Sword God

Vol 26 Chapter 65: King Blood Disturbance (below)

The elite soldier-level Void Demon's physique is extremely forceful and rammed, as if the savage charge of the ancient brutal beast, overthrows everything and shatters everything unreasonably and ruthlessly. The amazing momentum and coercion make Chen Zong difficult to breathe.

The eyes of the eyes are completely restrained, staring, the realm of the heart diffuses silently, covering a ten-meter circle.

The elite soldier-level Void Demon exposed a bloodthirsty and cruelty puppet, rushed into the realm of the heart, and its speed seemed to slow down in an instant.

In fact, the speed of the elite soldier-level void demons has not slowed down, but after entering the realm of the heart, it slows down in Chen Zong's senses, and its trajectory becomes clearer.

Suddenly, the Void Demon's big hand looked forward, and the stout fingers suddenly opened, strong and powerful, and when opened, it seemed to be able to break open the rocks, perfusing the exquisite breath.

The big hand grabbed suddenly, permeating an astonishing oppressive force, which constantly struck Chen Zong's body, as if he would crush Chen Zong's body.

The order of the king blood demon is to catch it alive, as long as it is not killed, it does not matter whether it has been severely injured or disabled.

If this hand is dropped, if you are caught, your limbs will be broken in an instant. It is very miserable, but it will not die directly, and it will also suffer great pain.

It's now!

The eyes of Chen Zong burst out in an instant, just like the sword came out of the sheath. Instantly, the feet were not moving, but both shoulders flickered slightly. With a very slight movement, the silenced evil sword followed an unbelievable trajectory, This trajectory corresponds to the fleeting flaw of the elite soldier-level void demons.

Under the realm of heart, this flaw was caught by Chen Zong.


The Sword of Extinction cuts through the body of this elite soldier-level void demon, leaving a wound.

However, the physique of the elite soldier-level Void Demon is very arrogant, even if it is a sword, the injury is not great, it will not affect his strength at all, even it is irrelevant.

It can be said that almost all void demons have grown up from very harsh environments and even many life-and-death battles.

But it fell in the eyes of the king's blood demon, but it made it feel interesting. A humble human race was not as good as his guard at the level, and he could make such a precise blow and hurt it.

Is it a coincidence?

Still capable?

If it is the latter, it is even more interesting.

That wound was nothing at all. With the ability of the Void Demon, he could soon heal himself.

But the next breath, a terrible force permeated, the wound not only did not heal, but the vitality continuously poured out from the wound, and was absorbed by the opponent's sword.

The vitality is pouring down like a cascade of waterfalls, so that one's strength also quickly flows away, and she simply cannot fight again.

In this scene, the King Blood Demon and another elite soldier-level Nether Demon were shocked and incredible.

"Prince, what's that?" The other elite soldier-level void demon asked with great shock.

The king blood demon did not respond, and Scarlet's eyes stared tightly at the sword in Chen Zong's hand, ignoring the void demon that was absorbed by life.

Seems to be thinking.

One sword, after absorbing the vitality of the elite soldier-level void demon, Chen Zong stepped out and turned into a thunder, instantly approaching the other two void demon.

Dozens of Void Swords of Void Demon's vitality have been absorbed, and the ability to draw vitality has been further enhanced, becoming even more amazing.

If it was the beginning, I was afraid that it would take a lot of work to do it.

but now……

"You look at it." The king-blood demon looked at the approaching Chen Zong and said immediately, turning into a silver-grey lightning, bursting out of the air.



One sword draws a mysterious and extremely fierce trajectory, and the king blood demon releases the terrible forest cold between his hands. The sharp claws flick, tear the void, and one claw kills.

Regardless of the speed or the sharp threat, Chen Zong was a little surprised, and his pupils shrank like a needle.


This miscellaneous soldier-level void demon poses a stronger threat to himself than just the elite soldier-level void monster.

Chen Zong was shocked by the fact that a miscellaneous soldier-level void demon possessed more power than the elite soldier-level void demon.

Could there be so-called peerless Tianjiao among the Void Demon?

Actually, Chen Zong doesn't know much about Void Demon, so it's not clear.

However, it is expected that there is a peerless Tianjiao among the human race, and then it appears that it is not a special thing for the Void Demon to appear.

Thinking of this, Chen Zong suddenly felt that his blood was about to boil, which was a kind of excitement that originated from the heart, from the bone marrow, from the soul.

Peerless Tianjiao!

Peerless Tianjiao of the Void Demon!

Fighting like this is even more enjoyable.

Killing such powerful enemies will make you feel more fulfilled.

The road of cultivation, fighting with heaven and earth, fighting with strong enemies, and defeating strong enough enemies will better cultivate your own self-confidence.

It is a belief that emerges from the heart and the soul.

Only with strong faith can we cultivate invincibility.

The sharp claws broke, leaving a dazzling scratch directly on the void, as if tearing everything, shocking Chen Zong.

Under the realm of heart, Chen Zong clearly captured the opponent's claw trajectory and killed it with a sword. With the ability to silence the evil sword, as long as he hits the opponent, he will cause damage to the opponent, and even draw the vitality of the opponent to destroy kill.

However, when the Sword of Extinction was about to hit the opponent, suddenly, a sharp claw turned out of the sky, appearing in front of the sword with great skill, blocking the sword.

The claws are not only extremely sharp, but also extremely hard. When they collide with the sword's edge, a fierce sound is emitted, Mars splashes away, and the terrible force shocks and oscillates.

The terrible power with amazing erosion penetrates Chen Zong's arm through the sword body, and seems to invade Chen Zong's body and destroy it.

But the power of the Silent Sword erupted, destroying the terrible force that had eroded.

The mysterious swordsmanship unfolds, the trajectory is extremely mysterious, and in an instant, hundreds of swords and lights fall like a rainstorm, and they are savagely savagely incomparable.


Suddenly, the king blood demons were covered with that amazing sword light all over him, nowhere to hide.

But the sword king's blood demon wielded his two claws, and immediately completely resisted hundreds of sword lights and broke them.

"Evil sky ... ninety-nine style!" The weird voice sounded, it seemed to be the language of the human race, but it didn't seem to be, it sounded very stiff, and the sharp claws glowed black and red, and the power was extremely amazing. Like the supreme might to kill.

The ninety-nine style was killed, and it was incomparable. It suddenly shocked Chen Zong. Even if the realm of the heart could capture its trajectory, it was difficult to avoid.

The sea of ​​blood is endless!

Killed with a sword, the **** light was sweeping like a tide, surging and endless, impacting everything.

This move is an attack move, and its power is extremely powerful, but this time Chen Zong exhibited it, not for attacking the opponent, but for defense.

Defend the opponent's ninety-nine style claws.

The sea of ​​blood raged endlessly, but was torn by the astonishing claws and killed Chen Zong from all sides.

Heart Sword Style!

Suddenly, Chen Zong seized the opportunity and killed with a sword.

The golden sword light condenses into a bunch, runs through everything, penetrates everything, tears everything, incomparable and irresistible.

The eyes of the king blood demon contracted like a needle in an instant, and they were shocked.

This trick actually made him feel threatened, although not particularly strong, but this person at this level, um, should be the so-called semi-sacred level of the human race, and even made himself feel threatened, indicating that this person's strength has reached The level of elite soldiers.

This person must be a powerful peerless Tianjiao among the human race.

The blood of this peerless Tianjiao will often be more delicious and bring more and greater strength to itself.

Bloodthirsty violent, killing intentions, such as invisible storm swept across all directions, swept away, and instantly made Chen Zong's heart cold.

The five fingers shrank close together and suddenly gripped. There seemed to be a sound of smashing in the void. Immediately, countless breaths rolled down from all directions, pouring into the punch, and the light exploded.


It seemed as if the drums were slamming in the air, and the momentum was endless.

Killed with one punch, smashed everything and smashed everything, directly smashed the golden sword light of Jixin sword style, and blasted to Chen Zong like a bamboo.

Chen Zong only felt that a direct force of horror was directly bombarded and killed, and he suffocated himself. He felt more oppressed and crushed.

Sky Crystal Overlord!

Xiaocheng Bapin's mysterious skills are displayed, his strength is improved, and the extremely heart-shaped sword style is exhibited again. UU Reading Books www.uukanshu.com

Forty-five-step sword intention and four-and-a-half-step fire intention fusion, although not so mellow, but in this direct attack and killing, its power is also very powerful and amazing.

It was just that the blood and demon abilities of the king were amazing. At first glance, he could see the flaws in Chen Zong's sword, and he caught them instantly, his fist gently shocked, and ripples swept away in all directions.


Jian Guang was smashed again. Chen Zong was hit by this punch, and the terror force bombarded Chen Zong's look. The whole man flew upside down, his blood was rushing and shaking, and his muscles seemed to fall apart.

"So strong!" Chen Zong was startled.

Although the Void Demon is a miscellaneous soldier, his strength is very scary, and he does not seem to be afraid of extinguishing the evil sword.

In other words, instead of not being afraid of the Silent Sword, it seems to be prepared for the Silent Sword, so that the Silent Sword will not be hurt.

The characteristic of the extinct evil sword today is that the Void Demon must be wounded in order to gain its vitality, and it is useless without being wounded.

"Very strong, just right, just let you be my sharpening stone." Chen Zong said secretly.

Based on the half-walk meaning that combines the half-step sword intention and the half-step fire intention, and based on the extreme heart sword style, he must re-improve a new trick, and a stronger one.

But without enough opportunities, it is not so easy.

Today, a sufficiently powerful opponent, a threat-filled opponent, may bring enough external pressure to himself, further stimulate his potential, and allow himself to gain an opportunity in this fierce battle of life and death, thereby enlightenment.

There is great terror between life and death, and often great opportunities. Whether you can catch it depends on your ability.

Firm in heart, firm in faith, firm in kendo, unparalleled, with only the sword in his hand, fearless, invincible with one sword. nt

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