Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 37: I win with my sword (2)

Xuantian Army 9th Army, although the God Xuan Army ranks first, but the God Xuan Army has fewer personnel, and the other eight armies have more personnel. Among them, there are many outstanding men who have high strength and will be superb tomorrow. Compared to the elite, it's not too much to let go.

The young man with a scar in his eyes came from Wang Xuanjun and his name was Li Wuyan.

The other eight armies of the Xuantian Army are different from the Divine Xuan Army, or different from the Divine Xuan Army killing department.

Shen Xuanjun kills the Ministry, does not give his name, only the code.

The Ministry of War and the Ministry of Defense and the other eight armies were named by name.

Li Wuyu gazed at Chen Zong, a faint smile hanged at the corner of his mouth, and whispered: "Let the elite of the Xuan Army kill the Ministry, let me weigh your ability."

Divine Xuanjun killing department is often called the elite gathering place of Xuantian Army. Naturally, it will also cause dissatisfaction of some talented and proud people.

They feel that they are not weaker than each other, and may even be stronger.

What's more, there is a secret treasure on the other side.

Regardless of whether it is low-level, middle-level, or high-level, it is good to be a secret treasure, and it is useful to yourself.

Suddenly, Li Wushou's body method erupted, turning into a violent wind and sending out an extreme roar, shaking the world, terrifyingly, and rushing towards Chen Zong.

Passing along the way, the vegetation on the left and right sides were shattered into powder dust by the wind, the ground was cut apart, the sand and stones flew and turned into powder dust, like a wild tornado rushing straight ahead, extremely violent.

This kind of momentum, the ordinary five into the sanctuary have no resistance.

Chen Zong was still practicing, but he didn't mean to get up. Li Wuyu's face flashed a moment of indifference.

It seems that it is at the juncture of cultivation. If it is forced, it will only be backwashed by the exercises, and it will not escape this time.


Li Wuyu didn't have any thoughts about waiting for the other party to finish training, and then fighting against the Nether Demon on the battlefield. However, he wouldn't have such an opportunity and thought. It was pure death.

Even if they are the same as the Xuantian Legion, they are not real enemies, but at this moment they are also regarded as enemies. They are enemies competing for opportunities. Of course, they must not have any intention to keep their hands.


The gust of wind snarled, destroying everything and destroying everything. Li Wuyan blasted out with the palm of his hand. The gust of wind suddenly condensed and turned into an angry dragon. He wanted to kill Chen Zong instantly.

Li Wuyu's cultivation is the fifth period of the sacred realm, and his practice is also sacred-grade, and the level is not low. His strength is much stronger than that of the fifth period of the sacred realm.

This blow was enough to kill the ordinary five-entry early in the holy realm.

When the stormy dragon was about to hit Chen Zong, Chen Zong's eyes suddenly opened, a gleam of cold light appeared, and there seemed to be a vast expanse deep in his eyes.

The Red Prison Sword came out in an instant, and one sword was killed.

Thunder Light Breaks the Mountain!

Swordlight turned into a violent thunder lightning, as if to break the mountains, violent to the extreme.

Although this sword is very powerful, it still can't stop the bombardment of Li Wuren's howling wind dragon, after all, Chen Zong is a little hasty.

But you don't need to block it completely, just block it for an instant.

Thunder is absolutely dusty!

The nine magic changes!

The two statures were cast in succession, and Chen Zong bypassed the fury dragon, killing with one sword.

Heart Sword Style!

This sword, the speed of the sword is extremely fast and extremely amazing, and Li Wuyu was also surprised.

"A little skill." Li Wu grinned coldly, and the long knife jumped back suddenly, chopped down, the sword light was extremely fierce, and contained countless killings.

This knife seemed to break open the void in front and kill everything.

Li Wuyu shot, but did not have any intention to keep his hands, as if he were treating Chen Zong as a void demon and did his best.

One shot!

The killing rushed, leaving Chen Zong's hair upright and creepy.

Sure enough, the peerless Tianjiao was selected, which is really amazing.

The reason why the Tianxuan Army ’s Tianjiao was so quickly defeated is also because he unexpectedly performed the relationship of Yuanhuan.

Otherwise, it is inevitable that we will have to fight each other to be able to distinguish the winner.

No raw sword style!

Strong and unparalleled killing intentions emerged, condensed on the sword body, violently killed, like a thunderbolt.

The sword and the sword collided instantly, and the terrible power shook through the sword body.

Chen Zong could not help but step back three steps.

In terms of cultivation, the gap between himself and the other party is obvious. If Da Xuan Yuan Jue breaks through to the 21st floor in time, the sanctity will become even more magnificent, and the pure power will be improved. This sword, I am afraid that I will be unable to resist live.

Li Wuyan was even more surprised, and he was blocked by his one-stop kill.

However, he responded extremely quickly, without half a moment's hesitation. The sword light flashed into nine violent kills. At once, the nine sword lights turned into eighty-one, covering Chen Zongzhou's body. Each knife was extremely sharp and murderous. Amazing, sharp and terrifying, it is a pure killing knife, without any extravagance.

Daoguang tore the void, as if to smash Chen Zong's body, to make Chen Zong creepy.

Suddenly, Chen Zong shrank the realm of heart to a hundred meters.

Shrinking from 400 meters to 100 meters, everything became clearer, completely mastered by Chen Zong's "perception".

Eighty-one knife lights, eighty-one tracks.

Chen Zong's look was so dazzling. With a sword in his hand and covered by the realm of the heart, he controlled the sword in his hand with his heart. The speed of the sword was extraordinary.

Suddenly, I saw Chen Zong waving his sword.

Looks like a sword, unremarkable, but it is the 981 sword, blocking the 81 blade lights, each blade of power is overbearing, making Chen Zong have to unload quickly, the ground is guided by the impact of force Fragmented.

This move was blocked by Chen Zong again, Li Wuyan was even more surprised.

Obviously Xiu is inferior to himself. The difference is very big, but he can block his sword repeatedly. Is this the ability of the God Xuan Army to kill the elite?

No, he is definitely not worse than the elite of the Xuanjun army.

The long knife reached the air again, and his shape was unsteady, and surrounded him.

The silhouettes overlap, the lights of the sword are staggered, and they turn into a net of heaven and earth, and the purgatory of the sword.

Nine knives!

Nine ways!

Eighty-one knife!

Eighty one!

Immediately, it was reduced to nine figures again.

More mysterious and exquisite.

But under the envelope of the realm of the heart, all trajectories are controlled by Chen Zong, and there is nothing to hide.

Even though it was very difficult, in the end, it was still blocked by Chen Zong.

"Everything was blocked." Li Wuyan was shocked to the extreme. Although it seemed that the other party's resistance was not easy, he still resisted.

"Take me that knife again!" The words Mori, the secrets spread, and the horror of chill erupted in an instant.

A sword that gathers the power of the whole body, an incomparable horror.


Chen Zong was suddenly horrified. Under the envelope of the realm of the heart, he could feel the horror of this sword more clearly. It seemed to split the realm of the heart, the world and the earth, and himself.

The ground burned!

Without hesitation, Chen Zongshi showed the strongest sword.

The vitality of fire in the realm of the heart of a hundred meters was drawn in at once and merged into the sword. The fire was bright and fiery, extremely violent, burning at high temperatures and turning into ashes.

This sword, called Li Wuyu's face, changed greatly and felt great threat.

Swords and knives collided countless times in an instant, and the terrible force struck in all directions, breaking apart.

Pei Ran Mo Yu's strong impact came, so that Chen Zong could not help but retreat again and again, Li Wuyan could not help retreating.

Each step smashed the ground, leaving deep pits, but while the two backed away, they also made moves at the same time, the sword was killed, and the sword light was broken.

In a footstep, Chen Zong's body was rushing and his sword was waving.

Takeshi of the Wind!

Three strokes were shot in succession, and they were instantly transformed into thunderous martial arts moves.

The sword drew a letter, even though the power was not as powerful as the fire on the ground, but there were no gaps between changes, continuous and varied, and for a time, Li Wuyu could only parry.

However, Li Wuyu's swordsmanship is extremely exquisite, each knife pursues the ultimate lethality, seemingly simple, but mysterious and amazing, but the knife method that has been torn and smashed by the life and death of the void demon many times, the strain is rapid, and constantly blocks Chen Zong Swordsmanship, and counterattack.

Chen Zong was not in a hurry, his opponent was powerful, and his sword skills were exquisite and arrogant, which was a very good object to sharpen.

With the pressure that Li Wuwen has brought on himself, Chen Zong is constantly sharpening himself and inspiring his own potential, intending to make himself a step further.

But Li Wuyu's idea is different. He wants to kill Chen Zong as soon as possible, win the other's secret, and then kill more people.

Takeshi of the Wind!

Chen Zong, a basic ideology of martial arts, continued to perform, over and over again, under the pressure of life and death crisis of Li Wuyan's sword method ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I felt that I had made progress.

Lei Zhiwu!

Fire of Fire!

Takeshi of the sword!

The four basic Taoist martial arts are all performed alternately, but each display will disrupt the order, hand-in-hand, and as you like, sometimes slowly like a breeze, sometimes violent like fire, sometimes sharp.

The more he fought, the more ugly Li Wu's face became, and his own cultivation was much higher than the opponent, but he couldn't kill him.


Taking a deep breath, the strength agitated in an instant, violent and amazing, the breath was soaring into the sky, condensing a shadow of a sword in the sky, emitting an unparalleled horror that cut off all vitality.

"Slaying the sword!"

Without any hesitation, Li Wuyu showed off his attacking secrets, a powerful sword.

Killed with one stroke, slaughtered all living things in the heavens and the earth, to the extreme horror of Chen Zong.

The power of this knife is at least 50% stronger than that of Li Wuyu's other knives.

Chen Zonghan's hair was upside down, his hair was creepy, his eyes narrowed, and a bit of Hanmang burst out from the depth of his eyes.

The power of this knife suddenly surpassed the upper limit that he could resist.

Power of Silver Light!

Without hesitation, Chen Zong directly urged the power of the mid-level Mystic Silver Light Arm. A silver light diffused instantly, covering the right arm like a stream of water. Chen Zong only felt that when his right arm was covered with silver light, The very strange power permeated the entire right arm, and it seemed to make the right arm lose all its weight for a moment, becoming extremely light and extremely flexible.

Power of Silver Light!

This can only last for three breaths. The three breaths are actually short-lived and passed in a flash.

But for the strong, the three interest rates are not short-lived, enough to make many moves.

Chen Zong did not waste time, seized the precious three breaths, and killed them with one sword. nt

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