Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 55: Palace punishment

In the battle with Wang Yue, Chen Zong almost knew what level of strength he was at this time.

"I don't know how it compares with the sixth stage of entering the sanctuary?" Chen Zong could not help but secretly said, which of course refers to the top six peerless stage of the sixth stage of entering the sanctuary.

And the top peerless Tianjiao level, among which the gap in cultivation, will also cause a significant gap in strength.

Of course, cultivation is only a part of strength. In addition to cultivation, the part that composes strength includes levels of martial arts, martial arts accomplishments, martial arts realm, and moral cultivation.

Although the Red Prison Flame Flow Sword is good, it has begun to keep up with its own cultivation, but on the whole, it can also let its own strength come out.

Gradually deep into the ruins of Tianyuan, Chen Zong found some treasures, basically holy medicine, the year is also higher.

Immediately, Chen Zong's divine thoughts felt a stronger wave of positive breath, which was stronger than the previous holy medicine.

call out!

Together with Lei Guang, he swept away through the sky.

Although the treasures in the ruins of Tianyuan will emit a positive breath, this kind of breath is completely opposite to the negative breath of Tianyuan ruins everywhere, but if the perception is not strong enough, it is not so easy to capture.

Chen Zong's perception is very strong, and it is difficult to compare it with the ordinary Jiuzhong in the sanctuary, so he can clearly capture the fluctuations of the positive atmosphere.

A sword was split, and the black stone was split, and the righteous wave suddenly strengthened several times.

The second sword was stabbed and picked up, and suddenly picked up a baby fist with an irregular size from the dark ruined land, the whole body was white jade, emitting a halo.

"Tianyuanbaoyu!" Chen Zong murmured.

It's been a day since entering Tianyuan's ruins, and now one party of Tianyuanbao jade has finally been found.

Unfortunately, the white halo from above is only one heavy, indicating that the grade of this Tianyuanbaoyu is inferior.

It is also necessary to find a higher-grade Tianyuanbao jade. Chen Zong feels that it is estimated that it is necessary to find a superior Tianyuanbao jade to win the place.

However, the inferior Tianyuanbao jade is worth a hundred Tianyuandan, which is very good, and when holding Tianyuanbao jade, Chen Zong can feel the surging pure and powerful positive force. Unfortunately, some means must be used to guide it out. Used to absorb refining and improve cultivation.

Although it is only the top grade Tianyuanbaoyu, it is also a good start.


The golden light flickered and then dissipated, revealing a figure with a pale complexion, some barn owls and some wolf looks.

"Brother Wang Yue, how did you get this look?" The voice was a bit of a joke, and implied high, as if in control of all rights.

"Brother Gong." Wang Yue froze slightly, not expecting that he would meet the other person, thinking of the other person's temperament, and immediately thought: "Brother Gong, don't be afraid of jokes, I was chased and killed by a person in Xuanyuanjie. Fortunately, With my life-saving card from my father, otherwise this time, I will be eliminated if I die. "

"Xuanyuanjie." Gongtian Xing's mouth hanged a disdainful smile: "Take me to find him."

"Okay, there is Brother Gong's shot, this man is dead." Wang Yue suddenly excited.

Taixuanjie is different from Xuanyuanjie.

The most powerful Xuanyuan Realm is the Xuanyuan Dynasty, followed by the Heijie Palace and the Clean Room.

The most powerful of the Taixuan Realm is the Taixuan Holy Palace.

Gongtian Xing and Wang Yue are both disciples of the Taixuan Shenggong. Their origins are also extraordinary. They belong to a powerful family, but they are not comparable to the Taixuan Shenggong.

In the Taixuan Holy Palace, Gongtian Punishment is the second person of his disciples.

Although he was younger than Gong Tian's punishment, making him inferior to the other party, Wang Yue also had to admit that Gong Tian's punishment was very powerful, not just for his high cultivation.

Another point is that Wang Yue considered more deeply, that is, the first disciple of Taixuan Shenggong, the peerless Tianjiao who is called Taixuan Shenggong, is the brother of Gongtian Xing.

In the name of the word God, how arrogant.

Therefore, killing someone with a knife and letting Gongtian punish him to deal with the other party is not bad, although it is not as good as relieving the hate yourself.

To be honest, Wang Yue was very afraid of Chen Zong at this moment. He was obviously inferior to himself, but his strength was better than himself. It was amazing.

Take a step back and say that if Gong Tianxun can't deal with the other party, then when the son of Tai Xuan knows it, he will try to suppress it.

Tai Xuan Shengzi, that is the real terrible existence.

Wang Yue was not as old as them, so he had a great talent for self-pay. From the bottom of his heart, he felt that he was brighter than the palace punishment, and sooner or later he would surpass the other party.

Miya Tenjin!

It was an existence that made desperate people of the same generation, as if it were a real god, so brilliant, Wang Yue was no longer confident, and was not sure to overtake each other.

Shaking his head to dispel the thoughts in his mind, Wang Yue immediately led the way and quickly flew away to where he had fought with Chen Zong.

Chen Zong had already left the fighting place and continued to deepen, without deliberately erasing his breath.

Lei Guang casts himself in the dust, and then changes to the magical nine changes, and other body methods that have been cultivated in the past.

At present, Chen Zong has cultivated to a complete level, and he can see the true meaning.

Nowadays, inspiration has emerged, but because of the sequelae of the nine revolutions, the lack of stamina and inability to break through.

After working hard for a while, there was always a feeling of lack of staying power. Chen Zong could only give up temporarily, and could only look to see if there were other precious materials that could restore the potential to eliminate the sequelae. As soon as his sequelae was eliminated, Chen Zong would be confident immediately breakthrough.

In addition to looking for higher-grade Tianyuanbao jade, naturally it is also necessary to find the treasure that can restore its potential.

However, it is estimated that the difficulty will not be small, because it is difficult to feel the breath.

I have to say that Chen Zong's luck has always been good, keeps deepening, and after beheading and killing several middle-level evils, Chen Zong's eyes freeze and he locks in one place.

The left hand grabbed the void, and the spirit was permeated, like a dragon and a crane, and suddenly a dark thing one hundred meters away flew into the hand.

This looks like an abandoned black stone, and a bit like the roots of a plant.

Feeling carefully, Chen Zong suddenly showed a touch of joy, very similar, very similar, maybe it was.

Out of the sword, continuous chopping, splitting it as fast as possible, suddenly, a fragrance filled out.

I saw a piece of white jade that was much larger than before, quietly lying in the black broken, full of attractiveness.

Reaching for a hand, Chen Zong immediately took it into his hand and quickly took it into his belly.

The temptation to eliminate the sequelae is great. If you wait until you leave here, you may miss a lot of opportunities in the ruins of Tianyuan.

Although refining while acting is not as efficient as whole-hearted refining, it will not have a bad effect.

Chen Zong didn't know that Wang Yue had come after him with a stronger enemy.

As time goes by, Chen Zong is refining white jade-like natural treasures while carefully searching for treasures such as Tian Yuanbao jade. All over him are in a clear stream, very comfortable, the potential for overdraft is recovering a little, the sequelae are a little bit eliminate.

Chen Zong also found that when fighting evil, he actually made the refining faster.

Two arrogant breaths approached quickly from a distance, one of them was a little familiar, and immediately reminded Chen Zong of Wang Yue.

Looking up, Jingman forced out like a sword.

Sure enough, one of the two who came was Wang Yue and the other was Chen Zong.

The Nine Realms Tianjiao who participated in the battle was basically aware of the information during the period of the waste city.

Palace punishment!

It is one of the few Taixuan Realms who entered the sacred realm in the mid-sixth period of peerless arrogance. The strength of it is not known to Chen Zong, but it should be stronger than Wang. As for himself, Chen Zong is not sure.

However, Chen Zong didn't think about leaving in half.


Further verifying his strength at this moment, and also relying on the pressure of the other party, to help the white jade-like natural treasure refining speed, so that he can recover faster and eliminate the sequelae.

Seeing Chen Zong, Wang Yue's eyes suddenly burst into a terrifying splendour, and a smash of unmatched killings condensed in the eyes, turning like a vortex.

The killing intentions were tide, but Wang Yue restrained this strong and extremely killing intentions, instead reducing the speed and looking at the palace punishment.

"Brother Gong, this is the person." Wang Yuedao said nothing, because he didn't need to.

Gong Tianxing's stature was so fast that he approached Chen Zong at a glance. He stopped at a distance of 100 meters from Chen Zong, carrying his hands on his face, and his face was full of sorrow. His eyes looked a little bit ~~ Chen Zong's depth is the same.

"You can beat Wang Yue, your strength is good, and your talents are not bad." Gong Tianxun's tone seems to be the same as the god-man above him: "For the sake of being the Nine Realms, I will give you a chance to offer you Nayue, and sincerely apologize to Wang Yue. "

Wang Yue also appeared beside Gong Tianxing, staring at Chen Zong with a cold face.

"Are you coming one by one? Or come together?" Chen Zong smiled, without fear, with sharp words, like a sword's edge, the moment the words fell, the red prison flame flowed out of the sheath, and turned into a red streamer. Out.

Immediately, one Jianguang split into two, killing Xiang Gongtian Xing and Wang Yue respectively.

Wang Yue shot and broke the sword light, while Gong Tianxun was so angry that he dared to take the initiative to kill himself.

Suddenly, a sharp light burst from the hands of Gong Tianxing, and the light was black, with a scarlet blood, extremely sharp, splitting everything.

The Sword of Soul comes out!

When Chen Zongxi was creepy, he felt that this knife was extremely powerful and terrifying.

This knife is truly a sixth-grade holy weapon, and it is not comparable to the general sixth-grade holy weapon.

The power of the elaborate seven-grade sacred artifacts surpasses the ordinary six-fold entry into the sanctuary, which strengthens the strength of the palace punishment.

Jian Guang was chopped, and the black, scarlet sword-shaped sword light extinct all life-like kills.

No raw sword style!

A sword, after cutting the sword light, killed the palace with the ultimate murderous power.

Wang Yue had already stepped back and stayed away, because Gong Tianxun did not like others to interfere, which would cause his murder.

Furthermore, Tianjiao has Tianjiao's arrogance, so that Gongtian punishment is enough to deal with the other party. If he also shots, he would lose his status.

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