Sword God

Vol 26 Chapter 64: King Blood Disturbance (above)

The gray void flows like an irregular flow of water, flowing endlessly.

Suddenly, three figures appeared from the void chaos. It was three void demons.

The headed Void Demon is two meters tall, has arms and legs, and looks like a human standing, but at a glance, you can see that the other person is not human.

The top of the head is round like amethyst, like a lid, and some sloppy faces are similar to human races. The silver-gray looks like a metal cast, extremely cold.

A pair of eyes filled with scarlet luster, no nostrils, and occasionally opened mouth can see several rows of sharp teeth, it seems to be able to bite everything.

The body seemed to be covered with a layer of silver-gray metal, looking extremely cold, extremely robust, and without any trace of burden. The perfect line contained a terrible burst of power, born purely for battle.

A body that looks perfect.

A body designed for combat.

A strong body designed for killing.

Slender arms and ten fingers, fingertips ejected terrible claws, across the void, leaving a light black scratch.

Behind the slender tail like a long keel cast unconsciously flutters like a whip, with extremely strong vigor, and constantly cut the ground open, leaving numerous traces.

Stepped out with both feet, there were only three long toes, and the soles of the feet fell on the dark ground, making waves ripple.

The sides of this extraordinary Void Demon follow two of them up to three meters in height, and their extremely strong Void Demon exudes an overwhelming coercion, as if they can oppress everything, like a mountain.



These are two elite soldier-level void demons, and the two-meter-high void demons are not elite soldiers, they are only miscellaneous soldiers.

But it can be seen that the two elite soldier-level void demons seem to be in awe of the miscellaneous soldier-level void demons.

The speed of the three Void Demons is getting faster and faster, and finally it turns into three streams of light passing by. The speed of the Zombie-level Void Demons is not slower than that of the two elite Void Demons.

"Three Void Demon."


The two disciples who acted in conjunction with Hei Jue Gong's eyes were astonishingly murderous, and an instant outrageous blow erupted in all directions.


Two elite soldier-level void demons fired to break the two attacks.

"Leave it to me." The miscellaneous soldier-level Void Demon began to speak, and it turned out to be the language of the human race. Despite some bluntness, the two heavenly pride of Hei Jue Gong could understand, and his look changed greatly.

"Yes, prince." Two elite soldier-level void demons responded one after another, and what they said was also a human language.

It is not surprising that the Void Demon is an intelligent being who can master the language of the human race.

After all, they have to invade the Lingwu sacred realm. If they do not understand the human language, some mistakes will inevitably occur.

"Prince?" The heavenly pride of the two Hei Jue palaces were surprised and couldn't understand.

Immediately, the Void Demon, known as the prince, took a step forward, and there were countless vigors at his feet that turned into ripples and waves, and shocked away.


Suddenly, the void demon tearing through the void, like a silver-gray lightning, approached the two over hundreds of meters.

Too fast!

Although it is a mixed soldier class, the speed is not inferior to the elite soldier class.

The two Hei Jue palaces changed their arrogance, but they did not mess up, but they quickly shot and joined forces to kill them.

I saw the void demon known as the prince, his mouth slightly tilted, as if showing a disdainful expression like a human race.


For a moment, the Void Demon shook his body and flickered, disappeared, and appeared behind two Hei Jue Peerless Tianjiao. With both hands spread out, he looked forward, as if the evil dragon's claws. Falling, weird breath, but domineering and inescapable.

The two peerless Tianjiao who wanted to avoid the two black peerless palaces were difficult to do, as if they were bound.

Suddenly, the head was clasped by the claws of the Nether Demon, his arms trembled slightly, and under the impact of a mysterious force, they directly disintegrated the resistance of the two, and their bodies were lifted, shaking like noodles, unable to Resist the slightest.

"You ... what are you ..."

"Humble ants, I am the sage of the king's blood." The voice of this miscellaneous soldier-level void demon is sharp and overbearing, full of ridicule, full of ridicule, as if looking down at the dust.

"The king's blood ..." The faces of the two disciples of Hei Jue Gong were twisted suddenly because their heads were strongly buckled, and immediately, they became more twisted, and the eyes were filled with deep astonishment.

Void Demon!

This is the name of the human race, but it is rumored that the Void Demon refers to himself as a saint.

King blood!

Refers to the blood of the Void Demon or Void Saint.

Most of the Void Demons have ordinary blood, and the King Blood is one of them. They have higher potential and stronger strength. After each King Void Demon grows up, it is said that it will bring major casualties to the human race.

The Void Demon is very protective of the King Blood Demon, and no one would have thought that this time, a King Blood Demon would sneak into the small void.

No doubt, it is dangerous.

However, if it is the Wangxue Void Demon sneaking into the Xuanyuan Dynasty, the damage will be far greater than before.

This king of blood demons did not give the two Hei Jue Palace Tianjiao extra time to think, and his **** suddenly exerted strength. The terrible power penetrated his fingers, as if he could scratch steel.

啵啵 Two sounds sounded, and even the screams were too late to be issued. The heads of the two Black Jerk Palace Tianjiao were immediately scratched, their brains splashed away, and several times splashed into the mouth of the king blood demon, protruding like a snake. With a licking tongue, his eyes narrowed slightly, seemingly delicious.

Immediately, I saw the king blood demon opened his mouth and took a sip from the air. A large amount of blood raged, and he quickly shot out from the broken heads of two Tianjiao and disappeared into the entrance.

In just a few breaths of time, the two Tianjiao turned into dry corpses, and after the blood of the king demon absorbed the two of them, there was blood all over the body, such as water fluctuations. After a dozen breaths, they were restrained and breathed. It seems to be stronger, and the scarlet in the eyes seems to be a little rich.

"Although the human race is a lowly race, but its blood is really delicious." The king blood demon licked his lips, glanced at the two dead corpses, showing a bloodthirsty smile.

Immediately, his body flickered, and he quickly left with the two elite soldier-level void demons, looking for a human race to hunt.

Within the small void, all the arrogants were hunting for the Void Demon hunt, and some Void Demon were also hunting for the human race.

Terran hunting of the Nether Demon to take its core is not only used to record achievements, but also has other functions.

Void demon hunting and killing human races will absorb their essence to improve themselves.

Hunter and prey!

Prey and hunter!

Who is a hunter and who is a prey does not have a fixed number, it is relative.

The key lies in strength. A strong one is a hunter. A weak one will become a prey.

Under the sword of silence, Chen Zong slaughtered more than a dozen miscellaneous vanity demons, not only absorbing their vitality, but also obtaining more than a dozen hearts, which is equal to more than 10,000 merits. .

However, the Sword of Extinction has so far absorbed a lot of vitality of the Void Demon, but it still has no response. I don't know if it is intentional, or if the vitality is not enough, it has not recovered.

Chen Zong did not pay much attention, or in other words, did not care for the time being.

Holding the Extinct Sword, you can better find the Nether Demon and then kill it.

Suddenly, Chen Zong felt a chill, a chill that made his own hair suddenly burst out from the deepest part of his heart, erupted from the depths of his soul, and stirred up in the bone marrow.


Strong danger!

I don't know where the danger comes from, and are constantly approaching, making Chen Zong look astonished.

Any such feeling of danger will endanger his life.

Chen Zong's face was dignified, his eyes were brilliant, and he swept away without seeing anything, but a breath came from the sword of silence, and he felt that the position of the evil demon seemed to be approaching.

Approaching Nether Demon!

Strong sense of danger!

Are they related?

For a moment, Chen Zong did not hesitate to unfold the body, and flew forward at an astonishing speed. This direction was exactly the direction in which the evil demons rushed in.

Although I feel a strong crisis in my deity ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, I still have Shura avatar. I can use its power. With the power of Shura avatar, even the fierce vanity demons can be killed. .

As for the fierce soldier level above the fierce soldier level, the space strength of the small void is simply unable to support it.

Because there is confidence, so no fear.

Soon, Chen Zong saw the Void Demon.

Three heads!

There are three Void Demon heads in total, and each of them is filled with breathtaking volatility.

"Two elite soldiers ... one miscellaneous soldier ..." Chen Zong's pupils shrank like a needle. Immediately, Chen Zong's heart trembled unconsciously. When he stared at the miscellaneous vanity demon himself, he had a strong A sense of crisis, it seems that the strength of the miscellaneous soldier-level void demons is stronger than that of the two elite soldier-level void demons.

At the same time, the three void demons also saw Chen Zong, the speed of which surged and approached instantly.

Chen Zong stood still, waiting for the other party to approach.

"Go, catch him." The king blood demon was too lazy to do it himself this time, because the opponent was too weak to deserve his own hands.

You must know that you are a sacred tribe of the king blood. Among the sacred tribe, you have a high status. Before you started, you only did it out of interest and curiosity, but then you felt boring and your opponent was too weak.

Suddenly, an elite soldier-like void demon rushed towards him. The three-meter-sized body was not very large, but it contained an amazing momentum, like a magic mountain rushing into it, bringing an incredible force.

This overwhelming impact seemed to defeat Chen Zong, and he could only wait to be captured in situ.

Chen Zong didn't move, it seemed that he was really shocked by the momentum, and in fact, Chen Zong was observing, carefully observing the trajectory of the elite soldier-level void demons. nt

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