Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 27: Ground fire

No raw sword style!

With the sword out, there is no death.

Jianguang is absolutely empty, and the intention of killing is stunned, shaking the world.

"A strong sword."

"Death and no life are indeed good swordsmanship."

One army will nod.

Swordsmanship is good, of course they can see it.

Under a sword, even though Chu Zhongyang broke out again, he was a little slower. The slightest opportunity was the distance between life and death.

Chu Zhongyang stunned his whole body, his expression flickered, and after a while his body mask flickered, it suddenly turned into a ray of light, and quickly flew away. At the same time, Chen Zong also had a flicker of light on his body.

In the white fort camp, red smoke reappeared, rushed out of the fort immediately, and rushed to the lava field at full speed.

Chu Zhongyang also reappeared in the Black Fortress camp, his face was cold, his eyes were killing.

Even if he was killed once, he was still killed by Chen Zong, who had no life sword. Even at the time, it was difficult for him to resist and evade, but it was a shame to be killed by the other party.

"Chen Zong, next, I will kill you!" Chu Zhongyang's eyes were like ghosts, and his tone was as cold as a knife.

Since she was born, she has had a good time. Among her peers, no one has been able to compete with herself, let alone hurt herself or even kill herself. Now, she was killed by someone from a small place.

Even if it is not true death, but you have used a chance of death, if you are in the real battle of life and death, you are already dead.


The terrible breath suddenly burst out of Chu Zhongyang's body, rising into the sky, as if to break the sky, and constantly strengthened.

Suddenly, the breath broke the limit and reached a new height.

Entering the sanctuary in the middle of the quadruple!

Under the anger and murder, Chu Zhongyang's Xiuwei made a breakthrough and promoted a small level.

Originally focusing on cultivation, Chu Zhongyang outperformed Chen Zong. Now, for making a breakthrough, cultivation has to win a lot.

The spectators suddenly showed an interesting look.

Chen Zong was able to kill Chu Zhongyang only because the red smoke blocked Chen Zong's shocking strike for Chen Zong, otherwise, under that blow, Chen Zong would use up a chance of death.

However, while the practitioner is alive and going all the way, the process is important, but the more important thing is the result.

Win and lose!

Life and death!

It's as simple as that, how about the process?

Is it on your own?

Or with the help of others?

That's not the most important thing. Being able to use the power of others or let others help you is also your own ability.

Of course, the best thing is to rely on yourself. After all, external forces are external forces and cannot be borrowed for a long time. Only your own strength is the most real and permanent.

Xiu Chu breaks through Chu Zhongyang to the middle of the fourth stage of entering the sacred realm. It is faster, passing by like a sun, and rushing to the lava field quickly.

In the lava field, the battle between Tianji and Juwu opened again, and it was extremely fierce.

Yan Shan waved his sword to kill Yan Yan, and Chuan Yun, who had killed Hongyan, opened his bow again and shot an arrow at Yan Yan.

As long as the flame demon is killed, the remaining inanimate sword can be quickly killed. At that time, he can also use the arrow to reinforce the captain of the giant martial arts and kill the sky halberd.

However, under the influence of Yan Mo's strength and full force, he also resisted the joint effort of Yan Shan and Chuan Yun.

As for Chen Zong, he seemed to be transformed into a sculpture. He stood motionless, his eyes gazed forward, and it was a magma lake. Because of the relationship between Xuan Wang's shock and shock, at this time, although he calmed down, there were numerous The bubbles popped up, bursting, releasing amazing hot breath fluctuations.

At the same time, there seemed to be countless auras of light in Chen Zong's mind, as if the bubbles were breeding and bursting.

The meaning of the fire followed, and it turned into a fiery atmosphere that pervaded Chen Zong.

Suddenly, the hot scent of the magma lake seemed to be being towed, and they flowed to Chen Zong, wrapping Chen Zong, as if smoky, and infiltrating Chen Zong again.


The fiery heat rises, as if the fire is burning, to burn everything, and the fire stone on the chest also releases the mysterious breath.

"This son ..." This scene of Chen Zong immediately caught the attention of many people.

Killing the Lord's calm eyes, there was a slight wave, but no one noticed.

A large amount of hot magma breathed into the body, and the stone of the Tao of Fire bloomed mysteriously. For a time, Chen Zong's Tao of Fire changed.



Chen Zong seemed to "see" a blazing flame, which was burning, covering the earth and turning into a sea of ​​fire.

The domineering breath also permeated.

The meaning of fire changes ... the meaning of ground fire!

Ground fire Taoism is a middle-order Taoism.

With the same four turns, the power of the Taoism of the Ground Fire is much stronger than the Taoism of the Fire.

In this way, it is tantamount to promoting Chen Zong's means.

"The meaning of the ground fire!" With a fiery atmosphere restrained, Chen Zong's eyes burst out of the fascination, the fascination was like burning fire.

Instantly, Chen Zong grasped the meaning of the fire.

Compared with the meaning of fire, the meaning of earth fire has changed somewhat.

However, the specific changes are not completely cleared by Chen Zong, and need to be applied to know.

Now that it's broken, it's time to move.

When Lei Guang showed off in a dusty way, Chen Zonghua turned into a ray of light and swept away from the world, approaching Yanshan Mountain. This was the same as red smoke.

It is not that Chen Zong did not kill Xiang Chuanyun, but Chuanyun has a sixfold practice of entering the sacred realm. His strength is strong, his body is superb, and it is difficult to approach. Even if he is close, depending on his current strength, he is not necessarily an opponent.

Chen Zong joined, all of a sudden relieved the pressure of Yan Mo.

Field of Hearts!

The area of ​​the heart of 300 meters spreads out, covering all directions, and immediately grasps everything within 300 meters.

Through the clouds and arrows, he shot through the air, entered the realm of the heart, and was immediately captured by Chen Zong's perception.

A sword is broken!


The speed of the sword was astonishing. When he hit that arrow, a force of shock came back, causing Chen Zong's arm to tremble.

But the arrow also shifted in direction, failing to hit the Balrog.

"The red light, the power and the speed of the sword are not significantly improved by the way of the earth fire." Chen Zong said secretly.

Immediately, a sword was killed.

Explosive inflammation!

A sword motivated by the meaning of the local fire, once shot, the fiery red sword light was extremely violently bombarded and killed, full of amazing explosive power, and ruthlessly blasted to Yanshan.

This sword, under the realm of the heart, just hit the weak point of Yanshan.

The Tianji unit went through the drill and cooperated with the tacit understanding. Therefore, for a split second, the Yan Mo seized this opportunity, and his palms blasted out. The red palm print was burning with boundless fire.

The face of Yanshan changed suddenly.

Although Chen Zong's sword is powerful, it is not a big threat. What really threatens is the attack of the flame demon.

However, if Chen Zong's attack was ignored and he was hit, it would be uncomfortable, and it would be affected to some extent, against himself.

After killing a sword, Chen Zong immediately killed a second sword.


With a sword coming out, the fire of the embers burned, more terrifying than before, it seemed to burn the heavens and the earth to ashes.

Suddenly Chen Zong knew the difference between the meaning of ground fire and the meaning of fire.

The meaning of the ground fire is more focused on combustion and high temperature, and it is fiery and amazing. Therefore, there is no improvement to red light, but the improvement to explosive inflammation and embers is obvious.

The power of those two techniques has doubled.

Ground fire!

Flames from the earth, full of amazing explosive power and high temperature, burn everything.

Ember a sword, suddenly Yanshan look again.

The sword slashed, and more than a dozen swords were stunned. After smashing the explosion and the embers, another sword was slashed at Chen Zong.

Chen Zong's body flickered more and more, and the magic Luo Jiu changed to the extreme, avoiding this knife dangerously. Suddenly, a horror, an arrow pierced through the sky and shot, with the ultimate murderous power.

It was shot through the clouds.

However, Chen Zong's expression was calm, and it was no surprise that when the arrow was shot and killed, he was already in the range of the heart and was felt by Chen Zong.

Sword sword sword!

For a moment, Chen Zong waved a lot of swords. The swords were as bright and powerful as possible, and they slashed on the arrows, which caused the speed of the arrows to drop slightly, and avoided them dangerously.

Stepped out, his shoulders shook slightly, and he killed Yanshan again.

Heart Sword Style!

This sword is extremely fast, as if pointing directly at the mind, so that Yanshan's mind trembled a little, and he was a little distracted for a moment.

Seize the opportunity, the flame demon power bursts out, and a blazing flame rages around the body. Between the flames rising, a three-meter-high flame giant suddenly condenses, and a sudden blow is made.

Fire magic!

This is the reason why Yan Mo chose this title.

The performance of Yan Mo Gong also showed that Yan Mo broke out with all its strength and struck.

The stone was so shocking that the face of Deyan Mountain changed drastically ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ can only give up Chen Zong, and shot with all his strength. The terrible power poured into the heavy knife, and the sword was red.

At the same time, Chuanyun Jianya shot through the air to Chen Zong.

Compared with the eagle wings, the arrows passing through the clouds are sharper and more terrible. Of course, the arrows of the eagle wings are more flexible.

A long whip suddenly emerged from the side, and suddenly trembled, as if the dragon and snake danced with an astonishing force, making the air burst.

It's red smoke!

Red smoke has already reached the lava ground, just shot, to intercept the killing arrow that passes through Yun, with the strength of red smoke, there is no need to block, just need to shift the arrow trajectory.

No raw sword style!

Ignoring that arrow, Chen Zong burst into full force, unleashed Tianjing's overlord body, and completely killed with one sword.

There is absolutely no life.

This sword, suddenly called Yanshan creepy.

Because at this moment, he was bursting out to deal with the flames and couldn't compete with the sword at all. Chuanyun also had red smoke to resist it. As for Chu Zhongyang, it was slow.

Killed without a sword, broke Yanshan's defense, and the astonishing sword edge cut into Yanshan's body.

The terrible sword gas rages and irritates endlessly, strangling madly in Yanshan's body. With the strength of Yanshan, it is enough to resist, but unfortunately, he is now facing the full blow of Yanmo.

The light flashed, and Yan Shan turned into a ray of light and quickly left.

Death once!

However, this time, it was not Chen Zong who was killed, but just wounded and killed by the Fire Demon. Therefore, the Fire Demon increased his chance of death.

The death of Chu Zhongyang first, and now the death of Yanshan, is different from what was expected before. Even though his heart is tough, there is a slight fluctuation in Juwu's heart.

This wave of fluctuation was immediately caught by Tianji, and when it was killed, the giant martial art was repelled, and it suddenly waved a halberd, and the light blasted into the distance through the clouds.

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