Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 24: Fort

Inside the mysterious killing department, a huge formation is shrouded, and the formation is kept at a minimum consumption to save power.

Suddenly, a great burst of light burst into full force, and it turned into full force, sending out an astonishing roaring sound and endless fluctuations.

In the original large array, there was an empty piece of land with nothing, but under the power of the formation method, it quickly changed, as if the landform of the vicissitudes of the sea changes. It is very magical.

"I don't know what kind of terrain will appear this time?" A military general gazed at the constantly changing landscape and said curiously.

"Don't you know if you look at it?" The other general laughed.

Landforms change from slow to fast, and then from fast to slow. Some people have already guessed what kind of landforms will appear.

"It really is it." Suddenly, many people were surprised.

"Death and ruins!" There was also someone with a dignified tone.

"It turned out to be the ruins of death, the worst landform."

"It's fun now."

Changes in the power of the formation method will generate many types of terrain and landforms. Some terrains are naturally more ordinary, but some terrains are more special or dangerous.

Among the most dangerous landforms are death ruins.

The land is black, as if the color left after being burned by the fire, but also exudes a slight warmth, like a ruin.

The mountain also seemed to be burned by the fire, and the grass had no vitality.

Many of the trees that were still tenacious and did not turn into ashes under the fire, also became coke, towering, full of sadness and ashes.

Located at each end of the death ruins, each stands a small fortress. Four kilometers from the fortress, one side is black and the other is white.

The pillars have a thick waist, the top is a human-sized prism, emitting a dazzling light, shining in all directions, the light is common, forming a translucent black and white, as if a huge bowl buckle, tightening the fort Hold tight in it.

Located in the middle of the two fortresses, there is a dark forest, a gnarly roaring canyon, and a long river of lava flowing slowly. In addition, it is a bottomless abyss.

There are three roads leading to the fortress opposite.

"Heaven halberd, is 500,000 military achievements ready?" Ju Wu sneered again and again.

"Looks like you guys are ready." Tianji looked calmly and replied in a hurry.

"You can be proud now, take advantage of it now, and make good fantasies." Lei, the second strongest member of the Juwu team, sneered.

Chu Zhongyang's gaze fell on Chen Zong's face, and there was a sharp touch under his eyes.

Chen Zong is not afraid to look at him.

This battle is inevitable.

At this time, an indescribable breath appeared quietly, but it also attracted some people's attention.

I don't know when there will be more seats in the spectator seats around, the largest and often vacant seat at the highest position.

The iconic silver-gray mask and robe underline its identity.

Kill the Lord!

Everyone was frightened, and the killer appeared.

The master of the God Xuan killing department has unpredictable strength and unpredictable identity.

Many people in the God Xuan Killing Department have never seen a killer.

There have been many gambling battles in the past, but God will not appear to kill the Lord. This time, it has appeared, and it has to be surprising.

"It is said that Tianhen and Wusheng Sword have both been seen by the killer. Now the killer appears, is it because of the two of them?" Someone speculated.

This guess seems very close to the truth.

Naturally, killing comes mainly when you come. If you want to go, leave without explaining to others or explaining anything.

In any case, the significance of this bet is even more significant because of the killing of the Lord.

"The arrival of the killer is just right, let you see for yourself, my Chu Zhongyang is the first day of pride." Chu Zhongyang stared away and said secretly.

Under the stare of the killer, he beheaded Chen Zong to prove himself.

Otherwise, it is only because of a breakthrough that many people think that they are not as good as Chen Zong.

And the best way is to defeat Chen Zong in the eyes of everyone and let everyone know that he is stronger than Chen Zong. Previously, now, and later, it has always been unsurpassable.

In particular, it would be even more brilliant to defeat and kill Chen Zong in the presence of powerful leaders such as killing the Lord.

Observing Chu Zhongyang's idea of ​​killing, Chen Zong's look remained unchanged.

Chu Zhongyang's thought of defeating Chen Zong was not the case.

Then use this battle to decide the height.

"Both parties enter." A loud voice sounded, magnificent, and carried through the world.

Ju Wu smiled coldly at Tianji, and then, with his palms across his neck, wiped his neck, and then stepped out, he took his teammates into the formation, his body was wrapped in the formation power, at the same time, Tianji And the players also stepped into the formation, wrapped in the power of formation.

Chen Zong suddenly felt that a magnificent and magnificent power wrapped around his entire body, gradually condensing, forming an invisible film on the surface of his body.

What is the use of this layer of film, Chen Zong does not know.

The next breath, I just felt like traveling through time and space, and when I appeared again, I saw a whole white fortress.

The Celestial Squad, all turned into Daoguang, appeared in the White Fortress, while the Juwu Division turned into a Shine, appeared in the Black Fortress.

"This battle rule ends with breaking the opponent's fortress." The vigorous voice sounded again.

Breaking the opponent's fortress is considered a winning bet.

In this way, you must attack, take the initiative to attack, and break the opponent's fortress.

"Everyone has a mask that can counteract three deaths. When the mask disappears, it is eliminated."

"Killing one person once will capture one-third of the power of the mask, turning it into your own, increasing your number of deaths."

The words are simple, but everyone understands them.

Nothing more, in this gambling battle, the killer can kill the opponent, but because of the protection of the formation force, it will not really die.

Everyone has three chances to die. If they kill others, they can plunder others' chances of death, increase their chances of death, kill one, and increase once.

But if it is not artificial killing, but falling into the abyss and dying, then the chance of death will decrease, but others will not increase.

"In general, there are two ways," said a general.

"Yes, one way is to divide some people and drag all the other people's personnel, while another attack the fortress and break the fortress to win."

"The second type is killing, killing the opponent, and the fortress can be easily broken."

In general, the second is difficult to achieve.

Unless the strength of the two sides is too large, showing a crushed state, if that is the case, gambling will not happen.

Even if you do n’t know the strength gap before the gambling war, but at the beginning of the gambling war, you will know after a period of time, knowing that you are not your opponent, you will often take the initiative to give in to avoid stigma.

Gambling games are often evenly matched. Even if there is a gap, it is not so large, but because of this, it is often more exciting.

"The bet ... start!"

With this voice down, suddenly, a breath of Xiao Xiao permeated the battlefield of death and ruins, as if tragic.

"Captain, hit as we said?" A member of the Juwu team opened his mouth, faintly excited and stunned.

"Yes, kill!" Ju Wu also smiled indifferently, yelled, waved his hands, and immediately rushed out with a team member.

The Juwu team has already discussed the strategy, that is, all are dispatched, not left behind, the soldiers advance in three ways, take the initiative to attack, and kill all the people in the Tianji team, killing them to fear, and voluntarily admitting defeat.

If you don't admit defeat, kill all of them and break the fortress to win.

This method often kills the other person, leaving a psychological shadow. When they meet in the future, they will be afraid.

It must be said that the consequences are very serious.

"With my knowledge of Ju Wu, they will definitely choose to attack with all their strength in an attempt to kill them all." Tian Ji laughed sneerly.

"Then fight, see if we kill them, or if they kill us." The most hot-tempered Yanmao stormed.

"Battle!" At this moment, Snow Knife was horrified.

"That being the case, we split our troops in three ways." Tianji said.

There are three roads, each of which is different and requires someone, otherwise the other party will only drive straight into the fortress.

So how should ten people be allocated?

Celestial soon made a distribution.

Celestial halberd is the strongest, followed by Xuedao, Hanming Gun is third, and each of them is headed by a separate path.

Chen Zongxiu is the lowest ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ With the sky halberd, red smoke also follows the sky halberd, and in addition, it is the iron wall.

The four people, Sky Halberd, Fire Demon, Red Smoke, and No Sword, walk on one of the three lava fields.

Snowblade, Manglong, and Eagle Wing walk in Guiwai Gorge, one of the three ways.

One of the three dead forests of Hanming Gun, Shadow Shadow, and Iron Wall.

They negotiated at an alarming rate, and without hesitation, they set off immediately.

"This battle!"

"It must win!"

Everyone drank in unison, and the momentum was shaking.

The lava ground is darker and deeper in color, shocking, and the air is filled with extremely scorching hot air waves, as if invisible flames are burning, burning everything on the earth, all to be ashes.

The main focus of Snow Sword is the meaning of flying snow, cold snow, and the hotness of the lava ground. Therefore, if it is on the lava ground, the strength will inevitably be disturbed, and it will not be able to exert all the advantages.

Han Ming Gun's major is Taoism, which is a kind of gun meaning, but it is also cold and not suitable for playing in lava fields.

In this way, the four-man squad of Tian Ji is the most suitable here. After all, the philosophy they majored in does not conflict with the blazing heat here.

The Fire Devil has this title, also because he has a good relationship on the path of fire, the lava ground is extremely hot, such an environment is suitable for the play of the fire demon's strength.

The scorched ground is full of fissures. Through the fissures, you can see dazzling red light, which is the magma layer below the land.

In some places, the magma was directly exposed, standing still, glowing red, and shining in all directions, it looked amazing.

Entering here, all four felt the terrible blazing breath spreading, and continued to invade from all directions.

(End of this chapter)

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