Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 54: Defeated Wang Yue

The abandoned and ruined city is very large. It can be seen that in ancient times, it should be a big city. Even after the war, many were broken, like the ruins, but the basic outline was still there.

Like a dead bone, Yu Wei is still there.

Although this abandoned and broken city was large, Chen Zong was very fast. After searching quickly, he searched the entire city again.

More than a dozen low-level evils were killed and three medium-level evils were killed. High-level evils have not yet been encountered.

Of course, Chen Zong also knows that with his current strength, when he encounters high-level evils, he is not his opponent at all. After all, high-level evils can be equivalent to entering the sacred realm.

Bai Yuanhua found five flowers, the highest is fifty years.

Three Yuanyuan grasses were found, and the highest year was also fifty years old. The value was much higher than that of Bai Yuanhua. As for Tianyuanbao jade, it was not found on one side, and the shadow of the lower grade was not seen.

It belongs to the outer area. After countless years, I do n’t know how many practitioners have visited it. Almost every inch of land has been searched. Chen Zong was also able to find some Bai Yuanhua and Jing Yuan Cao, which is good luck.

In this way, only deeper can there be hope to find Tianyuanbaoyu, after all, the deeper it is, the more dangerous it is.

Casting into the body, turned into a thunderbolt, flew across the sky in an instant, and quickly flew away.

Lei Guang's absolute body method is a sacred class top grade, cultivated by Chen Zong to a complete state, and integrated into the true meaning of the five revolutions of Thunder, its speed has increased significantly.

The other peerless Tianjiao people also continued to go deep into the periphery of Tianyuan Ruins.

The outermost area is definitely the place that has been visited the most. Some of them have been built into the sanctuary with lower strength and weaker. They dare not go too deep into the ruins of Tianyuan. The bottom is facing the sky, almost nothing is missed.

In this case, you can still find treasures in the outermost area. You can only say that you have good luck and good ability.

But if you want to get really good treasures, you still need to go deeper. At the outer periphery, unless it is luck, you will not get much.

No one rests their hopes on luck.

The ruins of Tianyuan are very large, even if it is only on the periphery, it is also very vast. Not to mention hundreds of people entering, even thousands of people and tens of thousands of people entering, scattered, and the possibility of wanting to meet is not high.

"It seems that your luck is very bad." Wang Yue's eyes flickered fiercely, staring at Chen Zong, a cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, his body was stretched out, with a sharp killer, his killing intention was like a tide. The turbulent surging approached Chen Zong quickly.

Although it is said that people cannot be killed or they will be eliminated, there is no stipulation that people cannot be severely injured or even abolished.

Or leave some secret hands and wait for a fatal outbreak in the future.

Amazing killings fell on Chen Zong, and they continued to be shocked, very cold, especially in the ruins of Tianyuan, and rushed with countless negative breaths, as if to freeze his body.

Chen Zong's eyes flashed sharply, extremely sharp, as if the sword edge crossed the void, as if piercing the cold power.

Suddenly, Wang Yue was like a blast of speed, approaching quickly, entering the area of ​​the heart of the seven hundred meters, terrifying.

That golden palm print was so powerful and domineering that it seemed to be able to smash the mountains, and if it was hit, it would be severely damaged.

The red sword flashed, tearing through the sky to kill, the extreme sharpness, and immediately pierced the golden palm print, like a broken bamboo, relentlessly killed Wang Yue, running through everything.

Heart Sword Style!

Wang Yue has strong murderous and malicious intentions. Although it is stipulated that no one can be killed here, Chen Zong also knows that whenever there is an opportunity, the other party will not hesitate to play a heavy hand. Even if he does not kill himself, he will definitely Disable yourself.

At that time, leaving only here is tantamount to elimination.

In turn, Chen Zong also had a killing intention for Wang Yue, or in other words, anyone who wanted to kill himself would not stay.

But because of the restrictions of the rules, we ca n’t really kill people. However, it ’s okay to be seriously injured or even disabled.

This sword, Chen Zong did not keep his hand, it will directly run through Wang Yue's body.

But Wang Yue was the top peerless arrogant in the early stage of the sixth stage of the sacred realm. He was repaired to a deep and powerful strength. For a moment, the palm of his hand changed, and the golden light condensed at his fingertips. It was like a **** transformed into a golden crane. Can pierce through the void, hitting the sword tip.

Extremely precise, with horrible strength bursting out, a sharp edge penetrated and turned into a wind blade tearing in all directions.

Chen Zong only felt the tremor of the sword body, and the power passed shocks instantly. The five fingers loosened and scratched, the wrist was lightly shaken, and the arms were undulating like waves.

No raw sword style!

One sword, condensed the ultimate killing and killing intentions, without mercy.

Wang Yue's face changed suddenly.

Obviously his own cultivation is far better than the opponent, but this sword made himself feel dangerous and terrifying.

How could this be?

In this world, how can there be someone better than yourself.

For a long time, Wang Yue was very confident in his talents. In Tai Xuan Realm, Xiu Wei was indeed higher than him, but he also practiced longer than him.

Wang Yue is confident that under the same age among his peers, no one can compare with himself.

But now, although I do n’t know the age of the other party, Xiuwei is not as good as himself. There is a clear gap between himself and himself. However, his strength can threaten himself, which is incredible.

Inwardly, the killing force is more intense, and it almost emerges like a volcanic magma.


Murder broke out, and anger started from his heart. Wang Yue immediately gave the strongest martial arts.

Earth-shattering hands, earth-shattering hands, moving the ground.


The golden light condenses and casts into a large gold-like hand, as if slammed into the front by a palm, strong and mighty, and as light and agile as a breeze, two distinct powers appear together, not only will not contradict Conflicts, on the other hand, are extremely coordinated, more unpredictable and difficult to resist.

Chen Zong only felt that under that golden master, the void around him was suppressed, as if stagnated and solidified, and this stasis and solidification were spreading at an alarming rate, making it difficult to resist. Can only wait for the big gold hand to kill in the same place to suppress himself.

Under the realm of the heart, this feeling becomes stronger.

However, the strength of Chen Zong has been greatly improved in all aspects due to the relationship between taking Jiu Zhuan Long Hu Jin Dan to stimulate potential, and it has become even more amazing.

Although it is only the practice in the mid-fifth stage of the sacred realm, Chen Zong himself is not very clear about the extent of his strength.

Wang Yue's strength is strong enough, perhaps, you can let yourself know your current strength level.

The ground burned!

Killed with a sword, the blazing flames were fierce and violent to the extreme.

The power of this sword is stronger than the swordless style.

However, Chen Zong also felt that the vitality of heaven and earth in the ruins of Tianyuan was very chaotic and complicated, which resulted in the vitality of fire being not so magnificent and pure, and the power of the sword of earth-fire burning heaven could not be exerted to the fullest.

Even so, it is still overbearing.

The ground burned!


The two moves collided, and the horrible power burst out instantly, shaking away.

The golden and fiery red are interspersed and permeated, and it turns into a heavy and powerful wave surging and pulsating in all directions. Wherever it passes, everything seems to be bombarded and broken into powder dust, and it is burnt to ashes.

In the fierce and violent fluctuations, Chen Zong compressed the realm of the heart to a hundred-meter square and became clearer. The feeling of controlling everything seemed more intense. Each sword was wonderful to its peak and its power reached the extreme state.

Wang Yueshi exhibited amazing palms, and the holy artifacts on his arm continued to pervade the mighty power, which was blasted out, but gradually Wang Yue found that he was suppressed by the other party.

In close combat, he was suppressed.


Another outbreak, the golden hand reappeared, with a fierce blow, the big hand struck three times, the overbearing was extremely rude, there was no half agility, only the violence, the extreme violence, three consecutive strikes turned into a terrible and powerful bombardment, as if To break everything.

Chen Zong's complexion suddenly changed, and the magical transformation of the magic Luo Jiu was performed to the extreme. Nine shadows flashed across, and one fell apart under that blow.

The ground burned!

Hurricane destroys the city!

Although each move is not as strong as in the heyday, at 80% integration, its power is several times stronger than a single sword.


Gold's big hand paused, and then shattered and fell apart under the terrible fire hurricane.

The flame storm rushed to www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and hit Wang Yue, wrapped Wang Yue's whole body, strangling and tearing frantically.

Being in it, Wang Yue was terrified and terrified. This terrible power made him feel indescribable panic.

As if it would be strangled and killed in it, and turned into ashes and smoke.

All the forces erupted, Wang Yue's resistance to the fate, but the power of the flame storm was terrible, extremely amazing, and quickly wiped out Wang Yue's resistance.

Chen Zong's complexion was slightly dignified.

It turned out that his strength has reached this step.

This Wang Yue's strength is not weak. Compared with Xia Mingjie that day, it seems to be a little stronger, but he can't stop himself.

Of course, the 80% integration degree is very amazing, compared with the previous 50% integration degree, the power is even more overbearing.

The golden light suddenly appeared around Wang Yue's body, turning into a swirling golden air current, condensing into a golden vortex, and wrapping it like a giant egg, resisting the strangulation of the flame storm.

With a bang, the horrible force exploded from the golden airstream and crushed the flame storm directly. The golden storm rushed around, and Chen Zong flew back, blocking his sword in front of him, blocking the terrible storm. Invasion, the whole person withdrew thousands of meters in an instant, and blood and blood trembled endlessly.

When the golden storm disappeared, a trace was left on the ground, shocking. Chen Zong even felt that the arm of the sword trembled slightly, because he was under too strong a force.

As for Wang Yue, he did not know when it had disappeared.

Chen Zong's eyes narrowed for a moment, and he quickly swept away, but found no trace of Wang Yue, but found a trace of residue. Then Wang Yue flew away quickly at the moment when the golden storm erupted.

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