Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 36: I win with my sword (1)

The sky was clear and blue.

Strands of white clouds permeated, floating slowly with the wind, quiet and silent.


Chen Zong displayed Lei Guang ’s dazzling body method and flew forward, while spreading the divine thoughts, covering tens of thousands of meters in all directions.

In essence, one's divine thoughts must be one level higher than those of other sacred realms. Therefore, even a person whose divine thoughts are larger than himself cannot perceive the coverage of his divine thoughts.

Da Xuan Yuan Jue works, continuously draws the vitality of heaven and earth in all directions into the body, and quickly refining.

At this moment, in Chen Zong's sea of ​​qi, there are as many as four sacred chants, representing the fourfold cultivation of entering the sacred realm.

As for the improvement of Xiuwei, if there is no external assistance, you can only slowly figure it out, but you ca n’t remember it, but the enlightenment of Taoism is not necessarily. Sometimes it takes a long time to be able to be enlightened. I found an opportunity for epiphany.

The heavens and earth in the Xuantian Mixed Elemental Array are vast and boundless, with mountains, rivers, and forests, which is like a world.

Unconsciously, Chen Zong had flew hundreds of miles away, but had not encountered other peerless Tianjiao.

The divine thought covered a range of tens of thousands of meters. Suddenly, Chen Zong noticed a strange breath fluctuation, which caused Chen Zong's expression to move slightly, slightly changed his direction, and quickly went to the place of the change.

In this world, there are changes, not ordinary things, maybe the so-called chance.

If you have the chance, if you have the chance, you may strengthen your strength and have the capital to better compete with other peerless Tianjiao.


Chen Zong is extremely fast, with a distance of tens of thousands of meters, it can be crossed without much time.

Immediately, Chen Zong felt that another breath was approaching rapidly from another direction, and quickly calculated in his heart, Chen Zong knew that he would meet the other party at the place where the strange breath was emitted.

The other side, obviously also found Chen Zong, the breath became stronger.

Field of Hearts!

Without hesitation, Chen Zong quickly released the realm of the heart of 400 meters. At the first moment, he absorbed the vitality of the earth and the earth within a distance of 400 meters, quickly condensed, turned into a ring, and quickly consolidated.

This is the elementary ring of the fivefold elementary mystery.

After such a long period of cultivation, even if it has not been cultivated to Dacheng, it has also been cultivated to the third elementary circle, but it takes a little time to perform.

In battle, such time is not easy to obtain, but you can prepare in advance.

This is also Chen Zong's ability to achieve it. After all, Chen Zong can be distracted and used, and he has the control of the realm of mind.

Of course, the existence of Yuanhuan must always be controlled. If it is in battle, it will undoubtedly distract itself and weaken its strength in disguise.

But now, Chen Zong quietly condenses three yuan rings, waiting for the other party to approach.

No more than a few kilometers apart, both sides can be seen through the woods.

This man's armor is the style of Tian Xuan Army, which is the Tian Jiao of Tian Xuan Army.

"Shen Xuanjun kills the Ministry!" The other side also saw Chen Zong and recognized the **** Xuan's armor on Chen Zong.

The Divine Xuan Army is the most elite of the nine armies, and the Killing Department is the most elite of the three Divine Xuan Army.

It can be said that the Divine Xuanjun Killing Department is the most elite of the Xuantian Army.

Immediately, the Xuanjun Tianjiao showed a sneer on this day, to see how I would kill the person who is the most elite of the Xuanjun Killing Department.

There is fierce competition among the nine armies of the Xuantian Army.

Although there is no hatred, they are secretly competing.

As Lei Guang, he approached the other quickly, and Tianjiao of Tianxuan Realm also approached Chen Zong, like a blast.

Instantly, the two sides approached, and the other side also entered the range of the heart.

The realm of the heart is invisible, colorless, silent, and hard to detect.

"Go!" Between the three waves of Chen Zong's hand, the three yuan rings behind him flew out at an astonishing speed.

Under the realm of the heart, the three elementary rings are completely under the control of Chen Zong and are more flexible.

Chen Zong shot, the other side had no accidents, the response was very rapid, and he killed immediately.

The long knife is absolutely empty, the sword is bright and cold, and it splits the world, but it is only one knife, but it is split to the three element rings, although the three element rings are no longer on the same straight line.

With this single knife, it demonstrates extraordinary skill.

But in the realm of the heart, Chen Zong's trajectory was completely grasped.

Even if his cultivation is higher than Chen Zong, it is not much higher than that, but only at the level of the quadruple peak of the Holy Land.

At the same time, Chen Zong slashed out, Jian Guang was shocked.

This sword just blocked the opponent's sword, and the three yuan rings fell quickly to the opponent's arm and neck.

Every effort was made to avoid it, but still could not completely avoid it. The left arm was caught by a ring of elements and contracted instantly. The terrible force seemed to break the left arm.

The Tianxuan Army Tianjiao had to break out with all its strength to open up this circle.

At the same time, Chen Zongyi sword killed.

No raw sword style!

Although this sword speed is not as fast as the extreme heart sword style, it is not slow at all, and the killing is horrible, strong and extremely rich, and it cannot be turned off. It is like the water of a river, and it is as powerful as a thousand-year volcano. Horrible.

There is a gap in repair, but in terms of strength, Tian Xuanjun is somewhat inferior to Chen Zong, not to mention being in the realm of heart.


A sword, inevitably, cut directly across the neck, the light suddenly turned on, and a shot was fired at Chen Zong, and it suddenly waved like a wave.

Suddenly, Xuan Tianjun turned into a streamer that day, swiftly moving far away, and did not know where it would appear, completely random.

The chance of Chen Zong's death increased to four times.

This is also a start.

And, not far away, there was a ray of light sitting quietly in the cracks of the stone, the ray of light was silver and filled with a strange wave of breath.


Chen Zong's body flickered, grabbing the silver light group directly, the light shattered, revealing its contents.

It was a silver body guard, with a simple style and a streamlined shape.

At the same time, a message came into Chen Zong's mind.

Silver Light Arm: A mid-level secret treasure that contains the power of silver light. After being excited, it can double the shooting speed within three breaths, and can be used once every three hours.

Without refining, this secret treasure can be used directly.

Instantly, the silver light arm turned into a ball of light covering Chen Zong's right arm, which was placed on the forearm of the right arm.

But a trace of the secret treasure belongs to it, but it continues to diffuse out of it, and a faint silver light diffuses.

This is to remind others that Chen Zong has a secret treasure, and it is also an intermediate secret treasure.

This is the price that must be paid to get the secret treasure.

However, the power of the silver light after the silver light arm excites can double the shooting speed within three breaths, which is undoubtedly amazing.

Unfortunately, the duration is too short and the interval between uses is too long.

But getting a mid-level secret is pretty good.

Increase the chance of death and get a mid-level secret treasure.

It's just that the breath of the silver light arm is too far, and it can be felt within thirty miles, and the faint silver light can be distinguished in the air within thirty miles.

Converging his mind, Chen Zong did not try the power of the silver light arm, after all it was used up, but it would not be used until twelve hours later. If it encounters a strong enemy, there is no secret treasure available.

"Ten places, I must get one." Chen Zong secretly said.

Of course, one of the two hundred and eighty days of self-cultivation belongs to the bottom level, but his own strength may not be.

Now I have another mid-level secret treasure, at a critical moment, I can improve my strength.

There were as many as two hundred and eighty, but there were not so many secret treasures.

Eighty-eight secret treasures.

Twenty-eight intermediate treasures.

Eight advanced treasures.

The total is one hundred and twenty-four.

Only a hundred and twenty-four people can get the secret treasure, but it is also possible that some people can have multiple secret treasures.

For example, if you are lucky enough, you can get another secret.

And the middle-class secret treasure is so clever.

Thinking was running, Chen Zong's footsteps did not stop, he flew forward quickly.

Everywhere, there are other Tianjiao who find the secret treasure, and there are other Tianjiao people who meet, and fierce fighting erupts.

When Chen Zong transformed into thunder and light and crossed a valley, he suddenly felt that there was a strong wave of heaven and earth vitality in the valley.

"It's so rich and pure and full of vitality." Chen Zong looked at the exuberant vegetation, lush and vigorous, and couldn't help but marvel.

Immediately, his eyes flashed.

"Just use the vitality here to break through the exercises."

It ’s been a while since Daxuanyuanju reached the twentieth floor ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and during this time, after gambling, the potential has been continuously tapped. Now the mystery of the twenty-first floor is also realized. The strong vitality of the world is just breaking through.

Chen Zong flashed in and immediately stepped into it. His mind covered tens of thousands of meters, and he could not find the whereabouts of other people. He immediately and wholeheartedly practiced the exercises and drew the strong and pure vitality around him to help himself break through the hierarchy of exercises.


With the operation of Da Xuan Yuan Jue, the violent wind roared endlessly, countless heaven and earth vitality gathered from all directions, and rushed towards Chen Zong.

The 400-meter realm of the heart draws instantly, and a large amount of heaven and earth vitality is compressed and condensed into the body.

As a result, absorption is much faster.

Beyond the 100-mile radius, a figure was astonishingly fast, like an electric light gliding across the sky, and instantly entered the range of the hundred miles. Immediately, the figure landed.

"This kind of breath ..." There was a small scar on the corner of his face, which looked a little bit fierce. He moved his expression, carefully feeling the breath in the air, his sharp eyes, and he could tell that it was in the air. A touch of silver.


"It should be the breath of a secret treasure."

With a look of joy, the young man with a scar at the corner of his eye was suddenly agitated, immediately discerned the source of his breath, unfolded himself, and flew out at an amazing speed.

Five breaths into the sanctuary also permeated.

The direction this person is going is exactly where Chen Zong is.


This is not long for Tianjiao, who is in the sacred realm, and can be crossed in a short time.

Not long after, the man stepped into the valley where Chen Zong was practicing. In the distance, he also saw Chen Zong being cultivated. nt

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