Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 41: I win with my sword (6)

(At this time, Liuliu has walked the red carpet and feels like a big star, Meng Meng da da)

Outside the Xuantian Junyuan array, the high-level and strong men of the Xuantian Legion gazed at the heaven and earth in the array.

The mountains, rivers, and mountains are planted into forests.

Figures flew across them, fighting endlessly.

Each of the peerless Tianjiao selected has outstanding ability, or cultivates talent or understanding or other aspects, is outstanding, and one by one through battles, hovering on the edge of life and death many times, mind Tough and rich in means.

Time flies, in a blink of an eye, half a month has passed, and when the distance is over, half a month is left.

In the past half month, Chen Zong's improvement in strength was very obvious.

After many fierce battles of life and death, it further stimulated the development of its own potential, and further improved it, reaching the fourth stage of the sanctuary.

Heart swordsman meaning is still four rounds.

The meaning of Thunder Road broke through to four turns.

The meaning of earth fire broke through to five turns.

Hurricane sentiment also broke to five revolutions.

I have to say that in the past half a month, Chen Zong's gains were great. Of course, he can break through so much because of his superb understanding and past grand accumulation and precipitation.

Accumulation and precipitation may not yield immediate results, but only the benefits are not the disadvantages, and they will play a great role in the future.

As it is now.

In addition, the degree of integration of the two measures of earth burning and hurricane destruction reached 50%.

50% is also the upper limit that Chen Zong can reach now.

Chen Zong also owns two secret treasures, one is the middle-order secret treasure silver light arm, and the other is the low-order secret treasure flash beads.

As for the previous low-level Mibao sprint shoes, Chen Zong encountered a strong man who had reached the sixth stage of entering the sacred realm. The too large gap also caused a gap in strength. Kill.

Fortunately, only a low-level secret treasure was dropped, and the middle-level secret treasure silver light arm was still there.

The defeat and death that time also gave Chen Zong an opportunity to realize that the ground fire and hurricane ideas broke through to five revolutions, and the strength was further improved.

Today, Chen Zong's deaths have reached twenty-three times. If he did not die once, there would be twenty-four.

The low-level secret treasure of the flashing pearl is also obtained after killing a strong enemy.

The lake is a hundred miles long, and the turquoise lake water is endlessly undulating. A golden light rises and falls in the central lake water, exuding an extremely seductive breath.

That is the wave that belongs to the secret treasure.


It is the breath of high-end secret treasure.

There are only eight high-level secret treasures derived from the Xuantian Hunyuan array.

The effect of the mid-level Mystery Silver Light Arm has been so obvious. What about the high-level Mystery?

Chen Zong stared at the golden light in the middle of the lake, his eyes twinkling brightly, without any pause in his figure, immediately turned into a thunderbolt and flew out, quickly approaching the wide lake.

From the shore to the center of the lake, but about fifty miles, such a distance is nothing to Chen Zong.


Approaching quickly!

Suddenly, Chen Zong's eyes became sharp, because on the opposite side, someone was approaching quickly.

Breath of the secret treasure!

Chen Zong also felt the breath of the secret treasure.

Bronze light permeates the air, which is the light and breath of low-level secret treasures.

Yao Miao is the peerless heavenly pride of the God Xuan Army War Department. She was trained to reach the fifth stage of entering the sacred realm. Her body was permeated with blue water and fluctuated endlessly, echoing the water of the lake below, as if to form a whole.

When he was in shape, he flew across the water at a rapid speed, which was faster than flying in the air.

"The breath of high-end secret treasure!" Yao Miao's beautiful eyes flashed with excitement.

Depending on his own cultivation, although his strength is good, he is placed in the middle of two hundred and eighty peerless arrogants.

However, he wanted to compete for one of the ten places.

After all, as long as you have the intention to continue to cultivate, those who have the ambition to continue to move forward on the road of cultivation cannot resist such temptations.

Compete with more peerless Tianjiao for the place of Lingwu Holy Land.

Lingwu Holy Land!

It is the first sacred place in the Lingwu Holy Realm. From ancient times to the present, all those who enter the Lingwu Holy Land, as long as they have not died, have grown up one by one, they are very amazing.

You know, the Lingwu Holy Land is also called the Holy Land of the Millennium, which means that it was opened only once every millennium.

Throughout many mysteries, most of them are opened once every ten years, and even better every one hundred years. Very few people have more than one hundred years.

There is only one spiritual and sacred place.

According to rumors, the Xuantian Legion and some high-level strong men in Zhenyuanwei once entered the Lingwu Holy Land.

And some of the great holy realms from ancient times to the past have also entered the Lingwu Holy Land.

After coming out of the Lingwu Holy Land, as long as they do not die, they will at least become half-step grand saints, and they will be among the best in the half-step saints.

However, with her current strength, Yao Miao also knows very well that it is difficult and extremely difficult to get a place.

However, if you can get this high-level secret, maybe you have the right to compete for ten places.

High-level secrets!

You must get it, and you also feel that another person is approaching, with a low-level secret and a high-level secret.

Yao Miao and Chen Zong approached the high-level secret at almost the same time, faintly seeing a touch of gold floating in the water.

"People who kill the ministry." Yao Miao's beautiful eyes flowed like water waves, her gaze came, as if water vapor swept through.

Chen Zong also recognized that the armour of the opponent was the armour of the Shen Xuan Army War Department.

Although they are both members of the Divine Army, they belong to the War Department and the Killing Department, and even if they belong to the same Military Department, they will not stay.


At the same time, Yao Miao and Chen Zong shot.

With a wave of Yao Miao's hand, there was a blue breath pervading, condensing the water of the lake, and instantly turning into a violent wave, surging and surging, raging and rolling up, destroying the deadly blast to Chen Zong.

The holy-class superb skills practiced by Yao Miao are water-based. In places like lakes, they can exert even more amazing power.

However, Chen Zong did not. He did not realize the meaning of mastering the water. The practice method he practiced was not the water system, but the Zhongxuan Daxuanyuanjue, which did not occupy an advantage in this respect.

Even on the lake, the power of the meaning of fire cannot be fully revealed.

But Chen Zong was not afraid.

Sword in hand, invincible.

A sword slashed, the sword was brilliant and fierce, and it was shot out of the air.

Suddenly, the waves of water under Yao Miao's control turned into water guns, which shot through the sky, and the power was extremely amazing.

At the same time, under the control of Yao Miao, a hand condensed by the water quietly grabbed quickly from the bottom of the lake, toward the golden light.

But under the shroud of Chen Zong's heart, this scene has nothing to hide.

One foot lifted and fell, as if trampled on everything. In the roar, a terrible force transmitted shock, penetrated the bottom of the water, hit the palm of the hand, and shattered it.

Hurricane destroys the city!

The strength of the wind condenses, killing with one sword, turning into a violent hurricane, smashing everything, turning everything into a fan.

The terrible sword and hurricane rushed out, the world was roaring, and a lot of lakes were rolled up with it, as if a waterspout connected heaven and earth. It was extremely horrible and amazingly powerful. Bombing.

Both Chen Zong and Yao Miao were shocked.

Chen Zong also did not expect that this blow would evolve so, so arrogant.

Unfortunately, if you understand the meaning of mastering the water and cultivate the martial arts of water, you can increase the power of this sword.

But time is limited and energy is limited. It is not easy to understand the meaning of water. You can only think about it temporarily.

The hurricane destroyed the city with a single sword, powerful and terrible. The waterspout was boundless, powerful and shocking.

Chen Zong's eyes flashed, and he immediately used the power of the low-ranking secret treasure.

The only function of flash beads is to flash within a kilometer.

However, it can only be used once every hour.

Using the power of the flash beads, Chen Zong flickered for a moment, appeared next to the golden light, the action was extremely fast, and she immediately seized that golden light.


As if the wrath of the water god, Yao Miao burst into full force, it seemed to mobilize the power of the entire lake, releasing the horrible power, making Chen Zong feel like he was fighting against this 100-mile-long lake.

Chen Zong was shocked inside, this feeling was amazing.

Not in love, Chen Zong waved his sword without hesitation, and burst out with amazing power. With no sword at all, he continued to cast the sword, breaking the gap between the gigantic waves and the thunder.

The body flickered ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ into a thunderbolt, but fell into the heavy impact of the water waves. The terrible pressure was constantly squeezed from all sides, just like Chen Zong's body.




Sword in hand, breaking through obstacles, all obstacles will be broken under the sword's edge.

With a bang, Chen Zong finally burst out of the water and hurried to the lake.

Fighting in the lake is not good for yourself, but good for the other.

"Don't want to run away!" Yao Miao sighed coldly, waving her arms, she suddenly carried a horrible wave, as if the entire lake was angry, venting her anger.

Between countless waves and surging waves, countless currents quickly rose from the bottom to the sky, continually converging to form a huge water giant with a height of 100 meters.

Countless waves of water on the water giant are pulsating, and the water flows like waves.


The water giant issued a roar, which represented Yao Miao's anger. He suddenly waved his huge arm and brought out a thousand water cannons. The power was extremely amazing and terrifying.

The ground burned!

Hurricane destroys the city!

Chen Zong immediately exhibited the fusion of two types of tricks. Even if it is by the lake, the vitality of water is strong, and the vitality of fire is not enough.

Killed with a sword, the fire and tornado are terrifying, destroying everything, directly bombarding the water giant, sending out a fierce collision, endless water vapor, turning into white smoke and rising to the ground.

Under the astonishing collision, the forces of terror stirred all directions, one after another, and even Chen Zong himself had to step back and move away from it so as not to be affected. It would take more power to resist. nt

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