Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 43: I win with my sword (8)

(Sixty-six unscrupulous editors even want me to explode, and work hard, serfs oppressed by the landlord)

The sky is vast, covering everything, the fire is burning, burning everything into ashes.

Xia Mingjie was profoundly shocked and greatly horrified. How the power of this attack was so overbearing, it was horrible, so that he could clearly feel the attack of death.

The eyes suddenly glared, and the eyes seemed to turn red in a flash, as if there was a fiery flame burning, as if to burn the world.

"Skyfire is here!"

The low-pitched sound suddenly rang from Xia Mingjie's mouth, but it was weak at first, but it became magnificent, shaking between heaven and earth, magnificent and magnificent.

The fire on the spear was burning, as if to burn everything, the void around the gun body became distorted, and it seemed to be burned through and turned into a vacuum.


The shot was shot down in the air, terrifyingly powerful, and turned into a reddish dazzling extremely dazzling red light, which instantly broke through the void and brought destruction and slaughter.

Chen Zong was frightened. Although these hot fires had not yet fully arrived, they were so far apart that they had a feeling of being burned to ashes.

The Taoism that Xia Mingjie majored in was a high-level Taoism Taoism. The power was much stronger than the Taoism Taoism. He had been immersed in the Tianhua Taoism for many years. Play it out.

The skies above and below!

The collision of the sky and the earth!

The battle between the flame tornado and the heavenly fire!

Just a moment, tens of thousands of meters were covered with endless flames, burning wildly and madly, as if nothing could not be burned between the world and the earth.

The flames continued to shoot down, like a meteor fire rain that wiped out the earth.

The roar was endless, and Chen Zong kept waving his sword, crushing the falling flames.


The earth shook endlessly, and Xia Mingjie fell to the ground. The ground under his feet shattered, and numerous cracks appeared. The cracks spread like lightning.




Xia Mingjie's body was burning with a fierce flame, the flame was red, but gradually, as if rendering a trace of white, the surrounding temperature quickly increased with the color change, so that the air around Xia Mingjie was completely Burn out and become distorted.

It seems that Xia Mingjie is in the other side of space and time.

This is an anomaly caused by the flame temperature being too high.

Chen Zong stared grimly at the twisted vacuum fire hundreds of meters away.


This Xia Mingjie not only mastered the meaning of heavenly fire, but also possessed a kind of heavenly fire.

The power of Heaven's Strange Fire is often terrifying, especially Xia Mingjie's Heaven's Strange Fire has been cultivated for a long time and has become extraordinary.

And Xia Mingjie ’s meaning of Heaven ’s Fire is actually understood from the kind of Heaven ’s Fire that he has mastered, and it is extremely compatible with Heaven ’s Fire, and when it is exerted together, its power will increase greatly.

The strength in the explosive Yuan Dzi is constantly consuming, let Chen Zong know that the other party must be resolved as soon as possible, or if the power in the explosive Yuan Dzi is exhausted, it will be very unfavorable to himself.

However, the opponent's strength is very strong.

Thunder is absolutely dusty!

Suddenly, Chen Zong turned into a ray of light approaching Xia Mingjie, and a sword was shot out of the air.

Heart Sword Style!


An extremely fast sword light, the strength is extremely condensed, the sword is extremely dazzling, as if killed by a sword, only that sword light is eternal.

Xia Mingjie's eyes narrowed slightly, his eyes reflected the extreme sword light, a sneer hung from the corner of his mouth, the gun trembled, and the raging fire burst out, forming a horrible force, turning into a large rotating flame, going crazy Booming ahead.

You can change everything, and I can only break everything with the power of Xeon.

Sky Crystal Overlord!

Suddenly, Chen Zongshi exhibited his eight-pin secret, and increased his strength, which greatly increased his sword-like power.

Penetrating through the flame and colliding with the tip of the gun, a terrible force exploded, impacted, and annihilated everything in an instant.

Chen Zong only felt that the power was too arrogant and arrogant to the extreme, as if he was going to destroy himself through the blade, unbearable.

Step back!

The blade trembled, removing all impact forces.

Xia Mingjie shook his long gun, and after unloading his power, he shot out again.

The tip of the gun was burning with a fiercely fierce flame. The flame burned the sky, bursting suddenly, covering the sky, and was about to engulf Chen Zong.

The sword came out, the sword light was gorgeous, and the red was diffused out, as if a spark in full bloom, blocking Xia Mingjie's spear.

Xia Mingjie launched a set of powerful and powerful mysterious marksmanship. The gun was deadly, and he continued to kill through the sky. He tried to pierce and kill Chen Zong, but all were blocked by Chen Zong.

Although Xia Mingjie's repair is higher than Chen Zong, but under such close combat, Chen Zong has an advantage.

Chen Zong's own swordsmanship was originally superb. After countless life and death trials, he continued to improve and was assisted by the realm of the heart.


Xia Mingjie found that in the close combat, he was suppressed and gradually fell into the downwind.

"Sky gun!" Xia Mingjie whispered again.

The sky fire rifle is a set of powerful marksmanship that Xia Mingjie has created with his incomparable majestic accumulation and countless life and death torture. This marksmanship is very terrifying in conjunction with the heavenly fire he has.

As soon as the sky fire rifle was cast, all the flame guns kept breaking open and killing them, making Chen Zong's complexion look as if he were going to be smashed.


Very strong!

Under the sky gun, Chen Zongshi exhibited all his swordsmanship before he could resist it.


Chen Zong is waiting for the best chance. It is the only chance to kill the other party. If he still can't, he is afraid that he will be killed by the other party this time.

Not only will there be one less chance of death, but the Mystery will also drop.

The drop of Mystery after death is random. It may drop low-level Mystery, middle-level Mystery, and high-level Mystery.

If luck is bad, then all the secret treasures of a death will fall, causing heavy losses, and almost eliminating the qualifications for the top ten.

This battle can only be won but not defeated.

Various swordsmanship continued to be deployed to resist Xia Mingjie's sky musket, while Chen Zong felt the power of the explosive Yuan Dzi.

Nowadays, under the fierce battle, the power of explosive Yuan Dzi has already consumed more than half. Although it is constantly recovering, the speed of recovery obviously cannot keep up with the speed of consumption.

Xia Mingjie came out with a shot, and the flames of the sky were like flames.

The fiery fire dragon was 100 meters long, and Zhang Yawu claws destroyed all the bombing and killing, and instantly engulfed Chen Zong's body.

I saw a flash of light among the fire dragons, causing Xia Mingjie to narrow his eyes.

Very abruptly, a figure flickered and appeared behind Xia Mingjie.

Flash beads!

Even though it is a low-level secret treasure, the function of the flashing pearl is to flash instantly within a kilometer range, and its speed is extremely fast, completely unexpected, and invincible.

Silver light arm!

The power of the silver light is excited, covering the right arm, and the sword.

Heart Sword Style!

The restoration in the fifth stage of entering the sacred realm provided Chen Zong with enough basic strength, coupled with the increase of Tianjing's tyrant, enough to break the opponent's defense.

The power of Yinguang can double Chen Zong's sword speed within three breaths.

The original sword speed was extremely fast, and when the sword speed was doubled, its speed can only be described by the word horror.


Unparalleled horror!

The beam of extremely condensed sword light was almost hitting the point where Xia Mingjie could hardly react.

The first sword broke Xia Mingjie's heavy defense.

The second sword broke Xia Mingjie's second defense.

The third sword broke Xia Mingjie's third defense.

In a short period of three breaths, Chen Zong broke out with all his strength. Each sword was a heart-sword style, and each sword was a best effort. Each sword not only had an amazing speed but also had a terrible penetration.

Xia Mingjie's defense was completely broken, and then he reacted, but he had already hit the sword.

Fortunately, he has endured hundreds of battles and experienced countless life-and-death battles before he made the most accurate response. While dodging, he also shot out with a spear.

However, Chen Zong was too fast.

To the point where Xia Mingjie can no longer react quickly.

After just three breaths, Chen Zong exerted fiercely and fifteen times under the full burst of Chen Zong regardless of his load.

Breaking through all the defenses even penetrated Xia Mingjie's body and caused obvious damage.

The last sword.

No raw sword style!

Seizing the last breath, a sword came out with the ultimate horrific killing intention.

The sword style of the heart is stabbing, and even if it pierces the other side ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ as long as there is no vital part in the stabbing, it is difficult to kill at once.

But the swordless style is different, it is chopping.

One sword was cut, even if the key was not cut, but if it is two points with one sword, what key is still needed, just kill it.

This sword made Xia Mingjie creepy and terrifying.

Although the number of swords in his body was not dead, the terrible sword gas raged in his body, and he had to part out of his power to resist the repression.

In addition, the injury also affected the exertion of his own strength, and further declined invisibly.

And even though the speed of this sword is not as fast as before, it is also very scary. Its power is even more amazing.

The spear trembled and stabbed abruptly.


Xia Mingjie's neck was cut off immediately, and it was cut off directly, his body flashed, but that shot also pierced Chen Zong's heavy defense. The tip of the gun pierced into Chen Zong's shoulder, and the fiery flame burned A terrible hot force quickly invaded the body from the wound, and seemed to burn Chen Zong's body.

Fortunately, Chen Zong's sword was fast enough to kill Xia Mingjie in time, otherwise this shot might also kill himself.

Xia Mingjie turned into a streamer, but no secret treasure was left, because Xia Mingjie was not very lucky and did not get the secret treasure.

Chen Zong was slightly relieved and closed the explosive Yuan Dzi.

In this battle, the power of the explosive dzi is directly exhausted, and it is slowly recovering, and the hot power invaded by the body needs to be dealt with to prevent continuous damage.

The wound on the shoulder also needs to be treated to allow the wound to heal, so as not to affect the next battle.

In general, the ability to kill Xia Mingjie this time has laid the hope of competing for ten places. nt

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