Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 1: Sanctification

(After thousands of rounds of hardships, the little sister-in-law finally went to the holy place, and he celebrated with flowers. It is not too few to come to a few lords, not too many to a few supreme, hehehehe)

Transcendental Realm, Nether Spirit Wheel, One Heavy One Spirit Wheel, Nine Heavy Nine Spirit Wheel.

But going to the holy realm is different.

To break through the transcendental realm to enter the holy realm, you need to first break the nine spiritual chakras, turn them into pure power, reintegrate them with holy skills, and turn them into holy spins.

Entering the sacred place is one sacred circle, and entering into the sacred place is two sacred circles, one innermost, one layer outside, and entering the sacred place is three sacred circles, one layer is innermost. One floor is centered and the other is the outermost.

By analogy, entering the sacred realm is the nine sacred rites, from the inside out.

Holy Scroll, located in the sea of ​​energy.

In Chen Zong's air, a sacred spin, almost cloud-white, is constantly rotating. Cloud-white is the relationship between Da Xuan Yuan Jue.

If the practice of the fire system is practiced, then the sacred melody that is condensed is often dominated by red.

Da Xuan Yuan Jue belongs to the middle class of mediocrity, so the holy mantra condensed is more common than other holy class meditation, of course, if it is inferior, middle, and top Compared to the exercises, they are bigger and more solid.

The size of the chant is related to the level of the exercises.

The condensed degree of the sacred spin is related to the level of the exercises.

The sea of ​​Yuanli is transformed into the light of Yuanli from the sky, and from all directions, it continues to pour into Chen Zong's body, into the sacred circle.


Da Xuan Yuan Jue on the 16th floor!

For a moment, the sacred melody in Qihai became more solid.

Chen Zong's cultivation is constantly improved.

The first stage of the Holy Land!

Entering the holy realm in the middle and heavy!

The first stage of the Holy Land!

The peak of the Holy Land!

One limit to enter the holy realm!

The Holy Rotate rotates at a high speed, absorbing the pure and pure elemental force gradually, and gradually, the shadow of the second Holy Rotate condenses outside the first.

The second stage of the Holy Land!

Immediately, the shadow of the second sacred continually solidified, and the cultivation also continued to improve.

Into the middle of the holy realm!

When Chen Zongxiu reached the middle stage of the sacred realm, the pure and pure power of the Sea of ​​Yuanli completely disappeared and was absorbed by Chen Zong. At the same time, the silent heart's seal trembled again, releasing a light There is a faint silhouette, as if walking from nothing.


In the Xuankong Tower, Chen Zong runs the big Xuanyuan tactics over and over again, continually consolidating the cultivation just broken.

From the semi-holy limit, breaking through to the middle stage of entering the holy realm at once is tantamount to breaking through a large realm and many small realms. Chen Zong needs time to adapt to this new power.

On the sixteenth floor, the mysterious power of the Grand Xuan Yuan Jue is pure and majestic and powerful.

"The sea of ​​vitality is two hundred and thirty miles, with a compression ratio of twenty-three to one, and it is repaired to break into the middle of the sacred realm ..." Everyone sucked in air-conditioning.

Each one broke the latest record created by Chu Zhongyang and reached a brand new record.

When Chen Zong was rehabilitated and stepped out of the Xuankong Tower, all eyes fell on him. Those eyes were full of shock and envy, as if to overwhelm Chen Zong.

Facing this, Chen Zong calmly.

In order to break through to the sanctuary, Xiu not only began to reincarnate his body, but also experienced a metamorphosis with his mind. He is slowly improving and can face everything better.

However, these changes, Chen Zong has not had time to properly organize and feel.

Now, I plan to return to the temple of the disciples of the Xuanyuan Palace, retreat for a period of time, properly organize, adapt to the realm and practice after the breakthrough and everything.

During this time, it is very important, because Xiuwei and the realm have just ushered in a major breakthrough, and they have also been affected from the physical and mental level, and began to improve rapidly.

This stage is the time when the whole person's potential is the most active, and it is also the time when it is easiest to improve after the breakthrough. In this stage, the individual's strength will be significantly improved, which is very important.

Both the Xuantian Army and Zhen Yuanwei have worked hard and must recruit Chen Zong, but they did not directly find Chen Zong, but sent their respective conditions to Chen Zong.

There is no doubt that the main competitiveness is the Xuantian Army's God Xuan Army and Zhen Yuanwei's Zero Guard. Both of them have very high conditions and are very attractive.

However, Chen Zong has already been biased, so he didn't hesitate too much and responded quickly.

Divine Army!

As soon as he made a choice, Chen Zong closed the door immediately, and time was tight and he couldn't afford to waste it.

If we say that building a basement is the starting point for ordinary people to master their power, then building a basement to an extraordinary state is to elevate themselves, to master the power beyond ordinary, and to truly surpass ordinary people.

The transcendence to the sanctification is the transformation of the real level of life, a transformation from the body to the soul.

There is a period when the potential of the whole person will be in an active period when the breakthrough from building the foundation to the extraordinary state.

Then when there is a breakthrough from the transcendental realm to the sanctuary, there is also a period of time, the potential of the whole person will be in an active period, and it will be stronger than when entering the transcendental realm.

Of course, the length of this period is closely related to the individual.

Generally speaking, the higher the potential, the longer it will last.

That Xu Mubai and Chu Zhongyang did not know the news of Chen Zong's breakthrough precisely because they were in retreat.

Chen Zong's retreat seemed calm, but in fact it was not. The outside world has already turned the sky because of the record created by Chen Zong.

It was learned that when Chen Zong's breakthrough vision was better than Chu Zhongyang's, the first reaction was to disbelieve and think he had heard it wrong.

But after it was confirmed, it still felt unbelievable, and even some people who took Chu Zhongyang as an object of worship felt unacceptable.

Chu Zhongyang, that was the first day of the young generation of the Xuanyuan Dynasty. How could anyone be better than him.

Besides, it was a person coming from a remote place.

Believe or disbelieve, the facts will not change as a result.

The news of Chen Zong's choice of the Xuan Army was also distributed, making Zhenyuan Wei and even the Zero Guard extremely sorry. These peerless arrogance, the future achievements are absolutely high. Unfortunately, instead of choosing the Zero Guard, they chose God Xuan Jun.

This is already the third peerless Tianjiao who recently chose the Divine Army.

If there is no order from the king, even if tied, Chen Zong will be tied back to the Zero Guard.

Regardless of the outside world, Chen Zong has been renovating in the disciples' hall, developing his potential and turning it into strength.


The transformation of the body, the transformation of the soul, the leap of life.

It's as if going from low to high.

Silent and silent, undisturbed, Chen Zong fully focused and realized his own transformation.

The transformation from the body to the transformation of the soul is very wonderful.

Taking this opportunity, Chen Zong also began to enlighten.

Cultivation is temporarily put down, because the active potential is not mainly reflected in cultivation. If this period of time is used to improve the practice, it is also possible, and one's cultivation will definitely be improved.

But relatively speaking, it will be a bit wasteful.

Therefore, Chen Zong will use this opportunity to understand the meaning of half-walk.




Time passes without knowing it.

In a blink of an eye, a month passed.

The Tianjiao who broke through before are still in retreat, and afterwards, many Tianjiao have also been stimulated to make breakthroughs. After the breakthrough, they are closed immediately.

For a month!

Another month!

Years have passed, half a year has passed, and the retiring Tianjiao people have also gone out of the customs, and they have been completely consolidated, and their breath has completely changed.


"Xu Mubai even broke the record, condensing the sea of ​​two hundred and ten miles of strength?"

"It is indeed Chu Zhongyang. On the first day of the Xuanyuan Dynasty, Xu Mubai could not compare with it."

"What! Chu Zhongyang's record is broken."

"Chen Zong, it turned out to be him."

The arrogance of the Tianjiao who went out of the customs couldn't be increased.

First, the news of Xu Mubai, then the news of Chu Zhongyang, and finally the news of Chen Zong.

It felt like they were violently hitting their minds, and the feeling of exceeding the upper limit again and again was very uncomfortable.

When Xu Mubai and Chu Zhongyang successively left the customs, they learned the news, and the first reaction was incredible.

Xu Mubai and Chen Zong were unfamiliar, but knew that Chen Zong came from Xuanming Realm together with him. This person was inconspicuous from the beginning, and the subsequent performance was unexpected again and again.

The biggest surprise was not expected, but here it is.

He even broke his own record and that of Chu Zhongyang.

"It's really funny." A smile appeared on Xu Mubai's face, and the bottom of his eyes was dark, and there seemed to be a flash of pure white.

He was not jealous because Chen Zong broke his record and performed better than him, instead he aroused a stronger spirit of fighting.

After learning about Chu Zhongyang, his performance was different from that of Xu Mubai, and his brows frowned into a Sichuan shape.

He was proud of the first day of the Xuanyuan Dynasty ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ This honor and title has been on his own for many years, and it has already become a fact, as if he is a **** of heaven.

Chu Zhongyang also thinks from the bottom of his heart that the younger generation can't compare with himself, even the many older generations can't compare with themselves in terms of talent.

One day, he will surely be able to surpass everything, and his achievements will be supreme, and no one can compare with himself.

On the surface, Chu Zhongyang does not seem to care about others, but in fact, he is blind-minded and does not look down on other people. Therefore, he is not accounted for because no one can threaten his position.

But now it's different. Someone broke his own record. No matter what the person broke his own record, it affected his status.

"Chen Zong!" Chu Zhongyang groaned. He vaguely remembered that in the Xuanyuan Jihad, he just slapped the opponent with one finger.

But now, the other party surpassed himself on the breakthrough in the sacred realm, surprised, and not allowed.

Now, there are even more rumors that Chen Zong was the first day of the real Yuan Dynasty. How could that be.

Chu Zhongyang's eyebrows stretched, his complexion looked, his eyes looked more and more empty, ignoring everything, as if encompassing everything.

The words "Chen Zong!" Rang from Chu Zhongyang's mouth again, and the sensible tone echoed in the hall, endlessly.

The Tianjiao who broke through this time, some chose to join the Xuantian Legion, and some chose to join Zhenyuanwei, each performing his own duties.

Now, when I go out of the customs, I have to go to the Xuantian Army and Zhen Yuanwei to report and start to officially become one of them, contributing a part of the stability and prosperity of the Xuanyuan Dynasty.

Chen Zong's cultivation and enlightenment are also gradually approaching the end and are about to leave. nt

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