Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 6: Wan Jian Screaming

Inside the holy army grave, it was so arrogant that it turned into a black vortex, and madly swept from all directions.

If he wasn't worried about his hidden means, Chen Zong would release Shura as his avatar, and if he absorbed it, the speed would only be faster.

Sanctuary of Sanctuary!

In the end, the repair of Shura's avatar was stopped. This is the limit that can be reached at present. Of course, it is not impossible to continue to break through, it will only cause instability.

Although the repair can't continue to improve, it can continue to absorb the evil spirit here, store it after refining, and use it for future breakthroughs.

As time passed, most of the evil spirits in this holy grave were absorbed, and Chen Zong felt that the light here seemed a bit brighter and less depressed.

Next, you can look for the right holy soldier with all your heart.

Suddenly, Chen Zong's eyes lit up and he saw a large area of ​​sword forest in front of him.

It was a sword forest formed by the insertion of many swords on the ground. At a glance, there were tens of thousands of mouths. Every sword was filled with amazing sharpness.

Chen Zong stepped into the sword forest, as if surrounded by Wan Jian, placed in it, and felt countless sharp cuts, as if to pierce his body.

The owners of these swords have beheaded and killed a lot of void demons. These swords have been contaminated with countless void demons and blood, and have bred countless killers. Under the impact, it seems that they will cut Chen Zong into pieces.

Chen Zong's eyes flashed with brilliance. Suddenly, an astonishing sharp edge broke out, shocking the world.

Kendo meaning!

Even if it is just a turn, as a high-level kendo, it also has amazing power.

For a moment, it seemed to feel the breath of the heart and sword, and the swords in the sword forest all made sword sounds, trembling and echoing endlessly.

Heart Kendo is a high-order Taoist meaning, the sharp edge of which is natural, and it will naturally resonate with the sword.

Chen Zong felt it carefully and felt that those swords had the strongest resonance with their own swordsmanship, so as to choose the sword that suits them best.

Close your eyes and perceive carefully that each sword is trembling, but the tremor is strong and weak.

But the strength of the tremor has nothing to do with the strength of the sword itself.

Some swords are breathtaking and terrifying, and some are more general.

Chen Zong excluded one by one.

The Shura avatar is within the knowledge of the sea, consolidating leaps and bounds, and will continue to absorb breakthroughs after it is fully consolidated.

In the end, only the three long swords resonated with the heart and sword, and Chen Zong chose it.

One is a thin sword, the blade is very thin, as thin as the little finger. Such a sword can only pierce, which is not in line with Chen Zong's kendo.

A sword with a width of **** and a half width and a length of three feet eight. The blade is red as fire, and it seems that there are countless fire currents and magma flowing.

The last sword was an epee.

Chen Zong has refining body. It is reasonable to say that he should choose the epee, but at this moment, Chen Zong hesitated.

Because, from the perspective of the heart sword and Taoism and the heart, the second sword is the strongest, more intense than the other two.

Although it is only a slight difference, it also shows that the second sword is the most suitable sword.

Chen Zong couldn't help thinking.

Immediately, Chen Zong smiled bitterly, secretly he couldn't understand and didn't think through.

You should take your own mind first and everything else second.

What's more, in your mind, you are free.

In his heart, without hesitation, Chen Zong reached out and grabbed the red sword.

Starting with the sword, the arguing and shocking world, a hot front spurted out, as if a volcano erupted, and **** came.

At the same time, an imaginary idea also spread into Chen Zong's Shenhai.

The so-called Shenhai is the transformation of the sea of ​​knowledge, carrying the divine thoughts, so it is the Shenhai.

"The Red Prison Flowing Flame Sword, the fifth grade holy weapon." Chen Zong said to himself.

That message was exactly the message that the sword itself passed to Chen Zong.

The Holy Artifact already possesses stronger spirituality. Although there is no wisdom, some basic abilities are mastered.

From the time of forging, what name is given to it is branded in it.

The five-grade sacred artifact is not an ordinary five-grade sacred artifact, it is an elite five-grade sacred artifact, and its power is comparable to the genius-level sacred top five.

"As I am now repairing, the five-grade holy weapon is just right." Chen Zong secretly said.

The higher the level of the sacred artifact, the more powerful it is, but if it is insufficient to repair itself, it is difficult to control.

Appropriate is the most important.

When the holy soldiers got their hands, the next step was to go back and refine them and master them thoroughly, so that they could fit themselves and truly exert their power and strength.

go away.

Chen Zong left the holy army grave and appeared outside.

"Chen Zong, how is it? Can you pick a satisfactory soldier?" Min Ze asked immediately.

Chen Zong nodded.

Next, under the leadership of Min Ze, Chen Zong went to an independent small camp.

The Xuantian Legion is a cultivator legion, different from the legions of ordinary nations.

The legions of ordinary nations and sergeants mostly live in collective camps, but practitioners are not suitable because they need to cultivate.

For cultivation, it is best not to be disturbed.

Therefore, a collective account is not suitable. Only an independent account can work. Of course, an independent account is just an environment, which is more general.

The advantage is that it will not be disturbed by the outside world and can cultivate well.

Of course, there are also practice rooms set up in military camps so that they will not be really disturbed by the outside world.

Chen Zong has a month, when he can practice well.

In addition, one should also make a choice as to which of the three units of the Divine Army.

War Department!


Kill the Ministry!

What Shen Xuanjunzhu said was very simple, so that Chen Zong didn't know enough, so he didn't make a choice directly, but after asking Min Ze, Chen Zong knew how to choose.

The main part of the war department is to become an army and fight against the demon of the void.

Miyabe main defense and assistance.

But in fact, all three can fight against the Void Demon, and did not say that the strength of the people in the war department is stronger than the people in the imperial department.

The difference lies only in the matrix method.

The War Department exercises a frontal battle formation, while the Imperial Department exercises a defensive formation, while the Kill Department exercises a purely aggressive formation.

Unlike the War Department and the Imperial Department, there are fewer people who kill the department, and each one is more sophisticated. In other words, if you do not want to apply for the department, you can enter the department.

Similarly, people who kill the ministry are more free.


This is what Chen Zong values.

Of course, this freedom is relatively free. After joining the army, you must abide by the relevant military regulations, but it is the most free to kill the department compared to other military forces.

After Chen Zong knew it, naturally he didn't hesitate and made a choice to join the killing department.

However, if Chen Zong chooses the war department or the royal department, then he can join directly. However, if the killing department is required, it needs to be assessed. The assessment is superimposed with the enlistment task one month later, which is more targeted.

However, after waiting a month for everything, this month is a month of Chen Zong's refinement.

Refining the five-level holy weapon Chi prison flow flame sword.

This sword has a strong response to the meaning of heart swordsmanship, so the refining process is very smooth, but in just one day, Chi Zong Liu Yan Sword was thoroughly refined by Chen Zong, which fully matched Chen Zong.

Immediately, the pictures one after another poured into Chen Zong's mind like streamers, and they were extremely clear.

The chaotic sky, covered with countless gray and black smoke, rolling billows, like the turbulent waves of the long river, endlessly, at a glance, shocked Chen Zong for no reason, from the heart.

The earth is vast, numerous fissures are scattered, dry and gray, like ruins, filled with indescribable ashes.

This is the battlefield!

A monster rushed ahead and Chen Zong could recognize that it was a void demon.

Above the ruin-like earth, a red figure stood still, as if the whole world, except for the Void Demon, was only him.

The red light was fiery, transparent and bright like the lava of Hellfire, and the whole person seemed to be turned into a ball of flames, burning, and was about to burn the world.

Through the fire, Chen Zong could see the red robe, red eyebrows and red hair on his body, and his long hair fluttered like flames.

His eyes burst into a fiery red glow, the sword in his hand rose, and one sword was killed.


Red and red light erupted into a long river like a flame erupting instantly, as if a volcano erupted, and the magma blasted out like a torrent.

Passing by the flame magma, the original cracked earth became more and more boring and blackened, and seemed to have been raged wildly by the fiery fire, hitting the demon in the void.

The Nether Demon's figure was struck by the flaming magma ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ at one instant.

But in an instant, the defensive power of the Void Demon was defeated and bombarded with an extremely violent attitude, and turned into a scorched corpse and flew apart.

Chen Zong couldn't help but hesitated, a sword that was so violent, it seemed to give up everything, completely violent, extreme violent.

Once the screen turned, it was under that battlefield, that person, or holding the long sword. Chen Zong recognized that it was the Wupin Holy Warrior Chi prison flow flame sword.

This person held the sword and waved it again. This sword was not the violent sword before, but a red sword light, a highly condensed red sword light, extremely fast, as if aurora shot through the sky. Killed out.

Almost at the moment of swinging the sword, the red sword light has penetrated the oncoming void demons from beginning to end.


Extremely fast!

Fast through everything!

The screen turned again, still the man, the sword, the battlefield, and the Void Demon killed.

The third picture!

The third sword!

A sword waved, a large group of flames surging, hitting the void demon, and instantly, as if pouring oil on the fire, the flame was burning fiercely on the body of the void demon. The terrible high temperature seemed to be about The void was incinerated into a vacuum.

But within a short period of three breaths, the powerful Void Demon was under the fire, turned into ashes, and died.

With that, the picture was broken and everything fell into darkness.

For a moment, as if a long time ago, Chen Zong was awake, and regained his gaze at the Red Prison Sword.

In my mind, the three pictures just appeared again, and Chen Zong also felt that if he wanted to, he could "see" those three pictures again. nt

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