously very painful, indicating that the twenty cores were definitely a large part.

Twenty hearts are an unexpected harvest. Chen Zong is very happy.

Fei Yong stared fiercely at Chen Zong and quickly backed away, finding that Chen Zong had not pursued him, and he was relieved.

"Damn, I will never let you go." Feiyong secretly hated, but did not think that he first sought Chen Zong to rob, but instead of Chen Zong's opponent, he was robbed by Chen Zong.

The root lies in themselves, not others, but some people just can't see this clearly, and blame all errors on others.

Fei Yong, in anger, lowered his vigilance around him.

Suddenly, a weird black light radiated from the void, silently and silently, the black light shot through the air, and a faint ray of strange light on the black light was seen from the side. Brave forehead.

But Fei Yong didn't die, but he was in a stature, his face constantly struggling, and after ten breaths he returned to calmness and became woody, his eyes and pupils turned grey and white, dead and quiet, as if there was no half life.

Immediately, after turning the eyeballs stiffly for a full circle, they gradually became more flexible. Then, the corners of the mouth were pulled hard, and the cheeks of the sly expression continued to twitch, which looked very weird and made people feel creepy.

After about a few dozen breaths, the expression became more and more natural, and in the end, it seemed normal.

"This human race's body is really weak." A slightly stiff voice came out of Fei Yong's mouth. Immediately, countless gray and black breaths spread from all directions, rushing to Fei Yong's body, wrapping it up and forming A big cocoon. nt

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