Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 60: Infinite Promise Chain Sword

Hu Wei was fierce and terrifying.

The Red Prison Sword fluttered endlessly, Chen Zong's palms were numb, his arms and bones were slightly soft, and his feet cut the ground apart to draw two long trenches.


The power of Fang Cai's blow was too rude. It felt like he was directly hit by an ancient monster. If he wasn't strong enough and had a good practice, he would have been hit by bones and bones. .

In a single blow, Chen Zong was repulsed, and the tiger shot fiercely again. It was like a wicked tiger who rolled up a wave of magical wind. The tiger's claws were smashing into the sky. The fierce energy condensed and kept shaking. Shatter everything shatter everything.

Chen Zong looked dignified.

The big wild Tianjiao before the beast was different from the big wild Tianjiao after the beast.

It's like changing from a dirt dog to a wolf dog, the combat power soars, and it is more dangerous and more dangerous.

Chen Zong must be treated more carefully.

The tiger's claws are endless, as fast as a storm and as fierce as fire, each strike will exert its power to the extreme.

As before, the attack after the transformation of the beast is not clever. At the level of martial arts, in the eyes of Chen Zong, it can only be regarded as rough. However, this kind of rough is wide and strong. The strength contained in it is enhanced. About doubled, it became more and more amazing and domineering.

And the power in it brings a terrible attribute, as if it can break all attributes, making it more powerful.

The great wild beast martial arts training system is different from Tianyuan Sanctuary ’s practice and body training. They have no sense of understanding, but only cultivate the wild energy and melt the beast's beast for their own use.

The great beast is a terrible existence, even more arrogant than the monster.

After smelting the beast's beast, after casting the beast, he also mastered the ability of the beast.

The beast smelted by the tiger's brutality comes from a giant wild beast called the Bengshan Giant Golden Tiger, which is an extraordinary wild beast with great talents. When grown up, its power can break everything, mountains. Can't resist.

Tiger Manlie is now fully refining, blending his beastly souls for his own use. After being transformed into beasts, he naturally also possesses this terrible power of breaking up the mountains.

Of course, there is still a big gap compared with the real adult giant mountain tiger, after all, the adult giant mountain tiger can reach a level equivalent to half a step.

This is the case. Tiger's brutal strength is also very tyrannical. He is among the best in the wild, and otherwise he is not eligible to be one of the ten representatives, and come to participate in the battle between the heavenly pride of the nine realms of Tianyuan Sanyu.

Under the fierce tiger's fierce offensive, Chen Zong retreated.

After being transformed into a beast, the tiger is very strong and more powerful than the palace punishment. For a time, Chen Zong only had the skill of parrying, constantly retreating and unloading, and it was difficult to find an opportunity to fight back.

"Give up the waste jade." The tiger was roaring again fiercely, his claws were shot down fiercely, as if falling from the sky, the horrible momentum bombarded, the wild force shattered and shattered everything.


Chen Zongshi exhibited the fourth step of Lei Tajiu's Nine Heavens. He broke away dangerously. The ground was broken instantly, and a deep pit with a diameter of five meters and a depth of five meters appeared.

The terrible lingering breath remained from above, making Chen Zong's complexion more dignified.

The deep pit is actually not very large and can be bombarded by himself, but there is a difference. Under the envelope of the realm of the heart, Chen Zong can feel that the land in the deep pit is directly crushed, not blasted.

Disintegration, which is directly reduced to powdery disintegration, is almost disappearing, which is terrible.

The practitioners of the Tianyuan Sanctuary have to rely on morality to counter the great barbarians.

The tiger's aggressive offensive was too fast, and each hit was very tyrannical. Although Chen Zong could only remove the power, it was only partial and could not be completely removed.

As a result, it is simply difficult to seize the opportunity to set fires and hurricanes to destroy the city.

Chen Zong faced this kind of dilemma when he fought with Gong Tianxing. Tiger's brutal strength was stronger than Gong Tianxing, and the feeling of this dilemma became more apparent.

Chen Zong pays for himself, unless it is a complete and complete fusion of the ground fire and the hurricane destroying the city, using this as a guide, so that the true meaning of the hurricane and the fire of the earth can be truly integrated. This dilemma.

However, the two tricks of ground fire burning and hurricane destroying the city are very strong. After the degree of integration reaches 80%, it is much more difficult to continue to improve the degree of integration. Chen Zong does not know when it will be possible to achieve 10% integration.

And after the integration of 10%, we still need to use this as a guide to integrate the meaning of ground fire and hurricane.

There are many difficulties!

Of course, it is impossible to surrender the top grade Tianyuanbao jade, only war.

Lei Ta Jiuzhong alternated in four steps, Chen Zong's speed was slow and fast, in order to play his own rhythm, to resist the fierce violent offensive.

The tiger's brute strength is overwhelming with every blow, as if it is to exhaust everything, it is terrible and seems to be exhausted. This high-intensity output of power should weaken over time.

But the tiger was fierce but could not see any weakened posture, it seemed that the power was inexhaustible.

This is also a characteristic of the Great Wilderness Warrior.

"Give up the waste jade, I'll spare you to die." Tiger Mane roared again, and the offensive seemed more violent.

Chen Zong ignored it, and carried the sword wholeheartedly, completely immersed in swordsmanship.

The sword way is true to pure.

The way of heart is empty and clear.

The way of heart sword is from heart to sword, heart is sword sharp, heart is pure sword.

Sufficient pressure caused Chen Zong's potential to explode and his understanding to follow, and his constant accumulation gradually emerged.

Chen Zong's sword began to become different.

Each sword seems to be in order, but it seems to contain many kinds of changes in it.

The mysteries of the sword's martial arts were also dismantled, and other mysteries evolved one by one.

The sword was the earliest contact with Chen Zong, and it is also the avenue that Chen Zong is committed to. In one of the swords, Chen Zongcheng sincerely and wholeheartedly.

Thick hair can be thin.

Blessing came to my heart, all my thoughts disappeared, and in my mind, only the sword light flickered freely, as if a dragon and snake danced, as if flying swallows swept away, as if willow leaves swayed.

Sword is paramount!

Light, heavy, urgent, slow, rigid, soft, strong, weak ...

Every sword is changing, every change is arbitrary.

Stab, chop, cut, pick, stab ...

A variety of basic swordsmanship moves have also been applied.

The sparks of inspiration are irritating, colliding again and again, and evolved more mysterious.

The Red Prison Flame Stream Sword seemed to disappear, and the only red sword light swept in all directions like a ribbon and like a whip, blocking every fierce blow from the tiger.

Jian Guang became endless, as if endless, infinite.

Not only infinite, but each sword is full of change, seemingly infinite.




Unconsciously, the understanding is deeper.

This seems to be a swordsmanship, but it is not a swordsmanship, but a combination of countless swords at will, this time this combination, the next time it will become other combinations, there is no rule to follow.

The sword was continuously displayed, and it immediately blocked the fierce and aggressive offensive of the tiger, and gradually stopped retreating. Instead, when it resisted, the sword changed from a strong collision to a soft guide, and it turned from a cut to a tangled entanglement. Feel the guidance, unload, counterattack.

The crimson sword light, like a strand of silk, lingers around, and with the sphere of hearts compressed into a hundred meters, permeates around Chen Zong, as if everywhere.

Tiger's fierce offensive advantage suddenly disappeared. Although the power of each hit was overwhelming, he couldn't break Chen Zong's swordsmanship.

Not breaking the essence of five feet, was once again applied by Chen Zong, and broke the original limit.

Chen Zong is completely immersed in the mystery, forgetting why, the sword dances with his heart, feels the fluctuation of strength, feels all the rhythm, feels the touch and trajectory of the sword.

Advance and retreat freely, go round and round.

The tiger was fierce and furious, because he felt that his invincible offensive had disappeared. Instead, he felt that he had fallen into the quagmire. The more he exerted his strength, the more he could not resist, and the opponent's sword was determined to be aggressive and domineering. However, at the moment of contact, he became soft and unrestrained. He also guided his offensive, resolved invisible, and restrained.

The disadvantages of martial arts attainment are worse than those of Chen Zong.



To the extreme.


The roar contained amazing anger, as if it was about to smash the sky, a more terrible breath suddenly exploded from the tiger's brute ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The earth shook, and immediately broke, the tiger's brutal strong body Outrageously killed.

The two claws attacked fiercely, and each shot was more horizontal. After dozens of consecutive shots, they were resisted by Chen Zong.

Suddenly, the body swiveled, and the long, thick tail behind it suddenly flung out, experiencing terrible power that seemed to shatter the space, making Chen Zong creepy.

However, Chen Zong is not slow, but his pace seems slow, but he is extremely fast. He walks in broken steps, a sword goes away, the sword trembles, and several different strengths intertwine and burst.

When the sword body came in contact with the tiger's tail, the mighty sword suddenly changed and became soft, as if it had lost all its power, and let the tiger's tail be bombarded without being hit. Instead, it carried the tiger's tail. The shot was shifted forward and sideways, making this shot missed.

At the same time, Chen Zong's sword body turned, and the tiger's tail was flat against the tiger's tail at an incredible speed.

The tiger's fierce tiger tail was extremely flexible, quickly rolled up, and swept towards Chen Zong again, forcing Chen Zong to return to his sword to save himself.

Then, the tiger turned violently, his mouth opened, a ball of golden red light condensed, spewed out at the fastest speed, and directly bombarded Chen Zong with terrible strength.

This golden red light group seems to be as terrible as crushing the mountains.

Chen Zong was frightened, feeling like he was locked, as if he was about to be crushed. He quickly retreated, a sword waving more densely and imperviously, surrounding him, turning into countless red rays, as if the silk threads were intertwined.


The group of gold-red rays smashed to death and hit the net made of the red sword-light silk thread, which was immediately caught.

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