Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 44: I win with my sword (9)

On the 28th day, there were only two days left until the end of the battle.

There are a few more people in the Xuantian Xunyuan array, not too many, about two hundred or so, these two hundred people are all peerless Tianjiao who participated in the battle in the Xuantian Xuanyuan array. They were killed The number of deaths was exhausted and eliminated.

Being eliminated, it is naturally impossible to continue to stay in the Xuantian Mixed Elemental Array, which is not due to the next battle with other peerless Tianjiao.

Within the heavens and earth of Xuantian Junyuan, there is a dense forest and towering trees. Each tree is huge and stands on the ground. Several people are embracing each other and are very dense.

But at this moment, a large number of trees collapsed and shattered, and the ground was covered with countless fissures and pits, which was shocking.

A figure stood in it, and the whole body was filled with amazing breath fluctuations, like a magic sword, pointing directly at the sky.

Chen Zong!

After a fierce battle, Chen Zong once again consumed all the power of the explosive Yuan Dzi, exhausted all means, and finally killed the opponent, and he was almost exhausted.

Today, the number of deaths has accumulated to forty-three, but in fact it should be forty-five, and Chen Zong has died twice.

For the first time, the low-level Mystic sprint shoes dropped.

For the second death, luck was worse, and the mid-level Mystic Silver Light Arm fell.

But then, Chen Zong was lucky to get the second high-level secret.

The high-level secret treasure is a permanent increase secret treasure, which can permanently double the speed.

This double speed is not only the speed of the sword, but also the speed of the mana. Its effect is much better than the silver light arm.

"It's almost over." Chen Zong looked at the sky, tried his best to adjust his breath, adjusted his spirit, quickly absorbed the vitality of the world, constantly recovered his own power, and also recovered the explosive Yuan Dzi the power of.

Outside of the Xuantian Mixed Element Array, many people are guessing which ten will eventually win the quota, and basically there are some conclusions.

The battle of life and death for almost a month, the whole person is under intense fighting, and the spirit is extremely tense.

Twenty-ninth day.

On this day, Chen Zong went through three battles, two wins, but one lost, because the opponent was too powerful, he had three high-level secret treasures, and he also had the sixth stage of the sanctuary.

This battle was defeated and Chen Zong lost the low-level secret treasure Juyuanzhu.

Although the Juyuanzhu has a good effect, it is actually quite ordinary, and the help to Chen Zong is not obvious. Therefore, the loss of Juyuanzhu has no effect on strength.

And the people who got the Juyuanzhu did not get much increase in strength.

The thirtieth day!

This is the last day, everyone knows, so the battle on this day became more intense.

No one but himself knows how many other people have died. They are killing others as much as possible to get more deaths.

Not crazy, not live!

This time, Chen Zong's luck seemed worse, and he died again, and the high-level secret treasure burst Yuan Dzi was lost.

Losing the explosive Yuan dzi also made Chen Zong suddenly lose his qualification to compete with the top few, which made Chen Zong's heart sink. I don't know if he can get a place in the end.

But no matter what, in the end, at least, now I have to fight with all my strength and give up all the worries of worries before we can hope for a place.

time up!

The battle finally came to an end. All people, no matter what they were doing, were all suppressed by a force, unable to move at all, but their consciousness was sober.

A magnificent and loud voice sounded, and it rang through the entire formation world, and everyone outside the formation could be heard.

"Two hundred and eighty people, after thirty days of fighting, there are still fifteen people left."

Everyone was nervous.

Fifteen people!

But there are only ten places.

This means that five of these fifteen will be eliminated.

Number of deaths!

Based on the number of deaths that individuals now have.

Chen Zong was a little nervous, and wondered if he could get one of the ten deaths now.

Wei Changtian, 63 deaths.

Xia Mingjie, the number of deaths was sixty-one.

Qi Yuliu, with sixty deaths.

Qiao Yu, sixty times dead.

Purple Tian Luo, 59 deaths.

Wu Twelve, fifty-eight deaths.

Luo Kongzi, fifty-six deaths.

Xiong Lei, 55 deaths.

Jing Xiao, 55 deaths.

In this way, nine people's names have been read, and Chen Zong's heart sank. According to this situation, he didn't seem to want one of the ten places.

However, there is also a glimmer of hope, after all, he has died more than fifty times.

Immediately, the magnificent voice read the tenth name.

Wu Zhongyuan, 53 deaths.

Chen Zong was silent because his number of deaths was fifty-two, one difference.

For a time, even if Chen Zong's mind was strong, he couldn't help feeling empty, and immediately, Chen Zong exhaled heavily and was relieved.

This time, I have done my best. Except for Shura's avatar, all other means have been used. In the end, it was a bit worse and there was no way.

But in general, my gains are still great.

Although those secret treasures belong to this formation, they are formed by the power of formation and cannot be taken out, but they have a very obvious improvement in cultivation, martial arts, and morality.

It's just a pity that I can't continue to fight with other peerless Tianjiao and sharpen myself.

What's more important is that Lingwu Holy Land, which has nothing to do with it.

For the entire Shenxuan Army killing department, only Zi Tianluo was awarded a place. After all, Zi Tianluo's cultivation was as high as the five peaks of the Holy Land.

In addition, Xiong Lei is the peerless Tianjiao of the Divine Army.

After the ten places came down, the Divine Xuan Army won two places alone, and the other eight troops won one place each.

As for Xu Mubai and Chu Zhongyang, although they are the top peerless Tianjiao, in fact, the cultivation is not enough. The fourfold cultivation in the sanctuary is where the shortcomings are, so it has no chance with ten places.

The battle ended, the dust settled, and only waited for the peerless Tianjiao who battled out with Zhen Yuanwei and other rivals to represent the Xuanyuan dynasty, and the peerless Tianjiao of the Heijie Palace and the Dust Free Hall to further compete for the quota.

Chen Zong also returned to the Blood Ling Branch of the Divine Army.

"It's a pity," the Sorcerer sighed.

"I'll go to retreat first. This battle is very rewarding." Chen Zong laughed, already relieved.

Chen Zong began to retreat, and the matter of fighting had nothing to do with himself, but he could continue to improve himself.

Heart swordsman's mind turns around!

Ground fire means five turns!

Five hurricanes mean it!

The meaning of thunder turns around!

Cultivation for the fourth stage of the Holy Land!

Grand Xuan Yuan Jue 21st floor!

Chen Zong even has a feeling that if the two methods of earth fire burning and hurricane destroying the city are perfectly combined, maybe he can truly merge the ground fire and hurricane ideas into a true sense of fusion. Rather than the rough fusion that stays on the surface in the half-walk way.

At that time, even if it is not improved, the strength will increase dramatically.

But Chen Zong is also very clear how difficult it is to combine the two measures of burning the earth and the hurricane.

Even so, Chen Zong will not have any fear or flinch.

Go forward like a sword.

Time passed slowly, and the potential inspired by that month's fighting gradually turned into strength.

Cultivation room.

The realm of hearts covers a range of 500 meters.

That's right, it's 500 meters.

In this battle, Chen Zong continued to apply, making the realm of heart go one step further.

The vitality of fire and wind in the realm of five hundred meters of heart were condensed by Chen Zong in an instant. The fiery vitality of fire was burning like a raging fire, and the vigor of wind swept through.

The ground burned!

Hurricane destroys the city!

The two swords were cast at almost the same time, turning into a horrific fire tornado that burst out, destroying everything.


The whole training room was trembling, as if to be broken.

Sixty percent!

After more than ten days of retreat, Chen Zong further improved the integration of the two moves to 60%.

The power of 60% integration is more than 30% higher than the power of 50% integration.

Da Xuan Yuan Jue also went a step further, reaching the 22nd floor, and his holy power became stronger.

In general, compared with the ten days ago when fighting in the Xuantian mixed element array, their strength is not only a small amount of improvement, if you have such strength at the time, maybe you can get one of the ten places .

After turning the thoughts on, Chen Zongwei smiled and didn't go more if, because things have already happened ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and passed, and then to remember, suppose, it is meaningless, but it will disturb Your own mind interferes with your practice.

What surprised Chen Zong was that he had only been out of customs for less than a day and was summoned by the killer again.

Chen Zong was very puzzled, but still went.

"See Killing the Lord." Chen Zong bowed and salute, out of respect for the strong.

This time, Chen Zong also found that no one was called except himself.

The killer did not speak, his gaze passed through the mask, staring at Chen Zong, which brought a lot of pressure to Chen Zong.

After dozens of breaths, Chen Zong was still calm, but he killed the master and spoke.

"The call to you this time is to give you a choice." The voice of killing the masters is still mysterious and it is difficult to distinguish between men and women. In an accident, the demons fell into the void and were killed. "

Chen Zongwen said suddenly suddenly, immediately thinking, Luo Kongzi's death did not mean that one of the ten places was missing.

So is the killing of the Lord to see himself related to a vacant place?

"It seems you guessed it." The killer said again: "There is a shortage of places, and one of them will be selected from the other five."

The other five people refer to the fifteen people who were left behind during the battle in the Xuantian Mixed Elementary Array that day. Those fifteen people were not eliminated, but were defeated because they were not as good as the other ten.

Today, all five have a chance.

"Your choice is whether to fight again with the other four people for a place." The killer asked directly.

"Yes." Chen Zong's answer was very simple and straightforward.

They have lost their chances. I did not expect that Liu An Hua Ming You Village should not be missed. nt

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