Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 64: Extreme compression

It is endless and very abrupt, as if it were supernatural, it directly impacted the minds of Chu Wangshi and Chu Yuqing, causing them to be shocked together, and they were shocked.

Suddenly, two people seemed to see the blood of a dead body appearing in front of them, the bones were floating, just like Shura purgatory, countless sorrowful wailing sounds like the death of an innocent soul, and faintly saw the hands of countless pale bones grabbed from the blood river, rendering the upper layer. The dark red blood plasma seemed to come straight.

Chu Wangshi and Chu Yuqing did not expect it at all. Chen Zong still had such means, and was shocked in an instant, and his heart was lost.

Seizing this fleeting opportunity, Chen Zong burst into full force and overloaded operating power and directly performed the fourth step of Lei Ta Jiu Zhongtian.

The thunder was permeated, and his legs were completely wrapped. The endless thunderous breath jumped wildly as if to break everything.

Stepping forward without any easing, the power and speed that erupted in an instant, made Chen Zong feel like his legs were going to be torn, and there was a burst of inexplicable pain.

Ignoring the pain of tearing his legs, this moment, Chen Zong burst out of speed beyond the limit.

There was a thunderous light, and it was gone instantly.

When Chen Zonghua turned into a thunderbolt and flew out at an alarming speed, and instantly reached kilometers away, Chu Wangshi and Chu Yuqing also got rid of the savage impact of the Tiansha force field and recovered instantly.

But whether they were Chu Wangshi or Chu Yuqing, both looked very ugly.

One by one, in the middle of the fifth stage of the sanctuary, he tried to escape from under his eyelids.

Without hesitation, Chu Wangshi and Chu Yuqing immediately unfolded and pursued at full speed.

The two were better than Chen Zong and their statures were very clever. With full pursuit, they gradually shortened the distance with Chen Zong.

Rumang was on his back, the crisis was approaching, and Chen Zongxuan broke out again.

The strength was endless, and he turned around instantly, while the figure receded back at the same time, the red prison flame flowed out of the sheath.

The ground burned!

Hurricane destroys the city!

The integration of up to 80% was transformed into a mighty flame tornado, spreading like a raging fire, as if to destroy everything.

The appearance of Chu Wangshi and Chu Yuqing changed greatly at the same time. This flame tornado hurricane hit and made both men feel threatened.

In the middle of the fifth period of entering the sacred realm, it is incredible how such a powerful martial art can be exhibited.

At the same time, the two shot and attacked each other. Together, they immediately burst the flame tornado hurricane.

Chu Wangshi and Chu Yuqing were taken up by Xuanyuan Master as their disciples since they were children. They have been practicing together, they are very familiar and acquainted with each other.

Although the flame tornado hurricane was crushed, the two were also delayed for an instant, enough for Chen Zong to pull away again.

The two approached again, and Chen Zong turned back to show off the fire and the hurricane.

As long as there is enough distance, Chen Zong will have enough time to perform these two tricks, and an amazing power will erupt.

However, Chu Wangshi and Chu Yuqing are both powerful and can still be defeated one by one.

Chu Wangshi and Chu Yuqing didn't mean to give up. In their opinion, one by one, entering the sacred realm five times, dare to tease themselves like this, and their sins cannot be forgiven.

Xuankong Luo also noticed this place, his eyebrows frowned suddenly, and a look of disappointment flashed on his face.

He naturally did not want to see the peerless Tianjiao of Xuanyuan Reality contending with each other, but the rules were so inviolable.

However, Chu Wangshi and Chu Yuqing's approach was a bit excessive.

Xuankong Luo is very optimistic about Chen Zong now. Naturally, he does not like the practice of Chu Wangshi and Chu Yuqing, but he cannot stop it, otherwise it is against the rules.

I only hope that Chen Zong can get away.

Out of the sword again and again, Chen Zong gradually felt that the fissures in the Red Prison Flame Flowing Sword were expanding. Although it was just a trace, it was not a good thing.

But helpless, now it can only be so, otherwise it is difficult to get rid of Chu Wangshi and Chu Yuqing.

Compared to Wei Changtian who helped his sword out, Chu Wangshi and Chu Yuqing were too aggressive.

Although he was very angry, Chen Zong did not lose his mind because Chen Zong was very clear that with his current strength, he was definitely not the opponent of the two, and he stopped and fell into the siege of the two.

Unless, the Shura clone is exposed.

It is unclear how much trouble Shura's avatar will cause.

Consider that King Gusura was betrayed and killed by a friend because of the magical power of Vientiane Shura.

Chase and escape!

Chen Zong kept going deep into the ruins of Tianyuan, but he was still on the periphery. It was not so easy to cross the periphery and enter the inner periphery. It was estimated that it would take nearly a month to run at full speed.

But the deeper it gets, the more vitality the air diffuses into the air, and the light gets dimmer.

Immediately, Chen Zong felt an obvious upsurge of righteousness, which seemed to be the fluctuation of Tianyuanbaoyu, and it should be top quality.

Not long after Chen Zong felt it, Chu Wangshi and Chu Yuqing also felt it.

Chen Zong gave up immediately and did not charge for the idea of ​​top grade Tianyuanbaoyu. It was still a matter of urgency to get out of the way.

But Chu Wangshi and Chu Yuqing hesitated.

Continue to pursue Chen Zong?

Or go to collect ingot jade that day?

Perhaps, they can separate, one collects Tianyuanbaoyu, and one continues to pursue.

But thinking of the fire and hurricane tornado exhibited by the talented Chen Zong, the mighty force will pose a considerable threat to himself.

The pursuit of Chen Zong was actually because the two felt that they were being provoked, out of inner anger.

But more practically, it is natural to collect the top quality Tianyuanbao jade.

The two immediately passed the discussion and made a decision immediately, abandoning Chen Zong for the time, and taking Tian Yuan Baoyu as the first.

And Chen Zong naturally took this opportunity to quickly walk away, disappearing under the perception of the two kings of Chu Wangshi and Chu Yuqing.

Continuously performing Lei Ta Nine Heavens, Chen Zong ran far and far, and quickly took the elixir to take, one to restore strength, and the other to ease the injury.

Excessive exertion has brought some injuries to myself, especially the hamstrings and muscles. Fortunately, I have considerable self-healing ability. With the power of elixir, the refreshing breath spreads quickly. Feeling disappeared quickly and healed quickly.

The thought of being persecuted by both Chu Wangshi and Chu Yuqing, Chen Zong's eyes burst into a cold flash.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Zong observed for four weeks and confirmed that he was temporarily safe. Then he took a break and adjusted his state.

Looking at the Red Prison Flame Flow Sword, the crack was a little bigger, and his brows frowned slightly.

The sword was damaged and the wound was not cured, which really worsened the situation.

This is bad news, and the good news is that you have received the divine method and the divine power, and after some cultivation, the divine concept is more pure.

Continue to cultivate.

The imperial deities are running all the time, so that the divine thoughts are constantly being tempered, becoming more and more pure, and at the same time, they are constantly recovering the consumption that the divine thoughts release.

Inside the 9,999-meter-long circle, they are all shrouded in the thoughts of Chen Zong.

This allows Chen Zong to discover other people's breath earlier and react early.

Because of the relationship between the unhealed injuries and the damaged sword, Chen Zong tried not to fight with others and focused on finding the Tianyuanbaoyu and other treasures.

With a strong divine thought, Chen Zong did avoid a lot of troubles, and his injuries recovered to 90%, and only 10% was left to fully recover.

And the more injuries recovered, the more strength recovered.

The treasures in the ruins of Tianyuan are not only holy medicines, but also some holy materials needed to forge holy vessels, all of which are precious.

Unconsciously, time passes, and half a month later.

Chen Zong's injuries finally recovered, and the Holy Spirit also improved, but he was still unable to break through the fifth stage of entering the Holy Land.

After all, the environment here is bad, which is not conducive to cultivation. If you are outside, after so many life-and-death battles, you may have broken through.

Although Xiu Wei failed to break through, the swordsmanship was a little bit clearer.

But the most rewarding thing is the divine thought.

For half a month, he practiced the imperial deities, so that Chen Zong's devotional thoughts were continuously tempered, as if he had become more refined.

Chen Zong estimates that the purity of his divine spirit has increased by about two times.

Such an ascension is extremely amazing, and allows me to control and control divine thoughts to a whole new level.

However, when the purity of Shennian was doubled, Chen Zong also found that it became very difficult to continue to train further, as if he had reached the limit.

Everything in heaven and earth has its limits ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ When you reach the limit, you can't improve. Only after you break the limit, you can rise again. This is limited by law, and everything is unavoidable.

Now, my own tempering of God's thoughts has reached the limit, and only by breaking through the limit can you continue to be more refined.

So how to break through the limit, Chen Zong has no clear concept, and can only continue to practice the imperial devotion to the Fa. Perhaps he has accumulated a lot of money and it is natural that he will break through naturally.

Today, his own divine thoughts have reached a very high level. Compared with the half-step grand saint, he is not inferior and is on the same level.

If it's a breakthrough, it's the level of the Great Holy Realm, which is amazing.

In addition to divine thoughts, the other thing that changes a lot is the realm of the mind.

The coverage area of ​​the Heartland was originally 700 meters, but now it reaches 800 meters, 900 meters, and one thousand meters.

One Thousand Domains of Hearts!

The one-kilometer heart region has a wider coverage area. After drawing the vitality of condensing the heavens and the earth, the power of the fires and hurricanes that have been exhibited has been strengthened by several percent.

The two methods of earth-fire burning and hurricane destroying the city are not graded, because their power is closely related to the instantaneous extraction of the condensed heaven and earth.

Therefore, the broader the scope of the mind, the more powerful they are.

Another gain is the compression of the realm of the mind.

Originally, the realm of the heart of 700 meters was compressed to 100 meters, which is the limit.

Now, the limit of one thousand kilometers of heart to 50 meters is the limit.

Chen Zong had a strong feeling when the one-kilometer heart region was compressed to fifty meters.

Field of Hearts!

For a moment, the realm of the mind spread out, covering the kilometer range, and then began to compress.

It was compressed to 100 meters in an instant, then 90 meters, 80 meters, and 70 meters, up to the limit of 50 meters.

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