Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 29: Ground Fire

The light flow is turbulent, everything is rushing, the breath is fierce and violent, and it is sweeping in all directions like a hurricane.

Chu Zhongyang was shocked and couldn't believe it.

how come?

For the first time, Xuan Wang failed to hit Chen Zong because of the red smoke, but this time, without the interference of others, he also hit Chen Zong, but failed to kill him.

I saw Chen Zong's body film flicker for a while, then restrained again.

This shows that the strength of that blow was not enough to cause Chen Zong to be fatally injured.

Chen Zong also breathed a sigh of relief and blocked it.

With his clever move, he took the initiative to draw the vitality of the earth and the earth into the sword of the embers in the realm of the heart, and finally blocked Xuanwang's shock.

Of course, this is only because Chu Zhongyang's Xuan Wang shocked the world to get started.

If Xuan Wang's shock strikes Xiaocheng, Chen Zong will never be able to resist the slightest hit, and he will be destroyed and killed instantly.

Although Xuanwang's shock strike is powerful, it also has a defect that it cannot be cast continuously. After it is cast once, it will have extremely short-term rigidity. It will take some time to relax before it can be cast for the second time. Therefore, it is often used as a hole card, Killer 锏.

Taking a deep breath, the hot breath rushed into the lungs, pulsing endlessly in the body, the blood raging, the strength like a mighty water, like a rushing magma.


Jian Guang hit the air, extremely fierce, extremely fast, and killed Chu Zhongyang across the air.

As soon as Chu Zhongyang's eyes were frozen, the eyes seemed to burn into the real sun, his arms raised, and the real sun's rays glowed endlessly.

All together!



Laser shot!

Run through everything.

While Chen Zong wields his sword, he controls the realm of the heart to be compressed to 100 meters, and actively draws the vitality of the earth and condenses into the body of the sword, which increases the power of the sword.

Sometimes it is not not, but it is not thought.

The so-called epiphany is to make yourself understand that you will know more.

Prior to this, Chen Zongke never thought that he would actively use the realm of the heart to draw the vitality of the world.

For a time, Chu Zhongyang became the object of Chen Zong's sword practice.

"Heaven and earth have great vitality and many attributes, but here, the vitality of fire is the main factor. It would be better if only the vitality of fire was supplemented by the Red Prison Sword Technique." Chen Zong secretly said.

Stripping the vitality of the world and only absorbing the pure vitality of fire will undoubtedly require greater efforts to control.

Fortunately, Chen Zong's mind is strong enough, not half reluctant, but a bit jerky and slow.

But with the passage of time, it gradually became more relaxed and freely, and the speed of drawing was getting faster and faster.

With each sword, the power is stronger, making Chu Zhongyang look more dignified.

All martial arts are unfolded, but nothing can help Chen Zong.

"Xuanyuan is mighty, I am the king!" Chu Zhongyang printed his hands. Suddenly, endless heaven and earth rushed into the body and poured into his body. The breath layered soared, and the whole person seemed to rise up. .

Secret method: Xuanwang battle body!

This is the mystery of Xuan Wang's shock, in addition to Xuan Wang's shock.

Xuan Wang's shock attack is an attack type, while Xuan Wang's combat body is an increase type.

This is also the first time that Chu Zhongyang used the battle of Emperor Xuan in his battle with Chen Zong.

Since Xuan Wang's shocking attack was resisted by Chen Zong, and now he can't perform it again, he can only strengthen himself by other means.

With the display of the King Xuan's battle body, Chu Zhongyang's whole body was filled with red energy, like the light of the real sun, like the fire of the scorching sun, and his momentum soared by several percent, and his strength was also improved by several percent.


The power of each hit is also increased because of Xuanwang's body, at least 30%, and some increase to 50%.

Such strength, even if it is a 10% increase, is very obvious, not to mention a 30% or even 50% increase. Suddenly, Chen Zong felt a great increase in pressure.

Tianji and Jiwu kept fighting fiercely and evenly matched each other. Even if they displayed any mighty tricks, they could only repel the opponent, unable to defeat or even kill, and the other party would quickly adjust and shoot again.

Chuanyun and Yanshan joined forces, and Red Smoke and Yanmo joined forces, and they were evenly matched.

Chu Zhongyang and Chen Zong fought alone, and they were evenly matched.

As for the battle between the dead wood forest and Guiwai Gorge, each has its own death, but on the whole, it is evenly matched.

Such a battle is the most difficult to distinguish between victory and defeat.




The vitality of fire in the realm of the heart of a hundred meters was controlled by Chen Zong, and instantly condensed on the sword.

Immediately, Chen Zong expanded the realm of the mind, or in other words, gradually let go of his control over the realm of the mind.

Two hundred meters!

The larger the range, the stronger the vitality of the heaven and earth covered, but because of the expansion of the scope, Chen Zong's speed and efficiency of drawing up the vitality of fire once again decreased.

However, this is only temporary.

Because of the decline in efficiency, under the attack of Chu Zhongyang's Xuanwang's body, Chen Zong gradually showed a disadvantage, but he was very tenacious to support it, and used the pressure of Chu Zhongyang to sharpen himself.

Gradually, Chen Zong's speed of drawing the strength of fire increased again.

"It's difficult for the two teams to win or lose." The army would shake his head.

"I feel like the outcome is divided, but the outcome is unpredictable."

"Indeed, in my opinion, the key to victory or defeat may lie in those two."

Suddenly, all eyes gathered and fell on the two young figures who were fighting fiercely.

Of course, their cultivation is the lowest of the two teams, and the strength is currently the lowest, but the talent of the two of them is the highest, not only the highest of the two teams, but also in the entire Department of God. Among them, it can almost be regarded as the highest, and even the entire Divine Xuan Army and Xuan Tian Army can be included in the highest level.

These shocking worlds are full of countless possibilities and full of uncertainty.

No one knows when they will suddenly burst out and their strength will increase greatly.

For example, this time the gambling battle has not been long since the beginning, and the strength of other people has basically not changed. Only these two people, or cultivated for breakthrough or moral transformation.


Both Chen Zong and Chu Zhongyang gradually improved in the battle.

While Chu Zhongyang has died once, there are still two chances left, and Chen Zong has four chances to die.

If Chu Zhongyang's two chances of death are used up, he will be eliminated. At that time, Chen Zong will lose his opponent. He can either help other teammates or kill him directly in the opponent's fortress.

The key to victory lies in Chen Zong and Chu Zhongyang, in their battle.

One is a peerless Tianjiao who has shown amazing talents since he was a child, and is the proud man of the Xuanyuan Dynasty.

One is known as a waste since childhood, but has risen because of strange encounters, constantly struggling to overcome self-improvement, and has endured numerous calamities and people from the bottom.

Field of Hearts!

Three hundred meters!

Chen Zong completely released the compression of the realm of the heart. At 300 meters, the vitality of fire was controlled and condensed, but the efficiency dropped again, and Chen Zong fell into the wind again.

But Chu Zhongyang was not half happy.

It was just that, and it didn't take long for Chen Zong to regain the disadvantage.

"Zhenyang!" A low-drink, Chu Zhongyang's breath became more intense, and the hot breath gathered in all directions, condensed in the back of the head, emitting heavy halo.

After a fierce battle, Chu Zhongyang made a breakthrough, further strengthened his strength, suppressed Chen Zong, and defeated him.

Chen Zong's expression was calm and steady, his eyes were sharp, with a sword in his hand, he constantly resisted the attack of Chu Zhongyang, and constantly controlled the vitality of fire in the 300-meter heart area, constantly became familiar, and improved the control effect.

Finally, all the vitality of fire in the 300-meter heart realm was mastered by Chen Zong.

The vitality of fire within three hundred meters was condensed by Chen Zong instantly, blessed on the sword, turned into a flame and burned, and each sword waved, the power was strengthened.

Explosive inflammation!


In this way, the two sword styles are exhibited.

"Xuan Wang ..." Chu Zhongyang once again gathered vitality.

Xuan Wang is shocking and can be used again. This time, he will definitely kill Chen Zong.

Only this time, Chen Zong did not retreat. Within 300 meters of the control of the realm of the heart, the vitality of heaven and earth was completely under his control, not affected by Chu Zhongyang.

Suddenly, many people looked surprised.

What ability is this?

Can even resist the overbearing Xuanwang shocking ability.

Although the range of three hundred meters is not much different from the range of Xuan Wang's shock, it is enough to show that Chen Zong already has the ability to crack or fight against Xuan Wang's shock.

It means that Xuan Wang's shocking attack on Chen Zong is not as effective as before.

"Ground fire ..."

Chen Zong also gave a low drink ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The strength of fire within three hundred meters suddenly became violent, rushing and coagulating.

In Chen Zong's mind, the three types of sword, red light, explosive inflammation, and embers, and three basic methods of learning martial arts and fire, the mysteries emerged, and were stripped off by Chen Zong's super-savvy.

It's like the essence is stripped out and then merged.

All auras became intense, and all thoughts became clear.

"... Burning Heaven!"

As the last two words sounded, the last word of Chu Zhongyang also sounded and fell.

Xuan Wang shocked the world!

A horrible blow, instantly blasted out, like a round of true sun, and came with all the power to destroy everything. It was unparalleled and dominated the world.

The ground burned!

This sword is a sword formed by combining the essence of the fire and the Red Prison swordsmanship. It was learned by Chen Zong's powerful soul and super strong understanding. It is based on the meaning of earth fire and uses two types of swordsmanship. The essence is the stem, and the vitality of fire controlled by the realm of the heart is the strongest sword of the leaves.

A sword that surpasses all previous powers.

Even if it is just a start-up, it is the first time to show it, and it also emits unparalleled terror power in an instant.

A sword slashed out, and a fiery flame was burning on the sword body, spreading in a blink, and burning violently, becoming vigorous, as if to cover the earth and burn the sky through.

The horrific Zhenyang blow also fell, bringing destruction and destruction.



Up and down!

Strong and strong collision.

The earth shook, and the sky seemed to be cracking. All the magma in all directions was pulled, and they burst into the sky, destroying everything like purgatory.

On the ground that was originally covered with tiny cracks, the cracks expanded countlessly, and countless pulp streams rushed directly, engulfing Chen Zong and Chu Zhongyang.

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