Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 34: Call of the Lord

The ground burned!

In the realm of the heart of four hundred meters, the vitality of the heavens and the earth reached the turbulent, merged into this sword, blasted out, and burned the fire in all directions, hitting the black demon gold dummy, it seemed to burn it to ashes, and the flames continued to explode. Sound, violently destroys everything.

"Already fully mastered, but still not strong enough." Chen Zong stared forward, watching the traces on the black demon gold dummy, said secretly.

It ’s just a pity that the vitality of the void battlefield cannot be compared with the lava ground.

The trick of burning the earth with fire requires more vitality of fire to reach its extreme power. Now, although the vitality of heaven and earth in the air has become pure and pure because of the formation, it is also mixed. The vitality of various attributes is mixed in it.

I do not have the ability to turn them into a single vitality.

"Transformation ..." As soon as the thought came out, it seemed like a flash of light passed by.

It was just that this aura of light was not caught immediately, leaving Chen Zong a little helpless. After deep reflection, he still had nothing to gain and had to give up temporarily.

However, the idea persisted, as if taking root.

If you can transform the vitality, then you can transform the heaven and earth vitality into the attributes you need no matter where you are. By then, you can transform all the heaven and earth vitality into the energy of fire. The power is truly extreme.

There is no clue for now, but I can only let go.

From winning the gambling battle to practicing retreat, it took a full month before and after the cultivation. It also broke through to the mid-fourth stage of the sanctuary and became more powerful.

At this time, a message came.

See you to kill the Lord!

"Kill the Lord to see me?" Chen Zong was a little surprised.

I don't know what will happen to kill the Lord.

Without delay, Chen Zong immediately set off.

When he arrived at the place where he killed the master, Chen Zong discovered that he was called not only by himself but by several people.

Xu Mubai was also present and arrived earlier than himself.

When Chen Zong arrived, Xu Mubai stared at him. There seemed to be a clear flash of black and white in his eyes.

Very strong!

Chen Zong secretly said that the present Xu Mubai has a kind of impenetrable feeling, and he does not know what level his strength has reached.

But it doesn't matter, no matter how powerful Xu Mubai is, he will surpass it, just like Chu Zhongyang.

In addition to Xu Mubai, there are three strangers. For the first time, Chen Zong saw that all three had a characteristic, looking very young, two men and one woman, each wearing different armors.

Through the armor, Chen Zong can know the origin of the other party.

These three people came from the Sky Division and the Break Front Division respectively.

The eyes of the two men and one woman were gazing at Chen Zong, brilliant.

Not long after, someone came again, Chu Zhongyang.

Seeing Xu Mubai and Chen Zong, Chu Zhongyang looked at it for a moment, and then, his eyes burst into a strong and brilliant, and a hint of warfare permeated.

After a month, Chu Zhongyang's strength has been strengthened.

Even though he was defeated by Chen Zongjian before, he was not attacked with confidence and conviction, but was brave and advanced.

Chen Zong found that Chu Zhongyang's eyes contained an indescribable ancient simplicity.

Before, Xu Mubai and Chu Zhongyang had some kind of eye-to-eye confrontation, and ended with Xu Mubai's defeat.

However, during the gambling battle, Chu Zhongyang never performed it and did not know why.

In the end, a total of eight people were summoned by the slain master.

There are four branches in Cangya, Xueling, Batian, and Fengfeng. Each of them has two members, of which eight are six men and two women.

The eight were also at a loss wondering what it was to kill the Lord.

The killer has not yet appeared. Among the eight people, a person who seems to be older and fatter and has a mild smile on his face took the initiative to introduce himself.

"Hello, everyone, I am the round light of the Cangya branch." The fat young eyes are as funny as green beans.

"Yuanguang." Chen Zong and Xu Mubai froze slightly.

In the Shen Xuan killing department, not only Chen Zong's three peerless Tianjiao, but also other outstanding young people, entered the Shen Xuan killing department a few years earlier than Chen Zong.

That round of light, before the arrival of Chu Zhongyang, was called the first genius of the Cangya branch.

But Chu Zhongyang's arrival masked it.

Perhaps the name of the first genius of the Cangya branch fell on Chu Zhongyang, but Yuan Guang's strength was not weak at all. He was rebuilt in the sacred realm, and his talent was very terrible.

In addition to Yuanguang, the original blood genius of Chen Zong was the first genius. His title was blood tide. He was a young man with long red hair and a look of indifference. It's not friendly.

Perhaps because of the arrival of Chen Zong, he captured the halo that originally belonged to him.

Fame and fortune, who can really break through.

Even the Great Holy Land Xeon can't avoid it.

The blood tide is so, Chen Zong does not care, and he is willing to treat himself with sincerity, and he will also treat him with sincerity. If you want to, then you won't sit still.

However, the cultivation of this blood tide is not low, and the general light is five levels into the sanctuary.

Xu Mubai is the man in the breakout branch. Similarly, his arrival also replaced the original day breakout of Zi Tianluo.

There was a trace of purple light at the end of Zi Tianluo's hair. Between her eyes and eyes, there was a faint glow of purple light coming out. I don't know if it was born in nature or due to the practice of the day after tomorrow.

Although Zi Tianluo is a younger generation, his appearance has a kind of indescribable flattery, which can be called a peerless stunner. If he is not tough enough, he will be attracted to it and pay attention.

Zi Tianluo's faint and deep breath, Chen Zong could feel faintly, it is fivefold to enter the sacred realm, but it is not clear what the specific level is.

The last offensive divisions are Changkong and Black Crow.

Changkong is a young man with his eyes narrowed slightly. He is physically fit, with a cynical smile on the corner of his mouth.

The Black Crow is a woman with a cold look, her eyes are dark, her face has a scar, and her breath is so cold.

Suddenly, a figure appeared in front of everyone.

A silver-white mask and a silver-white robe are extremely mysterious.

Kill the Lord!

"See Killing the Lord." All eight bowed in salute.

"No need to be polite." The killing voices overlapped, very mysterious and difficult to distinguish.

So far, in the whole God Xuan killing the Lord, it is said that no one has seen the true body of the Lord, let alone whether his gender is male or female.

Eight men bowed to salute, and stood one after another, regardless of their temperament. At this moment in front of the mysterious killer, all of them held their breath, waiting for the killer to take the initiative to speak.

Why call them together?

Many people have n’t seen the killer since joining the mysterious killing department. Naturally, the killer is not visible to anyone, nor is it casually visible. It is definitely something to call, and it is not a trivial matter.

If it is trivial, why not.

"The heavenly realm is divided into nine realms, and the metaphysical realm is just one of the nine realms." The killer began: "Now, the spiritual sacred place is about to open, but there are limited places for those who can enter.

Eight of Chen Zong's ears were raised and listened.

Lingwu Holy Land!

Where is that

Can be killed by the Lord in a solemn tone, I'm afraid it is no small matter.

"Lingwu Holy Land, you can only enter if you are 100 years old." The killer said again, "Total, ten places."

The eight heard a sudden change in expression.

Ten places!

The vast Tianyuan Sanctuary has a total of nine realms, but only ten people can enter the so-called Lingwu Holy Land.

Moreover, there is a limit on age, but it is a hundred years old.

But, what is Lingwu Holy Land?

Chen Zong's vague feeling has a great relationship with Lingwu Holy Realm.

After all, this world is called Lingwu Holy Realm, and Tianyuan Holy Realm is only part of Lingwu Holy Realm.

"Ten places will be contested by the peerless Tianjiao of the Nine Realms."

"Before the Nine Worlds Peerless Tianjiao contention, the first world peerless Tianjiao contention."

"Our battle for the Xuanyuan Realm will be jointly conducted by the Xuanyuan dynasty and the Heijie Palace and the Dust Free Hall."

In Xuanyuan Realm, the biggest force is the Xuanyuan Dynasty, followed by the Heijie Palace and the Dust-free Hall, which are not subject to the control of Xuanyuan Dynasty.

The true Tianjiao of the Xuanyuan dynasty are basically among the Xuantian Army and Zhenyuanwei, naturally they must be selected from the Xuantian Army and Zhenyuanwei.

Now, it is first to choose among the various troops in the Xuantian Army, first to choose a certain number, and then join the team with the peerless Tianjiao selected by Zhen Yuanwei, and with the Black Palace and the Clean Room The peerless Tianjiao selected.

Then ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and other peerless Tianjiao selected by the Eight Realms to compete for the last ten places to enter the Lingwu Holy Land.

Chen Zong and others were all uplifted.

Compete with the Tianjiao of Xuantian Army, together with the Tianjiao of Zhenyuanwei, against the peerless Tianjiao of Heijie Palace and the Dust-free Hall, and finally, fight against other peerless Tianjiao of the Eight Realms.

To me, this kind of battle is a great grind. Even if I can't get ten places to enter the Lingwu Holy Land in the end, there will definitely be great gains.

Just thinking about it makes people feel excited and enthusiastic.

As now, the Divine Xuanjun Killing Department has selected eight peerless Tianjiao.

In addition to the killing department, the Shen Xuan Army also has the war department and the royal department. They will also choose eight peerless Tianjiao, the total is 24.

However, the God Xuan Army is only one of the nine armies of the Xuantian Army, and there are other eight armies, and they must choose their own peers to participate in the battle.

The Nine Army, how many people are selected by each army, there is actually no stipulation, eight can be, ten can be, and twenty can be.

However, the selected person must have sufficient strength, otherwise the strength is not enough, and the selection is just a fallacy.

Because of this, only eight people were selected by the Divine Army's killing department.

These eight are all the most talented and powerful people under the age of one hundred.

Other military candidates are naturally selected in accordance with such criteria.

However, the number of Shen Xuan Army is the smallest, so relatively few candidates are selected. The other eight armies have a larger number of people, and the optional ratio is naturally higher.

However, no matter how many people are selected in the end, there will eventually be a battle for places, and the battle for places, although luck is needed, is not the most important thing.

The main thing is strength. nt

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