Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 25: Chu Zhongyang

On the lava ground, the magma shines in all directions like the sun's rays. It is red and bright and dazzling, and it continues to permeate the amazing hot breath. The invisible hot breath permeates like a hot wind. It makes people feel dry and hot. Burning from the inside out.

But everyone is not an ordinary cultivator. Even in the sanctuary, they can be regarded as geniuses. They have resisted the influence of this hot atmosphere and stood still.

The body was passing by like the wind, running fast on the lava ground and quickly heading for the opposite.

Here, all were banned from air and unable to fly.

However, everyone can cast themselves, and the speed is not slow at all.

If you don't run into the opponent, you will drive straight ahead, attack the opponent's fortress directly, and break it to win.

But things are not so idealistic.

Four small black dots appeared on the opposite side, which quickly grew larger and approached.

Four members of the Juwu team.

Juwu, Yanshan, Chuanyun, Tianchen.

Ju Wu used a long-handled bronze tomahawk. It was very aggressive and amazing on his shoulders. He had a clear smile on his face, as if he had mastered all smiles. Halberd, everything you have is under my control. "

Juwu knew Tianji very well, and judged that Tianji would follow this path.

After all, who knows who is No. 1 and No. 2 in the Tianji team is clear.

It is estimated that Snow Knife and Hanming Gun can't fully exert their strength in the lava field, so only the halberd goes this way.

In addition, he is also accurate. Tianji will certainly bring Xiu, the weakest sword, and even four people in a group. These are all expected.

As for who the other two are, it's not easy to determine, but that's not important. What's important is that you can intercept the celestial halberds here and divide them into different levels.

"How about that." Tianji's expression did not change halfway. Juwu knew himself and would judge his choice. Then, in turn, why didn't he understand the other party and know that the other party would do so.

Everything is expected from each other.

Tianchen Chu Zhongyang gazed at Chen Zong, and in his eyes, a trace of murderous condensed rotation.

"Captain, I'm going to shoot." Yanshan roared, his weapon was very strong, and his weapon was a fiery red sword, filled with hot breath fluctuations, as if echoing the hot breath of this lava field.

Through the clouds, his eyes were extremely sharp, staring at the four of Chen Zong, one by one, there was a hunter's look at the prey. Like the eagle wing, he used a long bow as a weapon and superb archery.

"Heavenly, please accept failure." Ju Wu shouted, and immediately, the long-handed axe waved suddenly, the axe light seemed to split the sky into two, and that axe was chopped down, and it burst into an instant. Amazing power, like an axe breaking the ground, is about to kill the halberd.

On the outside, at best, it is consultation, and heavy hands are not allowed, otherwise it is a violation of military regulations.

But there is no such concern here. You can shoot without reserve and fight as you like, even if you kill the other party, it won't be dead, after all.

Suddenly when Ju Wu shot, Tian Ji also burst into power, a spear turned out of the air, turned abruptly, and brought out a hurricane-like violent power.

Hit hard!

Both of them are in the seventh stage of the sanctuary, all of the Taoism are medium-level Taoism, and they both realize the five revolutions, and when they make a shot, they are not terribly powerful, but they are also terrible and amazing.

The scorching heat around him was immediately stirred, rolled up a terrible storm, and raged away.

Everyone had to step back or they would be affected.

The collision was a collision between the halberd and the giant martial arts, and also the collision between the halberd and the battle axe. .

"Heaven's halberd, pick me another axe!" Ju Wu drank suddenly, sounding like a thunder, tumbling, and sound waves. Immediately, the giant axe burst into a terrifying light, simple and profound, and overbearing.


"What about a hundred axes!" Tianji smiled coldly, his voice pierced through the golden cracked stone, and his halberd was shot out of the air.

"Give me death." Yan Shan suddenly waved a heavy knife, and the red flames suddenly burned on the sword body, slashing in the air, as if killing the mountains and killing them directly.

The sword was red and more than ten meters long, and it seemed that the three people in front would be cut off and burned to ashes.

"It's you who are going to die!" The Enchanted Devil yelled, and his body was filled with astonishing blazing atmosphere fluctuations. It seemed to be burning, and he immediately waved out one hand, and the crimson palm prints continued to bombard.




Each palm print is condensed with a terrible fiery power, which can kill the mountains by blasting away.

Suddenly, hundreds of palm prints came out and smashed. After smashing a dozen meters of knife light, it turned into palm prints. The Changhe Pentium was endlessly hot and blasted to Yanshan and Chu Zhongyang.

Chuanyun had already used his body to back up, started with a strong bow, and pulled to full strings. The astonishing sharp arrow locked the Yanshan remotely.

The fingers passed through the cloud, the arrow turned into a touch of aurora piercing the sky, and everything was shot and killed, making Yanshan creepy and brow bursting. The whole person seemed to be penetrated, terrifying.

"Leave it to me." A voice wafted like a light smoke, and passed into Yan Shan's ears, let Yan Shan settle down.

It's red smoke, shot.

At one shot, the long whip danced like a dragon and snake, and the body was filled with red mist and rippling in all directions.

I saw that the long whip turned into countless silk threads, cascading out like layers of water, tangled like water waves rippled in all directions, so that the speed of the arrow that penetrated the world slowly dropped, and was hit by the flames.

Chuanyun immediately opened his bow and fired a second arrow.

Chu Zhongyang raised his hand and pointed it out. Suddenly, the fiery red fingers were highly condensed, emitting a dazzling ray of magma, and permeating with an incredibly hot atmosphere, which shot instantly, leaving Chen Zong's face dignified.

The last time I met was in the realm of the Xuan Yuan Dynasty. At that time, both sides had just broken into the sacred realm. At that time, the martial arts developed by Chu Zhongyang at the time were also self-contained martial arts.

But now this finger is not, but a finger of pure Taoism, because Chu Zhongyang also understands that at this stage, the development of Taoism should be the main focus, not the fusion of Taoism.

Only when the Taoism is continuously developed and truly mastered and applied freely, is it the right way.

Although it is not a fusion of Taoism and Taoism, it is only a pure Taoism, but the power of this finger is even more powerful. Moreover, the Taoism of Fire is not a low-level Taoism, but a medium-level Taoism. To the extent that the power is amazing.

In terms of the meaning of fire, although Chen Zong also reached four turns, but only low-level ideas, there is still a big gap in power.

Chen Zong didn't plan to have a long-term battle with Chu Zhongyang, and killed with one sword.

Heart Sword Style!

This is a sword with the meaning of three-turned swordsmanship. It is extremely fast. For example, the streamer breaks through the sky, a sword rises, and the heart is out of the heart. The speed of the sword is amazing.

This sword is extremely fast and extremely fast.

And its power is extremely cohesive.

Chu Zhongyang's finger was penetrated in an instant, and the sword was as powerful as a bamboo shoot to kill Chu Zhongyang, so that Chu Zhongyang's face changed greatly.

When it comes to cultivation, Chu Zhongyang is now in the fourth stage of entering the sacred realm, and is equal to Chen Zong. However, because of the cultivation practice, Chen Zong is inferior to Chu Zhongyang.

After all, Da Xuan Yuan Jue cannot be compared with Xuan Wang Jing Shi Jue.

But this sword gave Chu Zhongyang a creepy feeling, as if the whole person had to be penetrated.

The high-order Taoist intention Kendo reached three turns, and that power is even more terrifying.

"Zhenyang lore!" Chu Zhongyang held his five fingers in a low drink, and suddenly a ray of light lit up in the palm of his hand, like a small scorching sun, exuding amazing heat and high temperature.

The true sun!

This is a kind of Yang Taoism, it is a higher-order Taoism. Similarly, after enlightenment, the power is not inferior to the heart sword Taoism.


The baby's fist-sized Zhen Yang light burst out instantly, bursting into a very strong light, shining in all directions.

Chen Zong's body flickered, the magic Luo nine transformations, the eight figures staggered, it is difficult to distinguish between true and false, and it was close to Chu Zhongyang in an instant.


A sword under the meaning of the Four Turns of Fire, the speed of the sword is astonishing, and it bursts out like a red streamer. Vaguely, Chen Zong felt that the hot breath around him seemed to be drawn.

But now, in the battle for life and death, there is no time to feel enlightenment.

Compared with that day, Chu Zhongyang's strength has improved a lot, and Chen Zong's strength has also improved a lot.

Both of them are peerless Tianjiao ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ both are record-breakers, powerful and tenacious, and a fierce battle has begun.

Chen Zong practiced the basic ideology of martial arts such as the wind, the thunder, the sword, and the fire, and practiced them all to the end. At this moment, when they are brought into play, the power of each move is amazing. Alternate freely.

The wind has no shadow!

The speed of the sword is extremely fast and the sound is subtle, making it harder to detect.

Wind destroys the city!

Suddenly, the power erupted, as terrifying as a hurricane crossing the city.

Lightning Strike!

Each sword is used alternately, fast, strong, fierce, and accurate.

There are no flaws between the transfers.

Countless sword lights, red, cyan and purple blasted out, making Chu Zhongyang's look greatly changed.

Chu Zhongyang, as a contemporary peerless arrogant, naturally knows the importance of foundations. He also has the basic Taoism and Buddhism, as many as three, because there are three kinds of Taoism he has learned.

The true sun!

Hot fire meaning!

The strong wind says!

But Chen Zong actually realized four kinds of Taoism, which shocked Chu Zhongyang, but also had an unspeakable emotion.

In addition, the other four basic Taoism and martial arts of the other side are all cultivating to Dacheng, themselves, but they are one of them to Dacheng, and the other two are small.

At this point, Chen Zong was completely compared.

Not reconciled!

In the heart of Chu Zhongyang, a strong unwillingness emerged. He was the strongest Tianjiao in the world. No one can compare with himself. How can a lowly-born person be qualified to surpass himself.

That is impossible.

Heart fire was burning, Chu Zhongyang's eyes burst out with breathtaking breath, as if to penetrate the world. nt

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