Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 40: I win with my sword (5)

(Now what you see are all the saved manuscripts that have been written every day and every night for more than six months, and updated regularly)

The ground burned!

The flames were fierce and ferocious like raging waves.

Many of the casting materials of the Red Prison Flame Flow Sword are flame-based materials, which contain amazing blazing heat, which have been stimulated one after another, so that the higher the temperature of this sword, the more powerful it becomes.

But Chen Zong also knows that with this sword, it is not enough to kill the other party, at most it is some threats.

Second sword ... Hurricane destroys the city!

Yang Ming was slightly surprised, the boxing became violent, countless punches turned into a majestic mass, as if the river was rolling east, and the violent burning of the heavens and the earth broke open, destroying the raging hurricane blast .

The hurricane was then crushed, and Yang Mingqiang's extreme punches broke out.

"What else can you do, just take it out." Yang Ming smiled coldly.

The elite of the Xuan Army ’s killing department will be defeated today.

Chen Zong's complexion was staring, his eyes staring like swords, his thoughts seemed to flicker.

The opponent ’s cultivation is obviously better than himself too much. If the opponent is just an ordinary fivefold into the sanctuary, it is not his opponent at all, but no, the other party is Tianjiao, a peerless Tianjiao who has chosen one thousand miles. Saint-level superb, martial arts is also a super-level superb, talented and experienced in combat.

Either way, it's impeccable.

With such a strong opponent, there is a clear gap for repair.

how to spell?

Chen Zong's thoughts flashed like lightning, flashing fast, did he want to die once? Also, the silver light arm will also fall and be obtained by the opponent?

In front of it is the light and shadow that were punched and pierced by the opponent's punch. Fire and wind are gradually dissipating, but the wind and the fire are intertwined and turned into cyclones. It seems to contain an amazing power.

In his mind, there seemed to be a flash of electricity passing by, like a lightning thunder that tore the dark, suddenly brightening Chen Zong's eyes.



Wind helps fire!

Fire by the wind!

Wind and fire do not conflict, on the contrary, they can complement each other.

Auras of light emerged, and Chen Zong's superb understanding came into play again, instantly enlightening.

The realm of the heart covers all directions, and the range of 400 meters is completely shrouded.

Immediately, Chen Zong exhibited the fire on the ground again, and the sword turned into a violent flame, which was immediately followed by a hurricane to destroy the city.

However, when the two moves were performed before and after, Chen Zong's sword came out quickly, but there was a time interval, and he was also blown apart by Yang Ming's terrible punches and could not take shape.

"Do you only have this means?" Yang Ming shook his head, seeming a little disappointed. He is different from Chen Zong's other opponents before, and has more words.

Many words also created opportunities for Chen Zong.

Field of Hearts!

Half of the energy of fire, half of the energy of wind.

The ground burned!

Hurricane destroys the city!

The two moves came out seamlessly, the ground fire spread out violently, and between the hurricanes, the fire soared into the air, becoming more and more violent and fiery, and burning everything that destroyed everything was irresistible.

However, there are differences between the two methods before and after the show. Only a small part of them can really help the fire. Rao's power is also directly improved by 50%.

Yang Ming's face changed suddenly. The power of this move was even more powerful. He already felt threatened.

The power of wind and fire, the meaning of wind and fire.

The punches broke out and the momentum was shocking.

As if the angry dragon roared, as if the evil tiger came out of the forest.

The punch blasted out, making Chen Zong suddenly feel a creepy feeling. If the opponent had performed this punch before, I was afraid that he had already lost.

Fortunately, the other person's temperament is so much.

Too much talk is not an advantage.

Seeing success, Chen Zong once again issued a sword.

It is still two points of strength in the realm of the heart, and it is still the earth fire and the hurricane that have destroyed the city in succession, striving for faster speed.

Yang Ming can also feel that Chen Zong's sword power is improving. It was a bit rusty at first, but now he is becoming more and more proficient.

Inwardly, I can't help but regret it.

With such power, if you are not careful, you will be hurt.

At the beginning, the degree of integration of the ground fire and the hurricane destroying the city was only 10%, but only 10%. However, the power of the fusion was 50% stronger than that of the ground fire or hurricane destroying the city.

Now, the degree of integration has reached 20%, and the power has been further enhanced.

Killing with one sword is enough to confront Yang Ming's violent fist.

Chen Zong's eyes were extremely bright, and the light burst out. In the depths, it was clear and crystal clear. At the bottom, there were countless Ambilights.

The streamer has red and cyan.

Red is like fire!

Cyan is like the wind!

Red light and green light are intertwined and entangled, and a myriad of auras are generated.

Chen Zong found that he seemed to have found the right path.

"The power of speed!" Yang Ming sighed, and immediately, the shoes under his feet lit up in bronze, and became more intense, spreading quickly to cover his legs.

The legs became lighter, and even the body became lighter, but at the same time, the legs were full of amazing power.

Suddenly, Yang Ming's speed increased by 50%, disappeared directly from under Chen Zongjian, and appeared immediately behind Chen Zong. He punched out with one punch, the boxing force was highly condensed, and the surface turned like a drill bit, smashing everything.

Chen Zong was chilling on his back, and was creepy.

Turning around, a sword came out.

When the sword collided with his fist, Chen Zong felt a terrible force of bombardment. Through the sword's body, he struck the body directly. The whole person retreated back and forth, feeling the sword's body trembling, his arms trembling, his chest getting stuffy, and his blood rushed against the current. Spit out.

Chen Zong forcibly swallowed the blood, and if it spit out, his momentum would drop instantly, which was even more unfavorable.

With the terrible power of this fist, Chen Zongfei retreated and Jian Guang broke through.

The ground burned!

Hurricane destroys the city!

"You're too slow!" At that moment, Yang Ming disappeared from Chen Zong's eyes and under the sword again, and his voice came into Chen Zong's ear from the side, and again he struck.

Once again under attack, although Chen Zong quickly reacted and resisted, he was still traumatized and the blood was surging.

Without Chen Zong's body-building, his physique is much stronger than usual when he enters the sacred realm, and he cannot support it at all.

Covered by the realm of the heart, Yang Ming's speed suddenly increased by 50%, but was still captured by Chen Zong, but it was too fast and somewhat beyond Chen Zong's reaction.

Power of Silver Light!

Without hesitation, Chen Zong immediately inspired the power of Yinguang's arm, and his right arm became extremely light in an instant, causing the sword to surge rapidly.

Time is only three breaths, very precious.

Chen Zong's eyes flashed a sharp light, and a sword shot out.

The ground burned!

Hurricane destroys the city!

Because the sword speed doubled, and Chen Zong's conscious adjustment, the two moves were killed, and the degree of integration increased instantly.


The integration of 30%, the power becomes more and more terrifying, the wind passes the fire and destroys everything.

This sword is not only extremely powerful, but also surprisingly fast, making Yang Ming unable to avoid it as before and can only explode with all strength.

However, Chen Zong seized the time for three breaths, and once again exhibited the fires and hurricanes to destroy the city.



The wind and fire rose into the sky, and Yang Ming was surrounded by wind and fire and was bombarded by madness.

The duration of that pair of shoes is also limited, the speed drops, and it is more difficult to avoid.

No raw sword style!

Chen Zong's eyes flashed, seizing the last chance of the power of silver light, a sword was killed, and the sword's edge tore the sky directly, leaving a long sword mark and spreading away quickly.

Yang Ming is fully resisting the combined power of the fire and the hurricane destroying the city, and it is difficult to guard against the dead sword style.


Yang Ming's face was incredible.

The strength is obviously stronger than the opponent, but in the end, he was killed by the opponent, which is simply not reasonable.

As everyone knows, if he had the strongest outbreak at the beginning, he would be expected to kill Chen Zong, but unfortunately he talked too much and did not exert his full strength at the beginning.

The result of this is that Chen Zong has found an opportunity to improve in the battle, thereby strengthening his strength and fighting himself.

Chen Zong was given another chance to die, becoming six times.

However, Yang Ming reduced the chance of death once, turned into a streamer and quickly left, leaving a pair of combat shoes in place.

This war shoe is naturally owned by Chen Zong.

Put it on, immediately fit your feet, extremely comfortable, so that Chen Zong feels that the strength of his footsteps has been enhanced and more cohesive.

Fast combat shoes!

Low-level secret treasure, every hour can stimulate the speed of power, increase the movement speed within 50%.

Compared to the mid-level Mibao, this low-order Mibao has limited power, but it is also very good.

Can increase the speed of movement by 50% ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ will undoubtedly make your body faster.

It only lasts for five breaths, which is short-lived. Therefore, it is only suitable for chasing or fighting. If you want to use it to escape, it will inevitably be unsatisfactory.

However, in any case, getting this pair of low-level secret treasure shoes, at the critical moment, to show the power contained in it will be more helpful to the battle.

"But my biggest gain this time should not be the low-end Mibao speed combat shoes." Chen Zong said secretly, his eyes were extremely bright.

What was the biggest gain?

It's fusion!

It is the fusion of the two types of sword tricks, such as earth fire burning and hurricane destroying the city, or to be more thorough, it should be the preliminary fusion of the two meanings of wind and fire.

Of course, this kind of integration is still a bit rough, but Chen Zong feels that this is the right path, and the two tricks can be merged together, which will greatly increase its power.

If it is fully integrated, its power can be increased at least twice.

But Chen Zong also knows that complete integration is difficult.

"The initial fusion is a good start." Chen Zong said to himself, his eyes were extremely firm.

Looking around, Chen Zong's figure flashed. This is not a good place to practice swords.

One month is not long, but it is not short. I should seize every opportunity to improve my strength, so that I can get better results in this battle that is somewhat unfavorable to myself.

The number one is irrelevant. The most important thing is to be able to get one of the ten places. In this way, we can hope to compete with more peerless Tianjiao, and we are expected to enter the supreme Lingwu Holy Land.

Taking a deep breath, excluding all thoughts, and paying full attention, Chen Zong's eyes became sharp and firm, unparalleled. nt

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