Sword God

Vol 26 Chapter 72: Record breaking (3)

The Xuankong Pagoda has nine floors, with a total height of ninety-nine meters, standing on the ground, like a giant sword pointing directly at the sky.

Each floor of the tower is ten meters high, nine floors is ninety meters, and the last nine meters is the spire of the Xuankong Tower, which is as sharp as a spike, it seems to pierce Jiuxiao and penetrate Void.

At this moment, many people were surrounded by the outer space of the mysterious tower. They all came to see Chen Zong's breakthrough.

A series of gazes swept from a distance, and that was the gaze of some high-level strongmen of the Xuantian Army and Zhenyuanwei.

The beheading of the blood and the demons of the void will add an important piece to Chen Zong's life experience, and will naturally attract the attention of many people.

Chen Zong carried countless gazes and looked calmly, stepping into the Xuankong Tower.

As soon as he entered the Xuankong Tower, Chen Zong immediately felt a very different breath fluctuation, very mysterious.

The ground in the mysterious tower is covered with many lines, and there are many lines on the wall. The lines are intersected and formed a very complicated and mysterious pattern, which looks like one.

When Chen Zong walked down the stairs and entered the second floor, he found that the lines spread from the first floor and grew like vines, and went straight to the third floor.

There are nine floors in the sky hollow tower. If you apply for a breakthrough in the sky hollow tower, you will be allocated according to your ability and record. Whether it is a breakthrough on the first floor or a second floor or higher.

The higher the level, the better the effect.

The number of layers approved after Chen Zong's application is the highest ninth layer.

Such as Xu Mubai and Chu Zhongyang, also made breakthroughs in the ninth floor.

Of course, a breakthrough in the ninth layer and a breakthrough in the first layer cannot affect the size of the sea of ​​vitality, and it cannot affect the size of the sea of ​​vitality, but it can absorb the force of the sea better and faster Power to make breakthroughs faster.

Soon, Chen Zong stepped onto the ninth floor.

The dome of the ninth floor of the black sky tower is not completely covered, but is transparent with eight petals like drops of water, which can see the sky dome.

The sky is cloudless, the sky is blue, the depth is endless, as if it can hold everything.

The earth is born.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Zong feels that the atmosphere here is extremely pure, extremely fresh and straight through the heart, and there is a coolness inside and outside, and he becomes more clear and calm with his mind.

Exhaling the staleness, Chen Zong eliminated all distractions and began to cultivate.

The fifteenth floor of the Grand Xuanyuan Jue is running faster and faster, and the nine spiritual wheels in the body rotate at an amazing speed, reaching the limit, and then breaking through the limit.

When this state of limit is maintained for a quarter of an hour, countless heaven and earth vitality rushes from all directions, and the lines in the mysterious tower start from the first floor, gradually light up, and quickly spread to the second and third floors to the ninth floor. .

The vision of heaven and earth began to appear.

The whistling sounds, the strong wind blows from all directions, driving countless vitality.

"it has started."

Outside the Xuankong Tower, one by one looked up at the sky, with implicit expectations.

The heaven and earth's vitality began to atomize, and then, it became more dense airflow, flowing like a stream of water, condensing over the sky tower.

A sea of ​​vitality began to condense, and once formed, it was ten miles in size.

However, with Chen Zong's talent, it is normal to condense a sea of ​​vitality that is comparable to the highest ceiling of ordinary practitioners when they break through.

The sea of ​​vitality of ten miles did not arouse the surprise of others. Immediately, the sea of ​​vitality slowly turned, constantly absorbing the celestial energy from all directions, constantly expanding itself, and expanding at a rate of almost one mile.

In the blink of an eye, ten miles became twenty miles, and quickly became thirty miles.

It didn't take long for the sea of ​​vitality to reach a hundred miles, which was not surprising either.

With the talents demonstrated by Chen Zong, the sea of ​​vitality condensed will never be lower than one hundred and fifty miles. As for how many miles after reaching more than one hundred and fifty miles, it is difficult to estimate.

Soon, the sea of ​​vitality broke through one hundred and fifty miles.

Then, one hundred and sixty miles, the hearts of all were lifted up.

Now, the larger the sea of ​​vitality, the higher the talent of Chen Zong, the more solid the foundation, the smoother the cultivation after the breakthrough.

One hundred and seventy miles!

"Good." Xuan Tianjuntian's high-level strong man nodded secretly, such a result is indeed very good.

Moreover, the sea of ​​vitality is constantly absorbing the expansion of the vitality of the heavens and the earth, and has not stopped.

One hundred and eighty miles!

The growth rate of the sea of ​​vitality has not decreased, which means that it will expand greatly.

One hundred and ninety miles!

Suddenly, many high-level strong men smiled.

The better the foundation of the talent potential that Chen Zong has shown, the better for them.

Afraid of low and not afraid of high!

After all, today's Xuanyuan Dynasty has internal and external problems.

Internal worry is the forces of darkness.

External troubles are the void demons.

Therefore, the more Tianjiao of the Yuan Dynasty, the better, and the more powerful the better.

Two hundred miles!

Suddenly everyone laughed and was surprised.

Although there are two peerless arrogants, Xu Mubai and Chu Zhongyang, who broke the record and set a new record, two hundred miles is still a heaven for many people.

Today, there is another peerless Tianjiao who has reached this natural concubine.

Two hundred miles!

The senior members of the Divine Army and the Zero Guards all smiled.

Such a result is enough for them to make up their minds to offer favorable conditions to solicit.

However, the expansion of the sea of ​​vitality has not stopped, and suddenly everyone has more expectations.

How many miles will it be in the end?

Reaching 210 miles of Xu Mubai?

Or two hundred and twenty miles in Chu Zhongyang?

As for breaking the record of Chu Zhongyang, it is impossible for everyone to think.

Being able to equalize Chu Zhongyang also made everyone feel impossible.

Two hundred and ten miles!

Suddenly, there was an uproar.

"This Chen Zong, like Xu Mubai, is from Xuanming Realm." Someone exclaimed suddenly.

Xuanming Realm was a remote place for the Xuanyuan Dynasty.

If the Xuanyuan dynasty is likened to a big city, then Xuanming Realm is like a small town or even a village far away from the big city. The gap between the two is extremely great.

Xu Mubai and Chen Zong are equal to the genius who came out of the town. Their heritage and environment can not be compared with the Tianjiao of the Xuanyuan Dynasty. But now, they have achieved amazing results and shocked countless people .

That mysterious realm was able to get out of such shocking arrogance.

For a time, these three words of Xuanming Realm were deeply rooted in the hearts of people, and many people were curious about it. They even planned to take a walk to see it, but this is a second story.

Two hundred and ten miles!

There is still no pause, but the speed has slowed down, but it is still absorbing the vitality of the world and expanding continuously.

The expansion of each mile is not obvious compared to 210 miles, but everyone has extraordinary eyesight and can see it.

Gradually, the size of the sea of ​​vitality approached two hundred and twenty miles, one by one stunned.

Could Chen Zong be able to equalize Chu Zhongyang?

Is he the darkest horse that is hidden most?

It's hard to imagine and can't believe it.

Two hundred and twenty miles!

The sea of ​​vitality condensed by Chen Zong reached two hundred and twenty miles.

Suddenly, everyone was distracted, and all the top powerhouses were shocked.


It was completely unexpected. Those who were convinced that Chen Zong was inferior to Chu Zhongyang were all stagnant and their thinking was rigid.

"The sea of ​​vitality is still expanding!" Suddenly, someone screamed.

Indeed, after the sea of ​​vitality reached two hundred and twenty miles, it did not stop completely, and it slowly absorbed the vitality of the heavens and the earth and expanded itself.

After ten breaths, the sea of ​​vitality expanded a mile.

Everyone stared with wide eyes.

Expanding one mile, this has surpassed the record created by Chu Zhongyang and became a new record.

Two hundred and twenty-two miles!

Two hundred and twenty-three miles!




Two hundred and twenty-eight miles!

Two hundred and twenty-nine miles!

Two hundred and thirty miles!

The sea of ​​vitality completely draws everyone's mind.

When it reached two hundred and thirty miles, the sea of ​​vitality turned more slowly, and gradually, it did not absorb the vitality of heaven and earth.

"Two hundred and thirty miles!"

Totally unexpected.

This not only broke Chu Zhongyang's record, but also had deeper meaning.

You know, Chen Zong's background is far from Chu Zhongyang.

Does this mean that Chen Zong's talents and potentials are much better than those of Chu Zhongyang.

If Chen Zong's origin is the same as that of Chu Zhongyang, will the sea of ​​vitality now condensed be bigger?

All this is unknown.

But anyway, Chen Zongning practiced the sea of ​​vitality for two hundred and thirty miles and completely broke Chu Zhongyang's record to create a new record ~ ​​www.wuxiaspot.com ~ enough to shake the Xuanyuan Dynasty.

In the Xuankong Tower, Chen Zong was completely immersed in the breakthrough.

The two hundred and thirty miles of the sea of ​​vitality turned again, and the speed became faster and faster, and began to condense and condense inside.

The sea of ​​vitality compresses and condenses at a speed that is visible to the naked eye.

The light of Yuanli has also become denser and brighter.

Two hundred miles!

One hundred and ninety miles!

Soon, the sea of ​​vitality was compressed to within a hundred miles and continued to compress.

In the end, the sea of ​​vitality was compressed into a sea of ​​vitality of ten miles, and the vitality was terrifying.

The compression ratio is twenty-three to one.

It's another record.

The Yuanli Sea Center condenses an extremely pure light, as if the sky sword is shot down in the air, the speed is extremely extreme, and the power is terrible.

Chen Zong in the Xuankong Tower couldn't move in an instant.

The light of Yuanli hit the top of the tower, and the Xuankong Tower seemed to tremble slightly, and immediately, the powerful force was dispersed throughout the tower body, and then, through the texture of the tower body, quickly spread to the center of the ninth floor and Out, poured into Chen Zong's body.

Da Xuan Yuan Jue turned madly, constantly absorbing the pure elemental force that poured into the body, and under the impact of this terrible force, the Nine Spirit Wheel gradually collapsed and broke down into the purest force. .

Immediately, located in the sea of ​​air, the broken spirit wheel power mixed with the pure elemental force that constantly poured into the body, once again condensed, gradually reduced to the outline of a vortex, and the absorption speed also increased instantly.


Chen Zong's breath gradually strengthened, becoming more and more powerful, spreading out, oppressing everything in all directions.

A new force emerges from the vortex. nt

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