Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 9: 9 dead 1 life

Xuantian War Fortress, such as the hive ant nest, is intricate and complicated. Without Min Ze to lead the way, Chen Zong is sure to be 100% lost in it, and ultimately does not know where to go.

According to Min Ze, there are many Jedi in the Xuantian War Fortress. Once they enter it, they are trapped in some cases and killed in others.

While walking along with Min Ze's feet, Chen Zong used his strong memory to remember, but found that it was a bit confusing and easy to be confused. What he could remember in the end was very limited.

I can't help but sigh that the means of the predecessors of the Xuantian Army are superb and amazing.

Nine songs and eighteen turns, sometimes forward, but back, sometimes back, and forward, very deceptive.

Finally, Min Ze stopped in front of a heavy gate, which was black and covered with golden lines, burning like a golden flame.

Divine Army!

This is the mark of the God Xuan Army, here, it belongs to the station of the God Xuan Army in the Xuantian War Fortress.

After taking out the Order of Shen Xuan Army and verifying the identity, the left and right sides of the door were separated, allowing Min Ze and Chen Zong to step in.

First of all, it is a huge circle with no boundaries. Chen Zong estimates that it can accommodate tens of thousands of people at the same time without being crowded.

With rounded edges, there are three gates.

The gates are all black gold-lined flames, but with different markings.

The mark on a gate is the mark directed by the long knife, the door is marked with a shield, and the gate is marked with a dripping sword.

War Department!


Kill the Ministry!

Min Ze was the man who killed the ministry, and naturally took Chen Zong to the gate of the **** sword.

Token, verify, open.

Each token is closely related to his own life. When he dies, the token ruptures and cannot be used by others. Moreover, the tokens of the Xuantian Legion are cast in three different ways according to different levels.

If you want to crack the mystery, you can't do it unless you know the methods of refining.

That's too difficult, after all, there will be a lot of checks to prevent leakage.

In any link, only the corresponding person knows it, and no one else knows it. In this way, the mystery leakage is prevented to the greatest extent.

Stepping into the killing unit of the Shen Xuan Army, Chen Zong felt that if there was any trace of killing in the air, that killing was not directed at himself or Min Ze, nor was it aimed at anyone, but everywhere.

Chen Zong was also glanced away from each other, leaving Chen Zong subconsciously alert.

"You are not yet a person who kills the ministry. Only by passing the test of the ministry can you qualify for the ministry token." Min Ze told Chen Zong while leading the way.

Chen Zong nodded.

Finally, stepping deep into the killing department and meeting the killing department and killing the master.

Killing the master is the highest authority in killing the ministry and the first strongest in killing the ministry.

The killer's face was wearing a mask, black all over his body, covered with gold patterns like flames, and could not see his face clearly. All he could see was a pair of closed eyes.

He also wore a large black-lined gold-lined flame robe, which was completely invisible.




I don't know, it's very mysterious.

Standing in front of the killer, a hundred meters apart, Chen Zong felt unspeakable depression for no reason, as if in front of himself, not a person, but a blade of killing.

Suddenly, the closed eyes of the killer opened, and an indescribable brilliance burst out.

Chen Zong was terrified for a moment, feeling like he was pierced by those bright, extremely clear and extreme eyes.

There is no killing, but it also contains ancient killings, a strange sense of contradiction, making people even more thrilling.

"Whether you are a peerless genius or an ordinary genius, you must join the killing department and complete the task of entering the army first." A strange voice came out from under the mask of the killer, with a bit of metal vibrato, and it was impossible to tell the gender by sound Come.

With a wave of his hand, three cards with the gold-marked dripping sword blade on the black background flew out and stopped in front of Chen Zong.

"Three missions, nine deaths and one life, one of them can be completed." The strange metal sound of the killer sounded again.

Min Ze suddenly changed his face.

Nine dead a lifetime!

But he didn't speak because he was not allowed to speak here.

"Nine dead and one life?" Chen Zong groaned, not very clear what it means, but from these four words, he can feel something, the task is difficult, I am afraid it is not easy to complete.

His eyes swept away, Chen Zong didn't think too much. After all, three cards and three tasks are at the same level. Then, what the task is, I don't know what it is, just feel it.

Reaching out, Chen Zong grabbed the card on the right, and the other two cards flew back to kill the master.

"Complete the task, you are the one who kills the Ministry." The voice of the killer fell, and there was darkness all over him, plunged into darkness, and disappeared.

Min Ze left Chen Zong immediately.

Going outside, Min Ze was just panting, and then smiled bitterly: "I did not expect your mission to join the army, but it was a nine-death life class."

After waiting for Chen Zong to respond, Min Ze spoke again, as if to speak to himself: "Tasks are generally divided into four levels."

"Minimum, for the sake of life or death, as the name implies, it is a simple task. Generally, there will be no casualties unless it is an unexpected emergency."

"On top of life or death, it is half life and half death, which means that half of them may die, but such tasks are often more careful and less likely to die, but in most cases they will be injured."

"Above, it is the life of nine deaths. Such tasks will die a little carelessly, and the probability of death is very high."

Min Ze couldn't help but look at Chen Zong with a bitter smile again, never thinking that killing the master would give Chen Zong such a difficult task.

After all, Min Ze's mission when he entered the killing department was only half life and half death.

For ordinary military missions, there is no death.

In fact, on the battlefield in the void, even if there is a life or death task, there is no small danger. From this, one can imagine how amazing the task of a life of nine deaths is.

Now that the mission has been issued, it cannot be changed unless Chen Zong does not join the killing department.

But Chen Zong was never withdrawn.

If you have difficulties, go up against the current.

"What about the fourth-order task?" Chen Zong asked.

"Ten deaths and no life!" Min Ze spat out four words, each word was permeated with heavy weight, as if smashed by a sledgehammer, and heavy bombardment in Chen Zong's heart gave birth to one for no apparent reason. Rays of sadness.

"Ten deaths rarely occur, but every occurrence means that many people will die." Min Ze said after taking a deep breath.

In general, the task of nine deaths and a lifetime is the highest difficulty, because the task of ten deaths without life rarely occurs.

"Look at what your mission is." Min Ze shifted the subject.

Chen Zong took the card and looked up carefully.

The tasks are listed above.

"Pick a magic flower to the Magic Valley." Min Ze read it out, and his face changed quickly.

"Magic Valley!"

"Brother Min, where is Magic Valley?" Chen Zong couldn't help asking.

"Magic Valley is a dangerous place on the Void Battlefield." Min Ze replied: "The Void Battlefield is a collective name, and there are many dangerous places, and Magic Valley is one of them."

"And the dangerous places on the empty battlefield have also been divided into four levels by us, low intermediate and high and top."

Chen Zong listened carefully, because it was very important for him to complete the task.

"Void demons are different from our human race and appear more chaotic. After entering the void battlefield, if they do not start war with our human race, they will be distributed everywhere and become dangerous places."

The human race is actually at a disadvantage compared to the Nether Demon.

Because the demons of the void feel to the human race as if they are endless, as long as there is a need, they can continue to come from the universe.

However, it seems that because the Void Demon not only targets the Xuanyuan dynasty, the Void Demon that has arrived has always been limited.

If the Void Demon is compared to a huge army, then the Void Demon attacking the Xuantian War Fortress is only a small team among them. The others are naturally attacking other places.

For example, in the Heavenly Realm, there are nine realms. Xuanyuan realm is only one of the nine realms. In addition, there are eight realms, which are also used to resist the invasion of the void demons in other places in the void battlefield.

On the human race side, the strong are limited. If they fight against the void demons, there will inevitably be major casualties. Therefore, they often form a tug-of-war with the void demons and adopt conservative strategies.

As long as the Void Demon does not take the initiative to attack, the Xuantian Army will usually not make a big move. At most, it will be hunted with a minimum loss at a small scale ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ There are some dangerous places formed by the Void Demon The Void Gate was built by the Void Demon Strong. The purpose is naturally to make it easier for the Void Demon to reach the Void Battlefield.

Among the many dangerous areas, the Magic Valley is a medium-level dangerous area, with high-level dangerous areas and top-level dangerous areas, but the low-level dangerous areas are already dangerous for the early stage of the Holy Land, and the intermediate dangerous areas are also dangerous for the middle stage of the Holy Land, In the beginning, it was almost dead.

No wonder, Chen Zong's mission will be a level of nine deaths.

Of course, this is also relative. If this task is given to the strongest man in the sacred realm, it will not be a lifetime.

"According to military regulations, the task can only be done by you alone, I can't help you." Min Ze said.

Chen Zong nodded.

"However, you are not familiar with the Void Battlefield, so I can offer you a little help." Min Ze said again.

This helped Chen Zong to know the direction of the Magic Valley and how far away from the Xuantian War Fortress. In addition, Chen Zong also received a temporary Xuantian Army token, and there was more to the Magic Valley. Understanding, so that I can complete this nine-death task in a more planned way.

Then, Min Ze sent Chen Zong out of the Xuantian War Fortress and watched Chen Zong leave.

"Remember, you must come back alive." Min Ze whispered.

Chen Zong waved his hand, strode forward, and cast Lei Guang's absolute body method, the speed became faster and faster, and after a while, it turned into a Lei Guang disappeared in Min Ze's eyes.

The formation of Xuantian War Fortress is still in operation, and it is not affected by who's coming and who's leaving, just like the rising and falling of the four seasons.

After seeing Chen Zong's figure, Min Zefang turned and walked back to Xuantian War Fortress. nt

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