Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 52: ruins

The ruins of Tianyuan, broken from the ancient wars, left behind, and took shape after countless years of evolution. Among them, it is unknown how many ancient strong men fell and how many powerful void demons died.

The breath left after the death of countless ancient strongmen and countless void demons has continuously infiltrated this land, breeding many evils, and also breeding many treasures, and even many legacy.

These treasures and inheritances have attracted countless practitioners who have entered the sanctuary. Successive rushes have come to find opportunities and strengthen themselves.

Even some extraordinary realms came to take risks. Although they knew that they could only step into the ruins of Tianyuan without repairing into the sacred realm, and they had no death, they still had to step in because of blood feuds or other reasons.

But those who did not enter the sanctuary stepped into the ruins of Tianyuan, and almost no one could survive.

Now, the perimeter of the ruins of one side of Tianyuan has been surrounded, and the besiegers are the half-step great sacred powers of the Nine Realms and the Great Wild, and many sacred peak powers.

Each of these strongest men who entered the sacred realm was extraordinary and powerful, stronger than the ordinary peaks of the sanctuary. Depending on their strength, if they entered the inner circle of the ruins of Tianyuan, they might be in danger of falling.

But at the periphery, with the strength of everyone, it was enough to sweep.

Their purpose is also to prevent some too aggressive evils from entering the periphery from the inner periphery, bringing danger to the peerless Tianjiao. Of course, if they are just more ordinary evils, they will ignore them.

If even ordinary evil things can't resist, it's not really a peerless arrogance.

Another point is to monitor the crowds to prevent situations of life and death fighting and cause unnecessary deaths.

"Although you are competitors, you must pay more attention to people in other circles. Remember, if you face other people, you must join hands, even if you do not join forces, you can't go down." Xuankong Luo solemnly said.

Everyone nodded.

Only Chu Wangshi and Chu Yuqing looked proud, without any expression.

They are very arrogant, arrogant to disdain others.

However, everyone ignored them.

Indeed, the cultivation of the two of them is the highest, but all of them are peerless and arrogant, each one has his own pride and pride.

"Go, do your best, but remember to keep your own life." Xuan Kongluo waved and let everyone go.

All other half-step saint-class powerhouses have also urged Tianjiao from all walks of life.

Immediately, set off one by one.


When the sharp sounds rang, hundreds of peerless Tianjiao rushed into the ruins of Tianyuan.

The ten great wild arrogances had the biggest movements. They weren't physically smart, but rushed forward like a rampage, full of violent and ferocious momentum, extremely amazing.

The body more than two meters high is like a beast. It is extremely amazing. If it is hit, it will be torn apart.

It seems that nothing can stand in their footsteps.

Everyone was shocked and daunted by such prestige.

Great Wild Beast Wu!

What kind of cultivation system is that is unclear to everyone.

I just know what it is, but I haven't really faced it yet.

Unknown can make people curious and dreadful, and it can also make people excited.

Chen Zong was looking forward to a battle with the Tianjiao of the Dahuang and a glimpse into the mystery of the so-called giant beast martial arts.

Chances are in the ruins of Tianyuan.

"Let's go." Chu Wangshi said to Chu Yuqing, and immediately left the team, the two went forward together because they were too proud to look down on the others.

Others didn't care. At first, they were not the same people as Chu Wangshi and Chu Yuqing.

Soon, everyone was scattered.

After all, this is not competition between teams, but competition between individuals. It is about the battle for the place of the thousand-year-old Lingwu Holy Land, and there are only ten places.

However, there are more than 400 people participating in the battle, and now there are 10 more barrens and more competitive pressure.

In addition to themselves, more than 400 other people will become their competitors.

Although the people came from the same circle, they also carried the honor of this circle to a certain extent. Xuankong Luo also ordered that when facing other circles and the great wildness, everyone would unite and unify.

But in essence, individuals also have to think for themselves and work hard for themselves.

Lingwu Holy Land, how important this opportunity is, how precious it is, you must never give it up, you must get it.


After more than 400 Tianjiao entered the periphery of Tianyuan's ruins, they scattered and searched for Tianyuan Baoyu.

Tianyuan Baoyu is a precious treasure with a wide range of uses. It can be used in various aspects such as refining, matrix formation, cultivation, etc. The effect is very good and it has an irreplaceable role.

Tianyuanbaoyu is only produced in the ruins of Tianyuan, not elsewhere.

Moreover, the higher the level of Tian Yuan Bao Yu, the more amazing the value.

For example, Tianyuanbaoyu, one of the lower grades, can sell one hundred Tianyuandan, which can be imagined as amazing.

If an ordinary cultivator in the sanctuary is lucky enough to find a piece of inferior Tianyuanbao jade, he can get one hundred Tianyuandan immediately after the shot, and quickly accumulate wealth.

And one party Zhongyuan Tianyuanbao Jade has a value of one thousand days Yuandan.

If it is a top grade Tianyuanbao jade, the value is even more amazing, and it can reach the level of 10,000 yuan.

Ten thousand days of Yuandan, many powerful peaks into the holy realm, may not come out.

Of course, Tianyuanbaoyu mostly has the lower grades, and the middle grades become very rare, while the top grades are even rarer. For decades, no one can get them.

As for the best and best products on top, it is almost a legend.

Especially the superb Tianyuan Baoyu has never appeared before, either exists or does not exist. In short, no one has ever found it.

It is the best. For countless years since ancient times, very few people have indeed found it, but every time there is a Need Tianyuanbao jade, it will definitely cause a battle, a fierce battle, a **** battle, and I do n’t know how many people will be killed or injured.

The value of Need Tianyuan Baoyu is too high and too high, even a half-step sage-level powerhouse will be tempted and can't help but fight.

Of course, this time, everyone did not think that the peerless Tianjiao can find the best Tianyuanbao jade, and they can find the top Tianyuanbao jade, which is already very good.

After being separated from the crowd, Chen Zong quickly moved forward.

Entering the ruins of Tianyuan, there is a very depressing feeling, as if an astonishing crisis is lurking everywhere. If you are not careful, you will die at any time.

This feeling is uncomfortable, as if there is a back, but there is an indescribable stimulus.

Chen Zong raised his vigilance to the extreme and released the divine thoughts.

Originally outside, his own divine thought could cover a range of 90,000 meters, but it was suppressed here, and it was suppressed very hard, only covering a range of 9 kilometers.

The space strength of Tianyuan Sanctuary is higher, so after entering the Tianyuan Sanctuary from the outer realm, the coverage of Chen Zong's spiritual consciousness and even the current divine thought are suppressed.

Under normal circumstances, in Tianyuan Sanctuary, the upper limit of the coverage of divine thoughts entering the sanctuary is 10,000 meters.

Into the sanctuary is 20,000 meters.

And so on.

Jiuzhong into the Holy Land is 90,000 meters.

Even if it is raised to the extreme, it is 99,999 meters, that is like a limit.

However, the range of divine thoughts at the half step of the Great Holy Level will break through, exceeding 100,000 meters, and gradually undergo qualitative changes.

Chen Zong's practice today is to enter the sanctuary fivefold, but in terms of divinity, it is far superior to other people, reaching 90,000 meters, which is equivalent to entering the divine sanctuary.

In addition, the quality of divine thought is beyond the ordinary into the holy realm, and can even reach the level of a half-step grand sacred level.

However, in the application of Shennian, Chen Zong did not master a more intelligent method.

One is the lack of heritage.

The second is the lack of time and energy to study.

There are too many aspects that I need to cultivate, understand, and improve.

Although it is said that the true strong has no obvious shortcomings, one's energy is indeed very limited, not to mention that Shennian is not one of Chen Zong's shortcomings, but one of the advantages.

After all, Chen Zong's devotion is much more arrogant than most practitioners.

It is just that there is no proper practice and application method, but there are very few practice and application methods about divine thought.

So now, Shenzong is used by Chen Zong to cover the surroundings, to perceive everything, which is equivalent to replacing or extending the function of expanding the eyes, and the feeling is more clear and thorough than the eyes.

The land of the ruins of Tianyuan ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is full of dark black, looks very magnificent, and has an indescribable feeling of vicissitudes and fierceness. Here, I do n’t know how many strong people died and how many strong people were infected. Flesh and bones, I don't know how many strong killing spirits and resentments settled and wandered here and never dissipated.

The yin wind slowly turned into a strand of free air, bringing an unreasonable cold, ignoring the protection of the Holy Power, invading the body silently and slowly, and slowly seeping into the body. A little bit affects the body like a frog cooked in warm water.

Fortunately, Chen Zong's divine thoughts were strong and powerful, and then he was able to feel the capture, and then operated the ancient ancient fire tactics to resist, and dispelled the cold and cold breath that invaded the body everywhere, so as not to affect himself.

This kind of influence can't be seen or felt at first, but as time goes by, one's reaction will be affected unknowingly, and it will slow down unknowingly without even being aware of it.

The result of the slow response is the decline in strength. When any danger is encountered, if you do not respond in time, it is a dead end.


This is also the characteristic of the ruins of Tianyuan. It seems that no sound can be heard. There is a kind of dead silence, a pale death silence, which makes people scared.

Chen Zong's eyes were sharp, and he swept across with God's thoughts, carefully looking all around clearly. Nothing could escape his eyes.

There are not only dark ruins, but also many crumbling buildings that seem to be decaying.




Wait, everything, it feels like a long, long ago city, rotten by the years.

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