Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 42: I win with my sword (7)

The water mist filled the sky, and the roaring sound rang through all directions, shaking the world, the heavy ripples surging wildly, wantonly expanding and extending in the void, crushing everything.

Chen Zong extended the divine thoughts, covering all directions, covering the realm of the heart for 400 meters, and feeling everything.

When the water mist cleared, the water giant burst into pieces.

Despite the geographical advantage of the lake, it was difficult to withstand the blow from the integration of ground fires and hurricanes. Even if it was supplemented by external forces in time, it was still irreparable and could only be delayed for a while.

The embers of wind and fire are wanting on the water giant that is gradually falling apart. Yao Miao can be seen dimly in the body of the water giant.

Yao Miao looked dignified and was doing his best to run the exercises to prevent the collapse of the water giant, but the power of Chen Zong's blow was too overbearing, and the remaining power continued to invade.

Chen Zong's eyes flashed brilliantly, and the sword came out again.

The ground burned!

Hurricane destroys the city!

The two moves merged into 50% again. The power of terror once again bombarded the water giant that was gradually disintegrating. It instantly broke all the resistance of Yao Miao, directly defeated the water giant, and killed Yao Miao.

When Yao Miao died, she disappeared into the stream, and her only low-level secret treasure fell into the water.

Chen Zong's body flickered, grabbing the low-level secret treasure, it was a bronze bracelet, the ring was covered with wonderful lines.

Juyuanhuan, a low-level secret treasure, can increase the speed of absorbing the vitality of condensing the world by 10%.

Chen Zong immediately brought a bronze bracelet on her left wrist, and immediately felt the vitality of the whole world. It seemed to become more agile and active. He actively worked the exercises. Suddenly, the vitality of the heavens and earth in all directions came together at a faster rate and was Absorb yourself.


The speed of absorption and condensation is almost 10% faster.

It seems that Mibao is not all a short-term increase, but has a permanent increase, but the percentage of permanent increase is relatively low.

This low-level secret treasure juyuan ring is nothing at all, the main point is the high-level secret treasure.

Mysterious face appeared in front of Chen Zong's high-end secret treasure wrapped in golden light.

A round bead!

An almost transparent, but there are countless clouds and mists surging inside, as if a cloud of beads is contained, about the size of a baby's fist, filled with indescribable magical waves.

This fluctuation made Chen Zong feel very comfortable.

Burst Yuan Dzi!

The high-level secret treasure can be integrated into the body, open the power of the Dzi Bead Explosion, and can be reworked in increments. It can be closed at will. Dzi Bead will absorb the strength of the heaven and earth.

The information of the blasting dzi is very direct, but Chen Zong does not know how long the power in the blasting dzi can continue to increase.

Instantly, Chen Zong incorporated the explosive Yuan Dzi into his body and opened his mind.

Suddenly, a majestic and insane force surged out from the exploding Yuan dzi and merged into his own divine power. Chen Zong felt that his cultivation seemed to break some kind of limit. Forcibly elevate.

Into the Holy Quadruple Late!

Enter the sacred quadruple peak!

Four Limits to the Holy Land!

The fifth stage of the Holy Land!

Entering the Holy Land in the middle of the fifth season!

The fifth stage of the Holy Land!

In the end, Xiu's pause was firmly in the fifth stage of entering the Holy Land.

Xiu ’s strength is directly increased, and the increase in strength is very significant. It makes Chen Zong feel like his body is about to be exploded. Horrible power is surging all over him. This is a force beyond his original limit.

Fortunately, Chen Zong's state of affairs is very high, and his mind is powerful, and his control of his own power is extremely fine and nuanced. Therefore, he can quickly become familiar with this state of soaring power.

Chen Zongjing stood still, but in a short period of three breaths, the feeling that his body was about to be exploded disappeared, as if his cultivation practice had really improved to the fifth stage of the Holy Land.

And Chen Zong can clearly feel that the clouds and fog in the explosive Yuan Dzi are slowly decreasing, the reduction is not fast, but not slow.

If the clouds and mists in the exploding Yuan dzi are considered to be the power of the dzi exploding, then according to the current consumption rate, Chen Zong feels that the support time will not be less, not less than half an hour.


When he thought about it, Chen Zong suddenly slashed out with a sword, and his strength surged. The sword light broke through the earth like a waning moon, tearing the ground. The sword was exhibited in the fifth stage of the sanctuary, and its power increased greatly. .

However, Chen Zong also felt that the power consumption in the explosive Yuan Dzi was significantly increased.

Chen Zong estimates that if he fights with all his strength, perhaps the power of the explosive Yuan Dzi is less than half a quarter, and it may be even shorter.

Immediately shut down the power of the explosive Yuan Dzi. Suddenly, the turbulent breath fluctuation quickly dropped and fell back to the fourth stage of the sanctuary. This sudden feeling of arrogant power but lost it made Chen Zong feel a little unwell, but Chen Zong is also very clear that it is not his real power, but a temporary increase.

Quickly adapting, Chen Zong also felt that the surrounding vitality gathered from all sides, penetrated into his body, and then flowed into the explosive Yuan Dzi.

The clouds and mists inside the blasting dzi also became denser and gradually recovered.

But recovery is a bit slow.

However, in any case, the high-level secret treasure of the exploding Yuan Dzi can increase his heavy cultivation in a short period of time, so that he will not be inferior to most people in cultivation. Only a few people will cultivate Just surpass yourself.

However, as far as the fifth restoration of the sanctuary is concerned, Chen Zong pays even if he encounters the sixth restoration of the sanctuary, he can directly compete.

Until now, I have the capital to compete against everyone and compete for ten places.

Otherwise, repairing is a short board, limiting the use of their own strength.

The strong strength created stronger confidence, and Zong Zong immediately unfolded and swept away quickly.

Today, there are two low-level secret treasures, one middle-level secret treasure, and one high-level secret treasure, which are amazing.

The breath of the high-end secret treasure will diffuse into the five hundred miles, and it will be easily felt by others.

Five hundred li is not small, and soon, someone feels this breath fluctuation, approaching quickly.

Xia Mingjie, Tian Xuanjun was the first day of pride, and was repaired in the sixth stage of the sacred realm. His strength was very terrible, and he was one of the top few among the 280 days of pride.

In the sixth stage of the sacred realm, the initial cultivation was the highest cultivation among the 280 people.

"This kind of breath ... high-order secret treasure!" Xia Mingjie grinned, and turned into a breath of horror. His shape suddenly jumped up, and he rose into the sky and disappeared into the sky.

Chen Zong was in a stature, looking up at the sky, his eyes fixed.

Chen Zong felt that the danger was approaching quickly.

This danger is strong enough to threaten his life.

Immediately, I saw a small black spot appearing over the sky, which was rapidly zooming in and kept falling. Gradually, Chen Zong could see its fiery red.

It's like a meteorite falling from the sky, bringing terrible destruction.

Very strong!

The madness of the silhouette in the madly burning flame was very arrogant and shocking, making Chen Zong feel terrified.

In addition, that terrible breath locks itself in, as if to smash yourself, a gaze through the burning flame, stares directly at Chen Zong, the killing in his eyes is fierce, and it seems to pierce himself. To burn yourself to ashes.

This kind of gaze made Chen Zong's pressure soar.

"Dead!" Vaguely, Chen Zong seemed to hear a terrible voice reaching through the void.

Suddenly, a terrible force turned into flames, separated from the blaze of fire, and dropped by air bombardment.

It ’s amazing!

Taking a deep breath, Chen Zong did not hesitate to open the power of the explosive Yuan Dzi.

After absorbing the vitality of heaven and earth for nearly a day, the clouds and fog in the bursting dzi are full, and its power reaches its peak.

Faced with such a strong enemy, do not need it at this time, but when.

An overwhelming, majestic, majestic, and extremely pure force surged from the bursting Yuan Dzi instantly, just like the torrent of a dyke, the mighty and surging endless.




A tyrannical breath also permeated, shaking in all directions.

The fifth stage of the Holy Land!

The gap between the fifth stage of the sacred state and the sixth stage of the sacred state is much smaller than the gap between the fourth stage of the sacred state and the sixth stage of the sacred state.

The realm of the heart covers a four hundred meter circle. At the moment, Chen Zong mobilized the wind energy in the air ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ to instantly condense and diffuse the sword body, turning into numerous cyclones around the sword body, spinning endlessly.

Hurricane destroys the city!

A sword, killed with all its strength, the sword light turned into a violent blade storm, turned into a devastating hurricane roaring in the sky, beheaded and killed, destroying everything.

A hint of surprise appeared on Xia Mingjie's face.

Under his keen perception, the opponent ’s cultivation surged in an instant, raising a big realm, and the strength was also greatly increased. The power of that sword was very arrogant, and he felt a great threat directly, as if he could I bombarded myself.

However, such a blow alone is not enough to deal with yourself.


When the huge flames falling in the air collided with the blow of the hurricane, an incredible power broke out in an instant, raging in all directions to smash everything.

Xia Mingjie immediately fell through the hurricane and the flame layer at an even faster speed, and his power became more terrifying.


The shouting and killing sound was astounding and roaring.

The flame spear condenses in the hands, the fire is burning fiercely, with a breath of extreme destruction, and is about to destroy Chen Zong's faith and fighting spirit.

The shock of Shi Datian's shock changed Chen Zong's complexion, and he felt that the entire person would be destroyed under this attack.

The ground burned!

Hurricane destroys the city!

The two tricks were successively performed, and the combination of 50% of the power was horrible and terrifying, and it turned directly into a flame hurricane hit the world. Everything in the world will be destroyed and ruined by this horrible flame hurricane. nothingness.

This attack also changed Xia Mingjie's complexion, terrified, because the power contained in this attack was enough to threaten his life, and he must take all efforts. nt

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