Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 28: Control

Euphorbia swept across the mountain.

As the dragon emerges from the abyss, it rises into the sky and drives for nine days.

Chuanyun's face changed suddenly. His strength was far from Tianji. If he was hit, he would die. Even if he was only touched, it would be difficult to survive.

The arrows shot and shot, and they were crushed in an instant. They pierced through the clouds to the fullest, bringing up heavy phantoms, like a gust of wind blowing in all directions, endlessly surrounding.

This blow was reluctantly avoided by the piercing clouds, and it was directly bombarded in the magma lake, which immediately exploded, and the magma torrent rushed up to hundreds of meters, terrifying and devouring everything.

Chuanyun's heart trembled. The temperature of the magma was absolutely terrible. If it was affected, he would have to mess around with his own ability.

Avoid it, avoid it again, but suddenly, the long whip beats, making an extremely harsh sound, as if the thunder blew in the ears, and the glance of the long whip is seen in the corner of the eye, as if the dragon's tail flicked enough to break Mountains.

The physical method evoked to the extreme, almost blurred, and avoided the attack dangerously.

But a creepy sense of crisis permeated from the deepest heart.

No raw sword style!

The ultimate murderous, extremely incisive killing intentions.

The physical method has been exerted to the extreme, and he can no longer perform it. He reluctantly turns around, and his strong bow crosses in front of him, blocking Chen Zong's sword.

The sword that Chen Zong did his best, even though he could not kill Chuan Yun, he also brought a lot of threats.

Seize the opportunity, red smoke is hit again.

With this blow, Chuanyun could not be resisted, and was directly drawn. The terrible force broke out completely. Chuanyun was directly pumped and flew, and the flames slammed in the palm of his hand.

The sword light flashed, smashing into the air, violent, and the embers were burning.

"Nine turns of Yanlong!" Red Yanjiao sang, and the long whip trembled, as if turning into a red smoke dragon. Nine turns, burst into full force, hitting the piercing chest with the middle door wide open.

With this blow, Chuanyun's body trembled, and the ray on his body flickered endlessly.

Only Ju Wu is left.

"Ju Wu, what do you use to fight me?" Tian Ji took the opportunity to say, like a sharp blade, slammed into Ju Wu's heart.

Originally it was a confident application for gambling, but I didn't expect that there was so much difference here. First, Chu Zhongyang was killed, then Yan Shan was killed, and then through the clouds.

Although he also killed one person, his own side was obviously at a disadvantage.

At the same time, Chu Zhongyang also rushed over and saw exactly the scene where Chuan Yun was killed.

If he didn't delay a little time in the white fortress, maybe Chuanyun would not die, but Chu Zhongyang didn't feel much. At this moment, there was only extremely powerful murder in his heart, staring at Chen Zong.

However, in view of the disparity in the number of people, Chu Zhongyang stopped and did not rush directly. After all, he only had one person. As soon as he rushed over, he would face Chen Zong, Hong Yan and Yan Mo, and he would die.

"Kill!" The Yan Mo screamed loudly and took the lead, turning into a blazing flame and rushing forward, pressing Chu Zhongyang.

Chu Zhongyang's expression changed slightly, his fingers were fastened, a group of blazing sun condensed, he threw out suddenly, hit the flames at the same time, at the same time, he retreated quickly.

"I'm here to help you." Yan Shan's voice came and quickly approached, making Chu Zhongyang's heart certain.

When Yanshan arrived, the two teamed up together. When they would not be easily killed, Chuanyun would quickly come over.

Yan Shan killed him with his sword, his eyes stared at Yan Demon, and he was killed by Yan De. This time, he must be returned.

In an instant, the three men formed.

Chen Zong, Yan Mo, and the red smoke spread the Shenxuan killing array and rushed to Yanshan and Chu Zhongyang. Yanshan and Chu Zhongyang also laid the Shenxuan killing array.

A cloud-throwing arrow shot through the air, and then there was a sharp and extreme sound.

Rushing through the clouds.

As soon as he appeared in the fortress, Chuanyun broke out and came at full speed.

Chuanyun joined, and suddenly the pressure on Yanshan and Chu Zhongyang dropped sharply.

"Chen Zong, dare to fight me." Chu Zhongyang said sharply.

"Then fight." Chen Zong's eyes shot extremely sharp Guanghua, without fear.

Even if he can't stop the shock of Xuan Wang of Chu Zhongyang, will he have to retreat and fear?

If you retreat blindly, it will be more difficult to face in the future.

Swordsman, be fearless.

Chu Zhongyang didn't directly cast Xuan Wang's shock. That was a trick, not so cheap.

What's more, now that he has cultivated himself to break through to the middle of the sacred realm, he is even more powerful. Even if he does not use Xuanwang's shock, it is enough to suppress and kill Chen Zong.

In one strike, Chen Zong swept across the sky.

The meaning of ground fire!

Explosive inflammation!

The sword was extremely fierce and violent, making Chu Zhongyang's complexion suddenly change, and only felt that the sword was much stronger than before.


When the second sword was shot, Chu Zhongyang felt creepy, as if he was going to be burned to ashes.

How could this be?

Could it be said that Chen Zong also broke through when he broke through? Become more powerful?

The two fell into a fierce battle again, with each blow being extremely strong, the sword gas being vertical and horizontal, violently causing the magma to burst and burst up again and again, and the temperature around them gradually increased.

Chen Zong found that in this high temperature, he was more diligent when he used his sword skills in the Red Prison. Like a tiger, he not only condenses strength faster, but also increases his power slightly.

The meaning of ground fire is more obvious for the traction of the surrounding magma, which is a geographical advantage.

Under the realm of the heart, Chu Zhongyang's trajectory of movement was clearly grasped.



Chu Zhongyang continued to display and change his moves. Each strike was free and strong, and the strength and weakness were exchanged, showing an unpredictable martial arts accomplishment, but Chen Zong's swordsmanship was even more sophisticated. Each sword master came naturally, regardless of what Chu Zhongyang did. Attacks can all be blocked and countered.

The more the battle, the more gloomy Chu Zhongyang looked.

All martial arts shows, but nothing can help Chen Zong.

The only thing that threatens Chen Zong is that trick.

Xuan Wang shocked the world!

Is it necessary to perform the Xuanwang shock every time in order to defeat the opponent?

After all, there are too few means, and some of the means cultivated by the Semi-Holy Order have been unable to keep up, and their time in the Holy Land has been short.

The vitality of the earth and the earth suddenly surging and surging, Chen Zong's eyes were slightly frozen, and he immediately knew that Chu Zhongyang was about to perform the Xuanwang shock.

Eat fresh every day!

If there is no way to resist, then this attack, I still can not fight.

The vitality of the heavens and the earth raged from all directions, converged, and quickly condensed in the hands of Chu Zhongyang, with a bright light.

When Chu Zhongyang ’s cultivation is higher, the power of Xuan Wang ’s shocking attack will be stronger, and the higher the level of Xuan Wang ’s shocking skill, the stronger the power of Xuan Wang ’s shocking will be.

For a moment, Chen Zong felt the hot energy surrounding him continually converging towards Chu Zhongyang, and quickly retreated.

Shi Zhanxuan was struck by shock, his attack would only be broken down, and Chu Zhongyang would not be hurt at all, unless his strength exceeded Chu Zhongyang by a lot.

But if your own strength exceeds Chu Zhongyang by a lot, you can also fight against your own strength.

Since it is impossible to directly confront Xuan Wang's shock, then temporarily avoiding his front, and then looking for opportunities to counterattack, this is the method that Chen Zong can currently think of.

After all, Xuanwang's shocking attack is powerful, but the energy he absorbs is not infinite, but has a certain scope.

Chu Zhongyang's shock strike of the Xuanwang is only just beginning, and it is more limited.

As he flew back, he felt the amazing vitality fluctuations flowing fast from his side. Chen Zong suddenly wondered whether he could also control the vitality of one side of the world and condense it for his own use?

When martial arts are usually displayed, the mysteries of martial arts will naturally condense the strength of the heavens and the earth into the power of the heavens and the earth, without the need to take the initiative.

However, Xuan Wang's shock attack was absorbed by his own initiative, more domineering and more horizontal.

So, can you do it?

Others may not, but they can.

Field of Hearts!

Chen Zong quickly retreated, withdrawing from the coverage of Xuanwang's shock, and retreated to the side of the magma lake, and the realm of the heart was compressed immediately.

Three hundred meters compressed to two hundred meters, and then compressed to one hundred meters.

In the realm of the heart of a hundred meters, Chen Zong suddenly felt that the fluctuation of the vitality of the heavens and the earth within a hundred meters became clearer and stronger, and he felt a sense of control.

Immediately, Chen Zong transferred to Taoism.

Guided by the meaning of the ground fire, exerting force in the realm of the heart, the hot energy within a hundred meters suddenly gathered, and this feeling of control was very wonderful.

The hot energy within a hundred meters converged on the Red Prison Flame Flow Sword ~ ​​www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and covered it, turning it into a faint flame burning.

Immediately, the hot breath on the lava lake poured into the realm of the heart of 100 meters and was again absorbed by Chen Zong.

This scene has attracted the attention of many people.

Once and twice and three times, once again, the hot energy was drawn to condense, and the flames on the Red Prison Flame Flow Sword became more and more intense, gradually flowing.

Chu Zhongyang made a leap forward, leaped up high, approached Chen Zong, a blazing incomparable force gathered between his hands, the light was as strong as the scorching sun.

One shot blasted out, as if the real sun was falling, crushing everything and burning everything.

Chen Zong's eyes suddenly condensed, and his sword slashed.


This is the most powerful sword in the Chi Prison Sword Technique. At this time, after drawing a lot of hot energy, the power seems to be much stronger.

The two rays collided, such as a blaze of fire, which exploded in an instant, emitting unparalleled power and destroying everything.

The Ember Sword was only slightly resisted and then shattered. The remnant power of Xuanwang's shock hit with terrible might, and the vitality of heaven and earth in all directions was also disturbed and became disorderly and uncontrollable.

Chen Zong took a deep breath, the sword was violent, the sword and sword were connected, and the sword gasified into a rushing river, boundless.

Chop Chop!

Every sword was crushed, but every sword also weakened Xuanwang a little bit.

When Xuan Wang's shocking power slammed in front of him, Chen Zong immediately performed the magic Luo Jiu transformation method, and the eight figures dispersed.

The eight shadows were engulfed by the terrible red light, which was the power of Xuan Wang's shock and explosion. Even if it was offset by most of them, it was still terrible.

The crowd couldn't help but stare, trying to see whether Chen Zong could resist the amazing and violent red light.

Still unable to resist this blow.

Chu Zhongyang stared the same way.

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