Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 62: God


Shake the mountain!

The entire ground was shaking. It was caused by the shot of the palm. Countless dust rushed from the edge of the giant palm. The earth wave was as high as ten meters, as if the giant wave swallowed all directions and swept across all directions. Out.

One after another, accompanied by intense and incomparable vibrations, rolling indiscriminately, the dust was flying, and the originally turbid air became darker.

A few kilometers apart, Chen Zong could clearly feel the vibration, very strong.

The shock lasted for more than ten minutes before it was gradually quieted down. When all the dust settled down, the rolling earth waves covered the square for several kilometers, and it almost hit Chen Zong. At the center, there was a huge presence. The 100-meter-sized palm print is deeply embedded in the ground, reaching a depth of more than ten meters.

In the palm print, the land becomes extremely solid, and clear palm prints can be seen, staggered.

As for the powerful high-level evil, at this moment it has disappeared and disappeared.

Chen Zong quickly took the elixir from the appetite and took it. This is a curative elixir. The effect is very good. As the power of the elixir dissipates, the refreshing breath pervades the whole body, which relieves the pain caused by heavy injuries.

Immediately, Chen Zong took out the medicine to restore strength.

A two-pronged approach, the exercises are working, and both injuries and strength are rapidly recovering.

Tiger Manlie also took the elixir to restore his injury and strength.

From a distance, Tiger looked at it fiercely, with war in his eyes, but did not approach, but turned and left quickly.

The original battle was interrupted by the appearance of high-level evils. Now it has been severely damaged and has not yet recovered. It is not suitable for another shot.

At a high altitude, the strongest man in the sacred realm who shot and killed high-level demons with a palm overlooked, and saw Chen Zong and Hu Manlie both being able to act freely, relieved immediately.

He didn't care if they were badly hit, as long as they were not dead or disabled.

On the contrary, the two of them were not badly damaged. If they were met by the peerless heaven in this world, they would be eliminated and the competition pressure would be reduced.

Immediately, the top nine player who entered the sacred realm above did not pay attention to Chen Zong and Hu Manlie. After all, he was responsible for preventing the emergence of high-level evils in one area.

Chen Zong stood in place for a moment and did not stay away, but let the power of the elixir dissolve, heal the injuries as much as possible and restore the power consumed by the fierce battle with the tiger.

The blow of the high-level evil was extremely powerful, even if he blocked it, but the Red Prison Sword was also damaged, and he was not badly damaged.

Taking a closer look at the Red Prison Sword, there is a faint crack on it, which is very subtle, but it makes Chen Zong's heart sink slightly.

This shows that this sword is really damaged. I am afraid that it is difficult to support high-intensity battles. Invisiblely, it also indirectly affects the exertion of his strength.

In addition, the injury was very serious. Although it was treated by the power of the elixir, it was still very serious and had a great impact on its own strength.

Chen Zong intends to recover injuries and strength as much as possible.

Otherwise, the current strength is estimated to be only 30% of the heyday, and the consequences of encountering a strong enemy are very bad.

While refining and absorbing the elixir to restore strength and injury, Chen Zong also stepped towards that huge palm print, and in his mind there was a scene of huge palms shot down in the air.

Very domineering!

Not only does it have an unparalleled hegemonic power, but it also contains profound mysteries. Many mysteries are engraved on the palm print and condensed into a clear palm print.

Stepping forward, Chen Zong walked towards the giant palm print giant pit, standing on the edge of the giant pit, staring at the palm print inside the giant pit.

Each line has a mysterious atmosphere. In the eyes of Chen Zong, it seems as if he can survive, like a dragon and snake dancing.

This palm was struck by the peak of the ninefold of the sanctuary of the heavenly pride. Not only did it achieve the ultimate of the sanctuary, it was also very clever in martial arts attainment, and the control and application of Taoism was also amazing. .

Chen Zong's eyes twinkled with fascination. Between the dazzling brilliance, there seemed to be numerous lines intertwined. Invisiblely, the refining speed of the elixir was faster, and the injuries and strength recovered faster.

Variations are abrupt, a thin black smoke, very subtle, a little bit permeated from the center of the palmprint giant pit, as if the grass broke through the ground. Immediately, it seems to feel in the air like a tentacle, and it turns into a black lightning-like speed. Chen Zong.


Too fast!

Chen Zong was too late to react, and that black smoke had already rushed into Chen Zong's eyebrows, and went directly into the sea of ​​God.

Chen Zong also reacted instantly, consciously immersed in Shenhai.

The weird and evil voice sounded and echoed in the sea of ​​God.

That black breath quickly condensed and turned into the appearance of the previous high-level evil, but it has shrunk countless times, and it doesn't look so solid and somewhat illusory.

Immediately, in the laughter of the evil, this high-level evil rushed to Chen Zong's soul as if he had found a prey.

In its instinctive feeling, the breath that this soul emits is extremely beautiful and full of temptation. As long as it is swallowed, it will definitely bring great benefits to itself.

High-level evils do not have any wisdom, only instinct, and this instinct is also the best choice.

Only before could it let it know that it couldn't stop the palm, because it was like stealing the sky, separating its own spirit, surreptitiously surviving, and concealing the ninefold peak of the Holy Land from above.

Of course, it is also because of the relationship between the nine strongest peaks in the sanctuary who have not searched carefully.

And Chen Zong happened to be close, providing it with an opportunity.

Although Chen Zong was surprised, he didn't panic, he kept his soul, and the fire of soul became instantaneous, burning, as if everything was going to be burned.

A ray of spirit of high-level evils is equal to external evils.

This soul fire has a wonderful effect against external evils.

The evil thing caught off guard and was immediately burned by the fire of the soul, sending out a painful scream, shaking the sea of ​​God.

Without any resistance ability, a ray of spirits of high-level evils was immediately burned, leaving only the purest point, integrated into Chen Zong's soul.

Chen Zong was stunned, only feeling that all the messages kept coming out of the soul and blending into the soul.

Fortunately, the time was not long, it was just less than half an hour, and the message was over.

Chen Zong inspected it, and immediately showed a touch of joy.

This information is truly a special practice.

On God!

It is said to be special because this practice is not the practice of qi or refining the body, but another practice system: refining God.

In other words, this is a special method of practicing divine thought.

According to Chen Zong's knowledge, the practice methods of cultivating divine thoughts are often few and rare, and they are rare and precious.

His devotion is far superior to those who are equally cultivating. Compared with the ninefold enlightenment of the Holy Land, it is not fully applied. It is very simple and rough.

On the one hand, because you don't have enough time and energy to enlighten, on the other hand, it is also very important, that is, you don't have the proper method of practicing divine power.

Gongfa means digging a road. Cultivating Gong Fa means walking along the road. Perhaps some obstacles will be encountered, but it is much better than no road.

After some review, Chen Zong was a little disappointed.

This imperial deity is incomplete.

Strictly speaking, it can be divided into two parts.

What I got from the high-level evil thing in a little spirit was just the upper part.

Immediately, Chen Zong raised another question.

According to what he has learned, in addition to the terrible danger of evil things, to the practitioners, they are useless.

There is no benefit to killing evil.

So why do you get such benefits?

Suddenly, Chen Zong thought that if he didn't have the fire of the soul, he was afraid that the soul would be swallowed up by evil spirits and die by death, but the evil spirits would be reborn and become powerful.

Before, the middle-level and low-level monsters were beheaded and killed by themselves, but no spirit appeared.

Does it mean that evil spirits can only have spirits if they reach a higher level?

Or is this high-level evil that you encountered special?

Many Tao thoughts flashed through his mind, and Chen Zong didn't know which one.

But in the final analysis, he did get benefits.

On God!

The content is very exquisite, but Chen Zongwu's superb spirit is very powerful, so he can quickly comprehend and understand and cultivate.

The powerful divine thoughts fluctuated as if breathing, in an extremely mysterious way, and it felt as if a sleeping beast was breathing, and every breath would provoke an amazing force of excitement.

Chen Zong felt that the space around him seemed to tremble slightly with the movement of his spiritual thoughts ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Of course, this is just Chen Zong's own feeling, other people can't feel it at all.

Cultivation of the upper part of the imperial deities is not only the feeling that the gods are breathing like a beast, but also a feeling of the wind blowing, and it instantly looks like a breeze, and then turns into a wind.

Light and heavy, fast and slow, change quickly.

This requires one to have enough control over the divine thought, almost perfect control.

It also shows that practicing the gods to practice the law is actually tantamount to controlling the gods.

Chen Zong has a good foundation and foundation. After the initial discomfort, he gradually became familiar, and a huge divine thought was gradually controlled. This feeling is very beautiful.

When Divine Thought spread out, covering a range of 9,999 meters, Chen Zong could feel that everything within this range became extremely clear.

The degree of clarity is at least 30% different from that before the practice of the Lord God.

Chen Zong was really pleasantly surprised by the first simple practice.

If we practice with deeper intentions, we believe that the improvement of the mind of God will be more obvious.

"I don't know where the lower part of the royal god's upper body is?" Chen Zong's mind did not consciously reveal another thought.

The upper part is cultivation, but what about the lower part?

Practice too?

Or the method of application?

According to speculation, it should be the method of application. After all, the cultivation in the upper part is quite complete, and there are no inadequacies. However, if there is cultivation, it should also be applied.

While he was recovering from his injuries and strength, Chen Zong continued to cultivate, and the divine thoughts were constantly fluctuating, breathing, like the waves of a lake.

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