Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 35: Xuantian Mixed Element Array

At present, the Nether Demon has not invaded in a big way, only small-scale wandering trials, and the interval is longer for Chen Zong.

Generally, there is not necessarily a small-scale battle over a year. Even if there is, there is no need to send out the Xuan Army to suppress it directly.

Therefore, the Xuantian Army has time and energy to hold a general election.

In addition, it is also related to Lingwu Holy Land.

Lingwu Holy Land also has another name, the first Holy Land in the world, the first opportunity in the world.

At least, among all known secret opportunities, it ranks first. As for whether there are hidden secret places in the secret, it is unclear.

But anyway, after knowing the Lingwu Holy Land, everyone is full of desire, eager to enter it.

It is only the spiritual and sacred place that will be opened once every millennium, and the entrants must not be more than one hundred years old.

Various conditions have restricted the vast majority of people, and only a very small number of ten can enter.

ten people!

That is destined to be the most outstanding Tianjiao, and it is also destined that they will be magnificent.

According to rumors, each person who can enter the Lingwu Holy Land has been cultivated quickly and has become extremely powerful. As long as he does not fall, he is now a terrorist who is suppressing his contemporaries.

Divine mysterious army killed eight people.

Eight soldiers of the Divine Army.

Eight members of the God Xuanjun Imperial Department.

A total of twenty-four were selected by the Divine Army.

In addition, the number of people selected by the Eighth Army of the Xuantian Army was as few as 30 and as many as 40.

In the end, as many as two hundred and eighty Tianjiao were selected from the Xuantian Army.

Two hundred and eighty Tianjiao, the oldest is ninety-nine years old. After all, considering that it is now one hundred years old, if you participate in all the battles, maybe another year has passed, and you are over one hundred years old. , Can not enter the Lingwu Holy Land and become a joke.

Inside the Xuantian War Fortress, the nine main military leaders appeared one after another, and the strong men under the military leader also appeared one after another.

For example, the warlord of the Divine Army, he is an old man wearing a domineering armor, his hair is white, but his eyes are extremely sharp, and he always has a terrible warfare, as if to break the clouds.

Shen Xuanjun, the imperial lord of the imperial army, dressed in heavy armor, looks like a towering towering majestic, unbreakable and unbreakable, as if the ancient atmosphere of the mountains is permeated.

The army of the Divine Army killed the master and was dressed in silver masks and silver robes, showing a mysterious atmosphere fluctuations all over the body.

These are the three strongest men who belong to His Majesty the Lord.

Other leaders of the Eighth Army and his Majesty the strongest also appeared.

It matters, but anyone who does not go out and does not have a long-term retreat will appear.

The conversations between the top executives are all transmissions, and they will not leak. They are used to this.

This is the center of the Xuantian War Fortress, and also the place where the former Tianji and Juwu teams gambled, but at that time, only a small part of the array of powers.

"Xuantian Junyuan, open up the world!"

The nine military leaders shot together to consolidate the fingerprints. Each fingerprint was different in shape and color, and the breath fluctuations were different, but they were all magnificent.

Powerful, resounding through the world, shocking forever.

Suddenly, under the nine mysterious fingerprints, the formation was opened, and it was working with full force.

You know, the nine military masters are all half-step grand saints.

How amazing it is that nine half-step big holy class strongmen can join forces to open up.

The matrix is ​​rolling, chaos, as if the world has not opened yet.


The sound of thunder exploded, resounding in all directions and four poles, as if it were the first **** thunder that opened up the chaos of the world. Everyone can see that an extreme thunder, as if golden, silver, and other colors Chaos within the formation.

Suddenly, the chaos in the formation was tumultuous, as if the sea was surging and surging.

Everyone stared, staring.

Gradually, the chaos in the matrix method separates, the turbid breath converges and subsides, and the clear breath converges and rises.

The supernatant is cloudy!

Into heaven and earth.

Chen Zong stared with wide eyes. Of course, this is not truly ground-breaking, but just simulation, but also has a touch of magic, bringing an indescribable touch to himself.

But the touch was so weak that I didn't find anything special, but I planted it as if it were a seed. When the time is ripe or the opportunity comes, it is expected to grow out of the ground.

The heavens and the earth were separated, and light and lightning walked in the sky, hitting them down, and the earth was constantly bombarded.

In some places, the ground quickly rises, and in others, it sinks quickly.

It rises as a mountain and sinks as a valley.

A trace of black breeds and diffuses, turning into dark clouds, thunder and light, like dragons and snakes dancing, raining down and shooting down.

Countless rainwater flows away, converges into the valley, converges to the ground fissure, and gradually rises in water level, forming lakes, rivers and rivers.

Seeds emerged from the ground, trees grew, and the sky rose to the ground.

In a short period of time, one world was evolved in the formation.

However, after all, this is not truly groundbreaking, but only a trace of mystery is reproduced with the power of formation, but Chen Zong came up with an idea.

If the matrix method is powerful and deep to a certain degree, can it truly be groundbreaking?

At this time, the heavens and earth in the matrix formation have evolved.

The mountains stand tall, the forests are dense, and the rivers turn.

A round of true sun slowly rose into the sky, and the light shone in all directions and poles.

Looking outside the formation, the world inside seems to be clearly visible.

Immediately, I saw the master of nine and a half steps of the Great Holy Army reunited with handprints. Suddenly, the sky in the Xuantian mixed element array lit up a little light, fell from the sky, and fell into the earth.

"This time, our Xuantian Army will select ten people in a battle, and together with the ten selected by Zhen Yuanwei and the peerless Tianjiao cultivated by the royal family, they will represent the Xuanyuan Dynasty and the peerless Tianjiao of the Heijie Palace Clean Room , Representing the Xuanyuan Realm to compete with the other eight realms. "Tian Xuanjun spoke, and his voice sounded loudly.

"You guys, two hundred and eighty selected peerless Tianjiao will compete in Xuantian Xunyuan Zhentiandi, competing for the top ten."

"When you enter the Xuantian Mixed Elemental Array, everyone will get the power of the formation. Each will have three chances of death. Once killed, the chance of death will be reduced by one. If the three chances of death are exhausted, they will be eliminated and killed. Will increase the chance of death. "

"But there are a lot of opportunities in the universe of Xuantian Xunyuan. These opportunities are the secret treasures. The secret treasures are divided into three levels. There are 88 low-level secret treasures, 28 medium-level secret treasures, and high-level secret treasures. Eight things, getting those chances will help you. "

"When you get the secret treasure, the breath can't be hidden, the higher the secret method, the stronger the breath and the more easily it can be perceived by others."

"Remember, only ten people can represent the Xuanyuan Dynasty."

"Ten people who have not been eliminated in the end of a month or ten people who have the most deaths when the time arrives will be eligible."

Immediately, two hundred and eighty of the peerless Tianjiao of the younger generation who were selected, stepped forward and entered the Xuantian mixed element array.

Chen Zong felt that the moment he passed through the formation matrix, a force flowed, covering every part of the whole body. This feeling was clearer than when he was gambling.

This is also the feeling of everyone who stepped into the Xuantian Hunyuan Formation.

Immediately, the light flickered, and the two hundred and eighty peerless Tianjiao were transmitted by the power of the formation.

It's clear!

Chen Zong stood at the foot of a mountain and looked up. The mountain was several kilometers high, and the trees were growing lushly and vigorously, and the song of birds kept ringing, crisp and sweet.

The mountain breeze blew by, the leaves swaying, making numerous rustling sounds, permeating in all directions.

What a beautiful place.

There were no other people around. Chen Zong's God of Thought unfolded and swept out, and instantly covered tens of thousands of meters. Within tens of thousands of meters, no one was found.

Beyond the formation method, it seems that the heaven and earth in the formation method are not big, everything is clearly visible, but when you enter, you feel the vastness of the world.

Breathe deeply, the refreshing breath is extremely refreshing, and the heart is thorough.

As soon as Chen Zongshen unfolded, he turned into a thunderbolt and flew out.

I don't know where to go, that's all by heart.

Inside, there are not only 280 peerless arrogants, each of which will become their own enemy, but also the so-called chance.


Chen Zong knew his situation well.

The cultivation in the middle of the fourth stage of entering the sacred realm is very low among the two hundred and eighty peerless heavens.

After all, he broke through to the sanctuary shortly.

Among them, there are five persons who enter the sacred realm, and the higher ones are those who enter the sacred realm.

As a peerless arrogant, the gap between each restoration is obvious, not to mention, those who break into the sanctuary earlier, have more time to improve, and have greater opportunities.

Therefore, among the two hundred and eighty people, their strength does not occupy any advantage ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ One thing that is worthy of joy is that the vitality of the world here is very pure and majestic.

This time for the quota battle, there is a month as a limit to avoid unlimited battles and miss the opening time of the Lingwu Holy Land.

The way to obtain the quota is either to eliminate the other two hundred and seventy people and get the last ten directly.

Or, it is to get more chances of death, and ultimately to determine the number of deaths.

To get the number of deaths, you must kill others yourself.

In this way, the lucky thought that some people plan to touch the fish in the muddy water is eliminated.

Because if there are no such restrictions, maybe someone will enter this place and find a hidden place to hide until finally, get a place.

This approach is tantamount to gaining nothing, and it is completely eliminated in places such as the Xuantian Army.

If you want to get it, give it away, fight and fight, and no luck is allowed.

Chen Zong's luck is not bad or good, because as soon as the lucky person enters it, he is teleported to the opportunity, and soon gets the chance without surprise.

Those with bad luck were transported to places where the environment was bad, such as falling into the magma and almost dying, and wasted a chance of death.

No matter whether it is joy or thrill, one by one, they are very tough. After adjusting quickly, they have found a direction that they think is good and start to move forward.

Looking for other opportunities!

Find other Peerless Tianjiao Kills!

Among them, strength is important, but it also requires luck. After all, the peerless Tianjiao who entered here have strengths and weaknesses. If they meet a stronger one than themselves, they will not be killed by others, but they will be killed by others. nt

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