Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 65: Heaven's Strange Fire

Realm of the Heart ... fifty meters!


Fully reached the limit, can no longer continue to compress.

Within 50 meters, under the shroud of the heart, Chen Zong felt that its clarity had surpassed the surface layer, and it seemed to go deeper into the surface layer to reach a deeper level. There was a faint sense of being able to see everything through.

The 50-meter square seems to be in his grasp, as if he was grasping everything with five fingers.

Immediately, Chen Zong stared a few meters away, and there was a fist-sized iron stone weighing an estimated tens of kilograms.

"Get up!" With a low drink, Chen Zong's eyes flickered brightly, the divine thoughts followed, the power of the realm of the heart was adjusted, and the iron stone trembled a little, then stopped and fell into silence.

"I was not mistaken." Chen Zong secretly took a deep breath, closed his eyes and adjusted his state.

After three breaths, Chen Zong's eyes opened again. This time, there was no splendid radiance, and there was no feeling of deliberately exerting force, but the stone ten meters away was swaying, and then, it seemed to be blown by the wind The small pebbles generally roll two times, and after a tumbling third round of rolling, they stop and stop again.

the third time.

The stone flickered again and rolled up again. This time, it was continuously rolling for more than ten meters. It did not stop until Chen Zong's feet, making great progress.

Chen Zong is like a child who finds his beloved toy and starts to try again and again.

The ninth time.

"Get up!" When the idea moved, immediately, the fist-sized iron stone moved, trembling and floated out of thin air, with some difficult looks, until a meal more than two meters high, and then fell.

Chen Zong forgot about the others for the time being, and studied it wholeheartedly.

The thirtieth time, the piece of iron with a fist size of several tens of pounds was flying in the air within 50 meters of the heart, but it was not fast, probably about the same as an ordinary bird.

For ordinary people, this speed is naturally very fast, but for practitioners, it is extremely slow and has no deterrent power, but Chen Zong is slightly pleased and sees some hope.

If within 50 meters of the realm of the heart, you can control stronger things and make them faster, wouldn't it be a means of attack?

The idea was born, but it was not perfect. For a time, it was still a little fuzzy, but it seemed to be a seed quietly planted.

That iron stone weighs about 50 pounds and the upper speed limit is almost the full speed of an ordinary bird.

Immediately, Chen Zong tried the upper limit of weight and found that one hundred pounds is the current limit.

For the time being, the control of the 50-meter heart realm is not helpful to him. It is like a chicken rib, but Chen Zong believes that it has great potential.

What if the realm of the heart is compressed to ten meters?

So, will the weight limit and speed limit be significantly improved?

If the limit range of the Heartland exceeds kilometers, reaches two kilometers or even three kilometers or even wider, and then it is compressed to 50 meters or even 10 meters, will the ability to control be more powerful?

All this is possible, and it is also worthy of your own hard work.

If it was before, it would be very difficult, but now there is an upper part of the royal **** to go to the law, no doubt there is some possibility.

Whenever there is a glimmer of hope, it is worth the effort to pursue it.

The word is in the hands, the word is at the feet.

A sword provoked, and suddenly, another party Tianyuanbaoyu started.

Zhongpin Tianyuanbao Jade!

After more than half a month, Chen Zong found Qifangbao Yuanyuanbao Jade, Qizhongbao Yuanyuanbao Jade in the third party, and Tianyuanbao Jade in the first party.

If this kind of harvest is known by those practitioners who have been moving between the ruined city and the ruins for many years, I don't know what it will be jealous of.

They sometimes go in and out of the Tianyuan ruins for several years, and they may not be able to find one of the top grade Tianyuanbao jades, let alone medium and top grade.

Even for most decades, it may not be possible to find one of them, Tianyuanbaoyu.

Chen Zong's harvest is undoubtedly amazing.

But Chen Zong felt insufficient.

It must be more than just finding Tianyuanbao jade, even top grade Tianyuanbao jade.

Top quality Tianyuanbao jade is the final reliance on the quota. As for the top and bottom products, it is only incidental.

As for the superb Tianyuanbao jade, according to Chen Zong's understanding, it is difficult to find. After hundreds of years, no superb Tianyuanbao jade has appeared. Even if there is, it is estimated that it will not be on the periphery.

The inner circumference is not what I can step into now.

Maybe one day, when you are strong enough, you can step inside and look at it, and even step into the core.

When I think of the core, I don't know why, suddenly there is a fluctuation in Chen Zong's heart, it seems to be a longing, eager to step into the core, there seems to be something waiting for himself.

Maybe it's chance ...

Maybe something else.

All in all, we can only step in when we have enough strength.

At least, if you go to the top of the sanctuary or even a half-step holy level, that is still far away from yourself, and you will not consider it for the time being.

The most urgent task is to find more top quality Tianyuanbao jade and win the quota.

Every day, in addition to looking for the Tianyuanbao jade, Chen Zong will continue to run the royal gods to practice the law and temper the gods.

Although the quenching has reached its limit and it is difficult to improve, the practice of cultivation is like sailing against the water and retreating if you do not advance. If you do not try to paddle the sculls, you will be washed away by the current, and continuously retreat to the extreme.

And if you try hard to paddle the sculls, you can keep going even if you can't move forward.

In the case of reaching the limit, not retreating is a kind of progress.

If you push the limits, you can move on.

Conversely, if you retreat without working hard, you will stay away from the limit. If you want to break the limit in the future, it will be even more difficult, and even hopeless.

The wound was healed, but unfortunately, the Red Prison Sword was more damaged, and the crack on the sword was enlarged due to the battles that had to be repeated.

It seems that it is estimated that it cannot support several high-intensity battles, and this sword will be really damaged.

It's a pity.

But there is no way, unless it is to resist the high-level evil monster's violent blow.

The periphery of Tianyuan Ruins is very large, and the people are scattered into it, just like the boat enters the sea. They are scattered separately. It is not so easy to meet.

However, during this period of time, Chen Zong also encountered some peerless arrogance, some of which inevitably broke out, while others were far away from each other.

The divine mind covered a 9,99-meter-square-meter circle, and Chen Zong stunned slightly, because he felt an unusual breath fluctuation.

That's not righteousness. On the contrary, it's an indescribable breath that can't be distinguished from positive and negative. It seems extremely hot and extremely cold.

This is not the breath fluctuation of the holy medicine, nor the breath fluctuation of the holy material, nor is it the breath fluctuation of Tianyuanbaoyu, or even the breath of evil.

This fluctuating atmosphere made Chen Zong very curious.

Thunder Tap Nine Heavens!

third step!

This step is not slow and the load is not very strong.

Soon, Chen Zong crossed several kilometers and reached the place where the breath fluctuated.

The breath was sinking into the ground. To disappear, Chen Zong captured a shadow.

Like a swaying candlelight.

Chen Zong's eyes narrowed suddenly, but he was a little uncertain.

Field of Hearts!

Suddenly, the area of ​​the heart covered by kilometers, and quickly compressed to 50 meters, penetrating everything, and could more clearly capture the breath fluctuations.

That's the smell of flames.


Flames in Tianyuan Ruins?

After the realm of the heart was compressed to 50 meters, the penetration ability was even more amazing. The hard ground couldn't stop the slightest. A shadow of fire suddenly entered Chen Zong's perception, which was very clear.

"That's ..." Chen Zong's eyes suddenly burst into a strong and exuberant spirit, implying excitement: "... A strange fire in heaven!"

Strange fire.

The strange fire of the earth is equivalent to the transcendental and semi-holy level.

The strange fire of the sky is equivalent to entering the holy realm, a half-step holy level.

Since I got the fusion of the two strange fires of that year, I have reached the top of the strange fire of the earth, but I ca n’t break through. Even if I get the ancient fire tactics and practice till now, I do n’t have enough opportunities to break through into heaven Strange fire.

Chen Zong also knows that if he gets the heavenly fire and blends, he will surely break through and become more powerful.

The strange fire of the earth has a grade, and the strange fire of the heaven also has a grade.

His own Ziyun Hexingyan is now the highest nine grades, but I don't know what grade is the strange fire in the ground?

The realm of the heart was covered, and Chen Zong felt it carefully.

"Three products!" Chen Zong's eyes sprang out splendidly ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ secretly excited.

The magical fire of Sanpintian is equivalent to the triple entry into the sacred realm, and the breath fluctuation of this flame makes Chen Zong feel that it is not an ordinary triple entry into the sacred realm.

Of course, the triple strength of Tianjiao's entry into the sanctuary is not much to himself now, but it means that if you integrate it, the ancient ancient fire tactics will go further and increase potential.

This is the most important.

So, how can we get this strange fire?

The thought flashed through, and Chen Zong immediately operated the Xuangu Lianshu tactics, and released Ziyun Hexingyan.

The so-called strange fire has spirit, does not mean to have wisdom, but to have spirituality, just like a kind of instinct.

The spiritual fire of the heavenly fire is much better than the strange fire of the earth.

Chen Zong summoned the purple cloud and black star inflammation, and the flames of the flames suddenly diffused. For the strange fire under the ground, it was like food.

As long as it is swallowed, you can further improve yourself and greatly reduce time.

Becoming stronger, this is what any spiritual thing aspires to.

In other words, evolution and transformation of the level of life are the longing for any spiritual thing.

The strange fire under the sky moved instantly.

It has only spirituality, but it is not sinister or motivated. It does not have so many discriminations, or it has some discriminations, but it is difficult to be self-sustaining in the power of temptation.

For a moment, the celestial flame of fire suddenly rushed up from the ground, approaching the slowly burning purple cloud and black star inflammation, and the purple faint glow with a little black starburst flame seemed to be timeless. Eternally exudes a wonderful atmosphere, so attractive.

Chen Zong also stared tightly. Next, it will be about whether he can conquer the strange fire of that day.

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