Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 46: I win with my sword (11)

Inside the Xuantian War Fortress, the Xuantian Mixed Elemental Array was half open and evolved into a small world.

Around, there are the strong men of the Xuantian Army. Five figures stand on the edge of Xiaotiandi.

Chen Zong!

Luo Jin!

Xu Kongming!



These five were among the last fifteen people who fought in the last battle, but were eliminated because the number of deaths was not as good as others. Now there is another opportunity, one by one.

Quotas, who don't want.

Among the five, Chen Zong, Luo Jin, Xu Kongming, and Long Feng were men, and Qing Liu was a woman.

Five people compete for one place, and they take turns to fight, and the final winner wins the place, very simple rules.


In the first battle, Xu Kongming faced Qingliu.

Both of them are in the mid-fifth stage of the Holy Land. They are both very powerful. When they start a battle, the power is amazing.

After a little temptation, the two tried their best.

Fight fight!

Kill kill!

Qingliu's body and sword skills are extremely clever, and gradually gain the upper hand under a fierce battle, eventually defeating Xu Kongming.

Here the battlefield is protected by the power of the battlefield. When the attack suffered exceeds the maximum power of the battlefield, the battlefield will break, indicating death, but defeat.

In the second war, Luo Jin played against Long Feng.

The cultivation of these two people is one in the mid-fifth stage of the sacred realm, and the other one in the fifth stage of the sacred realm.

After a fierce battle, Long Feng, who entered the sacred realm in the fifth stage, won.

In the third battle, Chen Zong confronted Xu Kongming.

Now Chen Zong's cultivation has reached the middle of the fifth stage of entering the sacred realm. In terms of basic strength, he is no less inferior to others.

Xu Kongming didn't despise Chen Zong in the slightest, his face was dignified, his shoulders flickered a little, his body was almost to the extreme, and he appeared in front of Chen Zong as if floating in a glance.

The sword is bright and cold, cutting everything extremely sharply, making Chen Zong feel cold all over the body.

Sure enough, the strength of these people is terrible, none of them are easy to match.

If it is before Xiu breaks through, perhaps Chen Zong still needs to exert his full strength and experience a fierce battle to defeat Xu Kongming, but now, there is no need to do everything.

No raw sword style!

One sword broke through the air, and the killing was so intense that it almost turned into a substance condensed on the Red Prison Flame Flowing Sword, and broke through the air to kill it.

Jian Feng tore the void, crushed the knife light, and directly killed Xu Kongming's body, and his power directly exceeded the limit of the power of the formation.

With a sword, Xu Kongming "died".

Xu Kongming's face was stunned, and everyone else was surprised. The speed of this defeat was too fast.

"It seems that the God Xuan Army will get another place." A strong man laughed.

Five of them had just shot, and the strength was already visible. Even the highest Longfeng could not kill Xu Kongming in one shot, but Chen Zong did.

This is a gap in strength, a very obvious gap.

Several people, such as Long Feng, also realized that they were afraid that the quota would be missed.

There seemed to be a smile flashing under the mask of killing the master.

A nine-turn dragon and tiger king of gold, Chen Zong's cultivation has been upgraded from the fourth stage of entering the sanctuary to the middle stage of entering the fifth stage of the sanctuary. In addition, other areas have also made great progress. The strength will become so strong that he will be able to defeat Xu Kongming with one sword.

Even so, Chen Zong is not complacent and proud, but treats every opponent with his heart.

One sword, Luo Jin lost!

One sword, Qingliu defeated!

One sword, Long Feng lost!

With Chen Zong's current strength, he can win a battle with Xia Mingjie before.

And Xia Mingjie's cultivation, but in the sixth stage of entering the sanctuary.

The fivefold limit of entering the sanctuary and the sixth stage of entering the sanctuary seem to differ by a small level, but they are also a large level.

Now Chen Zong's strength is not inferior to the Peerless Heavenly Pride of the Sixth Place in the Holy Land, and it can even be comparable to the ordinary Sevenfold Powerful in the Sacred Place.

It must be known that the difference between the sixfold entry into the sanctuary and the sevenfold entry into the sanctuary is not only a one-shot gap, but also a gap between the middle and late stages of the sanctuary.

In the end, the place belongs to Chen Zong.

"No life, congratulations to you." Everyone in Tianji's team was delighted and pleased with Chen Zong.

Chen Zong was awarded a place. As both team members, they also had bright faces.

In addition, the title of Wu Sheng Jian resounds through the Xueling Division.

Although Chen Zong's strength has not been strong enough to be included in the top ten seats in the Xueling Division, he already has such hope.

Chen Zong won the quota. This is a great event. The people of the Tianji team held a small banquet for Chen Zong. The ten people celebrated together and also cheered for Chen Zong. I hope that Chen Zong will continue to show his style and get the quota again.

Killing the Lord once again summoned Chen Zong.

"Thank you for killing the master." Chen Zong thanked him for killing the master.

After all, I can have such a big improvement, which is closely related to the nine-turn dragon and tiger king and Dan given by the killer.

Although there are also defects and sequelae in the Nine Turns Dragon Tiger King Dan, but compared with the acquisition, it is completely acceptable.

"In another ten days, you will set off with nine other people, fight against Zhen Yuanwei's Peerless Tianjiao to represent the Xuanyuan Dynasty, and fight against Heijie Palace and Dustless Palace Peerless Tianjiao." The killer opened his mouth, and said without hesitation. Do your best to win the quota. "

"Yes." Chen Zong bowed and saluted.

For the next ten days, Chen Zong is also working hard to practice and enlighten, but Chen Zong can also feel that his own practice and enlightenment are very weak, more than twice as weak as usual, or even two. Times.

With such gaps, it is almost impossible to feel any improvement.

This is the sequela of the potential for overdraft in advance of taking Jiuzhuanlonghujindan. Fortunately, it is not permanent, but it can be eliminated in a few years.

Of course, if it is decades, it may take a long time. If it is a few years, Chen Zong is still acceptable, and the length of time for potential recovery is actually related to his own potential.

Those with high potential will eliminate the sequelae within a few years.

Chen Zong has confidence in his potential.

Perhaps, the sequelae of oneself will disappear in two or three years.

And, if you can find some natural treasures in advance, you can eliminate the sequelae faster.

What are the benefits of taking Jiu Zhuan Long Hu Jin Dan?

Daxuanyuanjue reached the 23rd floor.

Xiu reached the fifth middle stage of entering the sanctuary.

The way of Thunder reached five turns.

Heart swordsmanship reached five turns.

Ground fire means six turns.

Hurricane Taoism reached six revolutions.

The realm of the heart reaches seven hundred meters.

The realm of the heart has increased the range of two hundred meters.

Covered by the realm of the heart of seven hundred meters, the control of heaven and earth's vitality became more and more powerful. When the two methods of the sword and the hurricane destroyed the city, its power also soared.

What's more, the ground fire idea and hurricane idea have reached six revolutions, and their power is becoming more and more amazing.

In addition, the degree of fusion of the two methods of swordsmanship of Earth Fire and Hurricane Destruction skyrocketed to 80%.

80%, getting closer and closer to 10%.

But unfortunately, they are also affected by the sequelae of Jiuzhuanlonghujindan, and in the next few years, the pace of improvement is slow.

But at this moment, his strength is strong, and he has no bottom, but it is certain that Xia Mingjie was not his opponent.

Although the speed of practice and enlightenment is very slow and it is almost difficult to improve, Chen Zong has not given up.

Dripping through the stone!

Accumulate less!

Maybe due to my own efforts, in the next few years, I will also improve, not to stand still.

At the end of the time, ten peerless Tianjiao including Chen Zong set off, and led by a half-step grand holy strongman, left the Xuantian Battle Fort, headed to the void channel, and returned to the Xuanyuan Dynasty.


Ten people gathered in a large house in Zhenyuanwei.

These ten people, eight men and two women, are all younger generations, or stand upright like spears, or lean half arms on Zhu Hongyu's Jinpanlong pillars, or sit upright on a stable vermilion chair With his eyes, or a lazy look half lying on a long rocking chair, comfortable.

Immediately, a figure appeared silently.

"It's time to go." The figure appeared to speak.

At that moment, ten figures, no matter what they were doing, at the moment when the sound sounded, all of their eyes shot out a bright, cold, sharp.

These ten people are exactly the ten people who battled out from Zhen Yuanwei and will fight on behalf of the Xuan Yuan Dynasty.


Deep in the Xuanyuan Palace.

"He and the other two, I have been practicing for many years. This time, you have to fight on behalf of the Xuanyuan Dynasty. You must not fall into the ancestors of my name." The voice is old, but also magnificent.

"My ancestor, I should do my best to defeat all my opponents and make my royal Yuan majestic." Two voices sounded together, one man and one woman.


The ten Peerless Tianjiao of Xuantian Army looked at the ten Peerless Tianjiao of Zhen Yuanwei ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, and the ten Peerless Tianjiao of Zhenyuanwei also looked at the ten Peerless Tianjiao of Xuantian Army.

The ten members of the Xuantian Army, the highest of which was the mid-sixth stage of the sacred realm, was Wei Changtian, and it was apparent that it was only during this period that he broke through.

Secondly, there are three early stages of the sanctuary, and the rest are the five limits and peaks of the sanctuary.

As for Chen Zong's cultivation, it is the lowest among the ten, only in the middle of the fifth period of entering the sacred realm.

Zhen Yuanwei ’s ten peerless arrogance, the highest cultivation is the sixth stage of the sacred realm, but five of them have reached the sixth stage of the sacred realm, and the remaining five are all five. Heavy limits and peaks.

The highest repair is up, Zhen Yuanwei is inferior to Xuantian Army, the lowest repair is up, Xuantian Army is not as good as Zhen Yuanwei.

Of course, cultivation is not exactly equal to strength. Therefore, although cultivation is related to strength, it does not represent the strength of the final strength. It can only be part of it.

Therefore, no one despises Chen Zong because he is the lowest.

At this moment, two tyrannical breaths approached, and then two figures quickly came from a distance and appeared in front of the people, between the Xuantian Army and Zhenyuanwei's peerless Tianjiao.

A man!

one girl!

The young man was wearing a robe of brocade, very gorgeous, and handsome in appearance, with a strong body, like an emperor.

A woman in a gorgeous palace dress is also very gorgeous and luxurious, with stunning looks, as if a goddess came into the world.

The breath that emanated from the two of them shocked everyone.

Into the sixth stage of the Holy Land!

Moreover, it is not the breath that has just broken through, but the breath that is already very stable, which means that they have broken through to the mid-sixth stage of the sanctuary. I am afraid that it will take a long time. nt

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