Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 50: Extraterrestrial

On the slender palm, a piece of duck-sized egg lies quietly, and the body is white, as if it is a round white jade, exuding a burst of unspeakable fragrance.

The fragrant fragrance makes Chen Zong feel very comfortable in his body, just like the feeling of long drought and Gan Lin.

What exactly is this thing, Chen Zong can't name it, but can truly feel that it is really useful to him and has a great effect.

Perhaps this thing can eliminate its own sequelae.

With a bite, Luxiang rushed into the cavity, like drunken people.




In a hurry, a clear stream swept away from the belly, permeating all over the body, making Chen Zong feel like his body fell into the hot spring, as if immersed in the cool stream.


The ruins of Tianyuan stretch for countless miles, and when viewed from the highest sky, you can see a large area of ​​darkness, like a huge spot inlaid on the ground, exuding an extremely breathtaking atmosphere, extremely chaotic.

In Tianyuan Sanctuary, the ruins of Tianyuan are a dangerous place, a jedi, and a forbidden land. Those who are not in the holy realm cannot step in, and there is no death.

Even if it is a strong person in the sanctuary, there is a great possibility of death.

At this moment, a huge dragon with bone-shaped spurs covering the sky is waving its wings, rolling up the violent air current, and turning into an astonishing hurricane raging in all directions to control the sky.

This skull-winged giant dragon is over 100 meters long, from the head of a cricket covering a layer of bones to the long tail that seems to be linked by countless bones.

It also looks like the wings of a skeleton are spread out, and there are also 100 meters.

The entire skull-winged giant flying dragon exudes an astonishing breath of breath. This breath comes from ancient ferocity and barrenness.

There are eleven figures on this extremely fierce bone-winged giant dragon.

These eleven figures, all more than two meters tall, look very strong, with a rough face, wearing clothes made of animal skin, their arms and legs exposed.



The head is an old man with white hair, but his rough face is ruddy, his blood is strong, and his arms are exposed on the arms outside the short sleeves of the animal skin. He is surrounded by dragons and snakes and emits an extremely fierce atmosphere. Waves, gently holding a giant bear-like palm, seem to break the mountains.

"Speaking of which, I have never walked out of the wilderness." A young man with a claw mark on his forehead sounded like a drum.

"Outside the Great Wilderness is the so-called Tianyuan Sanctuary. If you want to enter the Tianyuan Sanctuary, you must cross the ruins. With our current ability, we cannot do it."

"This time, there is a chance to be led by the elders."

"Hey, I don't know how the genius of Tianyuan Sanyu is? Can it block my iron fist."

Each of the ten youths was filled with extremely breathtaking breath fluctuations, which were extremely forceful.

"Remember, this time, you will compete with the peerless Tianjiao of the Nine Realms of Tianyuan Sanctuary for the place of Lingwu Holy Land, to fight the mighty power of our great wilderness." There are huge wild beasts roaring.

"Relax, Elder, everyone in Tianyuan Sanctuary is a weak chicken."


"What, Dahuang came, and asked to participate in our battle between the Nine Realms." The half-step big saint in the heavenly realm frowned, his voice cold.

This is a battle that belongs to the Nine Realms. The Great Wilderness is located outside the Tianyuan Sanctuary, and is separated by a Tianyuan ruins. It has no relationship with the Nine Realms. But now, it came to the Nine Realms to compete for the place of the Lingwu Holy Land.


The huge bone-winged giant flying dragon flew from the outside, and the terrible wildness was overwhelming, which alarmed the people in the whole abandoned city.

"What it is?"

"I don't know, never seen it."

"It looks scary!"

One by one, the strong men in the sanctuary were shocked, staring at the bone-winged giant dragons that stopped in the waste city.

"I probably know what that is?" Suddenly, there was a small old man's small eyes flashing with a dignified light, and his tone was so solemn.

"That's the Great Wild Beast, the Bonewing Dragon."

"Bonewing giant flying dragon?" Each one was surprised.

"Yes, the Bonewing Dragon is a top-level giant beast. At the very least, it can be comparable to the late stage of our entry into the holy realm, reaching the extreme, comparable to the half-step grand saint." The old man continued, his small eyes flickered endlessly: "If I If you read it correctly, this skull-winged giant dragon is afraid that it has reached the top, which is equivalent to a half step.

Hearing words, one by one surprised.

They all know this old man. The cultivation is not very high and the strength is not very strong, but the life-saving ability is very brilliant and well-informed. They have been in this abandoned city for hundreds of years, and they are considered among the abandoned cities. One of the oldest few people.

He lived for a long time, and his life-saving ability was strong. Naturally, he was well-informed, so no one doubted his words.

"Are these people in the Heavenly Realm? So weak."

"It feels like I can't bear a punch."

There are sounds on the back of Bonewing Dragon, a weird accent, and a bit similar to the language of Tianyuan Sanctuary, but there are some differences. Listen carefully, and you can barely understand one or two.


"Unfortunately, it's still worse." Chen Zong said to himself.

After taking the white jade-like natural treasure, Chen Zong felt that his potential for overdraft was recovering, and the sequelae were disappearing.

However, after the white jade-like natural treasures were completely digested, Chen Zong found that the potential for overdrafts was not fully recovered, and the sequelae were not completely eliminated.

Try to practice it, and compared with the past, it has recovered about 30%.

In other words, I still need that kind of talent, at least three or so can fully recover.

The sequelae are eliminated by 30%, and you can feel the slightest improvement effect when you practice, which is better than before.

Immediately, Chen Zong received the voice, and quickly left to go to the place where Xuankong Luo, a half-step sacred power in Xuanyuan Realm, was because Xuankong Luo summoned.

In addition to Chen Zong, twenty-one others also arrived.

"This time calling you, something changed." Xuankong Luo Zhengzheng said.

"What's changed?" Chu Wangshi looked proudly, and didn't seem to put everything in his eyes.

Chu Yuqing also looked indifferent. For the waste city, she really did not like it.

The level of people here is too low, and the vitality of the world here is mixed, which makes her living in a superior environment feel very uncomfortable. If it was not for the place, she would have already left or would not even come.

It doesn't matter what changes, she just wants to leave as soon as possible.

"The Great Wilderness came, and asked to participate in this battle." Xuankong Luozhengzhen said: "After consultation with the Great Wilderness and us, we agreed that the Ten Great Wilds to participate in this battle."


"Dahuang Tianjiao?"

The response was similar.

Everyone knows the great waste.

In the First World War, the Lingwu Holy Realm fell apart, and the Tianyuan Sanctuary was separated to become a holy place for cultivation.

The Great Wilderness belongs to the Tianyuan Sanctuary and other domains. It is a completely different place of cultivation. It is said that the environment is much worse than Tianyuan Sanctuary and it is difficult to survive.

In the wilderness, the air is not filled with vitality, but with other forces. Therefore, the cultivation method of the Heavenly Realm is not suitable. After the efforts of countless ancestors and years of evolution, another cultivation method has been developed.

Therefore, the cultivation system of the Great Wild is different from the cultivation system of the Heavenly Realm.

There is a gap between Tianyuan Ruins and Tianyuan Sanctuary.

In Tianyuan sanctuary, it is called Tianyuan ruins, but in the wilderness, it is called the ruins.

The names are different, but they are the same.

The strong man of the Great Wilderness learned of the opening of the Lingwu Holy Land, so he moved his mind and brought ten selected Great Wilderness Tianjiao to participate.

In the past, it was the people in Tianyuan Sanyu who fought and entered the Lingwu Holy Land. Dahuang had never participated, but this time it required participation, and naturally it was not agreed.

One side is bound to win, the other side is different, or the interest lies.

Therefore, after some negotiation, the Great Wilderness Party paid a certain price, the Nine Realms of Tianyuan Holy Land agreed to the Great Wilderness' request.

Left and right, it was just more than ten people participating, maybe all ten people were eliminated.

"Remember, the great waste cultivation system is different from ours. Their cultivation system, called the Great Wild Beast Martial Arts, is based on the cultivation system of our heavenly sacred realm and the cultivation system that has evolved and perfected in countless years." Xuankong Luo said.

These ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ are information that no one has yet understood.

The environment of the Great Wilderness is different from that of the Heavenly Realm. Therefore, the training and refining of the Heavenly Reality are not suitable for the Great Wilderness.

The countless ancestors of the Great Wild, based on the practice and refining methods of the Tianyuan Sanctuary, combined with the characteristics of the Great Wild, and after numerous attempts and modifications, finally created and perfected a new cultivation system: Great Wild Beast Wu.

Cultivation of the Giant Wild Beast first lays the foundation, and then casts a solid foundation in a manner similar to refining, but the way of refining is bathing the blood of the beast, but the essence of the great wild beast.

Giant wild beasts are wild beasts, a bit like the monsters in the Heavenly Realm, but they are also different.

Therefore, the first level of the Great Wild Beast Wu, also called building base, is the same as Tianyuan Sanctuary.

But the second layer is different, because in the second layer, the practitioners of the Great Wilderness must integrate the essence of the Great Wild Beast into the body, the strength of breaking through the realm soars, and the Fusion of the Great Wild Beast has different abilities and will have different abilities .

Therefore, the second realm of the Great Wild Beast Wu is called refining soul, which is equivalent to the transcendental realm of Tianyuan Holy Land's cultivation.

As for the third level of the giant beast martial arts, called the beast, as the name suggests, it is to fully refine the fusion of the essence of the beast and completely turn it into its own, and you can transform into a reduced version of the beast. , Greatly increased strength.

It is said that the people of the Great Wild are not conscious of cultivation, and their cultivation is closely related to the great wild beasts.

The transformation of the beast realm is equivalent to the practice of entering the sacred realm into the sacred realm or refining the mixed heaven realm.

As for the fourth level of the higher level, which is equivalent to the level of the Great Sacred Realm to the Strongest in the Heavenly Realm, Xuankong Luo did not explain that that level is too far away from everyone now, and there is no need to understand for the time being. The levels are enough to understand later.

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