Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 15: Sword Out No Life (1)

Void battlefield, vast, barren, endless.

Ten silhouettes passed by at low altitude, as if passing through a hurricane, like a meteor running through the sky, like thunder marks.

These ten figures are members of the Third Division of the Seventh Brigade of the Blood Ling Division of the Divine Army of the Xuantian Army.

Captain Tianji and the team's snow sword, cold stun gun, flame demon, iron wall, disease shadow, eagle wing, red smoke, mang dragon, Wusheng sword.

After a month of running-in, Chen Zong's cooperation with the people was skilled and tacit. Now, Tianji has taken on a task and intends to further strengthen the running-in by way of task.

This task is not difficult, half a life and half dead, as long as you are careful enough, you can live.

Of course, in addition to its own factors, whether it is alive or not, there are external factors, and no one dares to guarantee it 100%.

The location of the mission this time, located 1,700 miles southeast of Xuantian War Fort, is a medium-level dangerous swallowing demon swamp.

As for the content of the mission, it is naturally related to the Void Holy Medicine.

There are two kinds of holy medicine in the swallowing marsh, one is called the demon bone and the other is the black devil tree fruit.

In the swallowing marsh, there are also a large number of void demons. They are stationed while managing the snake bones and the black devil tree fruit.

The mission level of Xuantian Army is always relative.

Like the task of nine dead and one life completed by Chen Zong before, if it is late in the sacred realm, it is not the level of nine dead and one life.

Similarly, if the task of picking the magic flower of the Magic Valley before was handed over to the entire team, it would naturally not be a level of nine deaths.

There is only one kind of task that is absolute, that is, the task of the level of ten deaths, no matter what kind of cultivation.

The second turn to the way of thunder and lightning means to implement the thunderbolt law of perfection, which makes Chen Zong's speed soar, faster than ever.

The ordinary fourfold limit for entering the sanctuary is not as fast as Chen Zongkui, which is enough to compare with the ordinary fivefold limit for entering the sanctuary.

However, the players in the third team, in addition to Chen Zong, had the lowest level and also entered the fifth stage of the Holy Land. They were not ordinary practitioners. Therefore, they could only suppress their own speed and be equal to Chen Zong.

To be honest, the kind of feeling of suppressing your own speed and not being able to run freely is very unpleasant, and Chen Zong can understand it. Therefore, only by constantly stimulating your own speed, you can go one step further.

One thousand seven hundred miles is not too far away for everyone, but it can be reached within a few hours.

"Swallowing the Demon Swamp is a medium-level dangerous place. According to information, there is an underworld-level Void Demon guarding it." Captain Tian Ji said as he led the team.

The lower level of the Void Demon is equivalent to the Seventh Level of the Holy Land, but it is much stronger than the Seventh Level of the Holy Land.

Tianji ’s cultivation is the seventh stage of the seventh stage of sanctuary, which is more powerful than the ordinary seventh stage of the seventh stage of sanctuary. However, he does not dare to underestimate the king-level void demons. If he accidentally, he may be killed.

What's more, there are more than one Void Demon in the Devouring Marsh, but there are many, hundreds or thousands, not to mention just a ten-man squad, even if more than a few squads enter it, they may be overwhelmed and be Kill.

Therefore, if you plan to act instead of rushing directly, it will not only be difficult to complete the task, but may be swallowed up.

Fifty miles from the swallowing swamp, the third team tried their best to condense their breath and reduce their speed, so as not to attract the attention of the void demons and attract a large number of void demons.

Eagle Wing had sharp eyes and stared away. He practiced pupillary technique, his eyesight was amazing, he could see far away, and he could see very subtle points, which Chen Zong could not compare with.

Each has its own strengths and cooperates with each other to achieve the maximum.

The wings of the eagle's eyes flickered endlessly, as if there was a touch of Guanghua swimming around the bottom of the eye like a spirit snake, gazing at everything in front of it, and analyzing and judging the vacant path of the vacant demons ahead.

Immediately, I saw the wing of the eagle taking off the strong black bow behind the whole body, and opened the arrow to open the bow, pulling it to the full string, like a full moon. Extremely sharp, it seems to penetrate everything.

But a sharp edge was also locked on the sharp arrow, there was no leakage, only the people at a close distance could perceive it.



Loose fingers!

Vaguely, Chen Zong seemed to hear a sharp sound, and the sharp arrow still turned into a stream of light that penetrated the sky and shot out instantly. He shot hundreds of meters in the blink of an eye and went to a void a few kilometers away. The demon kills.

The Void Demon is a fierce soldier, but he has no time to respond, and is directly penetrated by the sharp arrow. The sharp arrow enters the body but does not penetrate, but is stuck in the void demon, and the terrible power is blown from the arrow body. On, impacting the body of the Void Demon, strangling wantonly, killing the Void Demon in an instant.

A few tens of meters away, there were two other Nether Demon, and a change was discovered in an instant. However, another sharp arrow broke through the air and shot through the heads of the Nether Demon.

Two arrows kill three!

As soon as the Eagle wing shot, it showed amazing archery.

Chen Zong pays for himself. He once studied archery, but he rarely touched bows and arrows, mainly swords. However, the foundation of archery is still good, but there is a clear gap when compared with this eagle wing. Already.

It is simply impossible to kill three murderous Void Demons silently and silently without attracting the attention of other Void Demons.

Keep going.

Encountering the Nether Demon again, the Eagle Wing shot again. The arrows were not shot straight, but crossed an arc, hit the Nether Demon behind a dry tree, and shot and killed it.

At the same time, in another place, a shadow seemed to emerge from the void, silent, a dark blade that would not reflect the slightest rays of light across the air silently, also cut through the back of the void demon and hit the core of the heart .

The core of the Void Demon is not only a collection of strength, but also a weak point. Directly hit the core of the Void and use special techniques and strength to destroy the soul of the Void Demon and kill it directly.

That's a shadow.

The shadow is extremely fast and good at lurking. Like an assassin, he waits for opportunity and kills with one hit.

Everyone has his own outstanding ability.

Cooperated by the two people, Shadow Shadow and Eagle Wing, a lurking assassination and a long-range killing, the Nether Demon scattered outside the swallowing swamp keeps dying.

Fifty miles passed safely and reached the edge of the swallowing demon swamp, but here, the void demons became more and more. With the cooperation of the eagle wing and the shadow shadow, it was impossible to instantly kill a void demons.

It's time for the others.

Chen Zongxiu is the weakest with the lowest strength.

The snow knife came out of the sheath with a sharp blade of light, like a practise, and was shot through like a stream of skylight. It was extremely fast and cold.

The man and the sword are in one, is it cold and cold, and the snow is reflected in all directions and poles.

The black spear of the Hanming gun shook, and between the trembling of the gun body, there seemed to be a slight buzzing sound, turning into a beam of black light, running through the sky, like a sharp arrow, but with an indescribable overbearing.

The Yan Demon was shot down in the air, and the red stick was burning with a raging flame, which instantly engulfed a void demon.

The red smoke spread out like a piece of red smoke, spreading over the body of a void demon, and the void demon was covered with wounds and was treated like Ling Chi.

The iron wall shield was standing in front of it, blocking the Nether Demon's powerful blow, terrible power trembling and smashing, shattering the Void Demon's arm, pushing the shield forward, the force of the force was as if the mountains were slamming, and the Void Demon crashed dead.

Each show means, only the halberd Min Ze and Wu Zong Chen Zong never shot.

Chen Zong's eyes condensed, his radiance flickered endlessly.

In daily exercises, due to conditions, everyone will not come out with all their strength. After all, the exercises are only tacitly coordinated with training. However, when the outside world performs tasks, it is natural to use real means when facing strong enemies.

Chen Zong was surprised at the show.

Not all holiness can grasp the Word.

In the early days of many ordinary sanctifications, you never mastered the Tao at all, at most you only mastered the half-way Tao.

Chen Zong found that not only did everyone grasp the Tao, at least they also reached the second turn.

Even if it is a low-level Taoism, the power of the second turn is not weak. Besides, these players have reached a very high level of development of their Taoism potential, and each shot will fully demonstrate the power of Taoism. show out.

This is exactly what Chen Zong needs.

The effect of his strong perception and the power of the mysterious fruit and all kinds of backgrounds ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ When Chen Zong watched everyone ’s shots, he realized that countless auras of light emerged in his mind, like light flowing across the sky. .

However, within a short period of time, all the emptiness demons on the periphery were cleared by everyone, and they did not disturb the emptiness demons in the swamp.

To achieve this step, in addition to the outstanding strength of the crowd, there is also a close cooperation, otherwise it will only provoke more and more powerful void demons and fall into a hard battle.

Kill the demon and collect the core of the heart. This core of the demon contains power and can be exchanged for military merit, and military merit can not only increase the rank of the rank, but also exchange the merit and martial arts secrets in the Xuantian Army.

"The meaning of fire, I have three ways of red light, explosion, and embers, so I can tap the potential of the meaning of fire, and fully show the power of the meaning of fire." Chen Zong secretly thought.

"But the sword of mind, the meaning of thunder, and the meaning of wind lack sufficient martial arts."

As for the integration of morals and ideology, Chen Zong was temporarily put down. Only by fully tapping the potential and considering the integration can he be perfect.

Thousands of tall buildings rise flat!

The exploitation of Taoist potential is the foundation.

"The extreme heart sword style I created before can actually be used as a means of tapping the potential of the heart sword. The sharpness of the main sword is from the heart, runs through everything, breaks through all obstacles, and makes the sword reach the extreme speed." As soon as the thought rose, Chen Zong felt all kinds of mysterious sword-like mysteries in his mind, and gradually perfected.

Sword Power!

Sword's Profit!

Swords can sting, chop, and have amazing lethality.

The sword style of the heart is just one of the manifestations. It is the embodiment of the thorn. Then, perhaps you can create a few sword skills that can excavate the meaning of the heart and sword. nt

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