Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 61: Terror Higher Order


The horrific power exploded, as if the volcano of eternal volcano erupted, the power was overwhelming and destroyed everything.

The sword silk can't completely resist it. With the shocking roar coming, Chen Zong only felt a terrifying force like the explosion of Foshan and the avalanche of the giant mountain. The attitude of destroying everything with the fastest speed Kill it.

Chen Zong's expression changed greatly, terrified.

The fourth step of Lei Jiu Jiu Tian!

The speed reached the extreme in an instant, the legs were completely covered by the thunder, and the muscles of the legs shivered and bulged out, giving out an amazing power, as if to crack.

Chen Zong felt that the exploding red light flow was an amazing threat to himself, and may even make himself hit hard and retreat beyond the limit.

The roar rang through the heavens and earth, the earth shook endlessly, cracked one by one, and spread quickly, as if the giant turned over and broke out of the ground.

The red light covered all directions, covering thousands of kilometers, countless explosions continued to sound, Yu Wei was amazing.

Chen Zong was like he was blown up and lost his breath.

Tiger's brutal eyes condensed, and the broken golden eyes twinkled with rich essence. It seemed to see through everything, swept across, and sensed carefully.


A terrible flame hurricane rushed around, sweeping like a dragon absorbing, sweeping away, repelling, absorbing, and shaking the red light.

The tiger's brutal complexion changed greatly, his claws exploded with countless vigor, but he quickly retreated. The flame tornado brought him the feeling of death. It was terrible if he resisted hard.

Even though he retreated quickly, the tiger's brutality was still affected and the blood and blood trembled endlessly.

The flames and hurricanes dispersed, showing a pit and ruins that were raging. A figure carrying a sword gradually came, and the astonishing sharpness condensed and diffused throughout the body.

Chen Zong was so zealous that his sword energy was extremely condensed.

Dahuangtianjiao, the strength really is extraordinary, very arrogant, the pressure on himself is much better than the palace punishment.


This is a strong enemy, a real opponent, an opponent who can make himself further under pressure.

The fighting in my heart was completely ignited.

At this moment, Chen Zong temporarily put down the others and only wanted a lively battle.

Tiger's eyes stared with a bit of dignity. The Tianjiao of Tianyuan Sanctuary really has some skills, and it is unexpected that it can fight itself to this point.

The Great Wild Warriors, because of their living environment, have spent most of their lives in combat. Most of the Great Wild Warriors are warlike by nature.

They battled with other warriors and with the great beasts, and they spent most of their lives fighting. The more powerful their opponents, the more their warfare increased.

On the contrary, the weaker warrior has no interest at all.

At first, the tiger was just trying to get the top quality wild jade, but now, it was also ignited by Chen Zong's inner warfare, which started from the bones, making the golden breath of the whole body more fiery , As if the flames were burning, dazzling.


Sword intention!

The invisible but seemingly terrorist forces are colliding with each other, shaking an astonishing storm and raging in all directions.

The shattered golden color of Tiger's brutal eyes became more intense, and the brilliance in Chen Zong's eyes also seemed to emerge from the sheath and pierce the sky.

Suddenly, when the two of them were about to make another shot, an extremely wicked breath suddenly exploded from a distance, spreading at an alarming rate.

Chen Zong and Hu's fierce complexions have changed greatly.

These evil breaths come from evil things, and this is beyond doubt, but they are many times more powerful than the middle-level evil things they have cut and killed before.

High-level evil!

There was a high-level evil coming.

High-level evils, but they are equivalent to the strong existence of the Ninth Stage of the Sacred Realm or the Ninth Stage of the Beast. The strength of the two is indeed very strong, but in the face of the high-level evils, they are not enough to see, and there is a big gap.

Although the stronger the opponent, the better, but knowing that the opponent's strength is far better than himself, and when you are crushing yourself, you still have to challenge, that is, you can't help yourself and seek your own way out.


When the decision was made, both Chen Zong and Hu Manlie did not continue to shoot, and immediately separated away in two different directions.

A black storm swept quickly from a distance, many times faster than Chen Zong and Hu Manli.

It was an evil object shrouded in countless black smoke. Except for those scarlet eyes, the outline of the body under the black smoke could be seen vaguely, like a ghost.

Among them, there seems to be a little black arc shuttle, releasing a terrible atmosphere, as if to destroy everything.

This breath made Chen Zong and Tiger tremble with emotion.

Immediately, I saw the evil eyes full of black smoke shimmering in scarlet luster, radiating an extremely evil coldness, and swept across Chen Zong and Tiger's fierce eyes. The eyes were the same in nature. His body shuddered again, and a chill spewed out like a spring from the depths of his bones, instantly sweeping everywhere in the whole body.

Maliciously cold, with the feeling of freezing the whole body.

Chen Zong quickly and fully operated the exercises, together with the mysterious fire-refining tactics, to resist and dispel this terrible cold chill that originated from the deep bones.

The tiger's brutal spirit became stronger and stronger, and it seemed that the flames were burning wildly, dissipating the wild chill.


The death crisis alarmed both Chen Zong and Hu Manlie.

When this high-level evil was shot, two black lightning bolts burst out of the black smoke. The speed was extremely fast and extremely fast. It was like a lightning strike, and it killed thousands of kilometers to Chen Zong and Tiger Man. The killing is amazing, and the terrible destruction of it seems to break the back and crush the body and destroy it.

Chen Zong was terrified and felt like he was about to be destroyed. He immediately turned around without hesitation. The sword of the Red Prison Flame flowed out of the sheath, and the sword body seemed to disappear into the air. Only countless sword lights were intertwined.

Infinite Promise Sword!

This sword-making method, which was finally created by the fierce fierce battle with the tiger, is suitable for melee combat, and the sword light is endless and infinite.

This is as if there is no limit. Once it is unfolded, it seems to be a wide swamp, a sea of ​​oceans, and an infinite sky, which can entangle everything, submerge everything, and tolerate everything.

However, this sword technique still did not reach the real infinite level. After a moment, Jian Guang was smashed by the black lightning, with a terrible killing photo album.


Heart Sword Style!

Under the crisis of life and death, the realm of the mind seemed to be strengthened, allowing Chen Zong to vaguely capture a trace of fluctuations and trajectories.

This blow from high-level evils is really too fast, and the gap is too large. It is very rare to be able to capture a trace.

Chen Zong can only use the fastest blow.

Heart Sword Style!

Kill beyond the limit.

Only in an instant, the extreme heart sword style was defeated, and all the power on the Red Prison Flame Flow Sword was also defeated. The power of that black lightning was too strong and overbearing.

Chen Zong faintly heard that the Red Prison Flame Stream Sword seemed to be crying as if he had suffered a major blow.

That terrible power was banged on Chen Zong. Chen Zong only felt that his arm was broken, and his body was split apart.


It is too tyrannical, it is basically two levels, there is no ability to resist at all.

In just one blow, the Red Prison Flame Flow Sword was damaged, and he suffered even more.

If there is another blow that cannot be resisted, perhaps, it is necessary to expose Shura's avatar.

Today's Shura avatar is more powerful than the deity.

However, Chen Zong estimates that Shura's avatar is at most resistant to the high-level evil.

In the distance, the Tiger Mane also suffered a blow and resisted the blow, but his golden-red flame-like energy collapsed, and he disbanded the beast and restored the appearance of the body.

This shows that he is also not badly damaged, and it is difficult to maintain the beast. If he hits it again, he can be killed.

There will be no hesitation in the high-level evils, and immediately shot again.

"Hugh to be fierce!" A voice full of severe murder and anger suddenly sounded from above, as if a thunder exploded. Immediately, a terrible palm print was shot down in the air.

It looks like a palm falling from the sky, covering a circle of 100 meters, extremely solid and extremely real, the fingers of the palm are extremely clear, and each palm pattern is like a sculpture.

The huge palm is turned upside down ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ terrible.


Countless chaos was suppressed and solidly shot down, and the terrible pressure caused the high-level evil to attack. Immediately, the black smoke diffused throughout the body also revealed, revealing a ghost-like body.

The power of this palm is too arrogant, grand and domineering, and it also contains amazing anger and murder.

It was just a moment of inattention that almost two peerless Tianjiao were killed by high-level evils. By then, they would be unable to escape their blame.

After all, their purpose is to monitor and protect.

There may be high-level evils on the periphery of Tianyuan Ruins, which will not be encountered when you are lucky, and you will encounter if you are unlucky.

Although Peerless Tianjiao is very strong, it is still far from high-level evils.

It's just almost, but it's just that these two peerless Tianjiao will be killed. At that time, they will be negligent and will be held accountable. The end will be very bad.

Fortunately, I reacted in time.

The response was timely, but it was also angry and turned into a sharp and direct killing. With one hand, it was like breaking the ground.

shoot down!

Chen Zong and Tiger saw the huge palm shot down fiercely, and their hearts were shaken.

too strong!

It is too arrogant. Even if you do your best when you are full, you can't resist this palm. You will be defeated and killed in an instant, and Fei Yan will die.

Under this palm, the powerful high-end evil creature burst out with all its power to resist, attempting to break through, but was unable to do so, and could only be suppressed, collapsed, and destroyed under this palm.


After the palm print defeated the high-level evil, it did not stop, but continued to go down and directly bombarded the hard ground.

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