Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 11: Blood and Fire (1)


Jianguang is red, like the aurora lightning running through the sky, the potential is like breaking bamboo, nothing is broken.

The murderous Void Demon was once again pierced through his body, and the terrible sword gas raged, tearing everything apart.

Fierce Void Demon ... Dead!

Chen Zong did not dig out the core of these void demons, because time is short, Chen Xiu has broken into the valley of evil spirits with the vanishing evil sword, and is now being intercepted by many void demons. He must rush to the support as soon as possible.

The deity and the avatar teamed up for the first time against the enemy.

The deity broke into the Valley of Magic, and walked away like a thunderbolt. A sword brought red light, and the fiery breath permeated in an instant.


This sword, the speed of the sword is astonishing, as if to break through time and space, running through the head of a void demon.

Tiansha force field!

The heavenly force field exhibited by Shu Xiu as Chen Xiu directly covers a kilometer circle, and includes many void demons.

In the holy army grave, Chen Xiu absorbed a lot of evil spirits. Xiu Xiu broke through to the late triple stage of entering the holy realm, absorbed and stored a large amount of evil spirits, and slowly refined. It broke through to the eighteenth floor and was extremely powerful.

Violent Burning of Shura Gong!

Violent Burning Shura Sword Technique!

Tiansha force field!

The nine magic changes!

When everything is combined, Chen Xiu ’s strength is strengthened. The Void-level Demons ca n’t stop any sword at all, and they die instantly. Only the Void-level Void Demons who are equal to the five tiers of the Holy Land can struggle. , But it's just three sword kills.

Chen Zong was also the first to know the strength of Chen Xiu.

Although this is your avatar and the soul is in common, there are some differences after all.

Shura's avatar, but an independent life, is the same as his own deity.

Today, Shura's strength is much stronger than that of Chen Zong.

Not only cultivation, but also exercises and levels, as well as the power of swordsmanship and Taoism.

Tiansha Taoism is a higher-order Taoism, and also realizes the second turn.

The power of the second round of heaven is more powerful than the first round.

In Mojing Valley, there are countless void demons living in various places. At this moment, it is like a shark smelling a **** scent, surrounded and killed from all directions.

Chen Zong and Chen Xiu were engulfed in heavy siege, but under the force of the sky, the demons of the void were also affected, their strength weakened a lot, and the strength of Chen Zong and Chen Xiu was enhanced in disguise.

And Chen Zong is in the Tiansha force field, but is not affected by the slightest, and he has the realm of heart. Therefore, the fierce soldier-level void demons cannot stop Chen Zongyi sword, even if it is a combat-level void demons, three swords can Fight.



As the sword kept coming out, Chiguang went through the air, the sword speed seemed to be getting faster and faster, and Chiguang became more and more condensed.



Chiguang's sword has achieved a remarkable achievement, with faster speed and stronger penetration.

Sure enough, this kind of life-death fighting and killing is the best way to improve.

Chen Zong really wanted to be immersed in this kind of battle, but he came here for the purpose of completing the task and picking a demon flower. Besides, if he continued to fight down, there would be more and more powerful void demons approaching, more unfavorable.

The deity and the avatars teamed up to kill countless people, and continued to penetrate the magic valley.

Suddenly, a violent breath slammed into the air, the ferocity was brutal to the extreme.

Heaven-level Void Demon!

This is a terrible void demon equivalent to the sixfold entry to the sanctuary, much more powerful than the ordinary sixfold entry to the sanctuary.

Suddenly, the two Heavenly Void Demons broke into the Tiansha force field directly, causing the Tiansha force field to fluctuate endlessly, as if the tide was surging and the tides were rising.

Chen Zong looked dignified.

This kind of void demons are not their opponents, even if they are in the field of Tiansha, the same is true, the gap is too large.

The gap into the sanctuary is more obvious than the gap between the semi-holy levels.

There is no fixed number of differences between the strengths of each entry into the sacred realm, which may be normal or very large, because cultivation is not the only standard of strength, and there are various aspects such as martial arts and Taoism.

In a truly powerful sanctuary, Taoism often occupies a large part of its strength.

The magic flower often grows in the depths of the magic valley, and it is more difficult to pick it, but since it is here, you cannot give up anyway.


Kill a blood path.

Chen Xiu took out his sword and blocked the two Void Demon Demons with his own strength. The deity swiftly moved forward and penetrated into the Magic Valley.

However, it's hard to do anything.

Void demons kept on killing, causing Chen Zong to fall into a hard battle.

The nine magic changes!

The body is changed into six, the true and false are unpredictable, avoid the void demons with one sword, and kill!

Blast inflammation breakthrough, Xiaocheng.

The Sword of Embers burns everything and turns to ashes.

Chen Zong's face was dignified, and his strength was constantly consumed, while the vitality of the heavens and earth on the empty battlefield was very chaotic and unfavorable for absorption.

During the battle, it is difficult to quickly refine and restore strength by taking elixir.

A sharp claw penetrated through the void, killing silently and reaching Chen Zong's back, and the speed of bursting out was extremely amazing.

The realm of the heart allowed Chen Zong to catch a wave of fluctuation and react quickly, but it was still slow. The protective force behind it was torn instantly, terrifyingly chilling and intruding into the body. .

Sudden pain hits the body, amazing power erodes into the body, making Chen Zong's look slightly changed.

Even though he is not weak, there are still occasions for neglect in the face of so many void demons.

The power of the Void Demon constantly invades Chen Zong's body, and the vandalism is the same. Chen Zong had to part out of his power to resist, and invisibly caused his strength to decline.

Chen Xiu killed with a sword across the air, and his sword was swarming. He would kill the void demons that hurt Chen Zong, and then penetrated them to kill other void demons and alleviate Chen Zong's crisis.

Use his own power to help Chen Zong's deity go forward and pick the magic flower.

The magic flower grows on a precipice, swaying in the wind, the whole body is black, and the surface is crystal clear. It looks like a mirror, just like a beautiful work of art, which has great collection value.

Countless chaotic vigor, constantly being swallowed by the magic flower.

This kind of chaotic energy is not a good medicine for the human race. On the contrary, it is harmful if it is absorbed more, and it will cause its own strength to become chaotic and impure. Must breathe like air.

Through the gap between the figures of the demon in the void, Chen Zong saw the magic flower, his eyes suddenly flashed.

The nine magic changes!

Thunder is absolutely dusty!

The two statures are cast alternately at once, and they rush forward.

Chen Xiu also gave up the two Void-level Void Demons, defended his deity, and intercepted the Void-Velocity's attacks.

The magic flower is just around the corner.

A sword is swept out of the air, and a magic flower is directly excavated, which is included in the ring.

The Void Demon went mad in an instant and exploded.

The demon flowers are the holy medicine of the void, which has a great effect on the demon of the void. One of the purposes of keeping the demon valley is for these demon flowers.

After the demon flowers are matured, they are picked and returned to the Nether Demon Legion.

But now, this batch of magic flower is also mature, waiting to be picked up and sent away, even picked up by a human race.

Although for a few hundred magic flowers, one is nothing at all, but it is face.

To many vanity demons, the human race is actually only a weak race. If they are willing, the army will come directly to level up the vanity battlefield and kill countless.

It is only because there are too many worlds to conquer, and their respective forces are scattered, that is why they are so deadlocked.

Chen Zong was not excited when the magic flower was in hand, because the magic flower was in hand, and the mission really started. You must get out and leave the magic valley to return to Xuantian War Fort to hand in the magic flower. task.

However, he picked a demon flower, completely angered the Nether Demon, and rushed away, just like a frenzy.

Chen Xiu fully broke out, regardless of the consumption of his own strength, because Chen Xiu was a avatar, his strength was stronger, and he could withstand more attacks.

Moreover, even if Chen Xiu is wounded, he can use the stored evil spirits to recover. Moreover, Chen Xiu's power consumption can also refine a large amount of stored evil spirits to recover. This is incomparable to this deity.

What's more, if you continuously kill the demon in the void, the evil spirit will continue to accumulate and be absorbed by Chen Xiu. Invisibly, gradually improve Chen Xiu's cultivation.




The fierce battle is endless, just to kill the siege.

The Nether Demon is frantic and violent, killing madly, Chen Zong looks extremely dignified and consumes most of his strength.

"Too weak, my strength is still too weak ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Chen Zong secretly said.

If it wasn't for the card of Shura's avatar, I'm afraid that I can't even enter the Magic Valley, and I can't complete the task at all.

Fortunately, there was Shura as a resident, otherwise, it would be difficult for him to become a member of the killing department.

Is it really so difficult to evaluate the killing department of the God Xuan Army?

No, it should be difficult for himself. After all, Min Ze said that his task difficulty is half life and half death, not nine deaths.

I really value myself.

There were more wounds on his body, but Chen Zong looked colder, as if the pain in his wounds was fake.

The wound is naturally real, and the force that constantly invades the body is also true, but Chen Zong must bear it and must hold it back.

In a split second, Chen Xiu burst out of all his powers, killing with one sword, and raging away like a wild thunder, smashing more than a dozen void demons, opening a way for Chen Zong to escape.

Chen Zong took out the secret treasure, which was one of the five Taoist masters of Baiyun Mountain who gave himself a life-saving card. He could release the secret treasure with a six-strike full-strength in and out of the sanctuary instantly, covering a wide range.

Thrown behind him, fell into the void demons, and exploded in an instant. The terrible power was like a volcanic eruption, destroying everything and directly spreading within a kilometer.

The astonishing roar sounded as if it came from a distant sky, deafening, Chen Zong only felt a terrible force, with all the waves that destroyed it, like a violent shock.

That power can completely destroy all your defenses and destroy your body.



Rush Rush!

Chen Zong broke out with all the power, and also seized the wave of shock of the terrorist force behind him, making himself faster and turned into a thunderbolt and quickly rushed out of the Valley of Magic. nt

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