Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 45: I win with my sword (10)

In the room, Chen Zong took a deep breath and calmed down his mind.

I never imagined that the fact that the dust had settled down actually turned out to be a major reversal.

Luo Kongzi, who received one of the ten places, died, and he would choose to go out in search of the void demons, and then survive, trying to break through himself in the predicament and strengthen his strength.

Chen Zong understands such behaviors.

The so-called no madness will not survive, Luo Kongzi must feel that his strength is not strong enough, this time to get a quota, then the next battle, may be eliminated by accident, so only soldiers risk.

It was just not expected that his luck was a bit poor, and he was surrounded by a powerful void demons. Although he killed a lot of void demons, he died in the end.

This also sounded the alarm for Chen Zong, leaving vigilance.

Breakthrough is important, but life-saving is also very important, otherwise you will die and become empty.

Five people will fight for three days.

With three days left, Chen Zong took out a pill.

This elixir is golden in color, covered with lines, and if you look closely, you can see that the lines look like a real dragon. After driving for nine days and four seas, it is a turn. It turns out that the lines seem to become tigers and majestic mountains.


This is not owned by the Divine Mysterious Army, nor belongs to the Xuantian Army, it is the elixir owned by the killer himself.

The role of Jiuzhuanlonghujindan is not to directly improve cultivation, but to stimulate its own potential, let the potential burst out, and then transform it into strength.

For those who have great potential, this pill is a panacea.

For those with little or no potential, this Dan is useless.

The Nine Turns Dragon Tiger Tiger Dan was the result of an early adventure in killing the Lord. Only the last one is a treasure. This gift to Chen Zong also shows that Chen Zong's potential is unpredictable.

According to the killer's words, how much potential can be stimulated by taking Jiuzhuanlonghujindan, depending on the individual's willpower and potential.

Because after taking Jiuzhuanlonghujindan, it will be shocked by the power of Jindan. It is not a kind of enjoyment. The longer the time, the harder it will be. If you ca n’t bear the coma, it will stop automatically without harming yourself. .

The so-called Nine Turns is actually stimulating the potential nine times. The pain suffered for the first time is relatively weak. Generally, it can be easily tolerated, and the potential evoked is relatively small.

The ninth time is the most painful, and similarly, the potential that has been stimulated is the most magnificent.

Those potentials are not only the promotion of cultivation, but also the exercises and martial arts, and even Taoism will be affected.

But according to killing the Lord, no one seems to be able to withstand the nine tortures of Nine Turns.

At most, seven times.

The Nine Turns Dragon Tiger and Golden Dan is good, but it also has a defect, that is, after the potential is stimulated, for a period of time in the future, it will be in a temporary period of potential shortfall.

The potential deficit period means that during that period, it is difficult to make rapid progress, and even the promotion effect during practice will be much weaker than usual, more than double.

As for the period of the deficit period, depending on the individual, some people will pass in one year, while others may be ten years, and some may be decades.

Of course, if you can get some Tiancai Yibao to take, maybe you will pass the deficit period in a very short time.

Simply put, taking Jiuzhuanlonghujindan is equivalent to bringing the future cultivation effect to the present, making the future a short delay and difficult to improve, but it is not permanent and can make up for it.

This is an option.

Chen Zong did not hesitate too much and made the choice directly, that is, taking Jiuzhuanlonghujindan.

Although there are some sequelae, they are not unacceptable.

At least, now that you can increase your strength as much as possible, you can hope to win the battle and get a place.

Time is only three days, do your best, improve with all your strength, and strive for a place.

Because Chen Zong knew that each of the other four people who would compete with himself reached at least the fifth stage of the sacred realm, which is not the general fifth stage of the sacred realm, and they were very powerful.

Suddenly, Chen Zong took Jiuzhuanhuhujindan and swallowed it.

As soon as Jin Dan entered the abdomen, he suddenly turned violently. He could faintly see a group of golden light bursting out from Chen Zong's abdomen, spreading quickly, permeating all parts of the body and limbs, deep into the bone marrow, deep into the deepest part of the body .

Potential is hidden deep in the body.

Jin Guanghua turned into a dragon and a tyrannical tiger, and rammed directly in his body. Regardless of desperation, vandalism came from the inside of the body, and it swept across the body.

The pain is not enough, and it is still within the tolerance range.

Along with the pain, Chen Zong could also feel a clear stream gradually appearing deep inside his body, as if springing out from the depth of the body, and then permeating the whole body, bringing a burst of coolness. Meaning.

But this coolness coexists with the pain, and it cannot be alleviated.

Chen Zong found that he seemed to become an outsider. He could only passively bear the pain of potential excitement and excitement. The passive feeling of coolness surrounded the whole body, whether it was in the body, flesh or sea of ​​God, all swept by the cool breath And then, along with that, the cool breath also continued to diminish.

The cool breath is the potential that is being stimulated, and it is constantly being absorbed.

After the first wave of pain lasted for a quarter of an hour, a sudden meal made Chen Zong slightly relieved. Immediately, the second wave of severe pain followed, and its severity was more than twice that of the first wave.

This severe pain caused Chen Zong's complexion to change instantly, but he couldn't ignore it, but had to bear it.

Fortunately, Chen Zong's mind is astonishing and tenacious, he just can withstand such severe pain, and more cool breath will also diffuse out.

While suffering from severe pain, while enjoying the spread of coolness, it is like the interweaving of ice and fire, as if in a zone of pain and enjoyment.

The second wave of severe pain also lasted for a quarter of an hour. After a slight pause, the third wave of severe pain struck. This wave of double pain was more intense than the second wave.

In the same way, the emerging coolness is also doubled compared to the second wave.

The third wave also lasted for a quarter of an hour, with a slight pause of less than three breaths, which was considered to give Chen Zong a little breathing time, and the fourth wave of severe pain immediately hit.

Still doubled.

The third wave of severe pain is completely within its own tolerance range, so the fourth wave of severe pain has reached the limit of its normal tolerance range.

But the benefit is that the potential that has been stimulated has also increased a lot.

How much potential is exploited is closely related to the intensity of severe pain.

Having suffered the fourth wave, the fifth wave followed.

The intensity of this severe pain made Chen Zong unable to stop twitching and felt very uncomfortable.

When the sixth wave of pain hit, Chen Zong felt that he was about to collapse. It was a feeling from the body to the soul that he was about to collapse.

However, the strong willpower still allowed Chen Zong's tenacious support.

The seventh wave!

The pain came suddenly, just like the sky was falling apart. The horror was extreme. It seemed to destroy his body at once, and his soul was difficult to support. The whole person was on the verge of collapse. Only the last point was tenacious, like Like a faint light in the night, it is still supporting.

When the pain was gone, Chen Zong felt like he was fluttering all over, as if he wanted to fly in the wind, but there was no joy or relaxation, because Chen Zong knew that he had resisted the seventh wave of pain. However, there was still The eighth wave.

According to the law, the intensity of the eighth wave of pain will be double that of the seventh wave.


Chen Zong seemed to feel that his body collapsed instantly when the eighth wave of pain hit, and his soul seemed to collapse with the next breath.

Like the Big Bang, it was terrifying, and the last tenaciousness couldn't support it, like the fire of a residual candle blown by the wind, swaying and unwilling to extinguish and return to darkness.

Twenty Breaths!

The eighth wave was very painful. Chen Zong only had to endure twenty breaths and fell into a coma. When Chen Zong was unconscious, the remaining Jindan power in the eighth wave was also silent in an instant, as if from the violent sea. It's calm and can't afford the slightest wave.

The remaining power of the Nine Turns Dragon Tiger King Dan also disappeared and ceased to exist.

Although it is a pity, this is also the protective measure set by the power of refining Jiuzhuanlonghujindan to prevent coma and being destroyed by violent forces. That is not to stimulate potential ~ www.wuxiaspot. com ~ instead became destruction and destruction.

Time is slowly passing, Chen Zong is in a coma, but feels like he has fallen into a cool stream, lying quietly in the stream, letting the flowing water flow over his body, bringing dust and fatigue. Only comfort is left.

This comfort is so wonderful that Chen Zong is immersed in it, and it is difficult to extricate himself.

Suddenly, Chen Zong's eyelids trembled slightly, and he opened them slowly. The depths of his eyes were as clear as streams in the bottom, without any dust.

Immediately, there was a glance in the clear eyes, Chen Zong quickly checked to get up, his face suddenly changed.

A nine-turn dragon and tiger king of gold Dan, even made his cultivation straight up a lot, it can be said that the rapid advance is not too much.

Before taking Jiu Zhuan Long Hu Jin Dan, his cultivation was regarded as the fourth stage of the sacred realm, but now he has reached the middle stage of the sacred realm.

Although there are not a lot of such improvements, there are many, and the body is running more majestic and powerful holy power.

Furthermore, when Zongfa was running, Chen Zongcai discovered that Daxuanyuanjue broke through again and reached the 23rd floor.

You should know that most of the peerless Tianjiao, when they are cultivated into the fifth stage of the Holy Land, the Holy Guru is almost at the twentieth level.

There is a clear gap between each layer of the method.

In this way, on the basis of strength, he has reached a higher level of brilliance, no longer than those peerless Tianjiao who received the quota, and finally caught up.

In addition to the improvement of cultivation and practice, Chen Zong also examined some ideas.

The idea of ​​Thunder broke through and reached five revolutions.

However, Lei Zhi's intention reached five revolutions, which is not obvious for his own strength increase, or that it has not achieved an increase. nt

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