Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 51: 10 circles Tianjiao

The heavenly realm is divided into nine realms, which are Taixuan realm, Tianxuan realm, Zhengu realm, Xuanyuan realm, Canglong realm, Ming sheng realm, Hengshan realm, Shangyuan realm, and true king realm.

Nine Realms, strictly speaking, there is no difference between high and low, but in fact there are differences between strength and weakness.

It is generally acknowledged that Taixuan Realm, Tianxuan Realm, and Zhengu Realm are the most powerful Three Realms. Their comprehensive strength should be above the other six realms, but the other six realms will not differ much, but they are relatively worse than those three realms. some.

Wherever there is strength, there will be a gap, and what the gap brings is a change in dominance.

This time, the reason for the change in the battle for the quotas of the Nine Realms and Holy Places was also the joint launch of the three realms of Taixuan Realm, Tianyuan Realm, and Zhengu Realm. The new rules will not harm the interests of the Six Realms.

Although it is said that the overall strength of the three realms is stronger, it is better than the younger Tianjiao.

The six realms are self-confident, and even though the descendants of the three realms are very good, they are not inferior.

The arrival of the Great Wilderness this time asked to participate in the battle between the nine realms, and it was mainly the three realms that led the discussion and finally decided.

Between the ruined city and the ruins of Tianyuan, on a barren empty ground, many figures stood, one by one, filled with breathtaking breathless waves, impacting in all directions.

The Nine Realms of the Nine-Six-Step Great Holy Power and the 90 Best Powers of the Holy Land.

In addition, it is the peerless Tianjiao of the Nine Realms.

Among them, there are as many peerless arrogances as Taixuanjie, Tianyijie and Zhengujie, while Xuanyuanjie has only 42.

The difference in the number of eight people also represents the gap between the Xuanyuan Realm and the Three Realms to a certain extent.

The other Five Realms are similar to the Xuanyuan Realm, with at most one more.

A sharp Senhan gaze suddenly crossed the sky, breaking like a sword, and fell on Chen Zong's face, it seemed that Chen Zong would be penetrated.

Chen Zong also looked and saw a figure of a golden robe.

It was the man who wanted to **** the treasures he had bought for a hundred yuan beads.

Looking at his camp, it clearly came from the Taixuan Realm.

Wang Yue stared at Chen Zong, his eyes filled with chilly coldness, what exactly was the black rhizome, Wang Yue actually didn't know, but just felt interesting and wanted to win.

For him with a good background, there are actually no differences between the hundred-day yuan beads and the two-hundred yuan beads.

Noble birth, superior environment, and outstanding talents have allowed Wang Yue to go smoothly from a young age, and no one will go against his will.

What he was concerned about was not the ebony rhizome. Even if it was a holy medicine, it didn't matter. It was mainly what he wanted. Someone dared to compete with himself.

Moreover, the other side can even defend by taking a lower practice than himself.

As a result, Wang Yue was murderous against Chen Zongxin. If he had not been prevented, he would then go all out to kill the opponent.

But anyway, it is only a matter of time.

After entering the ruins of Tianyuan, they will be under competition, when life and death will not be up to them.

Feeling the killing in Wang Yue's eyes, Chen Zong's look remained unchanged.

To kill yourself, the consequence is to be killed by yourself, it is only a matter of time.

Immediately, Chen Zong ignored Wang Yue. When Chen Zong's eyes moved, Wang Yue looked even colder, and once again ignored himself and could never forgive him.

Chen Zong found that among the fifty peerless arrogances in the Taixuan Realm, the Tianyue Realm, and the Ancient Town Realm, the highest attainment reached the sixth stage of the sacred realm. Although there is only one, it is very amazing.

At the age of less than 100 years, Xiu was able to reach the sixth stage of the sanctuary, which is already very amazing, not to mention reaching the middle stage.

Looking at the two people of Chu Wangshi and Chu Yuqing, in the mid-sixth stage of the sacred realm, they are extremely proud, and they look down on other heavenly pride of Xuanyuan Realm.

If their cultivation at this time is in the sixth stage of the Holy Land, they do n’t know if their tails will be lifted into the sky.

And the three sacred realms in the three realms of the Sixth Peerless Peer Tianjiao, although they looked different, all had a sense of transcendence.

In the middle and late stages of the Sixth Division, the overall difference is not very big, but if the age is limited, the gap will be widened several times.

In addition, in each of the three realms, there are four peerless arrogances in the mid-sixth stage of the sacred realm, one more than the other six realms.

There are also many peerless Tianjiao in the early stage of the sixth stage of entering the sacred realm. There are as many as fifteen, which is amazing.

The others are all the five peaks and limits of the sanctuary.

Nine Realms Tianjiao peered at each other, because these people are their competitors.

At this time, a completely different but extremely arrogant and fierce breath hit from a distance, with ferocity and barrenness, attracting everyone's attention.

A figure with a height of more than two meters strode forward, dozens in total.

The head is an old man with white hair and ruddy complexion. His arms exposed outside the short sleeves are like dragons and snakes. He is extremely amazing. The tall body of more than two meters is like a reduced version of the great beast. It exudes a terrible sense of oppression, and the heaven and earth that oppressed all around retreated.

The ten figures behind them were all young people, each with a rough face and a wild charm. The muscles on their bodies were astonishing as steel cast iron cast, full of terrible explosive power.

This kind of body seems to be more amazing than mixed heaven.

Great Wild Beast Wu!

This is the Peerless Tianjiao from the great wasteland, who will compete with the peerless Tianjiao of the Nine Realms for the quota.

Chen Zong was the first practitioner to see the Great Wilderness. His breath was completely different, and he was full of threats with a ferocious and barren breath.

In addition, these ten wild and arrogant eyes are full of amazing aggression and wildness. As they swept across the people, their eyes flashed with astonishing coldness, as if they were going to penetrate everyone.

"Since everyone is here, I will declare the rules of battle." Xu Xuan, a half-step grand saint in the Taixuan Realm, began to speak. His voice was not stubborn, he was not sick, he was not high or low, he was peaceful, but there was a trace of inexplicability. The majesty and the rhyme of Tao, as if they can speak the law and follow the rules, can easily command the vitality of the world.

As soon as this person spoke, the crowd went silent and listened carefully.

After all, it is important to fight.

"The Nine Realms Tianjiao and Dahuang Tianjiao can be called the Ten Realms Tianjiao, gathered here only to compete for the entry of the thousand-year-old Lingwu Holy Land."

"But there are only ten places in the Lingwu Holy Land, and you have more than four hundred."

"More than four hundred people take ten, meaning that everyone else must be eliminated, not because of the Lingwu Holy Land."

After all, the Lingwu Holy Land was opened once every millennium, and the entry conditions are limited to the practice of entering the Holy Land, and the age does not exceed one hundred years.

Then this time it is impossible to enter, and next time, no matter what the practice is, it has already exceeded the age limit.

Each one is full of self-confidence, and everyone thinks he can.

"The Tianyuan ruins you are going to enter are the periphery of the ruins. Although there are dangers in the periphery, they are safer than the inner periphery."

The ruins of Tianyuan are divided into core, inner wall and outer wall. In the core, there are even terrible evils at the level of the Great Holy Land. In the inner wall, there may be half-step terrible evils at the level of the Great Holy Land.

As for the periphery, most of them are in the early stage and the middle stage of the holy state, and a few evil things in the later stage of the holy state.

With the amazing talent and strength of a peerless Tianjiao, there is basically no threat to the evil in the early and middle stages of entering the sacred realm, and only the evil in the late stage of sacred realm will bring danger.

So on the periphery, everyone is relatively safe.

After all, it is fighting, not putting everyone to death.

You know, each of the peerless Tianjiao here is the most top batch in all walks of life. The talent is extremely deep, and the strength is amazing. In the future, at least you can cultivate into a half-step sacred level, and even hope to break into a sacred level The Xeon is very precious, and if one dies, it is no small loss.

What's more, many people here are of extraordinary origin and have a high status among various forces. They have high hopes and are very precious.

"The time is one month, and the way is to get the Tianyuan treasure jade in the ruins of Tianyuan, then get the qualification."


This is a treasure that can only be produced in the ruins of Tianyuan. It is very precious and very rare. It is not easy to obtain it.

One of the purposes of those practitioners who often stay in the waste city and constantly enter the ruins of Tianyuan is to find Tianyuan Baoyu ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ as long as they can find a piece, they can become rich.

"Tianyuanbao jade is divided into five grades: top grade, top grade, and superb. The final ranking will be based on the Tianyuanbao jade grades you find. If more than ten people are qualified, the next round of battle will be held."

In other words, if only ten of them got Tianyuanbao jade or got the highest grade of Tianyuanbao jade, then those ten people would get the places to enter the Lingwu Holy Land directly, without having to go to the next round.

"Remember, any of you is very precious, so within the ruins of Tianyuan, you can rob each other, but you cannot kill, you must not kill." Taixuanjie's half-step Great Saint-level strong voice became extremely dignified and more with Deep warning.

"If it is a killing, it is considered a violation, and the offender will be disqualified directly. No matter what grade of Tianyuanbao jade can be obtained, it will be missed."

The hearts of everyone were trembling.

These warnings are truly alarming. If they are disqualified for the purpose of killing, they will not pay more.

Wang Yue couldn't help but be disappointed, because his purpose was to kill Chen Zong in the ruins of Tianyuan, but now it seems that he can't do it.

"The time is one month. Remember, come out on time and overtime, it is considered invalid."

The spiritual sacred place was opened only once in a thousand years, and it is known as the first sacred place in the spiritual sacred realm. It has amazing opportunities and heritages, from ancient times to the present. All those who entered it have achieved extraordinary success as long as they have not died or fallen midway. .

This makes Lingwu Holy Land full of attractiveness.

When it is Peerless Tianjiao, it is impossible to resist the attraction of Lingwu Holy Land. It wants to enter it and gain chance and inheritance, far superior to its peers, and even surpass the peerless Tianjiao of the previous generation.

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