Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 16: Sword Out No Life (2)

Devouring swamps stretches for thousands of miles, and the surrounding trees are overwhelmed, while the Void Sacred Demon Snake Bone and the Black Devil Tree Fruit grow inside the swamp and are guarded by the Void Demons.

Ten people sneaked into the swamp quietly and did not attract the attention of the Nether Demon. This required sufficient patience and ability. In addition to personal abilities, it was also inseparable from the usual strict training.

Far away, Chen Zong saw the so-called devil bones and black devil tree fruit.

The shape of the devil snake's bone is long, like a piece of bone, creeping in place on the swamp ground. At first glance, it looks like a black snake is moving, very strange, so it is called devil bone.

The black devil tree fruit grows on the black devil tree, and the black devil tree is a kind of dark and low-lying tree. Countless branches are condensed and twisted, which looks very strange. Its shape can scare the timid person, like Li Ghost Demon.

At this point, it is no longer possible to hide himself completely as before. Without being found, he will kill the void demon who guards the demon snake bone and the black devil tree fruit.

A tough battle!

The usual training and Shen Xuan kill array can come in handy at this moment.

"No birth, remember, it's not a drill next," the captain Tianji reminded, a bit dignified.

Chen Zong nodded, without half contempt.

Everyone's eyes were sharp and arrogant, and they worked endlessly in the body.

"Hands on!" The captain Tianji's voice was cold and instantly passed into everyone's ears. The hidden breath burst out instantly, and the ten figures turned into ten streamers. They flew forward at an amazing speed.

This task is to obtain the devil bones and the black devil tree fruit. The larger the number, the more military power, so everyone must work hard to fight.

While the wing of the eagle wing was radiating, it opened its bow and arrow, and the sharp arrow broke through. It shot through the sun and the moon first, and immediately killed a void demon.

The Void Demon guarding two kinds of Void Holy Medicines are at least fierce soldiers, and there are many generals, which can be called strict guards.

This arrow directly shoots down a class of Void Demon.

But when the battle-level Void Demon died, the other Void Demon were also alarmed, and found that Chen Zong ten people were immediately furious and culled.

These void demons and the void demons that Chen Zong encountered in the Mojing Valley are different and more orderly, as if they have been rigorously trained. Although they came, they coordinated with each other in an orderly manner, and the pressure increased.

For a moment, the wings of the eagle opened their bows, and arrows ran through the sky.

The archery is amazing and powerful. Each arrow must kill a void demon. Just blinking, more than a dozen void demon are killed.

The hand-to-hand confrontation, shocked by the terrible fierce brutality.

Suddenly, ten people formed.

In each direction, Chen Zong only felt that his strength was being pulled at once, and his breath was also incorporated into the formation, becoming sharp, as if the sword opened, and could tear everything.

Murderous murderous killing spooky.

Killing 10%, it seems that there is a hint of silver and a trace of blood-red breath permeating in all directions, sometimes sweeping the air like a sword light and sometimes a sword gas.

"Kill!" Ten people drank all together, and the terrible killings skyrocketed, turning into a killing storm sweeping all directions.

Chen Zong also saw the skills of Captain Tianji.

A blood-colored halberd swept out suddenly, the crescent shape was as sharp as a sword, and it was extremely domineering. It was like cutting across the world, as if it swept through thousands of armies, and it directly cut off the two empty demons.

Then, the arm trembled, the strength fluctuated abruptly, and there was a faint sound of violent waves. The blow seemed to be like a dragon out of the sea, which brought the waves of waves, the hegemony, and the shock of amazing power seemed to smash everything.

The name of the sky halberd really deserves the name, Chen Zong secretly startled.

Under such a brutal blow, the three Void Demons were penetrated directly, and under the terrible power, the bodies of the three Void Demons were shattered away, as if thrown into the distance like a rag bag.

Manglong is a refiner. Refining is to achieve the sixth level of mixed heaven, which is equivalent to the sixth level of entering the sacred realm, but the arrogance of a battle force can completely crush the ordinary sixth level of entering the sanctuary.

His weapons are his body and fists.

Two fists blasted out, as the sky drums roared, the amazing fist smashed the vacuum, and smashed them, as if they could smash a mountain, directly blasting two void demons at the same time, their bodies were broken in half.


Very cruel!

Chen Zong can also feel that everyone is taking care of himself, and did not let the level-level Void Demon find himself, but he left a few soldier-level Void Demon to himself to deal with.

A sword ... across the sky, it was directly cut across, and several fierce soldier-level void demons were cut off directly.

For today's Chen Zong, fierce soldier-level void demons are not a threat unless the number is large enough.

Chen Zong did not use the sword method of fire, but tried to explore the potential of the sword.

Extremely heart-sword-style, focusing on the thorns of the heart and sword, to bring its sharpness to the extreme, but in addition to the thorns, you must cut and so on.

There are many ways to use the sword, but Chen Zong doesn't need all of them.

Offense is the best defense. Attack is also Chen Zong's favorite.


Vertical cut!

Cross cut!

Cut as you like!

Chop Chop!

Do everything!

Everyone also paid attention to Chen Zong's situation. After all, this was the first time Chen Zong came out to perform tasks with them, and no mistakes were allowed.

They suddenly discovered that Chen Zong performed better than expected, and this was a good teammate.

The head-to-head vanity demons killed Chen Zong intentionally.

Chen Zong's eyes flashed, a sword swept out.


The faith of slaying and the belief of severing and breaking into the sword are incorporated into the sword as much as possible. The pure holy power cultivated by the nineteenth-level Great Xuanyuan tactics pours into the sword of the Red Prison Flame, and the stream of light becomes a touch Amazingly sharp, killed in the air, leaving a straight sword mark.

Combat level Void Demon. If it was difficult for Chen Zong to kill it before, it would be good to be able to counter it, except with the power of Shura's avatar.

But now, the warlord-level vanity demons are nothing.

One sword can be killed.

This is both a task and a sword to sharpen oneself.

Suddenly, a touch of black mang radiated from a distance, it was as fast as streamer, running through everything, making everyone feel creepy, as if being penetrated, their faces changed.

The black mang came and was shot and was crushed by the captain Tianji, but I saw more black manes densely, like a torrential rain like a mad shot, like a locust crossing, wanting to destroy everyone kill.

The acquaintances immediately changed their position and quickly contracted into the interior. The eagle wing put a strong bow on its back, pulled out the short sword at the waist, and immediately began a sword that was impervious to wind and water.

Archery is the best at Eagle Wing, but archery is excellent. If you are close, you will inevitably be killed by hands and feet. Therefore, it is necessary to practice a martial art of close combat.

The close-kill martial arts chosen by Eagle Wing is a sword technique, and it also spends a lot of time on the sword technique to cultivate it to a very high level.

Chen Zong's eyes were frozen for a moment, and the realm of heart was immediately released.

100 meters!

The realm of the heart was only ten meters, but now it has surged to a hundred-meter square. Everything within a hundred meters is felt by Chen Zong, and it is extremely clear.

One hundred meters also completely covered the entire Shenxuan killing array. The dense black mansions flew across the locust swarm and flew without mercy.

Chen Zongyi sword waved, and immediately broke one black mang, only feeling that each black mang carried a terrible power, causing the sword body to tremble.

However, Chen Zong's swordsmanship is superb, and his control over his own power has reached a very subtle level. With the help of Heimang's power, he can operate the sword body more easily and break each heimang.

Although the power of Heimang is good, it is not much to everyone. The only thing worth noting is that Heimang is very dense and dense as if it is endless. It is a distant appearance like a black bear and The Void Demon of the Hedgehog Fusion constantly shakes his body, radiating from his back.

A wave of shots immediately gave birth to a wave of black spikes, which turned into black spikes and shot through the sky.

Amidst that stinging bear-like void demon, a demon-like upright void demon's eyes turned red and his face looked fiercely murderous. He was holding a black spiked spear and raised it suddenly. It's like using your body as a strong bow and the black spiked spear as a sharp arrow.

His scarlet eyes swept past, staring at the red smoke.

Red smoke is higher than Chen Zong, but it is the lowest compared to other people ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~.

It stands to reason that this vanity demon should target Chen Zongxuan as a target, but unfortunately, it instinctively felt that Chen Zong was not easy to deal with, and the human race like smoke was the easiest one to deal with.

With all his strength, the black awns strengthened and became denser in a flash. The black thorns thrown into the black awns pierced the sky and killed the red smoke.

This blow was very secretive, and everyone didn't find it. Only Red Smoke produced an unpleasant feeling by itself, and a strong sense of crisis was coming quickly, making Red Smoke's complexion suddenly change.

I was wearing a lower-level **** Xuan killing armor with defensive power of the third-grade holy weapon, coupled with my own strength protection, the four full-strength blows into the sanctuary could not be broken, but now I will feel a strong death Crisis, cold all over the body.

Suddenly, that black light appeared in front of the red smoke through countless black awns, and quickly bloomed.

Too fast!

Extremely cruel!

The whole life has a feeling of being penetrated, and it is inevitable.

Chen Zong is the second person to notice because of the coverage of the realm of the mind.

Today, the realm of the heart has become more stable, and I do n’t know how many times it needs to be stable. However, the moment when the black light broke into the realm of the heart, Chen Zong felt the fluctuation of the realm of the heart.

A very violent blow is also a terrible blow. I am afraid that the red smoke will be difficult to resist.

in danger!

Without hesitation, Chen Zong's body shape changed, and Lei Guang's absolute body method was applied to the extreme, turning into a thunder light flying out at the same time, at the same time, a sword broke.

Heart Sword Style!

Today, this sword has become the fastest sword of Chen Zong, and its power is also very powerful. After all, the heart sword Taoism is a high-order Taoism, and the strength at the second turn can be better than the three-turn low-level Taoism. . nt

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