Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 39: I win with my sword (4)

(Liu Dao is going to enter the capital. From now on, please do n’t call me Primary Six, call me Six Six Six.)

Ming Xuanjun was arrogant at a speed of one day, passing by like a blast, passing by for a few miles in a blink of an eye, and swiftly away.

Immediately, he was in a stature, from the speed to the pause, only in an instant. This day, his face was extremely dignified, staring at the front, his brows were gradually wrinkled, his eyes burst into an extremely sharp coldness, and he entered the sacred realm in the middle of the fifth period. The breath went away.


The sound of continuous gold and iron sounded, it was extremely pleasing. The three short shots and short sticks behind it combined into a long gun. The long gun was bronzed and looked extremely heavy, but the tip of the gun burst into an unparalleled sharpness, as if it could penetrate the world. all.

The breath is integrated with the spear in the hand, which is unparalleled, and the war is soaring, as if to penetrate through the sky.

At this moment, a figure came from the distance like a ghost quickly, and appeared as a flash.

When this person saw the man with a gun in front, a sneer of a smirk was hanging from the corner of his mouth, and there was a horrific murderous bloom under his eyes.

The ghostly figure didn't pause for a moment, and quickly approached each other.

Meet the strong on the narrow road to win!

This is a duel between life and death. It is a fight for chance and a place for quota. There is no room for hesitation and retention.


Bronze spears carry the mountain-like heavyness and amazing sharpness, and they are instantly killed through the sky, directly compressing the air in front of them, as if they were collapsing in an instant, making a terrifying roar, countless air poured from all directions, Like an astonishing cyclone, strangling everything.

But when the ghostly figure flickered, it seemed to become nothingness, and penetrated the gunman's cover directly, approaching the other side.

With a left-handed wave, the speed was indescribable, and a faint light appeared in the air.

There is no escape!

Even the reaction slowed a step. The heavenly pride that had been cultivated in the mid-fifth period of the sanctuary was wiped across the neck by the light. The light flashed on his body, and one was absorbed by the other, and he quickly left.

one strike!

With just one blow, he killed the Peerless Tianjiao, who had been repaired in the middle of the fifth period of the sacred realm, and showed his terrible strength.

"Eight times!" There was a faint smile on his feminine face, his voice low.

The number of deaths reached eight, which means that five people have died under his blade.

"Unfortunately, there is no secret treasure," the man whispered again. "But even if I don't get the secret treasure, I can get a place when I have the strength of the sun."


When you have strength, you have confidence.

The stronger your strength, the stronger your confidence.

As one of the 280 peerless Tianjiao who participated in the battle this time, he is one of the few who deserve to be deserved of the highest, and his strength is naturally also the strongest.

His body flickered, and he left quickly like a ghost, silent.


"You are not my enemy, just kill your neck." The young man with long hair and fluttering arms held a light blue sword. The blade was thin and sharp.

His indifferent eyes gazed ahead, the one who was mobilizing his strength to fight himself.

"Who hasn't played or died? It's not necessarily." The other side hummed coldly, and immediately, the two swords rolled up the terrible blade storm, and swept through the madness.

"Struggling in vain." The indifferent young man's eyes flashed coldly, and a sword waved, seemingly an understatement, but in a flash he issued a horrific power, as if he split the mountains and cut the river.

It was just a sword that split the terrible blade storm, and even split the opponent's body, leaving a long sword mark behind him, reaching 100 meters away.

The sword was gone, the two knives were scattered, and the man looked forward.

How can the gap be so big!


"If you hit me, I will let you go this time." The young man with a strong body like a mountain laughed, the body suddenly jumped up, as if a dragon rides through the sky, and fell in an instant, it seems that the tiger crossed the mountain. Falling quickly, with a horror of tigers and tigers.


One end of the stick became bigger and thicker in an instant, like a waist, slamming down and smashing mountains.

Below the big stick, the stick shook the sky, the ground collapsed and cracked, and numerous traces spread quickly.

Under one stick, he has a peerless Tianjiao who was repaired in the fifth stage of the sanctuary. All the defenses and resistances were defeated in an instant, and a ray of light was separated and shot at the other side in an instant, and he turned into a ray far away. .


These people are among the two hundred and eighty peerless arrogants.

Within a hundred years of age, in order to reach the sixth level of sacred realm, cultivation requires not only extraordinary talents for cultivation, but also extraordinary opportunities to create them.


In the valley, all the grass and trees turned into powder dust, and it was scattered all around, and the ground was covered with countless gully cracks. It was astonishing as if it was ruined by the hurricane.

Chen Zong stood in the valley, and the power of the **** Xuanwu Mingdan disappeared completely.

And this practice has yielded great results.

The first is the breakthrough of Da Xuan Yuan Jue to the 21st floor.

Secondly, the meaning of the wind broke through to four turns, and the wind of the wind reached a perfect state.

Finally, it is the breakthrough of the Taoism of the Wind that transforms into the mid-level hurricane Taoism, and based on the hurricane Taoism and the wind of the wind to create a more powerful sword move, this sword move, Chen Zong named the hurricane destroy the city.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Zong's mood returned to calmness, and his figure was stretched out. He immediately turned into a streamer and quickly left the valley.


"You even have a secret treasure, hand it in obediently, I will give you a happy time." Tianjiao, a dragon Xuan army armor, stared at Chen Zong, his eyes twinkled brightly, and his footsteps showed a faint bronze light, diffused The breath of the secret treasure fluctuates.

Low-level secrets!

The opponent's shoes are low-level secrets.

At this moment, the other side stared at Chen Zong's right arm, and he could see a faint silver light, and he could feel the fluctuation of breath more.

Intermediate Treasure!

He felt that he was lucky, and he was able to meet someone with intermediate secrets.

As long as the opponent is killed, the mid-level secret treasure will be dropped and acquired by himself for his own use.

If you get a mid-level secret, you will have more hole cards, which will be more beneficial for this battle.

Of course, he also has some fears.

After all, it ’s an intermediate-level secret treasure, and I do n’t know what kind of intermediate-level secret treasure it is, and what power it has. If the other party is threatened by itself, it is better to surrender it actively.

If it doesn't work, then fight each other and kill each other.

Chen Zong's eyes narrowed slightly, naturally he could not give the silver light arm to the other party, but this person would be a rival.

Its cultivation is the peak of the fivefold in the sacred realm, which is much better than the middle period of the fourthfold of the sacred realm. The gap brought by the cultivation is also a gap in strength.

And the other party has a low-level secret treasure, but a pair of combat shoes, how effective it is, Chen Zong is not clear.


Chen Zong's heart is bottomless, but no matter what, this battle is inevitable.

So go ahead.

The Red Prison Flame streamed the sword out of the sheath, struck through a sword light and instantly shot through the air, and the sword gas was extremely violent and fast.


"Look for death!" Yang Ming was furious.

However, it was just the cultivation in the mid-fourth stage of the sacred realm, and he dared to take the initiative to himself.


Suddenly, Yang Ming's repair to the top five peaks of the Holy Land broke out. The Holy Power rolled like a tidal wave, extremely powerful and extremely fierce. He punched out like a dragon.

The fist was fierce, and the stone was shocking. He directly crushed the red sword and blasted it to Chen Zong, as if he would break Chen Zong into pieces.

The nine magic changes!

In an instant, nine figures flickered.

This is the nine changes in the magic state of Dacheng Realm.

The Magical Nine Changes is a sacred class superior body method, but it is deeper than Thunder Light and is especially suitable for battle.

Now it can be transformed into Jiu Dao in an instant, that is, cultivation to Dacheng, but there is still a perfect realm above it, which is not so easy to reach.

Between the changes of the nine figures, they quickly approached the fame, and the Red Prison Flames streamed their swords together.

"Sculpture of worms!" Although he famously shouted sternly, he didn't dare to despise the slightest, because his body was so clever that it was difficult for him to find flaws.

However, you don't need to look for flaws, you just need to break them with force.

Boom boom!

For a split second, Yang Ming blasted out his punches continuously, attacking him all around and breaking everything, Chen Zong just felt like a boat on the turbulent sea, swaying endlessly and being crushed at any time. The same as destruction.

Field of Hearts!

Squeezed to a hundred-meter square, and immediately, continued to compress until fifty meters.

Fifty meters is the limit of compression now, and it takes a lot of effort to maintain compression.

But the same ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is compressed into the realm of the heart of fifty meters, everything becomes clearer, ten times clearer than four hundred meters, and in the vague, the feeling that can control everything is more and more Stronger and more obvious.


The magical nine changes were performed by Chen Zong to the extreme, avoiding the opponent's punches and killing them with a sword.

Yang Ming was very surprised that the other party could avoid his punches and approach himself to attack himself, which was incredible.

However, such an attack is not enough, not strong enough.

Chen Zong was also helpless. Even if he compressed the realm of the heart to a range of 50 meters, he could avoid the punch of the opponent and attack the opponent, but the huge gap he repaired made his sword unable to really hurt him. The other side, let alone kill.

Even if it stimulates the power of the silver light arm, it only increases the speed of the sword. The speed of the sword increases, although the power will be increased accordingly. However, it is difficult to kill the opponent.

Moreover, the duration is only three breaths.

When his heart moved, Chen Zong avoided Yang Ming's fist, and quickly backed away.

"Struggling in vain." Yang Ming couldn't help but sneer. He was sure that although the opponent's strength was strong, there was still some gap compared with himself, only some threats, but as long as he was alert enough, he could defeat it Kill.

At that time, the opponent's intermediate-level secret treasure will belong to him.

Realizing that his strength was enough to defeat the opponent, Yang Ming did not rush to chase.

Chen Zong's eyes flashed coldly, and immediately, the realm of the heart spread again, covering a four hundred meter square.

As soon as my heart moved, the energy of fire was pulled away and condensed on the blade of the sword at once, and the flames of the Red Prison Flame flowed into flames.

Suddenly, Chen Zongyi sword waved, the flames were raging. nt

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