Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 33: Drunk improved again

(The annual meeting will be held in a few days. It will take eight or nine days to go. There are no code words. Six overtime code days and nights will have to save enough manuscripts, so as not to fall into a more difficult situation.)

Withered trees stand in a forest.

In the canyon, the cloudy wind is still.

Lava ground, magma is calm, and the world is silent.

Ju Wu was silent, and the four players behind him were also silent.

The situation is already clear.

how to choose?

Immediately, Ju Wu's expression changed, he exhaled heavily, a bitter smile appeared on his rugged face, opened his mouth, and spit out the words: "Admit defeat."

As soon as the two words came out, Ju Wu's entire person seemed to be taken out of strength, and the huge and strong body also became stunned. The four players behind him settled on their shoulders, looking frustrated.


This time, they were so confident that they applied for the initiative, but they did not expect that they eventually lost, and they did not look good.

Hearing the confession of Ju Wu himself, Tian Ji and others all showed a smile and were relieved.

I have to say that this battle was very difficult.

The strength of the Juwu team is really strong, and they will not be weaker than the Tianji team, but their luck is not good.

After victory in this battle, in the future, the Juwu team saw the Tianji unit again, and they could not be ridiculed as before, and they would have to pay 500,000 military achievements to the Tianji unit.

The gambling battle ended with the defeat of the Juwu team and the Tianji team won.

The word Wushengjian became loud again.

Although less than three years, it is not a break of the curse, but it is much better than other people who have inherited the title of no-sword.

"Maybe this son will be able to reproduce the glory of Wusheng Sword."

"Maybe it can be surpassed."

"It's too early to arrive in three years."

I do n’t know when the killer has quietly left, no one knows.

"Cangya, how about it? In the end, my Xueling branch won." Xueling will laugh.

"It's only a moment of defeat." Cang Yasha responded pretending to be Yun Danqingqing.

"Either for a moment, or for the rest of my life, it's all a win."

There are competitions where there are people. As the supreme leaders of the part of God's mystery, there is of course a rivalry between each other.

The Juwu unit did not have as much military power as 500,000. In the end, it was 100,000. As for the remaining 400,000, according to the rules, it must be paid off within ten years.

This time is a limitation. Otherwise, it will be delayed for decades or even hundreds of years, or even to the end.

Within the next ten years, the Juwu unit will often go out to perform tasks in order to obtain military service reimbursement.

In addition, they need military skills to exchange for their own cultivation.

Anyway, the next decade is ten years of running.

Compared to the Juwu team, the Tianji team naturally rejoiced and returned.

"This time we were able to win, and it was indispensable." Tian Ji said, he fought fiercely with Ju Wu, but he also noticed the situation next to him.

Being able to win was due to the improvement of Chen Zong's strength. After defeating and killing Chu Zhongyang, he teamed up with Yanmo Red Smoke to kill Yanshan and Chuanyun. Eventually, the contrast between members gradually became disparate and laid the foundation for victory.

"If it weren't for the help of the red smoke, I would be defeated and killed by Chu Zhongyang initially." Chen Zong smiled slightly.

"I also think that this victory is very rewarding." Yan Yan smiled softly.

"It's not my own work to win." Chen Zong shook his head and said, "If it was my work alone, then everyone would stay in the fortress and rest."

The crowd couldn't help laughing.

Chen Zong also makes sense. It won't depend on which one, but on everyone's efforts, to work together.

Of course, it cannot be denied that because of the relationship with Chen Zong, the balance and stalemate were broken, and because of the relationship with Chen Zong, they were allowed to cultivate the **** Xuanzai array to a state of unity.

Therefore, Chen Zong contributed a lot.

"I propose, let's have a drink together," Tian Ji said with a toast.

"Dear." Everyone raised their glasses.

"May the Celestial Squad be invincible." Chen Zong also raised his toast, saying at the same time that his voice sounded like golden iron.

"May the Tianji team be invincible," the crowd yelled.

Toast with the drink, drink now.

In this way, letting go of all the troubles and drinking freely, there are very few opportunities, because most of the time, you either go out to perform tasks and be on the edge of life and death, or you are in closed practice, and try your best to improve yourself so that you can live longer.

After all, no one knows whether they can finally come back alive as soon as they go out on a mission.

Probably, once you go, it will become Yongjue.

The task has different levels of difficulty, but it is not absolute, but most of them do, but there are also some surprises.

This swig lasted a full day and night.

For everyone, ordinary wine is not drunk at all. Of course, the wine they drink, but fine wine, also has an effect on entering the sanctuary. If you drink too much, you will be drunk.

But it's just drunk.

Dismissed, each returned to the room, Chen Zong quietly lay on the bed, and did not operate to repair the drunkenness. This drunken upper body has a feeling of lightness, which is very beautiful, very relaxing, very cozy, very comfortable, very rare Few, shouldn't get out so quickly.

Nothing to think about, nothing to pay attention to, gradually, unknowingly, eyes closed.


As if lying in the clouds, soft and comfortable, fluttering, I don't know where to go.

It was as if lying in the middle of a stream, and the cool flowing water washes down from the top, taking away the dust.

Time passes by unconsciously, like running water like dust.

Chen Zong's closed eyelids twitched slightly, and slowly opened, clear as a stream of water, without a trace of dust.

A drunk, a sleep, a dream, wake up, clear and bright, reflecting in all directions.

As soon as the brain moved, Chen Zong released the realm of heart.

One hundred meters!

Two hundred meters!

Three hundred meters!

Alas, I haven't reached the limit yet.

Four hundred meters!

The realm of the heart spread to a range of four hundred meters before it stopped and reached its limit.

Chen Zong was stunned, drinking a drink and falling asleep, the realm of the heart even improved.

If this is the case, then drink a few times more, sleep a few more nights, does the range of the heart's realm rise?

Immediately, Chen Zong shook his head and chuckled.

That's impossible. If it were that simple, would it still take a lot of time and energy?

I am able to improve this time. I am afraid that one of the reasons is my accumulation. The second reason is that I have made a lot of gains. The third reason is to drink wine once and let go of all my concerns. Just ask for ease, a rest to let go of everything, and let the mind be empty, and the realm of the mind is related to the mind and mind.

Anyway, the realm of the heart is increased to 400 meters, and the range is larger and more beneficial.

First, under the cover of the realm of the heart, one can feel danger earlier.

Secondly, under the cover of the realm of the heart, one can draw more cohesive energy from heaven and earth in an instant.

Only good, no harm.

However, I still need to cultivate a little, and strive to completely master the realm of the heart of the 400 meters, which can condense the vitality of the heavens and the earth within the range of 400 meters in an instant.

After the break, it is naturally hard practice and cannot fall.

Chen Zong worked hard, as did the others in Tianji.

Work hard and improve yourself to become more powerful.

As for the Juwu detachment, after adjustment, it resumed again and regained morale.

And now they have taken on a task and are ready to go out to execute.

There is no way to owe 400,000 military achievements, which is quite a lot. Of course, if luck is good enough, it can be paid off within a few years, but if luck is average, ten years is required.

Thinking of this, everyone felt a bit bitter again.

"Well, cheer up, we strive to get enough military power to pay off in the shortest possible time." Ju Wu said in a deep voice.

The people trembled and set off immediately, stepping out of the Xuantian Battle Fortress.

"Chen Zong, I will definitely defeat you." Chu Zhongyang stepped forward, instead of being discouraged and discouraged by his defeat to Chen Zong, he regained his enthusiasm and spirit.

The true arrogance will not be feared, frustrated, or delayed by failure, frustration, or hardship.

All suffering, frustration, and failure will become sharpened, making the sword sharper.

Chu Zhongyang not only has extraordinary talents, but also has an extraordinary ambition.

If not meet Chen Zong.

It is a pity to meet Chen Zong.

"Chen Zong, Chu Zhongyang." Xu Mu Bai Jing stood still.

Chu Zhongyang is a peerless contemporary arrogance. Before that, it was the first day of the Xuanyuan Dynasty, which was very strong.

However, Chen Zong's background is low. Before that, he was countless times different from himself. I did not expect that a Xuanyuan holy congregation rose up to this day ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ in a short time, it surpassed Chu Zhongyang and was positive. Suppress and defeat Chu Zhongyang.

Xu Mubai, who had just returned from a mission, did not see the gambling battle between the two teams with his own eyes, nor did he see the duel between Chen Zong and Chu Zhongyang.

But as far as I heard, it is also very clear that there is basically no added fuel or vinegar.

In other words, the current strength of Chen Zong is afraid that he has already surpassed himself.

Xu Mu was silent.

He didn't accept the fact that he was being overtaken by others, but felt that it was too sudden and didn't respond at once.

Immediately, a smile hanged at the corner of Xu Mubai's mouth.

Having an opponent is always a good thing, and it always makes people excited, otherwise, the heights are extremely cold.

Chu Zhongyang!

He will surpass, maybe he has surpassed it now. As for Chen Zong, compared with himself, is he stubborn or weak?

"Even if you are better than me, I will surpass you." Xu Mubai held her hands, her eyes bursting with unparalleled confidence.

All this, Chen Zong did not know, because at this moment, Chen Zong is working hard.

The area of ​​the heart of four hundred meters covers, and feels the vitality of the heavens and earth within the range. Immediately, when the idea is moved, the vitality of heaven and earth in all directions is immediately drawn.

"Not fast enough, and very complicated," Chen Zong secretly said.

Compared with the lava field, the gap is huge.

The vitality of the earth and lava in the lava field is dominated by the vitality of fire, but the vitality of the heaven and earth in the void battlefield appears chaotic and chaotic. The strength of the condensed heaven and earth in the realm of the heart of four hundred meters is not as good as that of the lava earth three hundred meters The cohesion of the realm of the mind is very different.

But Chen Zong also had no choice. It was entirely an environmental factor.

Even Chu Zhongyang's shocking strike of the Xuanwang could not be avoided. nt

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