Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 59: Great Wild Beast Wu


The strong positive breath is permeating from a few kilometers away. Under the strong perception of Chen Zong, it looks like a round of little sun, very strong.

There is no doubt that this is the breath fluctuation of Tianyuanbaoyu, and its intensity is far better than the lower grade.

Is it Zhongpin?

Still top quality?

If the top quality Tianyuanbao jade is taken, it is expected to win one of the ten places.

Secretly excited, Chen Zong immediately showed the third step and the speed increased again.

As he approached Tianyuanbaoyu, Chen Zong looked very calm, because there was another tyrannical breath approaching quickly.

It was a breath of ferocity and barrenness.


Chen Zong's eyes flashed a strange color.

It seems that the other party also discovered the ingot jade that day, and this battle is inevitable.

Then fight.

As it happens, I also want to know what the Great Wild Beast Wu Wu looks like.

the fourth step!

Chen Zong's speed increased a lot again, and Tian Yuanbao Yu first got it.


A terrible roar suddenly sounded, like the roar of an ancient beast. From it, Chen Zong could hear the warning meaning and stop himself.

But Tian Yuanbao Yu is not far away, and Chen Zong will not let go of anything.

Extreme speed, approaching the breath of the place, Chen Zong quickly shot, broke the megaliths, dug hard ground, and took a treasure from the land at lightning speed.


With just a glance, Chen Zong saw that the diffuse halo on this side Tianyuanbao jade had threefold.

Subordinate is one.

The top grade is double.

Top grade is triple.

This is one of the top grade Tianyuanbao jade, which has an amazing value, and can sell 10,000 Tianyuandan.

Of course, Chen Zong was not going to sell, but instead used this as a basis to get a place.

Even one hundred thousand Tianyuandan is not as good as the place to enter the Lingwu Holy Land.

If 100,000 to hundreds of thousands of Tianyuan Dan can be entered into the Lingwu Holy Land, then all the major forces will certainly not hesitate, and no matter how bad, let the most outstanding disciples in the door enter, even several.

After all, for large forces, 100,000, hundreds of thousands of Tianyuan Dan can be taken out.

"Leave a waste jade!" A violent roar came, the language was weird, and Chen Zong could vaguely recognize what the other party was talking about.

Tianhuang called Tianyuan Ruins as a wasteland, and Tianyuan Baoyu was called a waste jade.

However, this top grade Tianyuanbaoyu has already started, and there is absolutely no reason to let go.

Within the ring, Chen Zong's eyes looked straight ahead.

A terrible wildness swept through, violent and fierce, as if a wild beast rushed forward, breaking everything, showing no mercy.

The breath is huge and amazing. It is different from the breath of the practitioner, and it is different from the spirit of the practice.

Under the momentum of the amazing giant tiger, the strong body with a height of more than two meters was also rushed to it. Two feet stepped, each step was a hundred meters, and each step broke the ground, leaving a few meters in size. Collapse potholes.

The speed is extremely amazing, and the breath is so extreme that it directly strikes Chen Zong, as if to crush Chen Zong.

This great wasteland was so proud that Chen Zong even put away the top quality waste jade, ignored his warning, and became furious, his breath became more and more terrifying.


The huge giant tiger roared in the sky, the sky was shaking, the sky was about to burst, and the terrifying sound waves rushed to death. With sharp eyes, Chen Zong seemed to see the air being torn into pieces and then turned into pieces. Fen, turned into a scene of vacuum.



With such a roar, the power is amazing and full of terrible power.

The sound wave hit and directly bombarded the body, Chen Zong felt that his body seemed to be torn and torn.

The red jade flame flow sword emerges from the sheath, the red sword light instantly cuts off the sound waves, and a red sword light is like a waning moon, sharp and boundless, beheading.

As if going up against the current, directly kill that arrogant sky.

This arrogant Tianjiao is a peerless Tianjiao from the Tiger Man Tribe. Its name is Tiger Mane, with twinkling dark golden fine shimmering eyes, staring at the red sword light that was beheaded, and roaring again, a claw waved.

Just like a giant tiger waving his claws, one claw shattered the sky, instantly breaking the moonlight-like sword light and killing Chen Zong.

No raw sword style!

Jianguang condensed, killing the astounding, one sword chopped the huge tiger claw, and killed the other without mercy.

In the face of this sword, the tiger was fierce and unavoidable, one claw waved again.

The sword collided with the sharp claws, and a dull voice sounded.

Chen Zong's complexion changed slightly.

Anyway, the Red Prison Flame Flow Sword is a fine five-grade holy weapon, which is very sharp, and it is extremely terrible in the case of using the swordless style.

The other side was hard-wired with the palm, which was really amazing.

What a domineering physique!



As soon as the tiger started fiercely, Chen Zong was shocked.

If you compare them, in fact, the martial arts accomplishments of tigers are not very brilliant, at most they are the level of Tianjiao that is the equivalent of Tianyuan sanctuary.

But the general Tianjiao of the same level is definitely not its opponent.

Because each opponent's blow contains a terrible power, this power is not the same as the holy force and the sky power. It seems to be more domineering, destroy everything and destroy everything, there is nothing to stop.

This kind of power is wild and overbearing, and it is difficult for people to resist, even if it is just ordinary martial arts, under the support of this power, it can burst into a very amazing power.

When fighting close-ups and facing up, Chen Zong found that the opponent ’s strength came again and again, as if to break the Red Prison Flame Stream Sword, but also to rupture his muscles and muscles.

Fortunately, Chen Zong's swordsmanship is very clever, and he is also very proficient in the control of power, before he can get rid of the opponent's terrible force shock, and continue to fight with him, fierce fighting.

Gradually, Chen Zong suppressed the other party.

After all, the martial arts level of the other party is higher than that of ordinary practitioners, and it is comparable to that of ordinary Tianjiao. In addition, even with great strength, some powerful peerless Tianjiao can't compete with it.

However, Chen Zong's skill in swordsmanship is extremely unpredictable. After several collisions, he found the weaknesses in the opponent's martial arts. He used his own advantages to attack the opponent's disadvantages, and tried to avoid their advantages. Bring it into your own rhythm.

However, even so, it is not easy to defeat the opponent.

This wild and arrogant fighting style, wild, violent, wide open and close, but also has a **** feeling permeated, which is closely related to their life and death fighting with the great wild beasts.

The three strokes of the sword of the sword are performed continuously. Although its power is not as good as that of the extreme heart sword style and the no-birth sword style, it can be continuously cast.

Chop Chop!

A sword is followed by a sword.

Although the opponent's martial arts seems relatively rough to him, there are also some merits, that is, such violent and outrageous forces, pushing all beliefs, have the impact of my invincible momentum.

As if the brave men meet on the narrow road wins.

Jian Xi, why not.

For an instant, inexplicable Ming Wu emerged.

The sword became sharper with Ming Wu.

Tiger's brutal repression was more obvious, which made him angry.

When did the people in the great wasteland lose to those in Tianyuan Sanyu under this kind of best frontal fight?

Tianyuan Sanctuary's Qi practitioners are soft-legged prawns and do not have any power at all. Therefore, in the subconscious, those who adore their ultimate strength will look down on Tianyuan Sanctuary practitioners.

In fact, from the perspective of the Tianyuan Sanctuary, the Great Wilderness is a barren land outside the territory, and the Great Wilderness is a barbarian.

This is a view or prejudice that belongs to different regions.

But whether it is regional differences or prejudice, it cannot be denied that each has its own advantages.

After a long battle, even being suppressed by the opponent, the tiger broke out completely.


The breath of astonishment suddenly exploded from his body, like a thousand years of volcano eruption, soaring into the sky, the momentum was unparalleled and it seemed to be able to break the sky.

The instantaneous explosion of imposing momentum was even more amazing. It seemed to be able to smash the mountains, and also caused Chen Zong to be repelled and shocked, and backed up again and again.

The tiger roar was shocking, as if the king of tiger roared, and all beasts surrendered.

Tiger's brutal body changed sharply, causing Chen Zong's pupils to contract.

This is also the first time Chen Zong saw the true face of Wu Wu.

The great wild beast Wu Wu is the third, named Hua beast, which is the same level as entering the sacred realm ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ but the cultivation method is completely different.

At this moment, Tiger Manlie is exhibiting the true ability of transforming beasts.

The power of its completely refined monsters and beasts was completely inspired, causing the tiger's brutal body to change.

The muscles swelled, the bones continued to tremble, and a series of amazing sounds were made, and the gold-red hair was madly under the membrane.


Within a few short breaths of time, under the protection of the overwhelming breath impact, the tiger completed a great transformation, from a strong young man with a height of two meters to a monster with a height of more than three meters and a shape like a tiger.

The body is getting stronger and stronger, but not on the limbs like a tiger, but standing upright like a human, not so much a tiger as a tiger.

The pressure of the breath emitted by the height of three meters is even more intense, and the air is constantly rippling with ripples, like water waves.

The golden red hair was slightly wavy, and seemed to be very soft. It was soft enough to make you want to feel it and feel the comfortable touch, but the hair also diffused a weak halo. The waves seemed to be weak. Flames are burning.


After the beast turned into a tiger, the roar resounded, and the roar sounded stronger than it was. The sound wave hit and bombed everything, making Chen Zong feel like he was going to be blown up.

The next moment, a tiger's claw penetrated through the heavy void, as if the surface of the water was protruded from the bottom of the water. The ripples of the void fluctuated endlessly, killing Chen Zong in an extremely rapid manner.



Subconsciously, Chen Zong had a sword rung, the sword body was bombarded and bent, and the terrible force rushed straight forward, as if to break the sword body. The whole person could not bear such brutal force, and flew back quickly.

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