Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 5: Breakthrough in holy grave

All ages roared and moved in shock.

A huge Yuanli light group on Chu Zhongyang's hands suddenly turned into a meteorite bombardment, the explosion of the void, and the terrible breath directly hit Chen Zong, and he wanted to suppress it.

All the vitality of heaven and earth in all directions was surrendered and merged into it. Between the rewinds, a vacuum zone seemed to form. Numerous airstreams poured in from a distance, driving everything within hundreds of meters of the circle, towards the meteorites Rushed away.

It's like hitting your own head, seeking your own way.

Chen Zong's expression was calm, he aroused his whole body strength, and urged it to the extreme. There was an unreserved eruption, because retaining now means being bombarded and dying.

A sword with all his strength, instantly killed, Sen Luo Jian prison came.

"Should shake the tree." Chu Zhongyang's eyes were dazzling, and he stared straight down, high above him, like a king.

Chen Zong's face became more dignified. The power of this attack was too terrible to be countered, and he felt like he was against the world.

"Enough is enough." Suddenly, a majestic voice sounded from between heaven and earth, in all directions.

Immediately, I saw the horrible Yuanliguang group break down and fall apart.

This battle, disappear.

Chu Zhongyang fell from the air, his brows were locked, staring at a certain place in the void, his eyes flashed with Canggu Shenguang, the Shenguang was restrained, he looked at Chen Zong coldly, and turned away.

Now that it has been disturbed, it is no longer possible to continue fighting, and can only find another opportunity.

However, on the surface, the battle has not yet been separated, but in fact Chu Zhongyang is very clear that he has completely gained the upper hand, especially in the last move. If no one intervenes, Chen Zong is not dead now, and he will be badly hit.

That blow, but Xuan Wang ’s shocking move of Xun Wang ’s trick, he was only preliminary training.

For the first time, I didn't expect that the power would be so strong. The feeling that commanding me to be king is really wonderful. I am like a king in the world.

When Chu Zhongyang left, Chen Zong converged to his strength. A large number of cracks appeared on Shen Jin's sword, spreading quickly, and then broken.

The battle of the genius was too heavy, and Jin Jin and Shen Yuejian could not bear it at all.

It seems that he must go to the holy grave as soon as possible to pick a holy warrior sword.

"The mystery of Xuanyuan's shocking world is the first practice in the world." Min Ze came over and said, "As far as I know, there is no one practice that can be compared with it."

"Why is this?" Chen Zong couldn't help asking.

"The sacred power cultivated by Xuan Wang Jing Shi Jue is stronger than that of Da Xuan Yuan Jue, but it is also stronger. The sacred power cultivated by some top sage-level superb skills is no worse than that." Min Ze Xu Xubuji said, "But one of the characteristics of Xuan Wang's shocking tactics is to control the vitality of the world."

"Xuan Wang is the king. He commands and controls the vitality of heaven and earth for his own use, disguising other people's guidance to the vitality of heaven and earth."

"The Chu Zhongyang Xuan Wang Jing Shi Jue practiced only to the 17th floor, and the ability to command the vitality of the heavens and earth was not strong enough, but he has initially developed the Xuan Wang Jing Shi Jue ’s Secret Secret Xuan Wang Shock Attack. He directly ordered to control the vitality of the world within hundreds of meters, which was the only blow that hit him. "

Listening to Min Ze, Chen Zong suddenly realized.

It turns out that this is the only way to make myself feel unable to use the vitality of the heavens and the earth, and to make myself feel the enemy of the heavens and the earth.

Mysterious King's Shock!

It is indeed an overbearing exercise method. With this characteristic, it is no wonder that it will be listed as the first exercise method in the world.

Chen Zong couldn't help feeling a little bit, a powerful exercise method really made people stronger.

Da Xuan Yuan Jue is indeed very common, but for the time being, it is also the most brilliant practice that he can get, and he is practicing for the time being.

Under the leadership of Min Ze, he went outside the holy grave through the void gate.

"Entering this gate is the holy soldier grave, I am waiting for you outside." Min Ze pointed to the front and smiled at Chen Zong.

He is now arranged to become the fascinator of Chen Zong, familiarizing him with the Divine Xuan Army.

"Okay." Chen Zong nodded, striding forward as he stepped forward, as it was a dark door, as if it was leading to an abyss, exuding an indescribable mysterious and strange atmosphere.

But Chen Zong stepped into it without fear, his body disappeared, and he seemed to be engulfed.

Between light and darkness, Chen Zong appeared in the holy grave.

An air of desolation and vicissitudes permeated and stirred, like an undercurrent, rippling around Chen Zong's body.

Vaguely, Chen Zong also seemed to hear countless voices spreading in all directions, as if groaning and singing, as if Tie Ma Jin Ge.

Holy soldier grave!

This is the place of the burial soldiers left after the death of countless strong men of the Xuantian Army.

Here, there are broken and broken saints, as well as complete saints. No matter what type or grade, each saint is used by his master before his life. It is closely related to it. After his master died, he was sent here. They all carry the breath of their Lord before life, and even faith.

It is said that after many people entered here to get the holy warriors, they also received the inheritance from the holy warriors, such as some martial arts or secret methods, which were left by the holy warriors' former masters.

And being able to leave a mark in the holy soldiers to form a heritage, often strong in life.

Of course, such holy soldiers are often difficult to obtain.

Chen Zong didn't care too much. He came here only to select the holy soldier that suits himself, and he can really show his strength, and that's it.

In the transcendent realm, the spiritual power calls it spiritual knowledge, and when the cultivation is broken into the sanctuary, the realm is elevated, and the spiritual knowledge is transformed and transformed into divine thought.

The gap between divine thought and spiritual knowledge is like the gap between transcendental realm and sanctification.

The original spiritual knowledge of Chen Zong is far superior to the general spiritual knowledge, and has approached the divine mind indefinitely. Such a transformation and heightening are also far better than the general divine mind.

Divine thoughts were released, and in an instant, they rolled up a void storm-like attack in all directions. Chen Zong stepped forward at the same time and quickly walked into the holy grave.

There are fewer holy soldiers around the holy soldier grave, and most of them are broken. Under the cover of Chen Zong's thoughts, there is not much reaction.

Soon, Chen Zong went deep into the holy army grave, the atmosphere inside became more and more intense, the countless mix of evil spirits and murderous gas mixed shocks, extremely chaotic and irritable.

The masters of these holy soldiers are the strong men of the Xuantian Army. One does not know how many void demons have been killed, and the holy soldiers are naturally contaminated with many evil spirits and murderous spirits.

People who are not strong enough in their minds will be constantly shocked when they enter here, and even be mentally mad.

Therefore, in the past, the sergeants in the early days of the Holy Land were not qualified to enter here, at least in the middle of the Holy Land, and they should not go too far.

The reason why the Lord of the Sacred Army agreed that Chen Zong was now entering the holy army grave is that Chen Zong was the arrogant heavenly pride of his generation and had enough will to resist.

Although this will impact the mind and will, it is also a kind of sharpening.

Going deeper into it, Chen Zong felt that the impact he received was getting stronger and stronger, seemingly innumerable illusions.

Vaguely, Chen Zong seemed to see countless battle scenes, see countless void demons rushing to see him, and see the broken limbs like mountains, blood flowing into the river.

But Chen Zong's mind and will was extremely firm and unshakable.

After all, the strength of Chen Zong ’s soul was comparable to the later stage of entering the sacred realm, but he was limited to cultivation and realized only part of his potential, but now he truly broke into the sacred realm and transformed from body to soul. Soul potential, and it has increased.

Today, Chen Zong dare to assert that the strength of the soul of the strongest in the sacred realm is estimated to be similar to himself.

With such a powerful soul power, these evil spirits and murderous intentions are now mixed and difficult to shake, and of course, it is difficult to play a sharpening role.

However, it is not useless.

For a moment, Chen Zong let off his defense, and even actively absorbed the evil spirits and murderous energies, rushing from all directions and rushed into Chen Zong's body one after another, rich and extreme, as if forming a giant cocoon.

With countless evil spirits and murderous energies in the body, Chen Zong fully withstood his arrogant physique. Shura in the sea knows Chen Xiu. He works at full power and absorbs quickly.

Chen Zong didn't expect that he just came to the holy soldier grave to find a suitable holy soldier, but he would have another gain.

Normally, Shura worked hard to practice as a clone, but unfortunately, because of lack of sufficient relationship, the progress is slow, and now, it is only ascending to the peak of entering the holy realm.

Burning Shura Gong practiced for a long time ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It was only practiced to the 17th floor.

Everything is because there is not a good enough cultivation environment, even if Shura's clone is good, it is difficult to reverse.

A clever woman can't cook without rice!

No matter how talented Shura's talent is, it can't be turned out of thin air. Therefore, only by absorbing the vitality of heaven and earth, the speed of cultivation is limited.

Of course, if the practice of burning Shashugong is not dominated by shaki, but the strength of heaven and earth, then the cultivation of Shura's avatar is at least a dual entry into the sanctuary, and it is possible to enter a triple.

After countless years of accumulation, the evil spirit and strong murderous spirit in the holy soldier grave have become extremely rich. Those who entered here in the past only resisted, not absorbed the refinement, and everything seemed to be left to Chen Zong's arrival.

Shura's clones continuously absorb evil spirits and murderous spirits, and continue to refine, and the whole body begins to improve and break through.

The second stage of the Holy Land!

But this is just the beginning.

Not long after, Xiul's avatar broke through again, entering the second middle stage of the sacred realm, and then the second late stage of the sacred realm.

The evil spirit and murderous spirit in the holy army grave seem majestic, but some are mixed and need to be refined to absorb, but a lot, enough to absorb for a while.

Chen Zong didn't waste time either, and his thoughts swept away, slowly searching for the holy soldier who was suitable for himself.

Enter the double peak of the Holy Land!

The repair of Shura's avatar is astonishing, once again surpasses the deity, and continues to improve.

The double limit of entering the holy realm!

At the same time as Xiu's ascension, Shao Shugong was also ascended.

Eighteenth floor!

Burning Shura's holy power, the more pure and arrogant.

The sacred spin revolves wildly, accumulates continuously, draws a lot of evil spirits, trembles faintly, and breaks through again.

Three stages of entering the sanctuary! nt

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