Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 53: Evil

The ruins of Tianyuan are like a huge spot that falls between Tianyuan Sanctuary and the great wasteland. How can it not be erased, and it emits an extremely amazing chaotic atmosphere.

Figures stood on the ruins, looking down and overlooking, the whole body was filled with amazing breath fluctuations, affecting the void around, as if to form an independent field.

These are exactly half-step big holy class powerhouses.

Dozens of other people also exude violent breath fluctuations. They are the strongest peaks of the Nine Realms entering the sacred realm, scattered around, supervising everything to prevent accidents.

After all, every peerless Tianjiao here is precious and cannot be lost.

The atmosphere of evil and chaos continued to spread through the ruins.

Chen Zong stepped into a broken and decaying city and watched with all his eyes and ears in all directions, extremely vigilant.

Chen Zong already knows the shape of Tian Yuan Bao Yu, but Tian Yuan Bao Yu is not directly exposed to your eyes, but often hides in some places.

Either a cave or underground.

Of course, if you are lucky, you may kick Tianyuanbaoyu while walking, but this possibility is very low.

The 700-meter heartland was also released by Chen Zong, covering all directions.

Although the range of seven hundred meters is not as good as the range of divine thoughts of nine kilometers, when it comes to the degree of penetration and clarity, it is more than ten times more amazing.

Suddenly, Chen Zong felt a slight wave of fluctuations appearing, breaking through at an alarming rate, and a strong sense of crisis broke out.

Too fast!


However, Chen Zong's expression did not change half, but calm and calm. When the crisis approached and entered the range of the heart, Chen Zong clearly "see".

It was a black snake all over.

The head, like a shuttle, has a very sharp mouth and is full of terrible jagged teeth. There are countless scale armors all over the body, exuding thrilling coldness and evil.

This is evil!

Chen Zong responded extremely quickly. The Red Prison Flame Stream Sword instantly emerged from the sheath, pierced through the sky, and assassinated at an astonishing speed. All the power condensed on the sword, penetrated the sword's front, and penetrated everything.

The void of the ruins cannot resist the sharpness of this sword.

Under the realm of heart, it is extremely clear and extremely precise.

The realm of the heart has an obvious calibration effect on the performance of its martial arts, making its sword more accurate and hitting everything.

The evil snake, Black Snake, was extremely fast, like a black light flying through the air, but Chen Zong was not slow at all.

In particular, this sword is the fastest sword sword style.

Break through to kill!

Even if it was an ordinary sixfold into the sanctuary, it was impossible to avoid the terrible power of this sword, and it was killed directly.

But when the sword hit the black snake, Chen Zong felt an astonishing hardness that quickly passed from the point of the sword to the palm of his hand.

Swordsmanship is high, Kendo's realm is deep, the sword is in his hand, and connected to his own blood. It is truly like an arm and a finger. Therefore, Chen Zong can feel everything clearly and truly.

This feeling is very profound.

But no matter how hard the black snake was, it couldn't stop the sharp edge of the sword.




The sword trembled, a force of incomparable force came straight through, smashing the black skull, and smashing the black snake's body like a smashing bamboo, and the village cracked. Finally, the remaining half of the body fell and was still twisting. It seemed to be unwilling to die.

The black blood spilled across the ground, and a strong stench filled the air, rushing to the nose, making Chen Zong's look slightly changed and unbearable. He quickly waved his robe sleeves, rolled up a gust of strong power, and dispelled the stench. To avoid contamination on the body.

Immediately, Chen Zong's eyes only fell on the half-scarf of the black snake evil, still twisting, marking the ground with traces, extremely tenacious.

Evil thing!

This is a unique product of Tianyuan Ruins, just like Tianyuan Baoyu.

However, Tianyuanbaoyu has amazing effects, is widely used and has an amazing value. It is a treasure, but the evil is the opposite. Apart from danger, it is useless.

The breeding of evil things, after the study of seniors, is the negative things of countless fallen powers and the demons of the Void Demon after the ancient war, and the negative things, etc., have evolved and evolved over many years. Thing.

The evil thing has no wisdom, only the instinct of killing, all the creatures seen by killing.

To a certain extent, evil things belong to things that have already died, and natural hatred of living things will attack and destroy.

Moreover, the strength of the evil things is very terrible. So far, it has been divided into five levels, low, medium, high, top, and king.

The level of low-level evils is equivalent to triple entry into the sanctuary.

The level of the middle-level evil is equivalent to the sixfold of entering the sacred realm.

The level of high-level evils is equivalent to ninefold entry into the sacred realm.

As for the top-level evil, it is equivalent to a half-step holy level.

The king-level evil is equivalent to the Great Holy Realm.

Among the Tianyuan ruins, there are real king-level evils, but they are only found in the core area, and there are not many.

As for the top-level evil, it generally does not appear on the periphery.

The periphery is usually dominated by low-level and medium-level evils, and a few high-level evils are scattered.

Although on the level, the evil thing is equal to the sanctuary, but the strength is not. The evil thing has no wisdom, but it has terrible power. In addition, the unique atmosphere of the negative atmosphere and the ruins of Tianyuan makes the power of the evil thing even more. terrible.

In other words, in the ruins of Tianyuan, the evil things are like fish, and the practitioners will be affected or even suppressed.

Over time, the strength of the natural evil will be more terrible and the threat will be greater.

And also one more point, here, when the evil thing is wounded, it will automatically absorb all the negative breath and quickly recover, even the more brave the war, the stronger the strength.

On the other hand, if the practitioner is injured, unless he is taking a panacea, the injury will be more difficult to heal than the outside world.

All in all, in the ruins of Tianyuan, the evil things are terrible.

For example, the black snake whose half body was now broken by Chen Zong. The rest of the half body was twisted, and it recovered a little bit. The inch-inch was recovering at a speed visible to both eyes. It seemed that it only took about a quarter of an hour. Recovery is as scary as ever.

This ability is like immortality.

After observing for a little while, Chen Zong shot again.

A sword is killed, the sword is extremely hot, supplemented by the meaning of the ground fire, and it suddenly emits an extremely terrible high temperature, burns everything, and falls on the black snake evil body, burning a fiery flame.

The snoring sound screamed, and a stench struck again, dispelled by Chen Zong.

The black snake evil spirit kept on writhing and struggling, but eventually it was burnt and burned to ashes.


The flame is a negative nemesis, which has obvious damage to the negative.

It's just that Ziyun Heixingyan can no longer keep up with his own level, and is behind, but fortunately, he has a sense of understanding of the Taoism, and cooperates with the Red Prison Sword Technique, which is full of power.

The evil thing is not good, it is difficult to entangle, and there is another thing, that is, there is no gain.

After the evil thing is killed, there will be nothing useful left, just a pile of residual ashes, and nothing more.

After killing this black snake evil, Chen Zong continued to move forward, and the divine thought still covered a nine-kilometer circle. After all, there were broken buildings in some places to block the view and his eyes were blocked, and the divine thought became very important.

The 700-meter-long heart realm also unfolded, and then the middle-level evil monster, the Black Snake, sneaked in. If it had not been covered by the heart-like realm, I was afraid it would be more difficult to cope.

Among the ruins of Tianyuan, there are not only treasures, but also the inheritance left by the strong.

A ruin has many strong negative breaths, but the material must be reversed. The so-called cathodic positivity, when the negative breath is strong and extreme, the opposite changes will occur.

For example, Yuan Baoyu that day is the most typical representative.

Tianyuanbao jade is full of pure and majestic positive atmosphere.

Therefore, if you want to find Tianyuanbaoyu, it is not difficult to say, in fact, it is not difficult, as long as you can feel the opposite of the negative breath.

Of course, among the Tianyuan ruins, treasures with a positive atmosphere are not only Tianyuanbao jade, but Tianyuanbao jade is the most representative.

In addition to Tianyuanbaoyu, there are other treasures.

As now, Chen Zong saw a white flower.

The palm-sized white, five-petaled flowers and leaves, look thick and fleshy. Its white is not pale, but a round white, emitting a faint halo.

A hint of positive breath permeated ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~

It felt like a touch of warmth in the cold.

During this period of time in the abandoned city, in addition to cultivation, Chen Zong also learned some things, such as the treasures that will be produced in the ruins of Tianyuan.

Therefore, as soon as he saw the flower, Chen Zong flashed the relevant images and information.

Bai Yuanhua!

This is a treasure that contains positive, pure, and majestic strength. It can be directly taken for refining to restore the consumed power or assist in cultivation and promotion. It can also be used as medicine to refine the elixir. The effect is even more effective. it is good.

In fact, many waste city practitioners enter the Tianyuan ruins and carry some elixir to supplement their strength. After all, the heaven and earth vitality in the Tianyuan ruins is chaotic and unsuitable for absorption.

Bai Yuandan is a fairly popular supplementary elixir in the waste city, which is not bad.

This Bai Yuanhua is the main material for refining Bai Yuan Dan. The only main material, the others are auxiliary materials.

Chen Zong quickly shot, picked the Bai Yuanhua, and carefully observed that the year of this Bai Yuanhua was almost thirty years, which was more ordinary and more valuable.

But Chen Zong still keeps his income in the ring, maybe it will come in handy sometime.

Outside the Tianyuan ruins, many practitioners often step in. For many years, like a carpet-like search, most treasures have been searched out, and there is not much left, even Tianyuan treasure jade. Therefore, It will undoubtedly be more difficult to find.

After finding a Bai Yuan flower, in the following period, apart from encountering evil things, Chen Zong did not find other treasures, but Chen Zong was not discouraged. He continued to search, which is related to the Millennium Lingwu Holy Land. A little distraction.

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