Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 63: oppression

At a high altitude, after looking around the peak of the ninefold peak of the holy realm that was killed by a high-level palm, he glanced down at the palm print below and fell on Chen Zong on the edge of the deep pit of the palm print.

However, he didn't notice anything unusual and didn't pay much attention.

Chen Zong's injury is slowly recovering, his strength is gradually recovering, and the divine mind is gradually changing with the cultivation of the upper part of the royal god, as if it is metamorphosis.

Everything in the range of 9,999 meters became clearer, and a feeling of falling into control gradually breeded.

The strength was completely restored, but the injury was only cured by 70%, and the remaining 30% could only be recovered slowly. Chen Zong also ended this spiritual training.

It just feels that everything in the 9,999-meter square is about 50% clearer than before cultivation.

Immediately, Chen Zong released the realm of heart.

700 meters!

In turn, the realm of the heart is compressed, and the compression of the realm of the heart is closely related to divine thought.

Previously, Chen Zong devoted all his efforts to compress the 700-meter heartland to 100 meters, which was the limit.

Now, when compressed to a hundred meters, Chen Zong did not feel the limit and could continue to compress.

One meter after another.

Ninety-nine meters!

Ninety-eight meters!

Ninety-seven meters!

Ninety-six meters!

When Chen Zong tried his best, he compressed it to 90 meters.

Ninety meters is the limit.

And when it was compressed to the ninety meters of the realm of the heart, the clarity of everything in it increased again, and the feeling that seemed to be able to grasp everything became clearer.

However, it's not enough, it's just a feeling, there is no feeling of really mastering everything.

Previously, Chen Zong speculated that it might appear when the realm of the heart is raised to kilometers and compressed to 100 meters, but now it seems that it is not that simple.

However, my feelings should not be wrong. When the domain of mind is compressed to a certain range, perhaps, you can grasp everything.

Chen Zong is looking forward to it. When there is expectation, there will be motivation, and if you have motivation, you will work harder.

Now that the injury has recovered 70%, and the strength is completely restored, although he is not strong enough at the heyday, he can still play 80%. As long as he is not a strong enemy of the wildness and arrogance level before, he can handle it.

It's a pity that the Red Prison Flame Flowing Sword has a crack on it, which has been slightly damaged.

This point is damaged and will not affect the power of the sword for the time being, but it will be like a wormhole appearing on the **** sooner or later.

I just hope that I can survive this battle, and then I can get a better sword.

Chen Zong diffused the divine thoughts to the limit of 9,999 meters. On the one hand, he also parted out his thoughts to practice the divine magic, and slowly tempered the divine thoughts.

The imperial gods practiced divine thoughts, and at the beginning, naturally they strengthened the divine thoughts.

However, Chen Zong's devotion is very strong, and he has reached the limit that can be reached by entering into the sacred realm. Therefore, cultivation is not to strengthen the devotion, but to temper it.

After all, Chen Zong's devotion is strong, but not sophisticated enough.

It's like crude iron, with a large amount but impurities.

The process of cultivating imperial gods is like hardening and forging crude iron, removing impurities to extract the essence, and turning it into refined iron.

Amazingly, the amount of crude iron is reduced by forging it into fine iron.

However, Chen Zong's divine thoughts have been tempered and become pure, but they will not reduce the cents.

Under the cover of divine thoughts, Chen Zong felt a powerful divine spirit sweeping over, covering himself.

Immediately, Chen Zong felt that two violent breath fluctuations had entered his range of spiritual thoughts.

Chu Wangshi and Chu Yuqing!

The two men joined forces.

It's no surprise that the two will work together. What surprised Chen Zong is that the coverage of the other's spiritual thoughts surpassed himself?

how can that be.

You have to know that the coverage of Jiuzhong's Divine Thought that normally enters the sanctuary is nine kilometers, and the limit is 9,999 meters.

The cultivation of the two kings of Chu Wangshi and Chu Yuqing is sixfold into the sacred realm. Under normal circumstances, the coverage of divine thought should be about six kilometers.

Divine thoughts are different from other talents. Even though many peerless arrogances are in the divine thoughts, they are also in the normal range. Slightly individual, they may be larger and can exceed a level.

However, it is almost impossible to go beyond several levels, and only reincarnation talents like Chen Zong are possible.

The emperor's thoughts of Chu Wangshi or Chu Yuqing exceeded ten thousand meters, and Chen Zong felt impossible.

However, the other person ’s God ’s thoughts swept over himself first, and this range is better than himself.

Chen Zong did not know that the reason why the two people Wang Chushi and Chu Yuqing acted together was that the two were more accustomed to getting along and acting together.

The second is because the two practice a special method of superposition of divine thoughts, which can superimpose the divine thoughts of the two into one.

The gods of Chu Wangshi and Chu Yuqing are at a general level. They are six kilometers into the sacred realm, but under the superimposed, they become 12,000 kilometers. It can be said that this range is the only peerless thing to enter here. Tianjiao has the widest coverage.

Sometimes the difference will determine a lot of situations.

Active or passive.

Therefore, the joint divinity of Chu Wangshi and Chu Yuqing first discovered Chen Zong, and immediately rushed over and approached quickly.

They did not notice the fluctuation of Chen Zong's thoughts, and thought that Chen Zong had not released the thoughts.

Because the combination of divine thoughts not only superimposes divine thoughts, which expands the scope, but also improves the quality of divine thoughts to a certain extent, and makes them more savvy.

Naturally, such a united deity is better than other people's deities. It is not easy to be noticed, but it can sense the fluctuations of other people's deities.

They didn't know that Chen Zong's thoughts were superior to them in quality. Therefore, they could not feel Chen Zong's thoughts, but they would be perceived by Chen Zong.

Chen Zong instinctively felt that the approach of Chu Wangshi and Chu Yuqing was not a good thing. He had no good intentions and immediately pulled back.

Even in the heyday, facing the two peerless arrogances in the mid-sixth stage of entering the sacred realm, Chen Zong was not sure to fight, not to mention that now, his strength can only reach 80%.

"I also want to run away." A cold smile appeared on Chu Wangshi's face.

"He can't escape." Chu Yuqing smiled, very proud, as if in control of everything.

The two joined hands without fear.

Besides, it's just a five-entry landlord who has entered the sacred realm, how can they be compared with those who have entered the sacred mid-sixth and have a noble birth.

The inheritance of Chu Wangshi and Chu Yuqing is very clever. Coupled with the superb cultivation and strong roots, their talents are also very amazing. They also have the teachings of Xuanyuan Master, the great sacred state. Therefore, their strength is very strong In a moment, it is extremely delicate and extremely fast.

Chen Zong's injuries did not heal, his strength was affected, and his speed was affected. It was not long before Chu Wangshi and Chu Yuqing caught up.

Chu Wangshi and Chu Yuqing surrounded Chen Zong by left and right.

Chen Zong's eyes swept away: "What's the advice of the two?"

"Give up your appetite." Chu Wangshi said very directly, his tone high, as if giving orders.

Chen Zong's expression sank slightly.

Give up your appetite!

The meaning of Chu Wangshi is nothing more than searching for his appetite for Tianyuanbaoyu.

But at the same time, everything in his own ring could not escape the search of Chu Wangshi.

An admittance ring is its own, and its contents are all its own. If it is not voluntary, no one is willing to open their admittance ring to others to search, it is like spying on their privacy.

It was a way of disrespecting others, a provocation directed at dignity.

After all, Chu Wangshi and Chu Yuqing never looked down on Chen Zong. When they met for the first time, they also directly despised Chen Zong, saying that such revisions as Chen Zong were so low that they were not qualified to participate in any battle.

Naturally, Chen Zong would not surrender his appetite, his eyes shot sharply and sharply, staring at Chu Wangshi, while paying attention to Chu Yuqing.

"Don't try too hard." Chu Wangshi seemed to see that Chen Zong planned to get away, smiled coldly, and looked disdainful, and Chu Yuqing also had a look of contempt on his face.

Surrounded by the two stages of the sixth stage of the sanctuary, it is simply impossible to successfully escape from the stage of the fifth stage of the sanctuary.

Chen Zong's heart sank slightly, and he felt vaguely that the surrounding space was blocked by a force, and that invisible force came from all directions, and seemed to suppress himself, and it was difficult to escape.

One-on-one, Chen Zongxing may have some confidence to compete, but one-on-two seems to be two people who are good at joining forces ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It is estimated that there is no half hope.

Of course, if you reveal Shura's avatar, you can definitely compete against each other and even defeat.

Would you like to expose Shura's avatar?

Chen Zong's thinking turned sharply, as fast as lightning.

The clone of Shura can be said to be the biggest hole card he has always had. Under the attention of other people, Chen Zong simply does not want to reveal it.

You must know that those half-step holy sacred powerhouses have extraordinary insights and rich experience. If you see something and move your mind, it will be very unfavorable to you, but it is a big trouble and it will definitely surpass it now.

So, how to get rid of the current dilemma without revealing Shura's avatar?

"I still have good luck." Chu Wangshi was impatient, and his face showed a sharp look. Immediately, the tyrannical breath diffused out, and he was about to shoot.

"Wait." Chen Zong said immediately, his eyes twinkled with a touch of fascination, staring at the King of Chu: "Your purpose is nothing more than Tianyuanbaoyu, I give you."

When Chen Zong finished speaking, he took out one of the Tianyuan Baoyus.

So far, Chen Zong has been given two pieces of Tianyuanbaoyu, one for lower grade and one for superior grade.

Of course, Chen Zong will not give top quality Tianyuanbaoyu to the other party.

It ’s just that Chen Zong ’s movements are very fast. At the same time, he took out the lower grade Tianyuanbao jade at the same time, and wrapped it with his own power to isolate the breath. His fingers flicked, and then the lower grade Tianyuanbao jade carried a powerful force and quickly fired. To the King of Chu.

Immediately, Chen Zong also used a secret method that he had not performed for a long time.

Tiansha force field!

On the day of the power of the Shali field, with the improvement of Shura's avatar, Chen Xiuxiu, and the practice of enlightenment, the power became even more powerful, and was instantly exhibited by Chen Zongshi, covering the two of Chu Wangshi and Chu Yuqing directly.

The amazing shame directly impacted the minds of Chu Wangshi and Chu Yuqing.

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